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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,大学英语基础口语教程,Lets Talking,3,大学英语基础口语教程Lets Talking 3,Expressing Yourself,UNIT,2,Unit objectives,In this unit, youll learn how to:,Express your emotions, understand people talking about their feelings,Reassure and advise people,Talk about the meanings of facial expressions and common gestures;,Understand people talking about vocabulary differences in English; compare different accents in English.,Expressing YourselfUNIT 2 Unit,Expressing Yourself,Starting out,Speaking out,Acting out,UNIT,2,Expressing YourselfStarting ou,Starting out,Activity 1:,use words or expressions to describe the feelings of each person in the photos,Happy /pleased /glad /jolly/cheerful delighted/Excited/thrilled/exhilarated/Laughing heartily/exultant,Sad/unhappy/blue/dejected/depressed/,heartbroken/ heart-struck/ discouraged/forlorn/sorrowful/ downcast/ gloomy/ glum/ miserable,Starting outActivity 1: us,Starting out,Activity 1:,use words or expressions to describe the photos,Unhappy/ annoyed/ upset/ mad /disgruntled/ angry/ pissed off/irritated/furious/enraged,Infuriated/ exasperated/ as cross as two sticks/cross,Surprised/ amazed/ astonished/ shocked/ stunned/startled,Starting outActivity 1: us,Starting out,Activity 1:,use words or expressions to describe the photos,Scared/ frightened/ terrified/horrified,awkward/ embarrassed/,Starting outActivity 1: us,Starting out,Activity 1:,A: look at the pictures on page 6, describe how each person feels and,why do they feel the way ?,B : Have you been in similar situations? How did you feel? Please make the conversations with your partners describing your experiences.,C: listen to the recording and tell how each person feels and what happens to them.,Starting outActivity 1: A:,1. How did Ross feel? What did he say to express this kind of feeling? What do you think happened to him?,I just feel like someone reached down my throat, grabbed my small intestine, pulled it out of my mouth and tied it around my neck. (small intestine:,小肠,),2. How did Rosss friends comfort him? What would you say if your friend runs into such kind of trouble?,Monica:,Are you okay, sweetie?,Joey:Alright Ross, look. Youre feeling a lot of pain right now. Youre angry. Youre hurting. Can I tell you what the answer is?,Speaking out,1. How did Ross feel? What did,3. How did Ross feel? Why did he feel this way? How did Rosss friends comfort him ?,Monica: Okay, look, I-I have enough stuff for one more sandwich, I mean I was going to eat it myself, but,4. what would you do if you friend has some trouble in controlling his temper when he is confronted with such issue?,Speaking out,3. How did Ross feel? Why did,5. How did Rachel feel? Why did she feel this way? How did her friends comfort her ?,Joey:I bet that kiss isnt looking like such a big mistake now, is it?,Monica:,He probably wants you back because youre right for the job.,Joey:Oh Rachel look, dont say that, I think you just need a hug from Joey. Come on. Come on.,6. what would you do or say if you friend runs into such trouble?,Speaking out,5. How did Rachel feel? Why di,7. How did Rachel feel? Why did she feel this way? How did her friends comfort her ?,Monica:Rachel, you can go down there, you dont have to smoke. Just say you wanna get some fresh air.,8. what would you do or say if you friend is confronted with such issue.,Speaking out,7. How did Rachel feel? Why di,Expressions,1. pull yourself together.,振作起来,.,2. keep your chin up.,别灰心,.,3. dont let it get you down. it will be over with soon.,别为此烦恼,.,事情很快就会过去的,.,4. dont be so miserable!,别这样愁眉苦脸的,.,5. cheer up! things will work out for the best.,高兴点儿,.,事情会有好结果的,.,6. take heart- well find a way out.,振作起来,我们会有办法的,.,Expressions 1. pull yourself t,Expressions,7. keep trying! dont give up the ship.,继续努力,!,别轻易放弃,!,8. loosen up! its not worth getting upset about.,放松点,9. hang in there. things will get better.,坚持住,情况会好起来,.,10. keep smiling! things will calm down.,乐观一点,事情会平息下来的,.,11. its not as bad as all that.,事情没有那么糟,.,12. things are never as bad as they seem.,事情往往不像看上去的那么糟,.,Expressions 7. keep trying! do,Expressions,13. win a few, lose a few. thats life.,有得也有失,生活就是如,此,14. lets look on the bright side.,我们来看看它好的一面,.,15. every cloud has a silver lining.,再黑暗的地方也有一线光明,.,16. when god closes a door, he opens a window.,山不转水转,.,17. tomorrow is another day.,有明天就有希望,.,18. stop carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders.,别太操心了,没有你地球照样转。,Expressions 13. win a few, los,Act out,Read a book,Ride a horse,Go to bed,Take a shower,Play computer games,Water flowers,Play the piano,Ride a bicycle,Eat noodles,brush teeth,Take a bus,See a movie,Play football,Make a phone call,Have a job interview,Clean the house,Cross arms,make a speech,Go swimming,See a ghost,Climb mountains,Go shopping,Act out Read a bookSee a movie,Act out,Make a propose,Catch a cold,Dance happily,Be scared of dogs,Be shocked by the bad news,Have a cup of coffee,Take a nap,Cry tears,Make a toast,Bend over,Sing songs,Take a taxi,Shake hands,Kiss on cheeks,Read out loud,Shout at,Kick a ball,Shrug shoulders,Cross fingers,Act outMake a proposeBend over,Act out,Drink a cup of coffee,Put on a coat,Listen to music,Lie in bed,Walk slowly,Drive a car,Build a snowman,hold a birthday party,Wink to me,Fall asleep,Put up your hands,Run fast,Go skiing,Pray to god,Have a class,Do homework,Act outDrink a cup of coffeeWi,Seven types facial expressions,happiness,Seven types facial expressions,Seven types facial expressions,sadness,Seven types facial expressions,Seven types facial expressions,anger,Seven types facial expressions,Seven types facial expressions,fear,Seven types facial expressions,Seven types facial expressions,disgust,Seven types facial expressions,Seven types facial expressions,contempt,Seven types facial expressions,Seven types facial expressions,surprise,Seven types facial expressions,Get to know some micro-expressions,Watch a video clip:,Paul Ekman is an American psychologist at the University of California San Francisco School of Medicine. He is a pioneer in the study of emotions and their relation to facial expressions, and has gained a reputation as the best human lie detector in the world. Dr. Ekman has served as an advisor to police departments and anti-terrorism groups (including the Transportation Security Administration) .He is also the author of 15 books, including Telling Lies and Emotions Revealed.,Get to know some micro-express,1,、,When some people use negative emotion words every time, what do they indicate?,Anger Guilty Lying Surprise,2,、,Which special facial expression will appear on the face when someone shows his disgust?,eyes widened nose wrinkling posed up cheeks raised upper eyelid,3. Eyes down and away, its a sign of _.,Disgust Fear Shame Sadness,1、When some people use negativ,They are Lying,Question: Have you ever been to her house before?,Answer: No, I have never been to her house before.,Rigid repe,ti,tion like that is typical of a lie.,They are LyingQuestion: Have y,Is her smile real?,In a fake smile, theres no crows feet wrinkles around the eyes,Wrinkling,Is her smile real? In a fake s,What,s the meaning of this gesture?,Whats the meaning of this ges,caressing one,s own hand, a self,comforting gesture, trying to reassure oneself when he/she doesnt really believe what he/she is saying.,caressing ones own hand, a se,Mans Lie,It itches when theyre hiding something.,Men have erectile tissue in their noses,Mans LieIt itches when theyr,大学英语基础口语教程课件,Touching your nose represents that you want to hide something !,Touching your nose represents,compressing one,s lip,s,- a dubious remark: be unconfident,about,his words,or,hiding some facts,compressing ones lips- a dub,The expressions abovehiding some facts,The expressions abovehiding s,Touching the neck when answering questionsIf there is nothing wrong with the neck, it is an action of lying. classic,compulsive behavior,Controllable actions: scratching one,s ears and,cheeks,;,touching one,s nose,neck and head etc . If Controllable actions increase in talking -lying,Touching the nose when he talked about his divorce,.,Touching the neck when answeri,Flinching subconsciously when talking stands for body impedence, which means what he says is doubtful.,Flinching subconsciously when,Some theories,Body language tells the truth,When the body contradicts the words, it means he is lying.,Eye contact,Quite often, people make more eye contact to see if you believe their lies,.,Real expression,Real,expression,lasts for less than a second when it comes across peoples faces, but if your suspect,s expression lasts,for more than a second, hes faking it. He is lying.,Some theoriesBody language tel,Do you know some other ways to tell if people are lying?,Can not repeat the whole thing upside down,Change of appellation or tense,Recalling the details of things,Word repetition, vocal pitch goes up suddenly.,The direction of eyes is different with the finger point.,Do you know some other ways t,Lie spotting,1. How does the expert think of lies? All lies are harmful?,(lying is a cooperative act, is complex, its woven into the fabric of our daily and our business lives.),2. There are some ways to tell people if they are lying or not by their words, what are they?,3. How does peoples body language help us spot lies ? List the tips mentioned in the talk.,(a. upper body frozen; b. more eye contact; c. fake smile; d. withdrawn, look down, lower voice; e. more details involved; f. facial expression, contempt; g. shift blink rate; h. point their feet towards an exit; i. barrier objects; j. alter voice tone),4. According to the expert, why should we train ourselves to be a lie spotter?,Lie spotting1. How does the e,Do you know whos lying?,What did you do last weekend?,Whats the craziest thing that youve ever done?,Whats the most beautiful place where youve ever been?,Do you know whos lying?What d,Use your body language to express the ideas,Leave me alone,I dont know,Be quiet!,Good luck,I cant hear you,Use your body language to expr,Activity 2 (P9),Accent: a way of speaking that someone has because of where he/she was born or lives,Cupboard: a piece of furniture for storing clothes, plates, etc, usually attached to the wall and with shelves and a door.,Dialect: a form of a language that is spoken in a way that is different from the way it is spoken in other areas.,Activity 2 (P9)Accent: a way o,Activity 2 (P9),Listen to the recording, write down what these additional words mean in American English:,Australia: bikkie, mozzie, Aussie,England: mobile, trainers,Ireland: press, guards,Key: Australia: biscuit (cookie), mosquito, Australian,England: cell phones, sneakers,Ireland: cupboard, the police,small flying insects which bite people and animals in order to suck their blood.,Activity 2 (P9)Listen to the r,Differences between American and British English,While there are certainly many varieties of English, American and British English are the two major varieties that are taught across the world.,Grammar,Spelling,Vocabulary,Pronunciation,Differences between American a,Use of the Present Perfect,(1.1),In British English the present perfect is used to express an action that has occurred in the recent past and has an effect on the present moment. For example:,Ive lost my key. Can you help me look for it?,In American English the following is also possible:,I lost my key. Can you help me look for it?,Use of the Present Perfect (1.,Use of the Present Perfect(,1.2,),British English:,Ive just had lunch.,Ive already seen that film.,Have you finished your homework yet?,American English:,I just had lunch,OR Ive just had lunch.,Ive already seen that film,OR I already saw that film.,Have you finished your homework yet?,OR Did you finish your homework yet?,Use of the Present Perfect(1.2,Possession(2),Both forms are correct (and accepted in both British and American English),have got (have you got, he hasnt got, etc.) is generally the preferred form in British English while most speakers of American English employ the “ have” (do you have, he doesnt have etc.),Possession(2)Both forms are co,Prepositions (3),There are also a few differences in preposition use including the following:,American English,British English,On the weekend,At the weekend,On a team,In a team,Please write me soon,Please write to me soon,Prepositions (3) There are als,words ending with,:,-me,,,-ue,American,British,公斤,kilogram,kilogramme,目录,catalog,catalogue,方案,program,programme,对话,dialog,dialogue,Spelling,:,Here are some general differences between British and American spellings:, words ending with:-me,-ue,-our/-or,American,British,举止,behavior,behaviour,颜色,color,colour,最爱,favorite,favourite,风味,flavor,flavour, -our/-orAmerican British,-re/er,American,British,中心,center,centre,纤维,fiber,fibre,公尺,meter,metre,剧场,theater,theatre, -re/er American British,-ence/ -ense,American,British,防御,defense,defence,执照,license,licence,犯法行为,offense,offence,托词,pretense,pretence, -ence/ -ense American Br,-ise/ -ize,American,British,组织,organize,organise,实现,actualize,actualise,意识到,realize,realise,-ise/ -ize American Briti,Vocabulary : Video Watching,1. Enjoy it,2. Can you find how many different terms mentioned between American English and British English in the video ?,Vocabulary : Video Watching 1.,Differences between American/ British English,Differences between American/,大学英语基础口语教程课件,大学英语基础口语教程课件,Pronunciation,r,: rain, drain, spring, berry (no difference),turn, birth, learn, work, germ, farm, other, clever, director,t,: table, attain, wha(t), cu(t),/d/ S,atu,rday, w,aiter, m,atter, wh,at,about, p,art,y, sort of, part of,Ce(n)tre, i(n)terview, i(n)ternet.,Pronunciation r: rain, drain,Different Vowel Sound, Hot, honest, mom, top, Can, ham, thanks,Girl, world, first, hurt, person, worst,Different Vowel Sound Hot,Different Pronunciations,British,American,Z,zed,zi,adult,dlt,dlt,brochure,br,br,garage,gr(d),r,address,dres,drs,laboratory,lbr,t()r,lbrtri,advertisement,dvtzm()nt,dvtazmnt,controversy,kntrvs,kntrvsi,Different PronunciationsBritis,Different Pronunciations,British,Ameican,patent,pet()nt,pt()nt,apricot,eprkt,prkt,vase,vz,vez,hurricane,hrk()n,hrkn,enquiry,nkwar,nkwri,leisure,le,li,either,a,i,neither,na,ni,Different PronunciationsBritis,Look at the following picture, can you tell out what the gesture in it means?,Warming-up activities,Thumb a lift,to ask for a lift,Body language,Look at the following picture,countries,meanings,U.S.A,good,U. k.,go hitchhiking,The No. 1,Japan,Nigeria,rudeness,Germany,The No. 1,Warming-up activities,Different meanings of the same gestures (1),Gesture No. 1,“Thumb up”,countriesmeaningsU.S.AgoodU. k,countries,meanings,Most countries,ok,Japan,money,France,zero,Brazil,rudeness,Germany,rudeness,Different meanings of the same gestures (2),Warming-up activities,Gesture No. 2,“A-OK”,countriesmeaningsMost countrie,Different meanings of the same gestures (3),China,9,Burma,5,Mexica,price,Japan,apology,Korea,mistakes,Indonesia,mean,Singapore / Thailand,death,Srilanka,a half,Different meanings of the same,What gestures do you use to express the following ideas?,Get willies (get nervous ),Lets have a drink,You are crazy,I promise not to tell anyone,Im fed up with this,Salute,Crossing oneself,Hello,Childrens way to say Im sorry,Different places different gestures,What gestures do you use to ex,Body Language,What will you do if you are in a place where the local people cant understand your language?,Watch a video clip and try to interpret what they try to say through their body language.,Body Language What will you do,TED,Whats the speakers main idea in the talk? How do you think of that? Or what do you get from the speech?,TED Whats the speakers main,Thank you,Thank you,


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