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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,大家好,*,M4 U1,words and expressions,explanations,大家好,1,M4 U1 大家好1,1. advertise,advertising,advertisement,大家好,2,1. advertise大家好2,2. persuade v.,persuasive adj.,persuasion n.,How can we persuade him to join us?,How can we persuade him into joining us?,How can I persuade you that I am sincere?,There was no way she could persuade him of her innocence.,Im trying to persuade your dad to buy some shares.,大家好,3,2. persuade v. 大家好3,3. be meant to,I thought the police were meant to protect people.,The diagram is meant to show the different stages of the process.,These books are not meant for grade school students.,mean to do / doing,The book is intended for children aged 5-7.,Many Chinese airline companies _ (intend) to get much of the business, but it,turned out,so bad.,动词think, want, hope, mean, plan, intend等用过去完成时来表示过去未曾实现的想法,希望,打算或意图等。,大家好,4,3. be meant to 大家好4,4. breathe v.,breath n.,Its good to breathe (in) fresh country air instead of city smoke.,hold ones breath,out of/short of breath,catch ones breath(因恐惧 震惊等)一时停止呼吸, 屏息,大家好,5,4. breathe v. 大家好5,5. fool n. v.,foolish adj.,I suddenly realised that I was being made a fool of.,Dont be fooled by appearances.,I was fooled into believing their promises.,April Fools Day,大家好,6,5. fool n. v.大家好6,6. cure v. n.,The doctors cured her of cancer.,This illness cannot be cured easily.,Is there a certain cure for cancer yet?,cure/treat,remind/warn/rob/inform/accuse/convince,大家好,7,6. cure v. n. 大家好7,7. pleased adj.,be pleased to do sth.,be pleased with sth.,be pleased that.,be satisfied with/happy with.,please/pleasant/pleased/pleasure,with pleasure/my pleasure,大家好,8,7. pleased adj. 大家好8,8. comment v. n.,Have you any comment to make about the cause of the disaster?,She made helpful comments on my work.,Will you resign, sir? No comment!,I dont feel I can comment on their decision.,大家好,9,8. comment v. n. 大家好9,9. fall for,The salesman said the car was in good condition, and I was foolish enough to fall for it.,They met, fell for each other and got married six weeks later.,The full cost of the wedding fell on me.,婚礼的全部费用都由我负担.,大家好,10,9. fall for 大家好10,10. trick n. v.,You cant fool me with that old trick!,The trick is to hold your breath while you aim.,The girls were playing tricks on their teacher.,She tricked him into marrying her.,Her partner tried to trick her out of her share.,大家好,11,10. trick n. v. 大家好11,11. aim n. v.,The main aim of the course is to improve your writing.,She set out the companys aims and objectives in her speech.,He aimed his gun at the target, fired and missed it.,(be) aimed at doing sth,These measures are aimed at preventing violent crime.,We aim to finish by Friday.,aimless aimlessly,大家好,12,11. aim n. v. 大家好12,12. deal with,Have you,dealt with,these letters yet?,Her poems often,deal with,the subject of death.,We have,dealt with,the company for years.,Its a deal,.,大家好,13,12. deal with大家好13,13. benefit v. n.,beneficial adj.,The new regulations will,be of benefit to,everyone concerned.,The new regulations will,be beneficial,to everyone concerned.,Dont go to any trouble,for my benefit,!,I have typed out some lecture notes,for the benefit of,those people who were absent last week.,We should spend the money on something that will,benefit,everyone.,Many thousands have,benefited from,the new treatment.,大家好,14,13. benefit v. n. 大家好14,14. promote v.,promotion n.,The area is being,promoted,as a tourist destination.,Shes in London to,promote,her new book.,She worked hard and was soon,promoted,.,Helen,was promoted to,senior manager.,The band has gone on tour to,promote,their new album.,大家好,15,14. promote v. 大家好15,15. consult v.,conslutant n.,consult ones lawyer, a map, a dictionary,If symptoms continues, consult a doctor without delay.,I,consulted,a doctor,about,my pains.,大家好,16,15. consult v. 大家好16,1. amazed adj.,amazing adj.,amzement n.,We,were,absolutely,amazed at,his rapid recovery.,Youd be amazed how much money you can save.,Visitors,are,often,amazed to,discover how little the town has changed.,大家好,17,1. amazed adj. 大家好17,2. recommend v.,I can,recommend,him,as,an extremely good accountant.,She was strongly,recommended for,the post.,I,recommend,this book,to,anyone with an interest in literature.,I would never,recommend using,a sunbed on a regular basis.,Wed,recommend,you,to,book your flight early.,I recommend that you,(should) get,some professional advice.,大家好,18,2. recommend v. 大家好18,3. senior adj. n.,He,is ten years senior to,me. =,He,is senior to me by,ten years.,She,is senior to,me, since she joined the firm before me.,There are separate rooms for,senior,and,junior,officers.,Her husband was nine years her senior.,a football match between the,juniors,and the,seniors,senior citizen,老人; 退休的人.,大家好,19,3. senior adj. n. 大家好19,1. design v. n. designer n.,The building seats 2000 people, but is of poor,design,.,We dont know if it was done by accident or,by design,.,Do the Italians really,design,better than we do?,Can anyone,design,a better timetable?,The gloves,were designed for,extremely cold climates.,The route,was designed to,relieve traffic congestion.,大家好,20,1. design v. n. desig,2. bargain n. v.,Dealers,bargain with,growers,over,the price of coffee.,There are no,bargains,in the clothes shops at the moment.,大家好,21,2. bargain n. v. 大家好21,3. fancy,Fancy,a drink, Emma?,(,feel like,),Sorry, but I dont,fancy going,out tonight.,He,fancies,himself an artist.,Ive suddenly,taken a fancy to,detective stories.,fancy,cakes/goods 精美的蛋糕,大家好,22,3. fancy大家好22,4. figure out,Ive never been able to,figure him out,.,我一直不能理解他,.,I cant,figure out,why he quit his job.,我琢磨不透他为什麽要辞掉工作,.,Have you,figured out,how much the holiday will cost?,你算出假期得花多少钱了吗,?,大家好,23,4. figure out 大家好23,5. determine,determine,a date for a meeting,His future has not been,determined, but he may study medicine.,He,determined to,learn Greek.,The exam results could,determine,your career.,determined adj,有决心的,;,意志坚定的,;,坚决的,:,a,determined,fighter, look, attitude 坚定的战士 神情 态度,be determined to do sth,.,I,m determined to,succeed. 我决心要努力获得成功.,I walked out of the cinema, _ Id never come back to this hell of a place.,_ to give up smoking,he threw away his _ (remain) cigarettes.,大家好,24,5. determine 大家好24,6. appeal v. n.,The design has to,appeal to,all ages and social groups.,The police have,appealed to,anyone with information,to,come forward and talk to them.,Ive decided not to,appeal,.,对露营这种想 我从来就不感兴趣.,The idea of camping has never,appealed to,me.,警方向群众呼吁不要惊慌.,The police,appealed to,the crowd not,to,panic.,她不服判决而向高等法院上诉.,She,appealed to,the high court against her sentence.,大家好,25,6. appeal v. n. 大家好25,7. react,How did Wilson,react to,your idea?,Dave didnt,respond to,any of her emails.,他对这消息的反应如何?,What was his,reaction to,the news?,replyreflect,大家好,26,7. react 大家好26,8. get across,Your meaning didnt really,get across,.,你的意思别人并未真正理解.,Hes not very good at,getting,his ideas,across,.,他不善於表达思想.,It is important that we,get,this message,across to,voters.,get through 通过,完成,用光,接通电话,get down to,大家好,27,8. get across大家好27,9. urge v.,urgent adj.,urgency n.,I got a note from Moira,urging me to,get in touch.,The report,urged,that all children,be taught,to swim.,I had a sudden,urge,to hit him.,My car is in,urgent,need of repair.,I detected a note of,urgency,in her voice.,大家好,28,9. urge v. 大家好28,10. shock v. n.,to ones shock,in shock,shocked sb. into doing sth,shocking,shocked,be shocked at/by .,大家好,29,10. shock v. n. 大家好29,11. die of,die from,die away,die out,die off,大家好,30,11. die of 大家好30,结束,大家好,31,结束大家好31,


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