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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Lesson 30,Football or polo?,Lesson 30,rowing the boat,Lets sing!,rowing the boatLets sing!,Do you like ball games?,soccer ball,basketball,baseball,ping-pong bat,badminton racket,shuttlecock,毽球,Do you like ball games?soccer,playing polo,What were they doing?,playing poloWhat were they doi,Playing football,Kicking the ball,Playing football,at nine oclock last Sunday?,What,were,the Greens,doing,Mr Green,Mrs Green,Tom,Jim & Kate,at nine oclock last Sunday?Wh,I _ a song.,He _ the dog.,She _ a game.,It _ its teeth.,We _ the room.,You _ lunch.,They _ some trees.,Woo, yeah.,was singing,was feeding,was playing,was brushing,were tidying,were having,were planting,I _ a song.was,Last Saturday morning the man upstairs heard the sound of children playing in the park.,What did he see when he looked out of his window.,1.the man in the,building,2. the men by,the lake,3. the man in the,park,4. the girls,5. the boys,6. the women,7. the people on,the lake,Ask and answer in pairs,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,Last Saturday morning the man,polo pulu n.,水球,Waylen.,威尔(河名),cut kt (cut, cut)v.,穿过,row ru v.,划(船),kick kikv.,踢,towardstw:dzprep.,朝,向,nearly nili adv.,几乎,sightsaitn.,眼界,视域,Words,polo pulu n. 水球Waylen.,*cut,v.,穿过,cut across,直着穿过,这个条河横穿过公园。,The river cuts across the park.,cut a corner,走捷径,cut sth. into pieces,cut off electricity,如果你不交房租,我就断水断电,。,If you dont pay the rent, I will cut off the water and electricity.,*cut v. 穿过,sight,n.,眼界,视域,catch sight of,看见,What can you catch sight of?,out of sight,在视线之外,in sight,在视线之内,眼不见心不烦,out of sight, out of mind.,一见钟情。,Love at first sight.,sight n. 眼界, 视域,the river,bank,bANk, n.,岸,;,堤,bank,银行,What banks do you know?,the river bank bANk n.岸; 堤,Bank of China,Bank of China,Industrial and Commercial Bank of China,Industrial and Commercial B,Bank of Communications,Bank of Communications,China Construction Bank,China Construction Bank,Agricultural Bank,Agricultural Bank,China Merchants Bank,China Merchants Bank,Football or polo?,Football or polo?,Enjoy the story,1.,What was the weather like last Sunday?,2. What was the writer doing last Sunday?,3. What were some children doing on the,bank?,4. What were the people on the river doing?,5. What happened to the man in the boat?,6. Was the man angry or not?,Enjoy the story1. What was the,威尔,The wayle,横穿,cut across,威尔河是横穿过我家附近公园的一条小河。,The wayle is a small river that,cuts across,the park near my home.,威尔,在天气晴朗的下午,on fine afternoons,在威尔河边,by,the Wayle,我喜欢在天气晴朗的下午到河边坐坐。,I like sitting,by,the Wayle,on fine afternoons,.,在天气晴朗的下午,和往常一样,as usual,河边,river bank,上星期日天气很暖和。于是我和往常一样,又去河边坐着。,It was warm last Sunday, so I went and sat on the river bank,as usual,.,和往常一样,河岸上,on the bank,划船,row,河岸上有些孩子正在玩耍,河面上有些人正在划船。,Some children were playing games,on the bank,and there were some people,rowing,on the river.,河岸上,突然,Suddenly,踢了一脚球,kick a ball,过来的小船,a passing boat,向着,towards,突然,一个孩子狠狠地踢了一脚球,球便向着一只划过来的小船飞去。,Suddenly, one of the children kicked a ball very hard and it went,towards,a,passing boat,.,突然,高喊,call out,岸上的一些人对着小船上的人高喊,但他没有听见。,Some people on the bank,called out to,the man in the boat, but he did not hear them.,高喊,落入,fall into,如此,以致于,sothat,球重重地打在他身上,使他差点儿落入水中。,The ball struck him,so,hard,that,he,nearly fell into,the water.,落入,看得见,in sight,逃跑,run away,转过头去看那些孩子,但一个也不见,全都跑了!,I turned to look at the children, but there werent any,in sight,: they had all,run away,!,看得见,明白,realize,当那个人明白了发生的事情时,笑了起来。他大声叫着那些孩子,把球仍回到岸上。,The man laughed when he,realized,what had happened. He called out to the children and,threw,the ball back to the bank.,明白,Chinese-English,威尔河是横穿过我家附近公园的一条小河。,The wayle is a small river that,cuts across,the park near my home.,我喜欢在天气晴朗的下午到河边坐坐。,I like sitting,by,the Wayle,on fine afternoons,.,上星期日天气很暖和。于是我和往常一样,又去河边坐着。,It was warm last Sunday, so I went and sat on the river bank,as usual,.,Chinese-English威尔河是横穿过我家附近公园的一,Chinese-English,河岸上有些孩子正在玩耍,河面上有些人正在划船。,Some children were playing games,on the bank,and there were some people,rowing,on the river.,突然,一个孩子狠狠地踢了一脚球,球便向着一只划过来的小船飞去。,Suddenly, one of the children kicked a ball very hard and it went,towards,a,passing boat,.,岸上的一些人对着小船上的人高喊,但他没有听见。,Some people on the bank,called out to,the man in the boat, but he did not hear them.,Chinese-English河岸上有些孩子正在玩耍,河面上,Chinese-English,球重重地打在他身上,使他差点儿落入水中。,The ball struck him,so,hard,that,he,nearly fell into,the water.,转过头去看那些孩子,但一个也不见,全都跑了!,I turned to look at the children, but there werent any,in sight,: they had all,run away,!,当那个人明白了发生的事情时,笑了起来。他大声叫着那些孩子,把球仍回到岸上。,The man laughed when he,realized,what had happened. He called out to the children and,threw,the ball back to the bank.,Chinese-English球重重地打在他身上,使他差点儿,Fill in the blanks,The Wayle is a small river that,cuts across,the park near my home. I like sitting,by,the Wayle,on fine afternoons,. It was warm last Sunday, so I went and sat on the river bank,as usual,. Some children were playing games,on the bank,and there were some people,rowing,on the river.,Suddenly, one of the children kicked a ball very hard and it went,towards,a,passing boat,. Some people on the bank,called out to,the man in the boat, but he did not hear them. The ball struck him,so,hard,that,he,nearly fell into,the water. I turned to look at the children, but there werent any,in sight,: they had all,run away,! The man laughed when he,realized,what had happened. He called out to the children and,threw,the ball back to the bank.,cvcv,cvcv,cvcv,cvcv,cvcv,cvcv,cvcv,cvcv,cvcv,cvcv,cvcv,cvcv,cvcv,cvcv,cvcv,cvcv,cvcv,cvcv,cvcv,cvcv,cvcv,Fill in the blanksThe Wayle is,Retell the story,Imagine : the man in the story thought the children had kicked the ball towards him on purpose. Retell the rest of the story,The Wayle, cut across, like sitting, warm, as usual, were playing games, rowing, suddenly, kick, hard, went towards, called out to, did not hear, struck, so that, fell, turned to look at, in sight, had run away, laughed, realized, threw back,Retell the storyImagine : the,The Wayle,like sitting by,as usual,kickedtowards,playing games, rowing,call out-did not hear,struck, nearly fell into,in sight, run away,realized, threw,The Waylelike sitting byas us,1.,The Wayle,冠词,: a/an, the,代词,some, any,2. Cut across cross,like doing sth. like to do sth.,by,/ near / beside / next to the Wayle,on,fine afternoons,as usual , usually,there be doing,a passing boat, a sleeping baby,call out to / at,listen, listen to, hear, hear of, hear from,so that , such that, so that,nearly = almost,in sight , out of sight,run away,real, really, realize,look , look at, see, watch, read,key structures,1. The Wayle 冠词: a/an, the 代,so that 以便,以致,eg: 1)Ed 借给我一把雨伞,好让我不被雨淋湿。,Ed lent me an umbrella _ I wouldnt,get wet in the rain.,2)我将我写的东西复习了一遍又一遍,以便不会出错。,I went over what I had written _,_ so that I wouldnt _.,so +,adj / adv,+ that +,句子,3),这套衣服很贵,我没买。,The suit cost _ much _ I didnt,buy it.,4) 那次旅游很便宜,他们都去了。,The trip cost _ _ _,they all went.,so that,so that,again and,again make any mistakes,so little that,cheap,so that 以便,以致so that so,引导结果状语从句的连词主要有,so/suchthat,so that,等。,1) so.that,结构在某种情况下可以与,enough to,和,too.to,结构相互转换。例如,:,She is so short that she cant reach the buttons of the lift. =She is too short to reach the buttons of the lift.,2)so that,也可以引导结果状语从句,意为,结果是,;,以致于,。例如,:,They missed the bus so that they were late for class.,注,:so that,也可引导目的状语从句,此时可用,to,或,in order to,替换,将其改为简单句。例如,:,He got up early so that he could get to school on time. =He got up early to get to school on time. =In order to get to school on time,he got up early.,引导结果状语从句的连词主要有,比较,sothat,与,so that,so that,可引导结果状语从句,也可引导目的状语从句。,(,1,)引导结果状语从句,意为“因此,所以”,主句和从句间常用逗号分开,一般不与情态动词连用。,Nothing more was heard of him,,,so that people thought that he was dead.,未再听到他的消息,以致人们认为他已死去了。,I was caught in a heavy rain,,,so that all my clothes got wet.,我被大雨淋了,所以衣服全都湿了。,(,2,)引导目的状语从句,意为“为了,以便”,通常从句中用,may,,,might,,,can,,,could,等情态动词。,We left early so that we could catch the first bus.,我们很早出发,以便能赶上第一班汽车。,Speak clearly so that we may understand you.,讲话要清楚,以便我们能听明白。,注意:,so that,引导目的状语从句时,可用,in order that(,以便,为了)替换,以上两句中的,so that,均可换成,in order that,。,比较sothat与so that,比较,sothat,与,suchthat,sothat,的句型构成是,so+adj./adv.+that;suchthat,的句型构成是,such+a(n)+adj.+n.+that;such+adj.+,不可数名词,+that;such+adj.+,复数名词,+that,。,He caught such a bad cold that he coughed day and night.,他得了重感冒以致日夜地咳嗽。,It is such fine weather that we will go swimming.,今天天气那么好我们将去游泳。,They are such small shoes that I cant put them on.,这双鞋这么小我穿不上。,注意:“,such+a(n)+adj.+,单数名词”结构可以与“,so+adj.+a(n)+,单数名词”结构互换,其他结构则不可互换。,It was such a lovely day that we decided to go outing.,It was so lovely a day that we decided to go outing.,比较sothat与suchthat,(2),当名词前有,many,,,much,,,few,,,little,修饰时,前面应用,so,,即,so+many (much,,,few,,,little) + n.+that-clause,从句,The Smiths had so many children that they formed their own basketball team.,史密斯一家有这么多孩子,他们组成了自己的篮球队。,There was so little water left that only small children were given some.,留下的水不多了,只给小孩分了一些。,sothat“,如此,以至于,”,,引导结果状语从句;,so,部分放在句首时,句子要倒装。,He was so excited that he could not speak.,So excited was he that he could not speak.,The box is so heavy that nobody can lift it.,So heavy is the box that nobody can lift it.,(2)当名词前有many,much,few,little修,他努力学习,以便取得好成绩。,He works hard _ he can get good,result.,2. 老师写得很仔细,是为了让我们看得清楚。,The teacher wrote carefully _ we,could see clearly.,3. 他太伤心了,以致说不出一个字来。,He is _he cant say a word.,4.妹妹身体太弱了,不能再走了。,My sister is _ she cant walk,farther.,5.他跳得很远,所以得了第一名。,He jumped _he,got the first place.,so that,so that,so sad that,so weak that,so far that,他努力学习,以便取得好成绩。 so thatso that,Rewrite the following sentences using “sothat”,1.The camera cost very much. I didnt buy one.,2.The trip cost very little. They all went.,3.The star is very far away. We cant see it with out eyes.,4.Ed lent me an umbrella,(以便我不会在雨中淋湿,).,5.Miyoko bought a camera (,以便她能在北京拍照,).,The camera cost,so much that,I didnt buy one.,The trip cost,so little that,they all went.,The star is,so far away that,we cant see it with our eyes.,Ed lent me an umbrella,so that,I wouldnt get wet in,the rain.,Miyoko bought a camera,so that,she could take,pictures in Beijing.,Rewrite the following sentence,The little boy saved every coin_ _he could buy his mother a present on Mothers day.,(用所给的短语填空,每个短语只能用一次),She bought a digital camera online _she would save a lot of time.,A.so that B.as soon as C.no matter D.such that,_fine day it is today!,Yes,the sunshine is_beautiful that Id like to go swimming in the sea.,A. How, such B. What a, very C. How, so D. What a, so,4.,当球迷们看到贝克汉姆的时候,他们如此激动以致于大喊大叫。(根据中文意思完成句子, 每空一词。),When the football fans saw Beckham, they got_excited_they cried out.,5. The camera is _expensive_ I cant afford it.,A. so, that B. such, that C. so, as to D. enough, that,so that,A,D,so that,A,The little boy saved every coi,6. Miss Gao asked a question, but it was_that nobody,could answer it.,A.very difficult B. too difficult C. difficult enough D. so difficult,7. David was so careless that he didnt find the mistakes in his test,paper.,(变为简单句),David was_careless_find the mistakes in his,test paper.,8. A,:,The boy is so young that he cant look after himself.,B,:,The boy is not_to look after himself.,(改写句子,使,B,句与,A,句意思相近),9. The stone is so heavy that I cant lift it up. It is_a heavy,stone_I cant lift it up.,(改写句子),D,too to,old enough,such,that,6. Miss Gao asked a question,


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