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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Lesson 39 Nothing to worry about,Lesson 39 Nothing to worry a,新概念英语-第三册39课时课件,rough adj.(no smooth),崎岖不平的;粗糙的,粗略的;粗野的,粗略的草稿,rough draft,rough idea,大致的想法,be rough,on,sb,对某人苛刻、无礼,-Don,t be rough on your friends.,cut up,rough,发脾气,-We,d better not cut up rough.,rough adj.(no smooth),pit v.,使变得坑坑洼洼,n.,坑,陷阱,-Smallpox scars had pitted his face.,-,生天花后留下的疤痕使得他的脸坑坑洼洼的。,A fall into a pit , a gain in your wit.,吃一堑,长一智。,(,钱钟书译),pit v.使变得坑坑洼洼 n.坑,陷阱,perturb v.,(,very upset,)使不安,His threats didnt perturb her,in the least.,be perturbed,about,/,at,sth.,因,.,而不安,-I am perturbed about my,parents health.,词根,turb,表示“打乱”:,dis,turb,搅乱,turb,ulent,骚乱的,perturb v.(very upset)使不安,under,estimate v.,低估,-You underestimated his play, its really fantastic.,estimate v.,估计,粗略的估计,rough estimate,高估,over,estimate,underestimate v. 低估,swerve v.,急转向,-The car swerved,to,the right.,swerve,from,背离,-I will never swerve from my declared policy on this matter.,-,我决不背离我已经宣布的在这个问题上的政策。,swerve v.急转向,scoop v.,(用勺子)挖出,铲出,-She scooped out some sugar.,make,a scoop,(口)走运,赚大钱,抢先得到新闻,-That guy made a scoop.,scoop v.(用勺子)挖出,铲出,hammer v.,(用锤)击打,捶打,n.,铁锤,榔头,-,一群记者在砰砰敲那扇门。,-A crowd of reporters was hammering,on,the door.,under,the hammer,被拍卖,在拍卖,hammer v.(用锤)击打,捶打 n.铁锤,榔头,hammer and tongs,(,tong,钳子),全力以赴地,-I will study English hammer and tongs.,锤子和镰刀(中国共产党党旗图案),hammer and sickles,hammer and tongs (tong 钳子),ominously adv,有预兆地,om,i,nous adj,-Look at those ominous black clouds.,同:,om,e,n n./v,预示着,预兆,-This is a good/bad omen,-The clouds omen rain.,ominously adv有预兆地,rip v.,(,tear,)用力地撕开,-Rip the letter open.,rip one,s mask away,let things rip=let things be,rip,into,攻击,rip,off,(=steal),偷窃,rip,up,the,back,(,美国俚语)背后说坏话,rip v.(tear)用力地撕开,petrol n.,汽油,petrol,eum,石油,Sinopetrol,中国石油(,Sinopec,中国石化),Sino,中国的(拉丁语系),China,古印度语系,Sina,新浪,加油站,petrol station,(,英,式英语),(,美,式英语),gas,station,petrol n.汽油,stretch n.,一大片,a stretch of land,a stretch of water,at,a stretch,连续地,不停顿地,-We worked for hours at a stretch.,-He is unable to work for long stretches.,stretch n.一大片,也可作动词:,stretch,out,伸出,-He stretched out his hand to get the apple.,stretch,到了极限,-,春节期间交通运输到了极限。,-Transport was rather stretched in the Spring Festival.,也可作动词:,obstacle n.,障碍,-Lack of education is an obstacle to success.,constitute,an obstacle,to,构成,障碍,constitution n.,宪法,remove,/,overcome,an obstacle,克服障碍,put,obstacle in sb,s way,妨碍某人的发展,obstacle,to,“,to,”,Key/answer/advantage/disadvantage/,admission/damage +,to,obstacle n.障碍,【,辨,】,ob,stacle/,ob,struction/hindrance,比较:,obstacle,阻于途中,的物体,也指受阻碍的状况,obstruction,障碍物,,阻塞,通道的东西,-There must be an obstruction in the pipe.,hindrance,阻碍事物发展的人或物,重点在,妨碍,事物的,发展,-You are more of hindrance than help.,【辨】,clump,n.,丛,,簇,a clump of,一丛,一簇,-Do you see clump of trees over there?,类:,bunch,n.,串,/,束,a bunch of flowers,一束花,a bunch of grapes,一串葡萄,cluster,n.,串,/,簇,a cluster of,v.,结成群,-The passengers clustered together in small groups.,clump n.丛,簇,re,new v.,重复;(使)更新,(使)继续,renew a book,续借一本书,前缀,re-,1,)表示“重新”、“再”:,re,peat,重复,re,view,复习,re,build /,re,construction,重建,re,write,再写,re,read,再读,reunion,团圆,重聚,re,marry,再婚,renew v. 重复;(使)更新,(使)继续,2),表示,回,或,向后”,re,turn,(回来,返回),re,call,(回忆,召回),re,tract,(缩回,取回),3),表示,相反,、,反对“,re,bel,(反叛,谋反),re,verse,(反转,颠倒),re,sist,(反抗,抵抗),2)表示回或向后”,plead n.,恳求,v.,恳求,辩护,plead,for,为,.,辩护,-The lawyer will plead for his innocence.,plead,against,sb.,反驳,-Im afraid I have to plead against you.,plead n.恳求 v.恳求,辩护,gear n.,(汽车)排挡,齿轮,re,verse gear,倒车档,换挡,gear shifting,加速,/,减速,speed,up,/,down,v.,调整,使适合,gear,to,/,towards,调整,-,对这门课程作了调整,从而更适合学生的特殊要求。,-The course had been geared towards,the specific needs of students.,gear n.(汽车)排挡,齿轮,astride prep.,跨在,.,上,sit astride,骑着(,=ride,),骑着马,sit astride horse,astride prep.跨在.上,crack n.,缝隙,破裂声,The crack of dawn,破晓,黎明时分,-She woke up at the crack of dawn.,-,她一早就醒了。,v.,(使)破裂,(使)发出爆裂声,-,那个男孩的手臂骨折了。,-The boy has cracked a bone in his arm.,crack n.缝隙,破裂声,zigzag,n.,“之”字形,adj.,“之”字形的,v.,使曲折,“之”字形道路,zigzag road,a zigzag line,曲折线,-The road,descend,ed the mountain in a series of zigzags.,de,scend-,a,scend,-,道路沿着山势呈“之”字形盘下来。,zigzag n.“之”字形,grind v.,摩擦,把小麦磨成面粉,grind wheat,into,flour,grind sth to pieces,把,.,弄成碎片,grind one,s teeth,in,anger,气得咬牙切齿,grind v.摩擦,halt n.,(暂时的)停(,=stop,),-They halt for a few minutes.,come to,a halt,停止,【,辨,】,1,),stop,最,普通,的用语,可代替,cease(formal),halt,2,),cease,非常,正式,的用词,表示中止,-The heart will cease to beat when life ceased.,3,),pause,暂停,-He paused for,a breath.,halt n.(暂时的)停(=stop),dashboard n.(,汽车上的)仪表盘,-board,表示“板”:,blackboard,黑板,backboard,篮板,chessboard,棋盘,breadboard,擀面板,billboard,广告牌,surfboard,冲浪板,dashboard n.(汽车上的)仪表盘,Text,:,(,L1,),The,rough,road across the plain soon became so bad that we tried to get Bruce to drive back to the village we had come from.,Text:,(,L1,),rough, road,崎岖的道路, weather,恶劣的天气, sea,波涛汹涌的大海, temper,火爆脾气, life,艰苦的生活, draft,初稿, estimate,粗略估计, job,粗活,(L1)rough,Text,:,(,L2,),Even though the road,was littered with,boulders and pitted with holes,Bruce was not in the least perturbed.,Text:,(,L3,),be littered with,布满,相关:,be filled,with,充满,be stuffed with,塞满,be scattered with,散布着,be,dot,ted with,点缀着,be covered with,覆盖着,-Her heart was filled with gratitude.,-His head is stuffed with silly romantic ideas.,-,他满脑子天真的想法。,(L3)be littered with 布满,Text,:,(,L4,),Glancing at his map, he,informed,us that the next village was a mere twenty miles away.,It was not that Bruce always underestimated difficulties.,He simply had no sense of danger at all.,Text:,(,L5,),inform sb.,of,“,通知,告知”,give notice,to,sb./ not,ify,sb. to do sth. /,advise sb.,of,/,instruct sb. to do sth./,message sb. to do.,(L5)inform sb. of,Text,:,(,L9,),As we bumped over the dusty track, we swerved to avoid large boulders.,The wheels scooped up stones which hammered ominously under the car.,Text:,Text,:,(,L10,),We felt sure that sooner or later a stone would rip a hole in our petrol tank or damage the engine.,Because of this, we kept looking back, wondering if we were leaving a trail of oil and petrol behind us.,Text:,Text,:,(,L13,),What a relief it was when the boulders suddenly disappeared, giving way to a stretch of plain where the only obstacles were clumps of bushes.,But there was worse to come.,Just ahead of us there was a huge fissure.,Text:,Text,:,(,L15,),In response to renewed pleadings, Bruce stopped.,Though we all got out to examine the fissure, he,remained in the car.,We informed him that the fissure extended for fifty yards and was two feet wide and four feet deep.,Even this had no effect.,Text:,(,L15,),in response to,“,回应”,make,a response to /,in,answer to /,give feedback to/,provide sb.,with,feeback /,have feedback,from,/,feed back sth. to,(L15)in response to,Text,:,(,L15,),Bruce engaged low gear and drove at a terrifying speed, keeping the front wheels astride the crack as he followed its zig-zag course.,Before we had time to worry about what might happen, we were back on the plain again.,Text:,Text,:,(,L19,),Bruce,consulted,the map once more and told us that the village was now only fifteen miles away.,Text:,(,L19,),consult map,查地图, dictionary,查字典,with,sb.,和某人商议, sb.,about,就,征求某人意见, doctor,看医生, ones,pillow,彻夜思考,(L19)consult map 查地图,Text,:,(,L15,),Our next obstacle was a shallow pool of water about half a mile across.,Bruce charged at it, but in the middle, the car came to a grinding halt.,A yellow light on the dash- board flashed angrily and Bruce cheerfully announced that there was no oil in the engine!,Text:,穿越平原的道路高低不平,开车走了不远,路面愈加崎岖。我们想劝说布鲁斯把车开回我们出发的那个村庄去。尽管路面布满石头,坑坑洼洼,但布鲁斯却一点儿不慌乱。他瞥了一眼地图,告诉我们前面再走不到,20,英里就是一个村庄。这并不是说布鲁斯总是低估困难,而是他压根儿没有一点儿危险感。他认为不管路面情况如何,车必须以最高速度前进。,我们在尘士飞扬的道路上颠簸,车子东拐西弯,以躲开那些大圆石。车轮搅起的石块锤击车身,发出不祥的锤击声。我们想念迟早会飞起一个石块把油箱砸开一个窟窿,或者把发动机砸坏。因此,我们不时地掉过头,怀疑车后是否留下了机油和汽油的痕迹。,突然大石块不见了,前面是一片平地,唯一的障碍只有一簇簇灌木丛。这使我们长长地松了口气。但是更糟糕的事情在等着我们,离我们不远处,出现一个大裂缝。我们再次央求布鲁斯小心,他这才把车停了下来。我们纷纷下车察看那个大裂缝,他却呆在车上。我们告诉他那个大裂缝长,50,码,宽,2,英尺,深,4,英尺。这也没有对他产生任何影响。布鲁斯挂上慢档,把两只前轮分别搁在裂缝的两边,顺着弯弯曲曲的裂缝,以发疯的速度向前开去。我们还未来得及担心后果,车已重新开上了平地。布鲁斯又看了一眼地图,告诉我们那座村庄离我们只有,15,英里了。下一个障碍是一片约半英里宽的浅水塘。布鲁斯向水塘冲去,但车开到水塘当中,嘎吱一声停住了。仪表盘一盏黄灯闪着刺眼的光芒,布鲁斯兴致勃勃地宣布发动机里没油了!,穿越平原的道路高低不平,开车走了不远,路面愈加崎岖。我们想劝,Practice makes perfect!,Practice makes perfect!,


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