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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,人称代词,物主代词,人称代词,1,Listen to the music and fill in the blank,_ are,_,Sunshine.,My only sunshine.,_,make _ happy.,W,hen skies are grey.,Youll never know dear.,How much _ love you.,So please dont take,_,sunshine away.,You,me,I,You,my,my,Listen to the music and fill i,2,我用,am, I am.,你用,are, You are. Is,留给他她它,,He is. She is. It is.,单数名词用,is,复数名词都用,are.,二、,Revision:,Be,动词变疑问口诀:,变疑问,,be,前提,结尾问号莫忘记,,I,变,you,,,we,变,you,,,my,和,our,都变,your,。,Be,动词变否定口诀:,变否定,更容易,,be,加,not,莫迟疑,否定疑问随你变,句首大写要牢记,要牢记。,我用am, I am.二、Revision:Be动词变疑,3,跑男兄弟团为了选出,跑男兄弟团中最美的公主,,于是跑男兄弟团们开始了,激烈的竞争,跑男兄弟团为了选出,他们,中最美的公主,,于是,他们,开始了,激烈的竞争,任务卡,跑男兄弟团为了选出跑男兄弟团为了选出任务卡,4,代词,真方便!,代词,真方便!,5,人称代词 主格人称代词,宾格人称代词,形容词性物主代词,,翻译为,“,的”,名词性物主代词,,翻译为,“,的,xxx”,代 词,定义:为了,避免重复,而用来,代替名词,的词,叫,代词,.,人称代词 主格人称代词代 词定义:为了避免重复而用来代替,6,This is my father.,is a doctor.,This is my father.,is a doctor.,He,指代,My father,My father,He,Presentation,I,Sentences,This is my father.,7,This is my mother.,is a worker.,This is my mother.,My mother,is a worker.,She,She指代,My,mother,Presentation,I,Sentences,This is my mother. is,8,This is a book.,is on the,desk.,This is a book.,is on the desk.,The book,It,It指代 The book,Presentation,I,Sentences,This is a book.,9,I,I am _,I am _years old.,I am from_,I like_ing.,II am _,10,you,You have one .,I have one.,You are a great superman.,you You have one .,11,she,You have two.,I have two.,She is a beauty,cool cool cool.,sheYou have two.,12,he,You have three.,I have three.,He is in a big tree.,heYou have three.,13,it,You have four.,I have four.,It is a dog.,It s full.,itYou have four.,14,You have five.,I have five.,They are flying in the sky.,they,You have five.they,15,we,You have six.,I have six.,We are singing on the box.,weYou have six.,16,they,Answer quickly,I,it,we,he,she,you,theyAnswer quicklyIitwehesheyo,17,人称代词主格口诀,我用,I,,你用,you,他,她,它用,he,she,it,我们,we,,,你们,you,他,/,她,/,它们,they,they,they,Practice,I 小结,人称代词主格口诀 Practice I,18,Daddy and Mommy,Practice I Oral Practice,e.g.,a girl,she,Jack,Danny and I,L,ucy,two,cat,s,说出正确的人称代词主格形式,he,we,she,they,they,Daddy and MommyPractice I,19,she,she,it,they,we,you,he,Practice,Exercise,1,shesheittheyweyouhe Practice,20,Presentation,I,Grammar box,上面我们学习了第一,二,三人称代词主格形式,接下来让我们一起来总结一下吧!,Presentation I Grammar,21,I-me,Look at,me,.,Help,me,.,I-meLook at me .,22,we-us,Look at,.,Help,.,we-usLook at .,23,you-you,she-her,he -him,it - it,they- them,you-you,24,主格,me,you,him,her,it,us,you,them,人称代词主宾格 句子中有规则 动词前用主格 动介词后用宾格,I,you,he,she,it,we,you,they,Practice II,小结,动词,介词,宾格,主格,25,在一个句子中,主语就像主人,宾语就像宾客。所以主人用主格,宾客就要用宾格。,Presentation II,Grammar Box,在一个句子中,主语就像主人,宾语就像宾客。所以,26,单数,复数,主格,宾格,主格,宾格,第一人称,第二人称,第三人称,I,you,he,she,it,me,you,him,her,it,we,you,they,us,you,them,单数 复数 主格 宾,27,说出下列人称代词的宾格,e.g.,I,me,Practice II Oral Practice,y,ou,s,he,h,im,it,t,hey,w,e,y,ou,her,h,e,it,t,hem,us,说出下列人称代词的宾格Practice II,28,he,r,us,him,I,They,Practice,Exercise,2,herushimI They Practice,29,It is blue.,I am hungry.,It is black and white.,He is tall.,It is snowy.,Practice,Exercise,3,It is blue.I am hungry.It is b,30,( )1. A. they B. her C. we D. I,选出不同,格,的人称代词,( )2. A. me B. her C. him D. we,( )3. A. us B. him C.,she,D.,them,( )4. A.,she,B. we C. they D.,him,B,D,C,D,Practice II Oral Practice,( )1. A. they B. her C.,31,( ) 2. My brother is going skating. Would you,like,to go with _?,A. he,B. she,C. him,D. her,Production,小升初真枪实练,B,C,(,) 1. Pass _ the knife, please. My,pencil,is broken.,A. IB. me,C. myD. mine,( ) 2. My brother is going sk,32,Round 2,Round 2,33,人称代词-形代词课件,34,人称代词-形代词课件,35,三、,Presentation:,三、Presentation:,36,团结,团结,37,人称代词-形代词课件,38,my,my,39,your,your,40,his,his,41,her,her,42,it,it,43,our,our,44,their,their,45,我的,my,,你的,you,r,男他的,his,,女她的,her,,动物它的用,it,s,我们的,our,,,你们的,you,r,他,/,她,/,它们,the,ir,我的my,你的 your,46,打败妖怪的秘籍,(,形容词性物主代词,-,形代词):,形代词好交友,,孤孤单单它不走,,名词是它的好朋友。,This is _(I) book.,She is_(we) teacher.,Is that _(you) car?,Yes, it is.,打败妖怪的秘籍(形容词性物主代词-形代词):This,47,1,:,It,isnt _,(,I,),dog,.,2,:,These,arent _ (I)books,.,3,:,It isnt_,(you)pen,.,4,:,It,isnt_ (he)ball,.,5:It,is _,(I)dog,.,6:They,are_,(I)books,.,7:It,is,_(you)pen,.,8:,It is,_(she)ball,.,人称代词-形代词课件,48,thin thin thin thin thin thin thin thin thin thin thin thin thin this thin thin thin thin thin thin,Thin thin thin thin thin those thin thin thin thin thin thin thin thin thin thin thin these thin thin thin thin that thin thin thin thin thin thin thin this thin thin thin this thin thin thin thin thin thin thin thin this thin thin thin thin thin this thin thin thin thin thin thin that thin thin thin thin thin thin thin this thin thin thin thin,thin thin thin thin thin thin,49,四、,Drills,:,This is a pen. That is a bus.,This pen is small. That bus is big.,this “,这个,”,指物品离说话人近。,that “,那个,”,指物品离说话人远。,this,+,名词单数,that +,名词单数,四、Drills:This is a pen.,50,四、,Drills,:,These are pens. Those are buses. These pens are small. Those buses are big.,these ,这些,指物品离说话人近。,those “,那些,”,指物品离说话人远。,these,+,可数名词复数,thos,e,+,可数名词复数,四、Drills:These are pens.,51,this/that+,名词单数,these/those+,名词复数,四、,Drills,:,四、Drills:,52,1.This_my handbag.,2.That_my house.,3.That _ a tomato,.,4.Those _(postman) are very busy.,1.This_my handbag.,53,Fill in the blank with “this, that, those, these”.,1._,is a car. .,2,.,_,are pencils.,3._,_ a hat?,Yes, it is.,4._,_ pencils? Yes, they are.,Fill in the blank with “this,54,Find the mistake and correct it.,Eg : It is,a,apple,.,An,This are books.,_,Is,those rulers?,_,These,is a car,._,Find the mistake and correct i,55,六、,Consolidation:,形代词的用法。,六、Consolidation:形代词的用法。,56,See you tomorrow!,See you tomorrow!,57,


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