旅游英语UnitShopping Experience

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit,6,Shopping Experience,Section A Related Special Terms,Best buys in China,Beijing,cloisonne fresh water pearls,Xian,replicas of the Terracotta Army,Tang Dynasty hand painted china,Hangzhou,Longjing Tea silk embroidery,Guilin,China Southern Sea pearls,Yunnan,mounted butterflies,Where to buy,district bazaar flea market junk shop,art gallery,Clothing,wardrobe ready-made/ ready-to-wear clothes,housecoat/ dressing gown,bathrobe overalls blouse pyjamas dust coat twinset,muffler knitted shawl fur stole girdle slippers sandal brooch headdress,Materials,sapphire opal amber enamel leatheroid,porcelain resin satin natural fabric,brocade,Handicrafts,paper craft candle craft lacquerwork,clay carving charcoal carving,Chinese painting,Section B Listening Comprehension,Proper Nouns,Wuhou Temple 武侯祠,Front Gate 大门,Liu Beis Mausolem 刘备墓,Couplet of psychological attack 攻心联,Wuhou Temple,Wuhou Temple which covers an area of more than (1) _,mu,is located in the south of Chengdu proper. The Temple was built in honor of Zhuge Liang, the(2) _ Minister of the Shu Kingdom during the Three-kingdom Period. In the temple there are the shrine of Liu Bei( the emperor of Shu), the shrine of Zhuge Liang (the Prime Minister) and Lius (3)_, etc. It is a noteworthy temple in China where the monarch and his (4)_ were enshrined and commemorated together. The Front Gate, the Second Gate, Hall of Liu Bei, Hall of Zhuge Liang and Liu Beis Mausolem and so on, are all located on a(5)_ line,Third, the guide must have proper time,management during the shopping process.,Lastly, the guide should provide assistance,within his /her capacity during the process.,2. Additional Tips for Tour Guides,Buying Traditional Chinese Medicine,A guide should offer the following services to,tourists when foreign tourists buy traditional,Chinese medicine:,A guide should recommend reliable drugstores to the tourists.,A guide should inform tourists of the limit of traditional Chinese medicine one can take out of China for personal use: product value of RMB300 for foreign tourists; RMB 1500 for tourists from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.,A guide should tell tourists that item such as musk, rhinoceros horn and tiger bone are prohibited from being taken out of China.,Section D Cultural Differences British Shops,Most shops in Britain open at 9:00 am and close at,5:00 pm or 5:30 pm. Most shops close for an hour at,lunchtime. On one or two days a week- usually,Thursday/ or Friday - some large food shops stay open,until about 8:00 pm for late night shopping.,Many shops are closed in the afternoon on one day a,week. The day is usually Wednesday or Thursday and it,is a different day in different towns. Nearly all shops are,closed on Sundays. Newspaper shops are open in the,morning, and sell sweets and cigarettes as well. However,there are legal restrictions on selling many things on,Sundays.,If anyone tries to take things from a shop without,paying they are almost certain to be caught. Most shops,have store detectives and shop-lifting is considered a,serious crime by the police and the courts.,When you are waiting to be served in a shop it is,important to wait your turn. It is important not to try to,be served before people who arrived before you. Many,people from overseas are astonished at the British habit,of queuing.,Section E Optional Exercises,Translation,Surrounded by ring-shaped peaks, Mount Qingcheng is secluded and quiet. It has been widely acclaimed as the “most secluded mountain under heaven (“青城天下幽since ancient times.,The incomparably exquisite cultural relics in the Jinsha Ruins (金沙遗址) have astonished the world, and its mysterious sacrificial culture has made people reflect upon the spiritual world of our ancestors.,Varying in size and shape, sparkling with colors in,brilliant sunlight, the more than 100 emerald lakes (翠湖are the essence of the waterscapes in the Jiuzhaigou Valley.,4乐山大佛 Leshan Giant Buddha) 是唐朝从山崖开凿出来的,是世界公认的最重要的石刻弥勒佛Maitreya Buddha) 像之一。,5窦團山Mount Doutuan) 历史悠久,至今已经历时1400多个春秋,自古就以清、奇、幽、秀名扬天下。,6黄龙中的钙华滩travertine shoals) 、 湍流和瀑布连接起3400多个钙华彩池,在雪山的映衬下,熠熠生辉。,2. ABC About Chinese Culture,Chinese Taoism,What is “Tao? Tao, in Dao De Jing (Classic of the,Way of Power), means the way of ultimate reality,which exists beyond the physical sense of men. Tao is,also the way of the universe. It moves in endless cycles,and never changes. All life comes from it, but nothing,produced by Tao lasts forever. Tao also refers to the way,man should order his life to keep it in line with the natural,order of the universe. Taoists reject self-assertiveness,competition and ambition. They are indifferent to things,like rank, profuse过度的luxury and vulgar show.,They would make friends with nature rather than conquer,or dominate it.,Taoism was indigenous to the Han nationality. It,originated around the second century AD. Zhang,Daoling (张道陵) is credited as its founder, Lao Zi is,regarded as its master and his work,Dao De Jing is,its,main doctrine. From the 14,th,century it developed into,two main philosophies: Quanzhen Tao (全真道),emphasizing self-cultivation to attain immortality and,Zhengyi Tao(正一道), involving belief in charms and,spells(符咒). Taoism has gods of the Town, Land, Door,Kitchen, and wealth. At the head of these gods are Lao Zi,and Jade Emperor (玉皇大帝). The God of Wealth,called Marshall Zhao, is believed to bring people a big,fortune. The God of Door, on the other hand, is supposed,to keep away demons, while the God of Kitchen is in,charge of every households good fortune and,misfortune.,Taoism mainly preaches Wuwei (Non-action). The,concept does not mean to do nothing as it literally,suggests. It means to follow the natural flow of nature,and let everything be what it naturally will be, not trying,against it to satisfy nature. The concept was Taoist,living attitude and utopian governing method. Taoism,also advocates Wuyu (Non-intention), which requires,people not to desire too much from life. Simplicity,compassion, moderation and humility are also Taoist,teachings. Taoists consider Yin and Yang are the negative,and positive principles of the universe. One cannot exist,without the other, and they often represent opposites in,relations to each other. It is very similar with the Yin,and Yang theory in Wushu and traditional Chinese,medicine.,In ancient China, both Buddhism and Taoism had a,deep effect on the development of Chinese martial art,and traditional Chinese herbal medicine has its origin in,Taoism. Many Taoist buildings are now protected by the,government as treasures of Chinas culture and art.,Examples of these are the White Cloud Taoist Temple in,Beijing, the one on Mount Qingcheng of Sichuan,Province and the one on Mount Wudang of Hubei Province.,Choose the best answer to complete the following statements.,Taoism advocates that man should return to the nature, which means man should_ .,A. love the nature B. dominate the nature,C. follow the order of nature D. compete with the nature,2) Who is the founder of Taoism according to the text?,Lao,Zi,B. Zhang,Daoling,C. Jade Emperor,D. Marshall Zhao,3) What are the main teachings in Taoism,EXCEPT FOR_,.,A.,Wuwei,B.,Wuyu,C.,Wushu,D. Yin and Yang,4) Taoism exerts a great influence on the Chinese culture which is reflected in _.,Chinese Kung Fu,Chinese herbal medicine,Sacrifice to the God of Kitchen,All of the above,


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