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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,五上英语,Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears,( Cartoonculture time ),Rules,(规则),:,如果你认为内容,正确,,,就说,“,Ye,ah, ye,ah, ye,ah,!”,如果你认为内容,错误,,,就说,“,No, no, no!”,G,ame,Lets play,Ye,ah, ye,ah, ye,ah,!,No, no, no!,Goldilocks is afraid.,The bed is soft,.,Theres a bird in the tree,.,There are,some flowers and trees in our school.,There are three toy cars between the desks.,There is a sofa in the room,.,Whats in the living room?,There is / are .,hungry,Whats the matter with Bobby?,Im hungry.,Do you have any suggestions?(你们有什么好的建议吗?),You can have,some cakes.,Can Bobby have any cakes?,Watch and choose,(观看课文动画,选择正确答案。),( ) A.,Yes ,he can,.,B.,No,he cant,.,C.,Sorry, I dont know,.,Watch and choose,(观看课文动画,选择正确答案。),( ) A.,Yes ,he can,.,B.,No,he cant,.,C.,Sorry, I dont know,.,B,Can Bobby have any cakes?,Where are the cakes now ?,(阅读课文,找出答案。),?,Lets read,Then, Bobby and Tina find their cousin .,New words:,(四人一小组,尝试着去读一读。),then,然后,(,th,e t,en,),find,找到,(,fin,e har,d,),their,他/她们的,(,th,e wh,ere,同音词,there,),Bobby is hungry.,Im hungry, Tina.,You can have some,cakes.There are,some in the kitchen.,Listen and repeat,Bobby is in the kitchen.,Where are the cakes, Tina.,Theyre in the fridge.,Bobby cannot see any cakes in the fridge.,There arent any cakes here.,Really ?,真的吗?,它是There be 的否定形式,其中any用在否定句中。,Then, Bobby and Tina find their cousin .,Here are the cakes.,Read it together,Try to remember,(在一分钟时间内尝试着记住对话内容,越多越好。),Try to remember,Lets discuss,(四人一小组,讨论Bobby 和Bobbys cousin 可以说什么。),Then, Bobby and Tina find their cousin .,?,?,Lets imitate,(四人一小组,用适当的语气来读一读这几句话。),Then, Bobby and Tina find their cousin .,They are my cakes. /,You cant eat them./ .,So nice ! / Yummy !/ .,angry,生气,happy,开心,Lets act !,四人一小组,表演对话,(A- 旁白 B- Bobby C- Tina D- cousin),1.,2.,3.,4.,coffee,Coffee is,popular,in,western countries,.,black coffee,黑咖啡,white coffee,白咖啡,latte,拿铁咖啡,这种咖啡是意大利浓缩咖啡与牛奶的经典混合。,这两种咖啡不是以,颜色来命名,主要是,加工的方法不一样。,咖啡与茶叶、可可并称为世界三大饮料植物。日常饮用的咖啡是用咖啡豆配合各种不同的烹煮器具制作出来的,而咖啡豆就是指咖啡树果实里面的果仁。,New words:,p,o,p,u,lar,流行的,( b,o,x m,u,sic,),w,e,stern,西方的,( b,e,d ),c,ou,ntry,国家,(c,ou,sin ),is popular in,Ch,i,na,.,green tea 绿茶,中国,black tea 红茶,Tea,中国是茶的故乡,汉族人饮茶,据说始于神农时代,少说也有4700多年了。直到现在,中国汉族同胞还有民以茶代礼的风俗。,Homework,Recite the story.,


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