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Services Marketing,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2003.2,I love This Game,Services Marketing,Services Marketing,1,12.,MANAGING DEMAND AND CAPACITY,The Underlying Issue:Lack of Inventory Capacity,Understanding Capacity Constraints,Understanding Demand Patterns,Strategies for Matching Capacity and Demand,Yield Management:Balancing Capacity Utilization,Pricing,Market Segmentation,and Financial Return,Waiting Line Strategies:When Demand and Capacity Cannot Be Aligned,2003.2,12.MANAGING DEMAND AND CAPACIT,2,Gap 3: the service performance gap,Service Delivery,Customer-Driven,Service Designs,And Standards,GAP 3,Customer,Company,2003.2,Gap 3: the service performance,3,Key factors related to demand and capacity,1.Failure to smooth the peaks and valleys of demand,2.Overuse of capacity,3.Attracting inappropriate customer segments to build demand,4.Relying too much on price to smooth demand,2003.2,Key factors related to demand,4,The Underlying Issue:Lack of Inventory Capacity,服务中供给与需求管理的基本问题是缺乏库存能力,。,服务企业不能像制造企业那样在淡季建立库存以备后来需求增加时使用。,缺乏库存能力归因于服务的易逝性以及生产与消费的同时性。举例说明:航班上的座位与教授的时间。,而且,服务不能从一个地方运输到另一个地方,或由一个人传递给另一个人。举例说明:在九寨沟的酒店。,2003.2,The Underlying Issue:Lack of,5,The Underlying Issue:Lack of Inventory Capacity,The lack of inventory capability,(,与需求变动结合起来),leads to 4 scenarios at any given time:,1.Demand exceeds maximum capacity,2.Demand exceeds optimum capacity,3.Demand and supply are balanced at the level of optimum capacity,4.Demand is below optimum capacity,2003.2,The Underlying Issue:Lack of,6,Understanding Capacity Constraints(1),Time, Labor, Equipment, Facilities,or a combination of these,Time,: Legal/consulting/accounting/medical,Labor,: Law firm/accounting firm/health clinic,Equipment,: Delivery/telecommu/health club,Facilities,: Hotels/restaurants/hospitals,/Airlines/schools/theaters/churches,2003.2,Understanding Capacity Constra,7,Understanding Capacity Constraints(2),Optimal versus Maximal use of capacity,Using capacity at an optimum level,means that resources are fully employed but not overused,and that customers are receiving quality service in a timely manner.,Maximum capacity,represents the absolute limit of service availability.when equipment/facility constraints, maximum capacity is obvious; when time/labor constraints, maximum capacity is hard to specify.,2003.2,Understanding Capacity Constra,8,Understanding Demand Patterns,Charting demand patterns,Predictable cycles,daily,/,weekly,/,monthly,/,yearly,. (If there is a predictable cycle, what are the underlying causes?),Random demand fluctuations,Demand patterns by market segment,2003.2,Understanding Demand PatternsC,9,Strategies for Matching Capacity and Demand(1),1、Shifting (,high,)demand to match capacity:,1)Use signage to commu busy days & times,2)Offer incentives to cust for usage in nonpeak times,3)Take care of loyal/regular cust first,4) Adv peak usage times & benefits of nonpeak use,5)Charge full price for the service-no discounts,2003.2,Strategies for Matching Capaci,10,Strategies for Matching Capacity and Demand(1),2、Shifting (,low,)demand to match capacity:,1)U,se sales & adv to increase business from current market segments,2)M,odify the service offering to appeal to new ms,3)O,ffer discounts or price reductions,4)M,odify hours of operation,5)B,ring the service to the customer,(,改变服务地点),2003.2,Strategies for Matching Capaci,11,Strategies for Matching Capacity and Demand(2),3、Flexing capacity to meet demand(,high,):,1)Stretch time,labor,facilities,&equipment,2)Cross-train employees,3)Hire part-time employees,4)Request overtime work from employees,5)Rent or share facilities or equipment,6)Subcontract or outsource activities,7)Modify or move facilities and equipment,2003.2,Strategies for Matching Capaci,12,Strategies for Matching Capacity and Demand(2),4、Flexing capacity to meet demand(,low,):,1)Perform maintenance or renovations,2)Schedule vacations,3)Schedule employee training,4)Lay off employees,2003.2,Strategies for Matching Capaci,13,Yield Management:,balancing capacity utilization, pricing, market segmentation,and financial return,=,the process of allocating the right type of capacity to the right kind of customer at the right price so as to maximize revenue or yield.,Yield=Actual revenue/Potential revenue,Ar=,Actual capacity usedaverage actual price,Pr=,Total capacity maximum price,2003.2,Yield Management:balancing ca,14,Challenges and risks in using yield management,Loss of competitive focus,Customer alienation,Employee morale,(,士气),problems,Incompatible incentive and reward system,Lack of employee training,Inappropriate organization of the yield management function,2003.2,Challenges and risks in using,15,Waiting Line Strategies: When Demand and Capacity Cannot Be Aligned,1.,Employ operational logic to reduce wait,(,redesign system; waiting line configuration),2.,Establish a reservation process,(a challenge is what to do about “no show”.),3.,Differentiate waiting customers,4.,Make waiting fun, or at least tolerable,2003.2,Waiting Line Strategies: When,16,Employ operational logic to reduce wait,第一步是分析运营过程以消除所有无效率的工作。,举例:万豪国际酒店采用调整运营过程的方式来减少顾客等待实行快速入店登记。使用信用卡和提前登记的顾客可以不必在接待处等待,顾服人员会为顾客登记,替他们取钥匙,做好前台的文字工作,然后带他们到房间,顾客可以在房间里办理手续,只需要3分钟。,举例:路边餐馆的代客泊车服务的目的。,continue,2003.2,Employ operational logic to re,17,Employ operational logic to reduce wait,当排队不可避免时,组织面临的运营问题是采用何种排队系统,即看样排队。,排队结构是指队的数量、地点、空间要求以及它们对顾客行为的影响。,排队等待的可行方法:,1)多列排队,2)单列排队,3)分配编号,Return,2003.2,Employ operational logic to re,18,Establish a reservation process,当排队不可避免时,预订系统可以帮助扩展需求。餐馆、运输公司、电影院、医院等可以使用预订系统来避免等待。,预订系统背后的逻辑是保证顾客到来时可以获得及时服务;也通过转移需求到低需求时间,而获得潜在利润。,预订系统的挑战是如何处理违约问题:过渡预约?收取违约金?限定到场时间?,Return,2003.2,Establish a reservation proces,19,Differentiate waiting customers,The most popular discipline is,first-come, first-serviced,. But,differentiation can be based on other factors such as:,Importance of the customer.,Urgency of the job.,Duration of the service transaction.,Payment of a premium price.,return,2003.2,Differentiate waiting customer,20,Make waiting fun, or at least tolerable,Unoccupied time feels longer than occupied time,Preprocess waits feel longer than in-process waits,Anxiety makes waits seem longer,Uncertain waits are longer than known,finite waits,Unexplained waits are longer than explained waits,Unfair waits are longer than equitable waits,The More valuable the service,the longer the customer will wait,Solo waits feel longer than group waits,return,2003.2,Make waiting fun, or at least,21,思考题12,1、为什么服务组织缺乏服务库存能力?,2、讨论足球比赛中销售球票在需求过剩、需求超过最佳能力、供需平衡和能力过剩四种情况下管理的挑战是什么?,3、举例说明服务供给能力的一般限制因素。,4、举例分析特定服务组织的需求模式。,5、描述匹配需求与供给的基本战略。,6、什么是收益管理?应用收益管理有何风险?,7、描述四种等待策略,并举例说明。,2003.2,思考题121、为什么服务组织缺乏服务库存能力? 2003.2,22,


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