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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 8,Natural disasters,Task,flood,Revise and learn,rainstorm,thunder and lightning,drought (,旱灾,),fire,snowstorm,clear,the snow,kl,vt,.,清除,清理,He,nearly,fell over.,n,l,adv.,几乎,将近,Read the note and answer,1. When did a snowstorm hit Beijing?,2. What was Sandy doing when Mr. Wu came in and,told them to go home early?,4. What could Sandy hear during the storm?,5. What did Sandy see during the storm?,3. What did Sandy share with Millie?,6. What happened to Sandy during the storm?,7. What did Sandy hear after the storm?,8. What did Sandy see after the storm?,Check the answers,1. When did a snowstorm hit Beijing?,A snowstorm hit Beijing on Friday, 5 January.,2. What was Sandy doing when,Mr,Wu came in and told,them to go home early?,She was doing her homework.,3. What did Sandy share with Millie?,She shared an umbrella with Millie.,4. What could Sandy hear during the storm?,5. What did Sandy see during the storm?,She could hear the wind blowing.,The snow kept falling.,Many people were waiting at the bus stop.,6. What happened to Sandy during the storm?,7. What did Sandy hear after the storm?,8. What did Sandy see after the storm?,She lost her umbrella in the wind.,She,nearly,fell over.,She heard the noise of traffic the next morning.,People were trying to,clear,the snow,from the streets,A snowstorm hit Beijing on Friday, 5 January.,I was doing my _ in the classroom when Mr. Wu came in and told us to_. My parents could not get home that night because of the heavy snow, so Millie asked me to go to her home. I _ an umbrella with her while we,were walking to the bus stop. The weather was really terrible. The _ kept falling around us. We could hear the _ blowing.,homework,go home early,shared,Snowstorm hit Beijing,wind,snow,Do Part B,Suddenly, a strong wind came from behind. I lost my _ in the wind and I nearly _ over. We had to walk slowly in the deep snow. When we arrived at the bus stop, we saw many people _ there. At last, we got on,a bus to Millies home.,fell,waiting,umbrella,I stayed at Millies home that night. I heard the noise of _ the next morning. People were trying to _ the snow from the streets.,traffic,clear,How to write a natural disaster.,Para 1,:,Para 2,:,Para 3,:,After the disaster,During the disaster,Introduction,Write the introduction part,sentence structure:,It happened in,Beijing, on,13th December,.,A,snowstorm,hit,Beijing,on,13th December,.,It was in,Beijing,. It happened on,13th December,. .,Introduction,Where,did it happen?,When,did it happen?,Para 1,:,What were you doing at that time?,eg,: was doing homework/was sleeping,During the disaster,Para,2:,2. What did you hear?,heard strong wind/big noise/ thunder,3.,What did you see?,saw the lightning/lots of smoke/sand /,dark cloud/thick snow/ many people,4. What happened?,1) be trapped/be afraid ; 2) lost my umbrella,3) walked/drove/rode-slowly,4) fall down/over; 5) crashed into,1. What did you see?,saw people clearing the snow / the way,sent the victims to the hospital,After the disaster,Para,3:,2. What did you hear?,screamed/shouted/calmed down,3. How did you feel?,frightened /excited/terrible/in fear/,worried/ sad/ thankful,choose the topic,定,题,choose materials,选材,start to write,着手写作,make the list,列提纲,Lets write a natural disaster.,Lets choose the topic!,A fire,An earthquake,A flood,A rainstorm,A typhoon,A snowstorm,A sandstorm,An accident,An earthquake / A flood / A snowstorm / hit ,I was doing when., because of the heavy rain / snow.,We could only hear / see .,Useful expressions, kept falling.,Suddenly, ., had to walk slowly / pull oneself through ., was really terrible.,Try to write,First,Then,Next,Finally/At last,These words are useful:,Phrases,1.,叫我们早点回家,2.,和,Millie,合用一把伞,3.,一直下着,4.,听到风在吹,5.,在风中失去我的伞,6.,几乎跌倒,7.,在汽车站等,8.,呆在,Millie,的家,9.,听到来往车辆的声音,10.,第二天早上,tell us to go home early,share an umbrella with Millie,keep falling,hear the wind blowing,lose my umbrella in the wind,nearly fall over,wait at the bus stop,stay at Millies home,hear the noise of traffic,the next morning,11.,清除街上的雪,12.,因为暴雨,13.,一场暴风雪袭击了,北京,14.,从后面吹来,15.,到达汽车站,clear the snow from the street,because of the heavy rain,A snowstorm hit Beijing.,come from behind,arrive at the bus stop,Language points,1. share,sth,. with sb.,与某人分享某物,e.g. I _ _ bedroom,_ my sister.(,合用一个卧室,),share a,with,2. keep doing,sth,.,一直(做)某事,e.g. The girl _ _ (,一直在哭,),kept,crying,3. nearly,adv.,几乎,将近,e.g. The juice bottle _ _ (,几乎是,)empty. You,should buy one more.,is,nearly,4. fall over,摔倒、跌倒,e.g. I _ _ _ in the snow.,我几乎在雪中摔倒。,nearly,fell,over,5. clear,vt,.,清除,清理,adj.,清楚的,清晰的,adv.,clearly,e.g. Look! The children _ _ the snow _the,roads (,清除马路上的雪,),are,clearing,from,Review all the new words and language points in this unit.,


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