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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 2 Colours,Reading (2),calm,colours,blue,white,warm,colours,orange,yellow,energetic,colours,green,strong,colours,red,sadness,peace,joy,success,wisdom,energy,nature,strong feelings,power,purity,new life,envy,heat,How many kinds of,colours,are there?,What,colours,can help?,Why?,1.Tom cant decide where to go on holiday.,Mary cant sleep every night. What,colour,should her room be painted?,Millie needs to practice dancing for 3 hours every day. She is very tired and weak.,(red),(blue),(green),4. This term John has failed many times in exams. He really hopes for success.,5.,Kimi,is so sad because he has missed the chance to go to Jay Chous concert.,(yellow),(orange),Dear Suzy,This week Ive learnt that,colours,can _ our moods? Do you know what,colours,_? For example, white represents purity. Blue can help you feel _. However, it can also mean _.,I prefer warm,colours,such as orange. Orange represents _ and can _ if you are feeling sad.,Do you like green? Green can give you _; it also represents envy. _ can help you when you are having _ making a _.,Whats your,favourite,colour,? Write back soon.,Yours,Millie,influence,represent,relaxed,sadness,joy,cheer you up,energy,Red,difficulty,decision,Are you helpful?,A: Excuse me, . What is your favorite,colour,?,B: I like best. It represents .,A: Why do you like it?,B: I like it because .,A: What are your characteristics?,B: I am .,A: Does your,favourite,colour,match your characteristics?,B: ,Talk about,your,favourite,colour,and your own characteristics,.,Make an interview,Fill in the questionnaire with your own information to see if your favourite colour matches your characteristics.,My favourite colour is _.,It represents _.,I like it because _.,I am _.,Does your favourite colour match your,characteristics? Yes,No,Suppose you have a new bedroom, there is a bed, a bookcase, a desk, a chair, a lamp, curtains in it. What,colours,do you want to paint them and why?,Are you a good designer?,You may wonder whether it is true.,你可能想知道这是否是真的。,Language points:,whether/if,意为“是否”,引导原来为一般疑问句的宾语从句,后面用,陈述句语序,。,e.g.,我们不知道明天是否会下雨。,We dont know whether/if it will rain tomorrow.,2.,Colours,can make us feel happy or sad, energetic or sleepy.,颜色能使我们感觉快乐或悲伤,精力充沛或昏昏欲睡。,make,后可接“宾语,+,宾语补足语”的结构,该补足语可以由,名词、形容词、,(,不带,to,的,),动词不定式,或,过去分词,充当。,e.g.,我们让他当我们的班长。,这个笑话使我们开怀大笑。,We made him our monitor.,The joke made us laugh happily,3. It can cheer you up when you are feeling sad.,当你感到难过时,它可以使你振作起来。,cheer up “,使振作起来”,如果是名词作宾语可放中间,也可放后面;如果是,代词,作宾语,代词只能放,中间,。,e.g.,我写那首歌是为了使自己振作起来。,I wrote that song to cheer myself up.,4. Yellow can remind you of a warm sunny day.,黄色能使你想到温暖、阳光明媚的一天。,remind,sb,. of,sth,.,remind,sb,. to do /not to do,sth,.,remind,sb,.,that-clause,Please remind me to post the letter.,e.g.,请记得提醒我要寄这封封信。,这首歌使我们想起了雷锋。,The song reminded us of Lei,Feng,.,5. If you require strength in either body or mind, red may be of some help to you.,be of some help to,sb,=,be,a little,helpful to,sb,。,“,对某人有些帮助”,.,be of great/no,help to,sb,.,对某人很有,/,没有帮助,.,类似,help,的词还有,value/importance/use,等,,e.g.,他的建议对我来说没有帮助。,学好英语对我们来说有很大的重要性。,His advice is of no help to me.,Learning English well is of great importance to us.,6. Wearing red can also make it easier to take action.,make/find,it adj. (for,sb,) to do,sth,.,“,使,/,发现(某人)做某事,”,,,it,为形式宾语,真正的宾语为,to do,sth,adj,为宾补。,e.g.,我发现两天内完成那项工作很难。,I find it difficult to finish the job in two days.,7. This may help when you are having difficulty making a decision.,当你犹豫不决时,这么做有助于你做决定。,have some/much/no,difficulty with,sth,.,“,在,方面有些费劲,/,很费劲,/,毫不费劲,have difficulty/trouble/problems (in) doing,sth,.,“,做某事费劲,/,有麻烦,/,有困难,”,。,e.g.,他们用英语交谈毫不费劲。,They have no difficulty (in) talking with each other in English.,影响我们的情绪,感到放松,给我们的身心带来安宁,代表悲伤,创造温暖舒适的感觉,使某人振作,希望获得成功,热量的颜色,做某事费劲,做决定,Translate some phrases.,influence our moods,feel relaxed,bring peace to our mind and body,represent sadness,create a warm and comfortable feeling,cheer,sb,. up,hope for success,the,colour,of heat,have difficulty doing,sth,make a decision,Exercise for this lesson,1.课课练P15Ex1 and Ex2,2.课课练P16技能提升(阅读理解),Thank you!,


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