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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Do you know?,What are the Four Great Inventions in the ancient China?,Unit 6,When was it invented?,R,九年级上册,Section A,第,1,课时,S,ection A (1a- 2d),Do you know w,hen,it,was invented?,Who was it invented by?,毕升,Do you know w,hen,it,was invented?,Who was it invented by?,Look at the things below. In what order do,you think they were invented? Discuss them with,your group. Then number them 【1-4】,(1= first, 4 = last).,1a,I think the TV,was invented,before the car.,Well, I think the,TV was invented,after the car.,语法重点一,I think the TV was invented before the car.,我认为电视比汽车发明得早。,这是一个,主从复合句,,think,后面,跟了一个,宾语从句,。因为主句是,一般现在时态,,,从句,根据句意用了,一般过去时态,。,was invented意为“,被发明,”,此结构为,一般过去时的被动语态,。一般过去时的被动语态的结构为“was/were,+ 及物动词的过去分词,”。,如:These trees were planted last year.,The car was bought yesterday.,(2),invent,做动词,意为“,发明,创造,”,,指发明以前没有的新东西,。,当,物做主语,时,常用,被动语态,。,invention,名词,意为“,发明物,”;,inventor,名词,意为“,发明家,发明者,”。,如:,Edison, a great,inventor, invented many great,inventions,during his life.,Many,invention,have been,invented,last year.,Listen and match the inventions with the years.,_ 1876,_ 1885,_1927,_1976,1b,Student B, cover the dates. Student A, ask Student B,when the things in the picture in 1b were invented.,Then change roles and practice again.,1c,When was the,t,elephone invented?,I think it wa,s,invented in,1876.,Listen and number the inventions 【1-3】in the order,you hear them.,2a,_ shoes with special heels,_ shoes with lights,_ hot ice-cream scoop,runs on electricity,Listen again and complete the chart below.,2b,Invention,What is it / are they used for?,shoes with special heels,_ the style of the shoes,shoes with lights,seeing _,hot ice-cream scoop,_ really cold ice-cream,Make conversations using the information in 2b.,What are they,used for?,Theyre used,for,2c,语法重点二,What are they used for?,它们是用来做什么的?,be used for sth. /doing sth.,意为“,被用来做某事,”,表示,用途,或,目的,,后接,名词,或,动名词,,相当于,be used to do sth,。,如:,Clothes,are used for keeping,(= to keep) warm.,Wood can,be used for building,(= to build) houses.,The stick,is used to write,on the blackboard.,Role-play the conversation.,2d,Hey Roy, the subject for my,school project is,“,Small,inventions that changed the,world.,”,Can you help me,think of an invention?,My pleasure! Let,me thinkhmm,I know! The,zipper!,The zipper? Is it,really such a great,invention?,Think about how,often its used in,our daily lives.You,can see zippers on,dresses, trousers,shoes, bags,almost everywhere!,Well, you do seem,have a point,Of course! I thought,about it because I saw,a website last week.,The pioneers of,different inventions,were listed there.,For example, it mentioned,that the zipper was invented,by Whitcomb Judson in 1893.,But at that,time, it wasnt,used widely.,Really? So when did,it become popular?,Around 1917.,语法重点三,The pioneers of different inventions were listed there.,不同的发明的先驱者都列在这里。,pioneer,作,名词,,意为“,先锋;开拓者;,先驱,”。,如:He was a,pioneer,in the use of X-rays.,I see everybody as a,pioneer,out there.,作,动词,,意为“,开辟;首倡,”。,如:She,pioneered,the use of the drug.,1. The telephone _ by a well-known,scientist ,Edison.,A. invented,B.,inventing,C. was invented,2. English is used _ a second language _,people in many countries.,A.,as, by B. for ,by,C,. as, for,小结训练,3. -What is the bottle used for ?,-It is used _ hold the water.,A. for me t,o,B. by me to C. for me for,4. He is famous for the _ he _ .,A. invention/ invention,B. invention/invented,C. inventor/invention,1. 完成课时作业1。,2.熟读并背诵2d对话。,同学们,这一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面的视频开始听写吧,!,学习专看文学书,也是不好的。先前的文学青年,往往厌恶数学理化史地生物学,以为这些都无足轻重,后来变成连常识也没有。,鲁迅,


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