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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Whats the best movie theatre?,Unit 4,Tan Mei,Goals,Make comparisons and,discuss preferences,2. Target,language,:,Whats the,best,cinema?,Its the,cheapest,.,3. Grammar,:,The Superlative Degrees of,Adjectives and,Adverbs,CHANT:,GOOD ,BETTER,BEST,Good,better,best,Never let it rest,Till good is better,And better is best.,Try,to do everything the best.,尽力把所有事情做到最好,movie theater,n.,剧院,戏院,n.,电影院,cinema,Whats important when you choose a cinema?,comfortable seats,.,舒适的座位,big screens,.,宽大的屏幕,friendly service,.,亲切的服务,new movies.,cheap.,close to home,.,in a fun part of town.,离家近,popular.,It has,It is,在闹市,comfortable,seat,adj.,舒适的,n.,座位,n.,屏幕,screen,friendly service,n.,服务,招待,close,to home,adj.,近的,Cinemas in Chongqing,Huanyi,Cinema,Jianshe,Cinema,Warner Cinema,Cinemas in Chongqing,UME Cinema,Jianshe,Cinema,Huanyi,Cinema,big,screens,big,ger,screens,the big,gest,screens,comfortable seats,more,the,most,friendly service,friendl,ier,service,the friendl,iest,service,Whats the best cinema?,UMECinema,Jianshe,Cinema,Huanyi,Cinema,5. ,has,the biggest,screen.,6. ,has,the most comfortable,seats.,7. has,the friendliest,service.,8. ,has,the newest,movies.,1. is,the cheapest.,2. is,the closest,to home.,3. ,is in,the most fun,part of city.,4. ,is,the most popular,.,Pairwork,:,A: Whats the best,c,inema ? B:,Jianshe,Cinema,.,A:Why,do you think so?,B:Because,its the cheapest,.,A: But I think,Warner Cinema has,the most comfortable seats.,Pairwork,:,A: Whats the best,c,inema ? B:,Cinema,.,A:Why,do you think so?,B:Because,.,A: But I think,.,The comparative,比较级,The superlative,最高级,cheap,cheap,er,cheap,est,close,close,r,close,st,big,big,ger,big,gest,friendly,friendl,ier,friendl,iest,comfortable,more,comfortable,most,comfortable,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,Summary,不规则变化,good/well,规则变化,better,best,Free Talk,A: Who is,the,student in our class?,B: I think is the ,student,.,班级之最,1.the smartest 2.the friendliest,3.the quietest 4.the funniest,5.the most popular 6.the most outgoing,7.the most hardworking 8.the most athletic,9.The most serious 10.the most talented,Everybody is the best.,Exercises,Exercises,直 击 中 考,1. It is the _ movie theater in the town.,A.,goodest,B.,gooddest,C. best D. better,2. This movie is _ than that one.,A. funny B. funnier C. the funniest D.,funnyer,3. This book is _ of all.,A. cheapest B. cheap C. cheaper D. the cheapest,Choose the best answer,.,4. This is one of _ films of this year.,A. more exciting B. exciting,C. the most exciting D. most exciting.,5. This watch is _ than that one.,A. much expensive B.,expensiver,C. more,expensiver,D. more expensive,In our city, there are many cinemas.,Of all the cinemas,Jianshe,Cinema is,(cheap) one. Warner Cinema has,(big) screens,(comfortable) seats and,(friendly) service. But,Huanyi,Cinema is,(popular) one. Can you tell me which cinema is the best one?,Fill in the blanks,the cheapest,the biggest,the most comfortable,the friendliest,the most popular,Good , better , best,Never let it rest ,Till good is better ,And better is best .,GOOD ,BETTER,BEST,Remember:,Well try to do everything the best ,not the worst.(,尽力把所有事情做到最好,.),Homework,Make a conversation about the most popular persons or things in your class.,Thank you!,Goodbye!,Thank you!,Goodbye!,Thank you!,Goodbye!,


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