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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第五级,#,Unit1,Where are you going ?,Guessing game,Summer holiday is coming.,where are you going?,你要去哪里?,I,m going to,我要去,what are you going to take?,你要带什么?,cl,o,thes,passport,present,sh,oe,s,t,i,cket,clothes,衣服,sh,oe,s,鞋,t,i,cket,票,passport,护照,l,i,st,清单,present,礼物,when are you going to the,airport,?,你什么时候去机场?,At seven oclock.,在七点钟,Im going to the,airport,.,airport,Damings trip,who,are they?,Grandma and Daming.,一、,Listen and answer:,(听录音回答问题),Daming,is going to,go to _to meet his grandma.,Daming,is going to,the airport at,_,oclock,.,New York,seven,二、,Read the text as quickly as you can ,and underline the sentences with,(,Where, What , When, Who ).,快速阅读课文,画出带有 :,Where,What, When ,Who,的句子,Grandma:,Are you ready for your trip tomorrow?,Daming:,Hello,Grandma.,Grandma:,Daming :,I think so.,Grandma:,It will be all right.,Hello, Daming.,But I feel,nervous,.,Im going to meet you in NewYork.,n:vs,Grandma:,Daming:,Grandma:,Daming:,Grandma:,Daming:,You can make a list of things to do.,Thats a good idea!,Where are you going,?,To the airport.,What are you going to take,?,Clothes,Shoes,Present,the ticket,my passport,Grandma :,When are you going to go to the airport?,Daming :,At seven o,clock tomorrow morning.,Grandma :,Daming:,Who,s going to go to the airport with you?,Who? Mum!,Grandma :,Great! Safe trip, Daming!,Who,s going to the airport,with you,?,To,New York.,Where,are you going ?,What,are you going to take ?,When,are you going to go to the airport?,Clothes, shoes, present,s,the,ticket,my,passport,At seven oclock tomorrow morning.,Daming,s mum,.,1.,Where,is Tom going to go?,2.,What,is Amy going to take?,3.,When,is Daming going to go to Beijing?,4.,Who,is going to go with you?,He is going to go,home,.,Clothes, shoes, present,ticket,passport, toothbrush,At six oclock tomorrow morning.,My friend Lily.,I can do!,A,B,C,D,Group work:,小组合作,Use the words and structures to make dialogues with your partner.,巩固运用拓展延伸,A : Hello, ,B : Hello, ,A :,Where,are you going ?,B : Im going to,(,地点),A :,What,are you going to take ?,B : Im going to take,(带什么),A :,When,are you going ?,B : At,(在几点),.,A :,Who,s going to go with you ?,B : My father and mother,/,.,A : Have a good time,!,B : Thank you,!,(,温馨提示:周末不要去的太远哦,!,),( 和同桌一起做个对话吧!,),list,(,清单,),group,Name,Where,are you going,?,What,are you going to take,?,When,are you going to go ?,Who,is going to go with you,?,1,Amy,To the airport.,Ticket, clothes ,shoes , toothbrush.,At seven o clock tomorrow.,My mother.,2,Linda,To the zoo.,Food and juice .,At nine o clock,Tomorrow.,My sister.,3,Sam,To school.,School bag and water .,At seven oclock,tomorrow.,My friend.,4,To the department store.,Money(,钱,) and a shopping list(,购物单),.,At ten oclock,tomorrow.,同学的名字,例如:大明,Summary,小结,What have you learnt from this class?,这节课 你学到了什么?,词汇,句子,课文,Text,:,Everything have to prepare early, ability to succeed.,clothes shoes present ticket passport,Where are you going,?,What are you going to take,?,When are you going to go,?,Whos going to go,with you?,理解课文,:,凡事要早做准备,,才能取得成功。,Count which group is the,winner,?,Name,Where are you going?,What are you going to take?,When are you going to go?,Who,s going to go with you?,Dragon Boat Festival is coming. Talk about your trip on Dragon Boat Festival with your classmates and make a survey like this.,Homework,Amy,Zhong shan,park,ticket umbrella,At nine oclock,My father and my mother,Thank you,Where,are you going ?,What,are you going to take?,When,are you going to the airport?,Who,s going to the airport,with you,?,针对物品提问,针对时间,针对人提问,I can find,这是一般将来时的特殊疑问句,,where,是对,地点的提问,,回答的时候不能用简单,yes,或者,no,来回答,要结合具体情况来做出具体的回答。,


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