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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2020/8/20,#,Unit1 Women of Achievement,Listening,&,Speaking,Unit1 Women of Achievement,1,Review some important words and expressions,Review some important words an,2,Question:,What is your perfect job?,Question:,3,doctor,judge,doctorjudge,4,teacher,constructor,teacherconstructor,5,policeman,engineer,policemanengineer,6,Question:Are women given a fair chance to have a good career?,Question:Are women given a fa,7,Task 1 Main idea,Listen to the tape for the first time and try to write down some key words and get the main idea.,A.,Why is it hard for women to balance her work and home?,B.,Why dont women have fair chances in their careers?,C.,Why do women have fewer chances to get an education?,Task 1 Main ideaListe,8,Task2 Topic sentence,Listen to the tape for,the second,time and decide if the statements are true or false.,1.Women are given fair chance to have as good a career as men. 2.Girls often leave school earlier than boys if there is little money in the family.,3.Most people who run companies are women.,4.Looking after children is considered as womens work.,5.Men can work long hours and go on business trips.,F,T,F,T,T,Task2 Topic sentenceListen to,9,Task3,Detailed information,listen to the tape for the third time and fill in the blanks.,Task3 Detailed information,10,I don,t think women are given a fair chance to have,as good as a career as men for,_,reasons.,First, girls have more difficulty getting an,_,than boys. If there is a litter money in the family, boys will get,the_,chance to go to school.,_,girls do begin school, they often leave,_,to help the family or go to work. It is often felt that girls will,_,and,_,another family but that boys must earn money for the family. This way of thinking,_,some girls,_,training for a career.,three,education,first,Even if,earlier,marry,look after,prevents,from,threeeducationfirstEven ifea,11,Second, women have more difficulty getting to the,_,of their chosen career. Most people who run companies are men. So they choose other men to,_,them. This means that women get,_,chances to show how good they are at running businesses. Unless they are given the,_, they will never be able to show that they can run companies successfully.,top,succeed,fewer,opportunity,Second, women have more di,12,Third, women are more likely to,_,their careers to,_,children or run the house.This is because these kinds of responsibilities are,_,women,s work.,_, men dont have this problem. They can work long hours and go on business trips. They can improve their career chances since the family is cared for at home.,give up,look after,considered,However,Third, women are more likely t,13,Speaking,Think of some,adjectives,to describe a person.,Speaking Think of some adjecti,14,Thingk about more adjectives,Great women,.,determined,unselfish,considerate,devoted,Thingk about more adjectivesGr,15,Make up a dialogue,A:,In face of the competitive job market, women should be,B:,I agree with you,/I cant agree more, because,being ,can ,B:,I dont agree with you. I think ,Make up a dialogueA: In face o,16,Summary,Listening tips: 1.Catch key words and topic sentences.,2. Take notes.,Speaking: Use Adjs to describle a person.,SummaryListening tips: 1.Catc,17,Homework,Write a short passage to describe a great woman you admire.,Homework,18,1.,近年,越来越多的天鹅选择到伊犁河流域越冬,这与当地实施天然林保护、湿地生态恢复等重点林业工程建设使湿地生态明显改善有很大关系。,2.,校庆在即,学校要求全体师生注重礼仪,热情待客,让从全国各地回母校参加庆祝活动的校友感到宾至如归。,3.,近三十年来,中国社会的快速发展,以及中国和国际交流的扩大,西方媒体从敌视到误读,逐渐改变了对华的片面,报道,4,我们可通过河流触摸历史,把河流和历史抽象成一种符号,赋予河流更加丰富和充满变数的内涵。,5,河流不仅焕发了所有大地景观的活力,且还是重要的经济资源、战略资源和不可替代的文化资源。,6,帮助家境不好的孩子上大学,是我们应该做的,况且这孩子各方面都很优秀,我们一定要帮助她圆大学梦。,7,在那个民族独立和民族解放斗争风起云涌的时代,能激发人们的爱国热情是评判一部文学作品好坏的非常重要的标准。,8,社会大转型的时代,往往也是造就伟人的时代,几乎所有基本领域,都在春秋战国那个充满活力的黄金时代开山立宗并创造了我们民族精神的最高经典。,9,原生文化是一个民族的根基,其体现的精神没有因为经历了两千多年就逐渐消退,当各种复杂的问题困扰我们的时候,每个人都能从中寻找到再生的动力。,1.近年,越来越多的天鹅选择到伊犁河流域越冬,这与当地实施天,19,


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