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,2017/7/15 Saturday,#,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,2024/8/26,教师:茅盾实验小学 陈贤德,助教:茅盾实验小学 孟皇淳 朱可妍,PEP,小学英语六下教材难点回顾与练习,Lets sing,2024/8/26,What are we going to do today?,2024/8/26,Difficult,Points,难点,Topics and Functions /,话题与功能,Words and Expressions /,词汇与表达,Structures and Grammar /,结构与语法,Topics in Book 8,2024/8/26,Topics,话题,How tall are you?,1,Last weekend,2,Where did you go?,3,Then and now,4,Mikes happy days,5,Can you talk about the height,(身高), weight,(体重),and size with your friends?,Can you talk about what you did last weekend with your friends?,Can you talk about a trip you took with your friends?,Can you talk about the changes of then and now with your friends?,Can you talk about the past, now and future with your friends?,1. How tall are you?Topic and Function/,话题与功能,2024/8/26,Name,Age,Height,Weight,Feet,Angela,13,1.63m,Size,37,Tom,12,55,kg,Angela/Tom is years old. I am Im than.,Angela/Tom ism tall. Im m tall. He/She than,1.72m,53 kg,Size 37,1. How tall are you?Words and Expressions/,词汇与表达,2024/8/26,tall-tall,er,late-late,r,big-big,ger,heavy-heav,ier,old-_white-_thin-_angry-_,low-_nice-_sad-_sunny-_,smart-_polite-_hot-_funny-_,cool-_wide-_fat-_happy-_,s,trong-_fine-_red-_windy-_,dinosaur, hall, than, both, meter, kilogram, shadow, become, countryside,1. _ of my parents like reading books very much, so I _ a book fan, too.,2. Many people in the museum are looking at the two tallest _ in the _.,3. My _ at noon is shorter _ in the afternoon.,4. My father is 90 _ now. Every morning, he drives to the _ and runs about 3000 _ , then he drives back and goes to work.,old,er,low,er,smart,er,cool,er,strong,er,white,r,nice,r,polite,r,wide,r,fine,r,thin,ner,sad,d,er,hot,ter,fat,ter,red,d,er,angr,ier,sunn,ier,funn,ier,happ,ier,wind,ier,B,oth,become,dinosaur,s,shadow,than,kilogram,s,countryside,meter,s,hall,1. How tall are you?Structures and Grammar/,结构与语法,1. _ _ are you? Im 12 years old.,2. _ _ are you? Im 1.58m tall.,3. _ _ are you? Im 45 kg.,4. _ _ are your feet? Theyre size 37.,5. _ _ _ your friend Tom? Hes 172 cm tall.,1. Angela is _. But Tom is _ than her. (tall, taller),2. The Huang River is very _. But the Changjiang River is _. (long, longer),3,. _ am 52 kilograms. My mother is thinner than _. (I, me),4,. Your feet are bigger than _. _ feet are size 35. (my, mine),5. Tom _ getting taller and taller, as his parents _ getting older and older. (is, are),How old,How tall,How heavy,What size,How tall,is,tall,taller,long,longer,I,me,mine,M,y,is,are,2024/8/26,2&3. Last weekend & Where did you go?Topics and Function/,话题与功能,2024/8/26,What did you do in the past two weeks?,I was really busy in the past two weeks. At the beginning of July, I did a lot of jobs at school. We had a farewell party. Look, I read a poem in the party. I was not good at it. But I loved to share my feeling with my students. And I went to Yiwu on July 5,th,. We had a football match there. We won many games. That was so exciting!,2&3. Last weekend & Where did you go?,Words and Expressions/,词汇与表达,2024/8/26,clean-clean,ed,be(am,is,are)-was,hurt-_ wake-_,stay-_read-_eat-_feel-_,wash-_see-_take-_say-_,visit-_sleep-_buy-_swim-_,study-_ride-_drink-_think-_,bake-_go-_get-_fall-_,show, magazine, better, hotel, loud, beach,There is a music _ on the _ tonight, but I wont go because the music there is too _ for me. I would like to stay in the _, listen to some light music and read a _. I think Its _ than going out.,stay,ed,wash,ed,visit,ed,stud,ied,bak,ed,read,saw,slept,rode,went,ate,took,bought,drank,got,felt,said,swam,thought,fell,hurt,woke,show,beach,loud,hotel,magazine,better,2&3. Last weekend & Where did you go?,Structures and Grammar /,结构与语法,1. _ last summer vacation? I went to Qingdao.,2. _? I went there with my friend and his family.,3. _?,We went there by plane,.,4. _?,We swam in the sea and took many,pictures.,5. _? Yes, we had a lot of fun.,l,ast,weekend,Past,过去,last,night,l,ast,Monday/Tuesday/.,Two weeks/Many years/.,ago,yesterday,the day before yesterday,.,Where did you go,Who did you go with,How did you go there,What did you do in Qingdao,Did you have a good time,2024/8/26,4&5. Then and now & Mikes happy daysTopics and Function/,话题与功能,2024/8/26,11 years ago, I was tall and thin. I was only 58 kg. I liked to do sports very much.,7,years ago, I was older than before, but I was still very thin. I had time to do sports.,Last year, I was not thin, I became a little fat. I didnt have time to do sports.,Now. I am still fat. And Im getting older and older. Look at my stomach. Oh, no!,Tomorrow, I dont want to be heavier. I dont want to be a man like him. I will do sports. I will eat more vegetables and less meat. I think I will become a thin man again!,What was it like before?,What is it like now?,What will it be,like in,the future?,2024/8/26,4&5. Then and now & Mikes happy daysWords and Expressions/,词汇与表达,How many,stars,are there in the sky?,Its really,a,not-easy,question.,I,counted for a long time until I felt that I was having,a race with a cheetah, I would never win.,Then I,looked it up in,the,dictionary,. There was no answer.,Then I,looked it up on the internet,. There was still,nothing,there.,I,thought,I couldnt find the answer. I was worried.,I,woke up,. It was only a,dream,.,apple,city,fish,water,This is,an apple,.,I go to many,cities,.,I have many,fish,.,Drink some,water,.,tall,nice,big,heavy,Im,taller,than you.,You can do it,nicer,.,My ears are,bigger,.,Im,heavier,than him.,sleep,eat,run,study,She,sleeps,at school.,I,ate,at home.,They are,running,.,We will,study,harder.,4&5. Then and now & Mikes happy daysStructures and Grammar/,话题与功能,2024/8/26,WORDS,noun/,名词,adjective/,形容词,verb/,动词,What are these sentences trying to tell you?,这些例句在尝试告诉你些什么?,THANKS,


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