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Liner transport & charter transport are two major kinds of ocean transport.,Advantages,: Easy passage, Large capacity, Low cost,Disadvantages,: Slow, Vulnerable to bad weather, Less punctual,Shipping document:,Bill of lading,海运提单,首,页,.,9,Ocean TransportationSea or oce,Tube /Pipeline Transportation,Large-volume transportation (petroleum, natural gas or anything in liquid form).,Secure supply , unaffected by weather, operating 24/7/365.,Expensive to construct the pipelines,首,页,.,10,Tube /Pipeline TransportationL,Chapter,I. Introduction,Shipment is an important branch of international business.,5,Three parties involved in shipment:,the consignor,发货人,the carrier,承运人,the consignee,收货人,Letters of Shipment,.,11,ChapterI. IntroductionShipment,Chapter,I. Introduction,Four purposes of the letter:,urging shipment,sending shipping instructions,amending shipping clauses,giving shipping advice,5,Letters of shipment should be concise and clear so that there will be no confusion and they will not cause delay in delivery.,Letters of Shipment,.,12,ChapterI. IntroductionFour pur,Writing Steps:,A letter of shipment is mainly composed of three parts:,Opening part,: with mention of previous contacts between both sides.,Message part,: with details about the mode of transport, and time of shipment etc.,Closing part:,where hopes are expressed that the other sides can make an early reply.,.,13,Writing Steps:A letter of ship,Chapter,I. Introduction,Follow the steps in the letter:,Open with reference to former contact, or open with a statement, usually about an order, by indicating the number or date of the order.,Give information about the shipment.,Expect either an answer or further communication.,5,Letters of Shipment,.,14,ChapterI. IntroductionFollow t,Chapter,5,II. Sample Analysis,Letter A Informing shipping arrangement,Dear Mr. Brown:,Thanks for your e-mail of July 15 that booked an order for three Model 880 machines. Our confirmation of order will be forwarded to you in two days.,Since the purchase is made on FOB basis, you are to ship the goods from Dalian on a liner to be designated by us. As soon as the shipping space is booked, we shall advise you of the name of the liner, on which the goods are to be shipped. For further instructions, please contact our forwarding agents, Phoenix International, Dalian Branch, who have hitherto taken care of the shipment for you and will contact you immediately.,(To be continued),Letters of Shipment,.,15,Chapter5II. Sample AnalysisLet,Chapter,5,II. Sample Analysis,Letter A Informing shipping arrangement,(Continued),A,s some parts of the machines are susceptible to shock, the machines must be packed in seaworthy cases capable of withstanding rough handling. The bright metal parts should be protected from water and dampness in transit.,Whether you are satisfied with this arrangement, or if you want us to help in any other way, please let us know.,Sincerely yours,Jack Li,Letters of Shipment,.,16,Chapter5II. Sample AnalysisLet,Language Points,book,:,预订,book the order,:,接受订货,/,订单,book the shipping space:,订舱,book up,:,预订,预定完,The hotel is fully booked up.,the purchase is made,on FOB basis,:,这笔交易以,FOB,价格成交,return,.,17,Language Pointsbook:预订return.1,packing,n.,包装,packing charges,包装费用,packing instructions,包装要求,包装须知,inner packing,内包装,outer packing,外包装,export packing,出口包装,seaworthy packing,适于海运的包装,packing list,装箱单,Language Points,.,18,packing n. 包装 Language Point,Language Points,are susceptible to,:,对,.,敏感的,;,容易受到,.,be susceptible to cold,易感冒的,in seaworthy,:,适合海运的,第,321,号订单项下的货物须用适于海运的木箱包装。,The goods under Order No.321 shall be packed in seaworthy wooden cases.,return,.,19,Language Pointsare susceptible,transit:,n.,通过;运输,during transit,in transit,货物在运输中受损。,The cargo is damaged during transit.,Language Points,return,.,20,transit: n. 通过;运输 Language,Urging Shipment,(催促装船),Dear Sirs,We are very anxious to know about the shipment of our order for 500 dozens of mens shirts.,According to,the terms of Contract 96COT491, the shipment is to be effected by April 15, 2014. However, up to now we have not received from you any information,concerning this lot,. We recall that we stated explicitly at the outset the importance of punctual execution of this order.,As the selling season is rapidly approaching, we shall appreciate it very much if you will,arrange shipment as soon as possible, thus enabling the goods to catch the brisk demand (,不断的需求,) at the start of the season.,.,21,Urging Shipment(催促装船) Dear Sir,Urging Shipment,(催促装船),We are,in urgent need of,the goods. Please do,make serious efforts,to,get the goods dispatched,with the least possible delay. Otherwise, we shall be compelled to,cancel this order,.,Yours faithfully,.,22,Urging Shipment(催促装船) We ar,Language Points,up to now,:,到目前为止,up to the present/moment,up to ,,用于时间,意为“一直到,”,concerning this lot,:,关于这一批货,lot:(,货物,商品等,),一批,一堆,一组,一套,return,.,23,Language Pointsup to now :到目前为,Language Points,We recall that we stated explicitly at the outset the importance of punctual execution of this order.,recall,:,vt.,使回忆,回想,;,使想起;叫回,召回,recall my schooldays,回忆起我的学生时代,explicitly,:,adv.,明白地,明确地,at in the outset,在开头时,from the outset,从一开始,punctual,:adj.,准时的,严守时间的,按期的,execution,: n.,实行,实施,;,执,履,行,完成,return,.,24,Language Points We recall t,Language Points,As the selling season is rapidly approaching, we shall appreciate it very much if you will arrange shipment as soon as possible.,selling season,销售旺季,peak/busy/boom season,旺季,dull/slack/off season,淡季,Approaching:,向,.,靠近,;,接近,走近,The date of shipment is approaching.,return,.,25,Language Points As the selli,About Shipping Advice,装船通知,The seller should let the buyer know as soon as the shipment is effected, by sending the buyer the shipping advice together with a set of shipping documents.,.,26,About Shipping Advice装船通知 The,Shipping Advice,(装船通知),Shipping Advice contains:,the date and number of Bill of Lading,the date and number of the Contract,the names of commodities and their quantity and value,the name of the carrying vessel,the name of the shipping port/loading port,the estimated time of departure (ETD),the name of the destination port,the estimated time of arrival (ETA),.,27,Shipping Advice(装船通知)Shipping,Sample: Shipping Advice,Dear Mr. Wood:,The goods of 4,500 strands of wool you ordered May 28 were shipped this morning according to the stipulated set forth in the captioned L/C No. 996.,The following copies of shipping documents are enclosed so that you may find no trouble in,taking delivery of,the goods when they arrive:,invoice No. 36 in duplicate,Packing list No. 43 in duplicate,Non-negotiable,Bill of Lading,No. PW 790,Insurance Policy,No. HK453,Survey Report No. SR576,We hope the goods will arrive at the destination in perfect condition and appreciate very much your cooperation. We look forward to more cooperation between us in the future.,Sincerely yours.,Eric Luo,next,.,28,Sample: Shipping AdviceDear Mr,What is bill of lading?, It is the most important shipping document., It is a contract between the shipper and the shipping company;, It is a receipt for the consignment;, It is a document of title.,About Bill of Lading,提单,Useful Information,.,29,What is bill of lading?About B,B/L,提单,海运提单是装运的重要单证,有三个作用:,货物收据;,在某种条件下履行某种义务的契约;,所述货物所有权的证据。,.,30,B/L 提单海运提单是装运的重要单证,有三个作用:.30,.,31,.31,.,32,.32,Non-negotiable Bill of Lading,不可转让的提单,不可转让提单是指在提单收货人一栏具体填写某人或某企业的名称,这种提单只能由提单上所指定的收货人提货,不能转让。,.,33,Non-negotiable Bill of Lading.,二、提单的种类,根据提单有无批注条款可分为,“清洁提单,(clean B/L ),“不清洁提单”,(unclean B/L),。,清洁提单是指货物在装船时表面状况良好,船公司在提单上,未加任何有关货物受损或包装不良等批注,的提单。,不清洁提单是指船公司在提单上加注,有货物受损或包装不良等批注,的提单。,例如:,2 packages in damaged condition-2,件损坏;,ironstrap loose or missing-,铁条松失,.,34,二、提单的种类.34,.,35,.35,Exercise,.,36,Exercise .36,Translation,We regret the delayed shipment of your order No. 218 for 500 cartons of wine.,Thank you for your order. We trust that the goods met your urgent needs and were to your complete satisfaction.,The delivery date for 500 tons of garlic has now passed. Would you please inform us when we can expect shipment of the goods?,.,37,Translation We regret the dela,Answer,本公司对延误运送贵公司,218,号,500,吨红酒的订单深表歉意。,感谢贵方订单。相信货物能满足贵方急需,并使你们完全满意。,本公司向贵公司订购的,500,吨大蒜商定的交货日期已过,烦请告知确切装运日期。,.,38,Answer 本公司对延误运送贵公司218号500吨红酒的订,Chapter,5,II. Sample Analysis,Letter B Shipping advice,Dear Mr. Wood:,The goods of 4,500,strands of wool you ordered May 28 were shipped this morning according to the stipulation set forth in the captioned L/C No. 996.,The following copies of shipping documents are enclosed so that you may find no trouble in taking delivery of the goods when they arrive:,Invoice No. 36 in duplicate,Packing List No. 43 in duplicate,Non-negotiable Bill of Lading No. PW790,Insurance Policy No. HK453,Survey Report No. SR576,(To be continued),Letters of Shipment,.,39,Chapter5II. Sample AnalysisLet,Chapter,5,II. Sample Analysis,Letter B Shipping advice,(Continued),We hope the goods will arrive at the destination in perfect condition and,appreciate very much your cooperation. We look forward to more,cooperation between us in the future.,Sincerely yours,Eric Luo,Letters of Shipment,.,40,Chapter5II. Sample AnalysisLet,Chapter,5,II. Sample Analysis,1.,Do the letters use direct order or indirect order?,2.,How does the first paragraph in each letter begin?,3.,Does each letter end with goodwill words adapted to,the particular case?,Key:,1. The letters use direct order.,2. The first letter,begins with the statement about an order for three,machines. The second letter opens by informing that the goods,were shipped.,3. Yes, they all end with goodwill words.,Questions for comprehension:,Letters of Shipment,.,41,Chapter5II. Sample Analysis1.,Chapter,5,II. Sample Analysis,4. What is the purpose of each letter?,5. Can you write the outline of each letter?,6. Can you sum up the writing principles of letters of,shipment?,Key:,4. The first letter is to inform shipping arrangement while the,second one is to offer shipping advice.,5. Answers may vary,.,6,. Letters of shipment should be concise and clear so that there will,be no confusion and they will not cause delay in delivery.,Questions for comprehension:,Letters of Shipment,.,42,Chapter5II. Sample Analysis4.,Chapter,5,III. Sample Contrast,Poor,Dear Amada Levis:,We write to advise you that we have today packed and shipped a consignment of garments on board of MV,Pacific Centaur,. The ship will sail from Dalian on April 21 and is due in San Francisco on May 10.,We have the garments well packed and properly marked on every case so that you can have easy time when taking delivery.,We have sent a full set of clean on board shipping companys B/L in triplicate, endorsed and marked as per instructions, together with certificate of origin, invoice (4 copies) and insurance certificate (2 copies) to Bank of China. I believe they can forward them to First California Commercial Bank in Los Angeles for payment .,We trust we have done everything to facilitate the transaction for you.,Yours faithfully,Allison Hu,Letters of Shipment,.,43,Chapter5III. Sample ContrastPo,Chapter,5,III. Sample Contrast,Improved,Dear Amada Levis:,You will be happy to know that a consignment of garments you ordered under the Contract 22/003/4 has been packed and shipped today on board of MV,Pacific Centaur,. The ship will sail from Dalian on April 21 and is due in San Francisco on May 10.,The garments are in 10 wooden packing cases, numbered 1 to 10 and marked SKO LA 4/12.,A full set of clean on board shipping companys B/L in triplicate, endorsed and marked as per instructions, together with certificate of origin, invoice (4 copies) and insurance certificate (2 copies) has been sent to Bank of China, who will forward them to First California Commercial Bank in Los Angeles for payment .,We hope you will find every thing in order.,Sincerely,Allison Hu,Letters of Shipment,.,44,Chapter5III. Sample ContrastIm,Chapter,5,这是两封卖方发给买方的装船通知。,第一封信基本符合装船通知的要求,但信息不全,没有货物的合同号,有些信息比较笼统,比如包装和唛头。另外,写作角度以,“,我,”,为中心,几乎每句话都以第一人称开始,不利于双方良好关系的建立。,改进后的信件采用第二人称,让人感到亲切,而且信息具体,、,完整。,III. Sample Contrast,Letters of Shipment,.,45,Chapter5这是两封卖方发给买方的装船通知。III. S,Chapter,5,Thank you for the receipt of your L/C No. Mc-189. We are pleased to advise you that your order has been shipped on board of,Liner Gallantry,which is scheduled to sail,感谢贵方提供,Mc-189,号信用证。我方很高兴通知贵方订单项下的货物已装上“勇敢号”客轮,按计划开往,Providing information about delivery of goods,Letters of Shipment,IV. Useful Patterns and Sentences,.,46,Chapter5Thank you for the rece,Chapter,5,Thanks for your letter of April 6 requesting earlier delivery of goods under your purchase contract,很高兴收到,贵,方,4,月,6,日函询问,采购合同项下货物提前装运一事。,Providing information about delivery of goods,Letters of Shipment,Next week we shall have a consignment of 20 cases ready to be sent to our customer in Manchester.,下周我方将有,20,箱货物可以运给曼切斯特的顾客。,IV. Useful Patterns and Sentences,.,47,Chapter5Thanks for your letter,Chapter,5,Please deliver/forward the goods cases/bales by air freight / by the next container ship / by the first available vessel / by rail / by refrigerated van / by container truck to,敬请交付,/,寄发该批箱装,/,捆装货物,通过航空,/,下一班集装箱,/,第一班货船,/,铁路,/,冷藏车,/,货柜车运往,Providing information about delivery of goods,Letters of Shipment,IV. Useful Patterns and Sentences,.,48,Chapter5Please deliver/forward,Chapter,5,The goods will be packed in cartons, each measuring about cm and weighing about kg.,货物将分装为,纸板箱,每箱体积为,厘米,重,千克。,Packing information,Letters of Shipment,IV. Useful Patterns and Sentences,.,49,Chapter5The goods will be pack,Chapter,5,Please ensure that the goods are well packed / that instructions are strictly observed / that the goods are not stored in the open.,请确保货物包装完好,/,严格遵守指南,/,货物不要露天储存。,Packing information,Letters of Shipment,IV. Useful Patterns and Sentences,.,50,Chapter5Please ensure that the,Chapter,5,Please deliver/forward the goods at the best possible rates / on the terms agreed upon / according to our instructions of,敬请以最优惠汇率,/,按照双方议付的条件,/,根据我方,的指示交付,/,寄发该批货物。,Information about terms of payment,Letters of Shipment,IV. Useful Patterns and Sentences,.,51,Chapter5Please deliver/forward,Chapter,5,As arranged we would ask you to open an irrevocable Letter of Credit in our favor and shall hand over shipping documents against acceptance of our draft.,按照约定,我方要求贵方开具以我方为抬头的不可撤销信用证,并提交装运单据的承兑汇票。,Information about terms of payment,Letters of Shipment,IV. Useful Patterns and Sentences,.,52,Chapter5As arranged we would a,Chapter,5,In view of the small amount of this transaction, we are prepared to accept payment by D/P at,sight for value of the goods shipped.,鉴于此次交易数额较小,我方将同意按运输货物的价值即期付款交单。,Information about terms of payment,Letters of Shipment,IV. Useful Patterns and Sentences,.,53,Chapter5In view of the small a,Chapter,5,In keeping with our usual terms of payment we have drawn on you at 60 days and passed the,draft and shipping document to our banker.,为与我方惯常付款条件保持一致,我方已向贵方银行开立,60,天远期汇票,并已将汇票及装运单据呈交我方银行。,Information about terms of payment,Letters of Shipment,IV. Useful Patterns and Sentences,.,54,Chapter5In keeping with our us,Chapter,5,We enclose your shipping instruction form, duly completed, together with commercial invoice in triplicate and certificate of origin.,我方随函附上按贵方要求填写的装运指示表、一式三份的商业发票和原产地证书。,Shipping information,Letters of Shipment,If there is any likelihood of delay we would prefer to have the goods sent by air.,若出现任何延迟的可能,我方希望空运该批货物。,IV. Useful Patterns and Sentences,.,55,Chapter5We enclose your shippi,Chapter,5,As there is no direct sailing from Dalian to your port in June, it is imperative for you to delete the clause,“,by direct steamer,”,and insert the wording,“,Partial shipment and transshipment are allowed.,”,由于大连到贵方港口,6,月没有直达货船,需贵方即刻将合同中,“,通过直达轮船运输,”,条款删除,并添加,“,允许分批装运和转船,”,字句。,Shipping information,Letters of Shipment,IV. Useful Patterns and Sentences,.,56,Chapter5As there is no direct,Chapter,5,Owing to the late arrival of the steamer on,which we have booked space, we would,appreciate your extending the shipment date,and validity of your L/C No. 4578 to January 28,and February 14 respectively.,由于我方订舱的货轮晚到,我方希望贵方将装运期和贵方,4578,号信用证的有效期分别延长至,1,月,28,日和,2,月,14,日。,Shipping information,Letters of Shipment,IV. Useful Patterns and Sentences,.,57,Chapter5Owing to the late arri,Chapter,5,The shipment covered by your Letter of Credit No. 469 has been ready for quite some time, but the amendment advice has not arrived yet, now an extension of 15 days is required.,由于贵方,469,号信用证下货物的装运事宜早已办妥,但是由于修改通知尚未送达,因此货运事件需要延后,15,天。,Shipping information,Letters of Shipment,IV. Useful Patterns and Sentences,.,58,Chapter5The shipment covered b,Chapter,5,Dear Sirs:,Referring to our letters, we wish to call your attention to the fact that up to the present moment no news has come from you about the shipment.,As you have been informed in one of our previous letters, the users are in urgent need of the machine and in fact pressing us for an early delivery.,Under such circumstances, it is impossible for us extend L/C again. We feel it our duty to remind you of this matter. When will you be ready to ship the goods?,Yours faithfully,XXX,Letters of Shipment,Additional exercise: improve the letter,.,59,Chapter5Dear Sirs:Letters of S,Chapter,5,Dear Mr. White:,Would you please look into the execution of the delivery for our order No.696 on Personal Computers Model PC898 which should have reached us 10 days ago.,On 3rd August our company send you an order for 500 Personal Computers Model PC898, stressing the importance of delivery by 10th October at the latest. However, up to now, we have received no acknowledgement of the order, nor have the computers delivered to us. Apparently some mistake must have been made in the processing of this order.,(To be continued),Sample version,Letters of Shipment,.,60,Chapter5Dear Mr. White: Sampl,Chapter,5,(Continued),Failure to collect the goods in time is


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