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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,8B Unit 1 Past and present,Reading 2,Part 1,( line19 ),Part 2,( line1018),Part 3,( line1925),Part 4,( line2631),Revision,*,Mr. Chens _.,*,The _ to,Sunshine Town .,*,The _ in,Sunshine Town,*,Mr. Chens,_,about the changes in Sunshine Town,.,life,changes,water pollution,ideas,1),How well,do you know,Sunshine Town?,know sb./sp. very well,对,很熟悉,/,了解,我对这个地方非常了解。,I,know,the place,very well,.,How well do you know,?,你对,了解多少,?,你对他了解多少,? _,我很了解他。,_,How well do you know him?,I know him very well.,*,Mr. Chens life,2).When did Mr. Chen begin to live in Sunshine Town?,Mr. Chens life,He moved there with his family when he was two years old and,has lived here,since then,.,since then,从那以后,since,自,.,以来,作介词时,,后面,加过去的时间点,,用现在完成时,自去年以来我就没见过她。,I havent seen her since last year.,*conj.,自,.,以来 作连词后面加时间状语从句,,since,引导的从句用一般过去时,主句用现在完成时。,自我来到这里以来我就没有收到过她的信。,I havent heard from her,since I came here,.,get married,结婚,get married,_,sb,.,=marry sb.,与某人结婚,Last year, Tom married Mary. (,同义句,),Last year Tom _ _ _ Mary.,Mr. Chens life,to,got married to,3)Why did,Mr,Chen,move house,twice?,Because he,got married,in 1965, he moved house for the first time. And last year, because his children bought a new flat for them.,搬家,move house,搬往另一所公寓,move to another flat,搬到北京的别的地区,move to other areas in Beijing,搬进,move into,搬出,move out (of),请根据汉语句子意思,完成英语句子。,1.,我听说堂姐将于下月结婚。,I hear that my cousin is going to,_ next month.,2.,虽然她父母不同意,她还是和那个男,孩结婚了。,Though her parents didnt agree, she,still _ the boy.,get,married,got married to/married,4). Has the town really changed a lot,over the years,?,Changes to Sunshine Town,Yes , it has.,over the years/ over the past/ last few years,,,in the past/ last few years,这些年来在过去的几年中(用于现在完成时),在最近几年中国变化很多。,China has changed a lot over the last few years.,这些年来我一家人一直住在南京,My family have lived in Nanjing over these years.,The government,has,turn,ed,the place,into,a park.,a.,turn,sth,. into ,把,变成,去年,人们把这个地方变成了一个飞机场。,Last year, people _ this place_ an airport.,他的儿子已经成了一名大学生。,His son _ _ _ a college student.,昨晚水结成了冰。,b. turn,也可以作连系动词,后面总是接颜色,Spring is coming. The trees _(,变绿,).,He felt sick just now. And now his face _,(,变白,).,turned into,has turned into,turn green,is turning white,5)What has the town centre turned into?,Changes to Sunshine Town,The water turned into ice last night.,6,),How,did the factory pollute the water?,The water pollution in the town,It,used to,dump,its waste,into,the river, the poison killed,fish and plants,and,polluted,the river,.,dump,sth,. into,sth,.,把,倾倒到,e.g.The,factory,dumped,the waste,into,the river.,used to do,sth,过去常常做某事,他的父亲年轻时常常在那条河里游泳。,His father _ in the river when he was young.,我过去总是起床很晚。,I _ late.,他们过去常常在公园里跳舞。,They _ in the park.,used to swim,used to get up,used to dance,这儿过去有条河,我过去常常晚饭后沿着河边散步,There,used to be,a river. I,used to,walk,along the river after supper.,pollute,vt,.,polluted,adj.,受到污染的,pollution,n,.,Someone has,polluted,the river.,The,polluted,river has killed many fish.,Many fish have died of the,pollution.,Mr. Chens ideas about the changes,7. Does,Mr,Chen think life is better than before?,Yes, in some ways it is. It is nice to have open space and pretty gardens ,but it also becomes more difficult to meet some of his old friends and he feels,a bit,lonely,from time to time,.,from time to time=at times=sometimes,偶尔地,不时地,He feels lonely,from time to time,.,=He,sometimes,feels lonely.,=He feels lonely,at times.,*,a bit,有点儿,加形容词时,a bit,+adj.=,a little,+ adj.,今夜有点儿冷。,It is,a bit cold,tonight. = It is,a little cold,tonight.,我感到有点儿紧张。,I feel,a bit nervous,.=I feel,a little nervous,.,2),a bit of,常修饰不可数名词与,a little,同义,加名词时,a bit of,+n.=,a little,+n.,她在学校里学过点儿英语。,She learned,a bit of,English at school.,=She learned,a little,English at school.,feel _,感到孤独;,live _,独自居住,区别:,lonely,是形容词,只能放在联系动词之后;,alone,既是形容词,又是副词,The old man lives _ , but he doesnt feel _.,Mothers often leave baby pandas _ (,单独,).,We are _(,单独,) on the hill and we are very afraid.,一个孤独的老人,/,这座荒岛,.,lonely,alone,alone,lonely,alone,alone,a,lonely,man/this,lonely,island.,注意:,alone,表示客观上独自一人,lonely,表示主观上的感情色彩,感到孤独,,寂寞,用所给词的适当形式填空:,1. Water _ is more terrible than noise _. (pollute),2.He _ to do some reading in the morning. (use),3. His country _ a lot since 1982.(change),4. The old man was _ when his wife died. (alone),pollution,pollution,used,has changed,lonely,选用词组的适当形式填空:,I miss my friends in the primary school _ because I cannot see them _ before.,My uncle _ since he _.,get married, turn into, in some ways, used to, change a lot, in the past, water pollution, as often as, from time to time,as often as,got married,has changed a lot,from time to time,选用词组的适当形式填空:,get married, turn into, in some,ways,used,to, change a lot, in the past, water pollution, as often as, from time to time,3. There was _ in my living area _. But now it has become much cleaner than before.,4._,its good for our students to clean the classroom.,water pollution,in the past,In some ways,选用词组的适当形式填空:,get married, turn into, in some ways, used to, change a lot, in the past, water pollution, as often as, from time to time,5. He is quiet now. He_, be a naughty boy.,6. We are trying our best to _ our country _ a modern and strong one.,used to,turn into,1) I have known the place for many years. ,2) We lived together until 1965 when I got married. ,同义句转换,:,I have known the place,since many years ago.,We lived together,before,I,got married in 1965.,3) I miss my old friends. ,4)I feel a bit lonely from time to time. ,5) Last year, Tom married Mary. ,I,sometimes,feel a little lonely,Last year, Tom and Mary,got,married.,I often,think of,my old friends.,把下列句子译英语,:,当我两岁时,我随我的家人搬到这儿,从,那时起我就一直住在这儿,.,I moved here with my family when I was two years old and,have lived,here since then.,Has,Sunshine Town,changed,a lot over these years?,这些年来阳光镇已经发生很多变化了吗,?,把下列句子译成英语,:,政府已经把这个地方变成了一个公园,.,见到我的一些老朋友已经变得更困难了,.,他们已经搬到北京的其他地方了,.,The government,has turned,the place into a park.,It,has become,more difficult,to see some of my old friends.,They,have moved,to other,areas in Beijing.,1.Read,and recite the phrases,.,2.Finish,Period 3 in the workbook,.,Homework,


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