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单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,北大版,大学英语教程,第一册,Objectives,talk and write about the importance of creativity and imagination during college study;,use about 30 new words and 10 new phrases and expressions in brief conversations, translation and preliminary writing tasks;,use ask if and one argues (believes, points out) that ;,read material of a similar topic and degree of difficulty;,know how to use exact words in writing in terms of their connotations and denotations.,By the end of the unit, students will be better able to,Part I,Language Skill,Part II,Text A Discussion,Part III,Text B Treatment,Writing Awareness,Part I Language Skill,Key Words Made Easy,Key Expressions in Use,Communicative Practice,Tuning In,Listening comprehension,Speaking Task,the fact of not achieving the desired ends; one that fails,a fellow member of a profession, a co-worker,the number of points as the result of an exam,action of judging; opinion formed about something.,unit of study at a university or college,Key Words Made Easy,failure,colleague,score,judgment,credit,n.,失败;失败者,n.,同事,n.,考分,成绩记录,n.,判断,n.,学分,capable, properly qualified,established form of symbols,a part considered in relation to the whole,a college or university teacher who ranks below an assistant professor.,dissatisfaction,Key Words Made Easy,competent,formula,proportion,instructor,discontent,adj.,有能力的; 称职的,n.,公式,n.,比例,n.,教师,讲课人(instruction,n.,),n. 不满意(content) 反义,Key Words Made Easy,John didnt pass the exam, but he doesnt take it as a,failure,.,Q: Is John one of the students who failed in the test?,A: Yes, but he doesnt take it as a,failure,.,Professor Wang and I are,; we work at the same university.,Q: What is the relationship between you and Professor Wang?,A: Professor Wang and I are,colleagues,.,failure,colleagues,Jane is the best student in the class;she always gets a perfect,score,in tests.,Q: How well does Jane always do in her tests?,A: She always gets a perfect,score,in tests.,In my,judgment, the students answer to the question is correct.,Q: What do you think about the students answer to the question?,A: In my,judgment, his/her answer is not wrong.,score,judgment,Ill get four,credits,for the College English course this semester.,Q: How many credits will you get if you pass the College English course this semester?,A: I ll get four,credits,if I pass the course.,Professor Smith is a,competent,teacher;I learned a lot from him.,Q: Is Professor Smith a good teacher? Did you learn from him?,A: Yes. He is a very,competent,teacher and I learned a lot from him.,credits,competent,We have to use a special,formula,to find the answer to this math problem.,Q: How can we find the answer to this math problem?,A: We have to use a special,formula,.,This picture lacks,proportion,;the mans head is too big for the body.,Q: Whats wrong with the picture?,A: The man in the picture is out of,proportion,.,formula,proportion,Miserable! Our language,instructor,makes us do a lot of grammar exercises.,Q: Who makes you feel miserable and why?,A: Our language,instructor,makes me un-happy because he/she wants us to do a lot of grammar exercises.,Mary is not happy with her test result, but she doesnt want to show her,discontent,.,Q: What does Mary want to do with her test result?,A: She doesnt want to show her,discontent,.,instructor,discontent,Key Expressions in Use,stand for,set up against,have another try,be fed up with,with something in mind,对有权利;象征,代表;意思是,制定对不利(的条例、制度等),再试一次,对受够了/烦透了,考虑到某事;想到,have the right for; mean,organize/arrange against,try again,have too much; be disgusted with,thinking of something,Key Expressions in Use,Mr. Green is a competent instructor; he really,stands for,the prize.,Q: Mr. Green is going to get a prize. What do you think about it?,A: He really,stands for,it.,Facts are collected and,set up against,my judgment.,Q: They have collected some facts. What do you think of them?,A: I hope they are not,set up against,my judgment.,stands,for,set up against,Youd better,have another try,;it wont be another failure.,Q: What are you asked to do?,A: I am asked to,have another try,.,Im really,fed up with,all these math formulae!,Q: What do you think of these math formulae?,A: I,am really,fed up,with,them.,W,ith a good sense of proportion in mind, my colleague was able to solve the problem.,Q: How did your colleague solve the problem?,A: He/She solved the problem,with a good sense of propor-tion in mind,.,have another try,fed up with,With a good sense of proportion in mind,Communicative Practice,Tuning In,Words in Sound,imagination,creative,accurate,biologist,fieldwork,solve,direction,crazy,society,rebel,想象力,有创造力的,准确的,生物学家,实地考察,解决(问题),指示,发疯的,社会,叛逆者,1. We often need to be creative to_,problems.,2. To be creative is good, but we also need to be _.,3. My _ helps me get high grades in college.,4. _ thinking helps me make As for my classes.,5. A _ is more accurate in his work than an artist.,6. You want to be creative in word spelling! Are you _?,7. The professor tells us exactly how to do the _.,8. _ are ones who want to break rules.,9. We have to follow the professors _.,10. We are living in a _ of rebels and dreamers.,solve,accurate,imagination,Creative,biologist,crazy,fieldwork,Rebels,directions,society,Idioms in Use,Right, we just have to show that we know the facts.,Right, we just have to,like, show that we know the facts.,like:,a verbal filler that does not add any meaning to a statement. (It is very common in informal conversations among young Americans.),Creative spelling! Its impossible. Youre totally wrong!,Creative spelling! Are you,crazy,?,My writing teacher was really angry.,My writing teacher totally,freaked out,.,crazy:,mad, having lost reason; often used to express surprise or disbelief,freaked out:,get upset, angry, or distressed,Mike, thats totally foolish and wrong.,Mike, thats,totally,messed up,.,Wed finally have a society of rebels.,Wed,end up with,a society of rebels.,messed up:,be foolish or misguided,end up with:,become finally; have the result in the end,Listening Comprehension,Dialogue A,Ally: Right, we just have to, like, show that we know the facts. No creativity or anything.,Ally: Why not?,Mike: Well, we have to follow the professors directions. The professor tells us exactly how to do the fieldwork, and we do it.,Ally: Like little biology machines?,Mike: Exactly.,Ally: And we cant be creative in the exams, either.,Mike: Yeah, they just want the same answer from everyone.,Mike: So you dont think biologists need to be creative?,Ally: Well, we might need to be creative to solve problems, I guess, but we need to be accurate, too.,Mike: So, do you think our biology class gives us a chance to be creative?,Ally: Maybe when we do field-work.,Mike: I dont think so.,Mike: So, Ally, do you think your imagination helps you get high grades in college?,Ally: What do you mean?,Mike: You know, being creative, using your imagination. Does it help you make an “A”?,Ally: What kind of question is that? If I wanted to be creative, Id be an artist, not a biology major.,Ally: Mike, thats totally messed up. Wed end up with a society of rebels.,Mike: Rebels, poets, dreamers! We need people who know how to break the rules.,Ally: OK, I see what you mean, but I still dont think we should have creative spelling.,Ally: Creative spelling! Are you crazy? I guess, for me, being creative in writing means, like, choosing different words and stuff. We still have to have some rules for spelling and grammar and all that.,Mike: I think there are too many rules. College should teach us how to break the rules.,Dialogue B,Mike: So, Ally, do any of your classes give you a higher grade for being creative?,Ally: I dont know. Well, maybe writing class. Writings a creative activity, right?,Mike: Im not so sure about that. I told my writing teacher she should give me extra marks for creative spelling. She totally freaked out.,Speaking Task,Mimetic,A: Do you think your imagination.,(能帮你在考试中取得高分吗)?,can help you get (achieve) high grades in exams,B: Im not sure about that, but rich imagination some-times,. (能使我解决学习中的问题).,helps me solve some problems in my study,A: Well, I dont think my biology class,. (不能给我提供发挥创造力的机会).,gives me some chance to be creative,B: Yeah, we have to follow,(听从老师的指示).,our teachers directions (instructions),A:,And we cant use.( 自已的想像力和创造力) in the exam.,our imagination and creativity in the exams,B:,Right, this is because in exams, . (每个人都必须提供惟一正确的答案).,everyone is expected to give the only correct answers to the questions,Idiomatic,A:,(tells B he/she wants to be creative in spelling) _.,A: Hi, Wang Bin, nice to meet you here. You know, I want to create my own spelling for some English words.,B:,(expresses disbelief and surprise with the word ,crazy,) _!,B: What? Are you crazy? Spelling cant be created. There is only one correct spelling for each word.,A:,(tells B not to be surprised and upset like that, using the expression ,to freak out,) _.,A: Well, don t be freaked out like that. Let me tell you how.,B:,(says if people just break rules, this world will be confused, using the expression ,to be messed up,) _.,B: I know you are kidding. You certainly cant break certain rules in our society. If people keep on breaking rules, this world will be totally messed up.,A:,(says life is boring and rebels are welcome) _.,A: But dont you think our life is really, like, boring? We always follow rules of all kinds. Dont you think life will be more enjoyable if we have some rebels who break rules?,B:,(disagrees and says that if so, the world will be full of crazy people, using the expression ,end up with,) _.,B: Life is boring, Zhang Lan, but the solution is not breaking rules. If people enjoy misspelling words, this world will end up with no language at all, and nobody but crazy people will rule the world.,Creative,I am more imaginative and creative than most of my classmates.,My major doesnt allow much room for independent thinking.,My teacher always freaks out when I solve problems in my own way.,It is wonderful to see people break rules.,think differently,memory,forgetfulness,think wildly,encourage(鼓励),accuracy,a set of rules,most facts,never change,never believe without asking questions,study hard to pass the examinations,work like a machine,follow his/her directions,find solutions to a problem in many ways,scientific evidence (科学证据),humanities (人文学科),give a change to think independently,happy to see a change,Part II Text A Discussion,Introduction,Preview Questions,Text Analysis,Comprehension Questions,Theme or Main Idea,Expanding Questions,Exercises,Introduction,At the request of his colleague, the author worked as a referee on the grading of an examination question. Unusual as the students answer was, it convinced the author that the student stood for full credit. Moreover, the student offered another three unusual answers to the same question afterwards, but he said nothing about the usual one. Later he told the author why he had given such an unexpected answer to the question on the test. The student was actually bored with high school and college instructors, who had been trying to teach him to use the “scientific method” in a pedantic way. And he wanted to show his discontent in disguise of a fool.,Preview Questions,1.,What do you think of our college grading system?,Our college grading system is normally based on a 100-point (score) system. Other typical grading system may be based on a scoring range from A to E in which A stands for “excellent”; B “very good”; C “good”; D “pass” and E “fail”. At some universities, teachers may use other forms of grading.,2.,If you failed in you final exam, how would feel? And what would you do?,Normally in this case, most students would say that if they failed in their exam, they would feel very bad, but they would not give up. They would pluck up their courage, face the challenge and try again. Guide their conversation so that they may ask why they failed. Is it because they focused on the text too much, ignoring building up their problem-solving ability?,Is it because some exam questions have nothing to do with their lecture notes or assignment reading? Or is it because they could not concentrate during the exam because of overnight preparation? Or, to think otherwise, their teachers have put in some silly questions (or questions too difficult) for them? Instead of trying to do better in a “make-up” exam, does it ever occur to them that they approach the teachers and protest (complain)?,3.,What subject do you want to study in college? Why?,While individual students may mostly report the subject they are majoring in at college, the teacher could guide them to compare different subjects in terms of their relevance to personal interests, social needs, meaning to ones life career, etc.,4.,How do you usually prepare for an exam?,Ways of preparing for an exam vary. Students may normally describe what they do when an exam is around the corner. Guide their conversation so that they could realize that exams for different subject may require different ways of preparation.,The Origins of the Article,The earliest account of the “barometer” legend weve found so far comes from a 1958,Readers Digest,collection, and the tale is usually identified as being the invention of Dr. Alexander Calandra, who included a first-person account of it in 1961 textbook and published it as an article in Saturday Review in 1968. The various responses mentioned in the legend have also been included in lists of supposedly “real” answers given by physics students when confronted by this same question. Whether a real incident was the basis for Dr. Calandras creation of this parable is unknown.,Text Analysis,Para. 1,Cultural NotesWords and PhrasesDifficult SentencesMain Idea,Para. 2-4,Cultural NotesWords and PhrasesDifficult SentencesMain Idea,Para. 5-7,Words and PhrasesMain Idea,Para. 8-11,Cultural NotesWords and PhrasesDifficult SentencesMain Idea,Para. 12-13,Words and PhrasesDifficult SentencesMain Idea,Text Analysis (,Para. 1,),Cultural Notes,Grading System,Percentage Grades,:,The percentage system of grading ranges from 100 as the top mark down to 0 (nothing). It implies an absolute standard of accomplishment as well as an exactness in mea-surement that is unrealistic.,Letter Grades,:,Beginning from 1920s, many U.S. schools moved to a “literal” system, in which an “A” grade corresponded to the 90-100 range, “B” to 80-89, and so on. Because of academic pressure, some students may be satisfied with getting a “C” which they call as “Gentlemens C.”,More recently, percentage equivalents for letter grades have been abandoned in favor of descriptions of what constitutes “A” work, “B” work, and so on. For instance, “excellent” stands for 90-100; “very good” for 80-90; “good” for 70-80; “pass” for 60-70 and “fail” for scores below 60.,Words and Phrases,receive a call,:,I called him last night but today he said he did not receive my call.,referee:,1) We have to invite a referee to decide upon the academic quality of this research project.,2),Our national team lost the game because the referee made a mistake in his judgment of a goal made during the second half.,receive a telephone call,a judge in sports activities and academic assessment and publication,zero:,Its unbelievable that anyone in our class got a zero in the final exam!,be about to do sth.:,I was about to go to the library when you came in to tell me about the exam.,set up against:,In this city, many rules and regulations have racial meanings; they are set up against the colored.,nothing (in score),be ready to do sth.,to propose against,Difficult Sentences,He believed he would if the grading system were not set up against the student.,He believed he would get a full score if the grading system were not arranged in such a way that it went against the student.,Main Idea,The author tells the reader why a colleague wanted him to grade a students answer to a physics question.,Text Analysis (,Para. 2-4,),Cultural Notes,barometer,An instrument measuring atmospheric pressure, used especially for weather forecast and determining altitude. It is not usual to use a barometer to measure the distance of a smaller scale, such as the height of a “tall” building.,气压计1,气压计2,Words and Phrases,attach sth. to sth. else:,You have to attach a stamp to the envelop before sending it.,She attached a chain to the dogs collar.,Difficult Sentences,I was not surprised that my colleague agreed, but I was surprised that the student did.,The referee professor was not surprised that his colleague agreed to let the student have another try. But he was surprised that the student also agreed to have another try.,connect sth. to sth. else,Main Idea,The author talks about how he examined the physics question and the students answer, and what judgment and suggestion he offered.,Text Analysis (,Para. 5-7,),Words and Phrases,to excuse oneself for:,Our English language instructor hurried into the class and excused herself of being late: it is all because of traffic jam.,full credit:,It is very strange that Tom always gets full credit for his exam, though he is not very often seen preparing for it!,to say sorry for,perfect score or record, excellence,Main Idea,The author discusses how the student answered the question the second time and what judgment he made this time.,Text Analysis (,Para. 8-11,),Cultural Notes,simple proportion,Apparently, by “simple proportion”, the student in the text refers to a simple solution in elementary trigonometry. It is one of the earliest forms of indirect measurement called,shadow-reckoning, a method said to have been used by Thales, (c. 634-c.546 B.C.), the Greek mathematician and philosopher.,This method was used to calculate the height of an Egyptian pyramid. It makes use of similar triangles (that is, triangles identical in shape but differing in size.) See the following figure:,Words and Phrases,mark off:,We have marked the playing area off with a white line.,This period in his life was marked off from the rest by the death of his father.,separate by or as if by a line or boundary,Difficult Sentences,A very direct method .,This is a very direct method. (a typical sentence fragment for emphasis),Professor Zhang always reads his lecture notes in class. During the whole class hour, he never looks up once from his notes and when the bell rings for the end of the class, he would invariably say, “Okay. After the class, you have to make out the exact meaning of my lecture.” A hundred percent pedantic way!,Main Idea,The author talks about another three answers given by the student to the same question.,Text Analysis (,Para. 12-13,),Words and Phrases,to go deep into the inner logic of:,to explore the essential meaning of ,If we always go deep into the inner logic of everything, the world will become lifeless to us.,pedantic way:,In my judgment, most failures in the exam are the result of pedantic way of teaching.,Professor Liu is a well-learned man but his pedantic way of teaching is really boring.,to voice:,According to the university regulations, students are able to voice their opinions in the annual meeting of “College Forum.”,bookish, knowledge-showing, un-changing way of teaching,to speak out; to express ones view,discontent:,More professors grow discontent with the government decision to cut the educational budge.,Difficult Sentences,He admitted that he did.,He admitted that he knew the usual answer to the question,.,Main Idea,The author tells the reader why the student did not answer the question in the expe


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