SectionB-2 (6)课件

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 7,Section B,Period 2 (2a 4),Do you think you will have your own robot one day?,Whats it like?,What do you want it to do for you?,do housework,What can the robots do?,do exercise,be a doctor,talk,play the piano,run,cook,water flowers,dance,It can do many hard or dangerous work.,What can it do?,Explore (,探险,) the universe,(,宇宙,).,This robot is very strange.,2a,Tell your partner what you know about robots. What do they look like,and what can they do?,What do they look like?,They look like humans.,What do they look like?,They look like snakes.,What does it look like?,It looks like a dog.,This robot looks like a huge arm.,What can robots do?,shapes,humans,snake,huge arm,dog,do housework,play with people,play football,look for people,do unpleasant jobs,walk and dance,talk,Lets make predictions.,After 100 years ,What will robots do for us,in the future?,2b,Read the article and match each paragraph with the question it discusses.,Paragraph 1,Paragraph 2,Paragraph 3,Paragraph 4,Will robots think like humans in the future?,What will robots be like in the future?,What can robots do today?,What are robots like in movies?,1. What do the robots look like in the movies?,2. What can the robots do for people?,Human servants.,They help with the housework and do jobs like working in dirty or dangerous places.,Paragraphs 1-2,Answer the questions.,3. Where are the robots already working?,4. What kinds of the jobs do the robots do? Why?,In factories.,They do simple boring jobs over and over again. Because they will never get bored.,Paragraphs 3-4,Mark T(true) or F(false).,1. Japanese companies have already made robots sing and dance.,2. Some scientists think that there will be robots like humans, but Mr. White disagrees.,3.Its easy for a child to wake up and know where they are.,4. Some people believe that robots will be,able to talk in 35 to 50 years.,5. If buildings fall down with people inside, these snake robots can help look for people under the buildings.,T,F,T,F,T,2c,Read the article again,quickly. Complete the,sentences about what robots,can do now.,1. Robots can build _ in factories.,2. They can do _ jobs many times and never get bored.,3. Some can _ and _.,4. Some can help _ people under _.,cars,simple,walk,dance,look,for,buildings,2d,Fill in the blanks in this paragraph with words from the article.,Some robots are very human-like. They can walk and _ like people.,Some scientists think that in the future they will _ robots more like humans. This may not _ in the near future, but at some point, robots will even be able to _ like people.,dance,make,happen,talk,However, some scientists _. James White believes that robots wont be able to do the _ things as us. For example, he thinks that robots will _ be able to wake up and know where they are. Which side do you _ with?,disagree,same,never,agree,If I have a robot, I hope that it will ,Let your imagine fly.,(,放飞你的想像,),2e,What kinds of animals might robots look like in the future? What do you think these robots will be able to do? Write your ideas and discuss them with your partner.,I think some future robots might look like _. They will _,_,Look at the following pictures and guess what the robots can do.,cook,play,the,violin,clean the floor,meet work live look keep wear,more less fewer take,Can you make a sentence with each of the words in the box below?,Have a try!,Read Jills answer to the question “What will your life be like in the future?” Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.,3a,meet work live look keep wear more less fewer take,In 20 years, I think Ill be a newspaper reporter. Ill _ in Shanghai because there will be _ jobs in that city.,live,more,As a reporter, I think I will _ lots of interesting people, so Ill have more friends. Ill have _ pets, though, because Ill _ have free time. And my apartment will be no good for pets because itll be too small. So Ill probably just _ a bird.,meet,fewer,less,keep,During the week, Ill _ smart clothes. On the weekend, Ill _ less smart but Ill be more comfortable. In the future, people will _ more so theyll probably have fewer vacations, but I think Ill _ a holiday in Hong Kong when possible. One day Ill even go to Australia.,wear,look,work,take,1.What will Jill be in twenty years?,2. Where will Jill live in twenty years?,3. Will Jill have pets?,Ask and answer.,She will be a newspaper reporter.,She will live in Shanghai.,Yes, she will.,3b,Complete the chart about your life 20 years from now. You can add more items.,What will your be like?,job,home,free time activities,neighborhood,3c,Write about your life 20 years from now. Use 3a and 3b to help you.,本文为写自己未来二十年后的工作及生活,因此,,时态应用一般将来时态,。,首先,根据,3b,中自己所填表格中的内容,想像一下自己的生活。工作、家庭、业余活动,周围的生活环境等。,将上述几个方面逐条写出来,并注意恰当运用连接词,以使文章连贯通顺。,最后通读一遍短文,检查是否有错误。,写作指导,One possible version,In 20 years, I think Ill be a pilot. Ill work in Beijing because my parents work there. I want to live with them. Ill live in a large apartment. As a pilot, I can have a few days off every month. I think Ill keep some plants in my apartment. Therell be a park near my home. Ill take a walk there after supper. I like chess, so I can also play chess with my friends in the park.,One possible version,In 20 years, I think Ill be a teacher. Ill live in Xian because its a wonderful city. Lots of people from China and other countries visit that city, so I can meet lots of interesting people. Ill live in an apartment near my school so I dont have to travel much.,I may have more free time, so Ill spend more time with my friends. Ill see them on the weekend and well play soccer every Saturday. Well also do some other interesting activities together, such as hiking in the national parks.,On a piece of paper, write about your life in twenty years. Dont write your name on the paper. Put all the students papers together. Take turns reading the paper. Then guess who wrote them.,Game Play,A: This paper says “Ill be an engineer in,ten years”.,B: I think Lin Wei wrote that.,C: Yes, I wrote it.,Discuss how you think a robot will help students with schoolwork in the future. Write down your groups ideas and draw a picture of your robot.,4,1.,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,2.,3.,4.,5.,I dont think students will need dictionaries because a robot will tell them the meanings of the words.,Language points,They,help with,the housework,and,do jobs like ,help sb. with sth.,帮助(做),help sb. (to) do sth.,帮助做,He often helps me with my English.,= He often helps me study English.,他经常帮助我学习英语。,help sb. (to) do sth.,帮助某人做某事,Can you help me (to) learn English?,你能帮助我学英语吗?,help oneself (to),自用,(,食物等,);,请随便用,.,Help yourself to the fish.,随便吃点鱼。,/,不要客气,吃鱼吧!,I like _ my mother _ the housework.,A. help; with B. helping; with,C. helped; to do D. helps; do,B,即时练,2. Today there are already robots,working,in factories.,此句中的,working in factories,的逻辑主语是,robots,,,但是在这个,there,be,句型中,谓语动词 已经有了,are,,所以,work,就不能再作本句的谓 语动词,而应用,-ing,形式。这一点在学习和使 用,there,be,句型时需要特别注意。,There are some boys playing games on the playground.,有些男孩子在操场上做游戏。,There are many teachers and students reading in the library.,图书馆里有很多老师和学生在看书。,3. Fewer people will do,such,jobs in the future .,such,adj,.,这样的;如此的;那样的,Suchthingsoftenhappeninourdailylife.,这样的事情经常发生在我们的日常生活中。,Suchpeoplearedangerous.,这样的人很危险。,辨析,such & so,such,和,so,均可表示“如此;这样”。,1),such,常用来修饰名词,,so,常用来修,饰形容词或副词。如:,Do you like,such,weather?,Im,so,glad to see you.,He can draw,so,well.,2),当名词前有,many,,,much,,,few,或,little,等词修饰时,要用,so,而不用,such,。如:,There are,so many / few people,in the hall.,You have,so much / little,homework today.,3) “such + a / an +,adj.,+,可数名词单数”相当于“,so +,adj.,+ a /an +,可数名词单数”,表示“如此,的一个,”,。如:,She is,such a lovely girl,.,= She is,so lovely a girl,.,用,such,或,so,填空。,1. The man told us _ funny a story.,2. She has _ a beautiful dress.,3. How can you get _ much money to buy the car?,4. Dont go out in _ cold weather.,5. Dont eat _ quickly.,so,such,so,such,so,4. because they are boring, but robots will never get bored.,bored,adj,.,厌倦的;烦闷的,He isboredwith your long speech.,他对你的长篇演说感到厌烦。,A few young girls sat there and looked,bored.,有几个女孩儿坐在那儿,看上去没精打彩。,辨析,bored,&,boring,The story was so boring.,这个故事真没趣。,I am bored!,我感到很无聊。,boring,和,bored,都是形容词,区别是:,bored,是指使人感 到厌烦的,,boring,是指事情本身无趣的,当形容人时用,bored,,形容 事物时用,boring,。其实就像,interested,和,interesting,的用法一样。,1). The film was so _ that soon all the children in the cinema began feeling _of it and they went out one by one. A. bored; boring B. boring; boring,C. bored; bored D. boring; bored2). Why are you so _ in the _TV play? A. interesting; boring B. interesting; bored C. interested; bored D. interested; boring,D,即时练,D,5. Scientists are now trying to make robots look like humans ,make sb. (,代词为宾格,) do ,(让),(做),He,made Tom laugh,.,他使汤姆发笑。,I couldnt,make my car start,this morning.,今天早晨我的汽车发动不起来了。,使役动词,是表示“使、令、让、帮、叫”等意义的不完全及物动词,主要有,leave, get keep,,,make (,使,令,),let (,让,), help (,帮助,),have (,有;让;从事;允许;拿,),等。,1.,make / have / let +sb. +do sth.,2.,get / set / leave + sb. to do / doing sth.,leave sb.,doing,让,继续处于某种状态,Dont leave her waiting outside in the rain.,Loud music makes Tina _ to dance.,A. to want B. want,C. wanted D. wanting,B,即时练,- How do you feel when you see the national flag of China?,- It makes us _ proud.,包头,A. feel B. to feel C. felt D. feeling,【,解析,】,在,make, let, have,等使役动词和,see, watch, notice, hear, listen to, look at, feel,等感官动词后的复合宾语中,动词不定式不带,to,。故选,A,。,真题链接,Mother makes me _ my homework every day before I can play video games,A. finish B. finished,C. finishing D. to finish,答案:,A,He made some toys _ his little son.,A. please B. to please,C. pleasing D. pleased,【,解析,】,此题陷阱选项为,A,。错误的原因是由于受思维定式的影响,由于做过许多,make,用作使役动词的题,那么一看到,make,这个词就认为是用作使役动词,这样就误选为,A,。其实,这里的,make,是“制作”的意思,不是用作使役动词。句意为“他制作了一些玩具来讨好他的年幼的儿子”。,B,6., and do,the same,things,as,we do.,the same +,名词,+ as ,与,相同的,I have the same pictures as yours.,我有和你同样的照片。,This is the same pen as I lost last week.,这同我上周丢失的那支钢笔一样。,the same (,n.,) as ,和,一样,She looks the same as Lucy.,她看起来和露西长的一样。,反义短语:,be different from,1. Lets meet at _ place as we did yesterday.,A. a same B. same,C. the same D. same the,2. This is _ I lost yesterday.,这个书包和我昨天丢失的书包相似。,the same bag as,C,即时练,7. ,robots will never,be able to,wake up ,be able to,能够做某事,We hoped that we should be able to do that.,我们希望我们能这样做。,Will,theybe able tofinish the work come the end of this year,?,当今,年年底来到时,他们能够完成这件工作吗?,be able to,和,can,的区别,(1) be able to,用于表能力,并可用于多种时态和非谓语动词短语,而,can,只有一般现在时和一般过去时两种时态。,(2) can,可用于人或物作主语的句子中;而,be able to,的主语只能由有生命的名词充当。,(3) can,常指客观上能够;,be able to,更侧重于“克服一定困难”、“经过努力”、“有能力”做成某事。,1). All the people _ escape from the fire in time that night.,2). He said he _ finish his homework in an hour,were able to,could,8. take,hundreds of,years.,hundreds of,许多,的,;大量,的,The farmer keeps,hundreds ofpigs,on his farm.,那个农场主在他的农场里养了几百头猪。,hundred,数词, “,百”,用于,a,、,one,或含有数量意义的词之后,其后接可数名词的复数形式。,There are four hundred students in our grade.,我们年级有,400,名学生。,当这类数词前面有具体的数字时,数词不能用复数形式。如,:,We have more than five hundred this kind of books.,我们有,500,多本这种书。,three hundred,三百,five thousand,五千,a few hundred,几百,类似的数词还有,thousand , million,当数词前没有具体数字时,数词用复数形式,后面接短语,再加可数名词的复数形式。,1). Every year, _ people go to visit their factory.,A. a thousand of B. thousands,C. thousand of D. thousands of,2). _ people lost their homes in Japans earthquake.,A. Two thousands B. Thousand,C. Thousands of D. Thousand of,D,即时练,C,1). _ travelers come to visit our city every year.,(,2011,哈尔滨市),A. Hundred of B. Hundreds of,C. Five hundreds D. Hundred,2). _,trees have been planted near here, so the air is very fresh. (2010 四川达州),A. Two hundreds,B. Hundred of,C. Hundreds of,D. Hundreds,真题链接,B,C,3). The number of the students in our school is about nine _. _ of them are boys.,(,2010,贵州省铜仁市),A. hundred; Two thirds,B. hundred; Two third,C. hundreds; Two thirds,D. hundreds; Two third,A,


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