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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,非谓语动词综合讲练教程,河工,不定式、动名词用作主语,动名词作主语,1。直接作主语:,(1)眼见为实。,(2)天天做早操有益于健康。,(3)吸烟不是好习惯。,1,.Seeing,is believing.,2.,Doing morning exercises,every day,is good for health,3.,Smoking,is not a good habit,2.用it作形式主语,常与no use,no good,useless, worthwhile连用,(1)广说不做没用,(2)做无益的后悔没用,(3)吸烟太多无益,(4)学好英语是值得做的,1.Its no use talking too much without,doing anything,2.Its useless crying over the spilt milk.,3.Its no good smoking too much,4.Its worthwhile learning English well.5,不定式作主语,1。直接作主语,(1)眼见为实,(2)今天早晨做早操对身体无益,(3)在这里吸烟很危险,1.To see is to believe,2.To do morning exercises today is not,good for health.,3.To smoke here is dangerous,2。用it作形式主语,有自己特定的句型,(,1)你这么说真是太好了,(2)他说出这样的话太愚蠢了,(3)我们学好英语是必要的,(4)你们学好英语语法并不难,1.It is very kind of you to say so.,2.Its very foolish of him to say such things,3.It is necessary for us to learn English well,4.Its not difficult for you to learn well English,grammar,3.固定句型,(1)李垒每天花两个半小时完成作业,(2)你昨晚用多长时间写完的作文?,1.It takes LiLei two and a half hours to complete his homework.,2.How long did it take you to finish writing your composition?,小结:动名词与不等式作主语时的区别,一、对称原则,二、特殊表达,三、固定句型,四、习惯用法,主语和表语对称,动名词表示经常性、反复发生的动作,不等式表示具体的、某一次的动作,It takes sb some time to do sth,Its,no use/no good /useless/worthwhile,+,doing,Its,kind/wise/clever,of,sb to do sth,Its,important/necessary/hard,for,sb,to do,sth,Task:,complete the following sentences,_(没有用) learning without practice,Its no good _(广说不做),Its necessary _(我们学好英语),It very kind _ (你帮助我),How long _(你每天参加体育活动?),Because of the heavy sand storm, _(今天做晨练),is of no benefit to you.,Multiple choice,1. It is very generous _ you to buy me such a nice gift,of B. for C. to D. with,2. You are clever; it will be easy _ you to work out the word puzzle,of B. for C. to D. with,3.I think it no good _ without doing anything.,A, to play about B, play around C. playing about D. played around,Its no use,talking too much without doing anything,for us to learn English well,of you to help me,does it take you to do sport every day,to do morning exercises today,不定式、动名词作宾语,一、句型转换,I think it no use doing sth,I feel it stupid of him to say such silly things to her,I find it uneasy for you to learn your subjects well without hard work,Can you tell me how many hours it took you to do your homework?,二、A 下列动词只能带动名词作宾语:记住下面这句话,巧记共35个多动词,Miss Rescall can enjoy five apples at dusk,Miss Rescall,-miss, mind,risk,recall ,resist,Can,-cant help, consider ,cant resist ,complete ,cant stand (bear),Enjoy,enjoy escape ,excuse ,endure,Five,finish ,fancy feel like ,favorite(利于)imagine ,include,-advise ,avoid ,appreciate ,admit ,allow-,- practise ,postpone ,pardon ,prevent ,put off,dusk,-delay ,understand, suggest,keep(deny否认),D.,下列动词只能带不定式作宾语:记住下面这句话,,(,2HD3A4P, worst fem,各一),巧记近20个多动词,afford ,agree ,attempt, decide ,demand ,expect ,fail ,help, hope ,manage , offer, plan, pretend, prepare, promise, refuse ,seem, tend , wish,B,以介词to结尾的常用短语,be/get used to,come to,devote oneself to, listen to,look forward to object to /get down to, prefer.to,pay attention to,refer to stick to,C,特殊句型,1 spend (waste ).(in) doing,2 be busy (in)doing,3 have difficulty (trouble ,fun ,pleasure ,a good ,hard time )in doing,4 stop prevent .(from )doing,5 There is no use no harm no hurry .(in)doing sth,在,forget ,remember ,regret ,want ,need ,require ,try ,stop ,go on,mean,等动词后,可接不定式,也可接动名词做宾语,但含义差别,。,1,forget ,remember , regret,+doing 动作已经发生+to do 动作未发生,2,want ,need ,require,+ doing 表被动= to be done,注:be worth doing = be worthy to be done,3,try doing,试着做,try to do,尽力做,想要做,4,stop,doing 停止做某事,(先后是一件事).,stop,to do 停下来做某事,(先后不是同一件事),5,go on,doing 继续敌某事,(先后 是同一件事 ),go on,to do 接下来做某事,(先后不是同一件事),6,mean,doing 意味着做某事,mean,to do 故意或想要做某事,7,cant help,doing sth 抑制不住、禁不住做某事,cant help,(to) do sth 无帮助、无助于做某事,8 ,only to do 结果是(出乎预料),only doing 结果是 (必然是),E.,注意下列11种不同动词或句型的用法,9,prefer,to do rather than do 宁愿 而不,prefer,doing to doing ,would rather do, than,do,would do, rather than,do,10,have nothing to do /do nothing but/except do,只好做(别无选择),enjoy doing nothing but doing 只喜欢做,want nothing but to do 只想做,11在,begin ,start ,continue,等词后可接不定式作宾语,也可接动名词作宾语,意义区别不大.但要注意,1)本身是-ing 形式时,其后要接不定式,2)如果表示主语有意识地开始做某事,多用动名词,3)主语是物多用不定式,4)其后的动词是表示情感的或与智力有关的,不用 v-ing 形式,know, realize, hate , love , understand , wonder , remember , forget,Task:,complete the following sentences,Do you remember _(以前见过这个人吗)?,He denied _(冤枉了他的父母),She regreted _(在会上给领导提了意见).,Dont waste time _(劝他戒烟),I would rather stay at home _(也不出去玩),Do you think it necessary _(我们学好英语)?,How long did it take you _(写完作文)?,He has done nothing but _(玩了一整天).,On hearing the news, Tom _(抑制不住哭了).,Little Sophia went the theater, only _(被告知演出结束了),seeing the man before,doing wrong to their parents,putting forward the suggestion to their leader ,advising him to give up smoking,than go out to play,for us to learn English well,to finished writing your composition,play all day long,couldnt help crying,to be told that the performance had been over,Multiple choice 1.,Would you mind _ the door?,open B, opening C, to open D, opened,“So much for the new words and expressions; lets go on _,the text.” the teacher said with a smile.,to talk about B, talking about C, to be talking D, talk about,Im sorry, but Ive forgotten _my homework with me.,A, to bring B, to be bring C, bringing D, brought,This room needs _. Its too shabby.,paint B. painting C. to pain D. painted,Have you considered _ to improve your spoken English?,A.practising listening and speakingB, practising to listen and speak,C.to practise listening and speaking D. to practise to listen and speak,6. At the age of 18 he began _ the importance of knowledge.,A.understand B. understanding C. understood D. to understand,7. In the old days, many people couldnt afford _their children to,School. A. sent B, sending C, to send D send,8. - -We havent heard from Jane for a long time.,- -What do you suppose _to her?,A.was happening B, to happen C, has happened D. having happened,9.We all appreciate _ _ whenever you have time.,A.Jane drop in B,Janes dropping in C,Jane to drop in D.Jane drops in,10. Have you got used _ in Harbin?,A.to living B, to live C, living D, to be living,11. Nobody is willing to go to a party without _.,A. asking B, to be asked C, being asked D, having asked,4,B; 5,A;6,D;7,C;8,C;9,B;10,C;11,C,非谓语动词作表语,动名词作表语,1 对称原则,主语是动名词,表语一般也用动名词,Seeing is believing,2 动名词作表语表明主语的性质或内容(有时可与主语互换),My job is teaching you English Teaching you English is my job.,不定式作表语,:,(1),计划,趋势将要做的,she is to get married next week.,(2),责任,义务必须做的,Im to see you off at the airport tomorrow,(3),祁使,命令不得不做的,Youre to stand here ,do you understand .,(4),命运安排,注定做的,Disney met the mouse and he was to become,a famous artist.,分词作表语,表示主语的,特点特征.,现在分词表示,主动,,过去分词表,示,被动;,不及物动词的过去分词表示,完成,The book is interesting and the students are moved .,He is come. The quests are gone. The leaves are fallen.,非谓语动词作定语,动名词,作定语,表示被修饰词用途,drinking water =the water that is (used )for drinking,drinking water , living room ,sitting room ,washing powder,分词,作定语,,表被修饰词的特点、特征.单个分词作定语前置,分词,短语作定语,放在所修饰词之后。现在分词和过去分词的区别:时,态上,现在分词表示正在进行,过去分词表示已经完成;语态上,,现在分词表示主动,过去分词表示被动,boiling water =the water that is boiling. fallen leaves, boiled water,sleeping child =the child who is asleep a moving film, a moved girl,There was a surprised look on her face at the news.,动词,不定式作定,1.后置,表示将来,In the years to come, we will study harder and harder.,This is the Hope Project School to be built next year.,2.,当特定的谓语动词(有,需要,给,找,弄have, need, want, give, find, get)后的名词(或宾语)用不定式来修饰.,1. I have a lot of work,to do,.,2.I want to get something,to read,.,3.Do you need some water,to drink,?,4.Please give me a piece of paper,to write on.,5.Lets find a room,to put those things in,.,3.,当名词有特定的定语,如形容词副词的最高级,序数词及next, only,right等,其后接不定式作定语,He is the first(student),to come,and the last,to leave,.,Where is the best place,to meet,?,We need the next room,to hold corn,.,He is the only person,to be fit for the job.,4,.,一些需要不定式作宾语的动词转化成的名词,agreement, attempt,decision, need, promise, plan, wish等,常用不定式来修饰. There is no,need to send for a doctor .,注:(1)不及物动词或特殊用法,要加合适的介词.,They need a house to live in. There are many model bikes to choose,from.,Practise,1 The man _(stand )over there now.,2 The man _(stand)over there then.,3 The man _(stand )over there yesterday.,4 The man _(stand ) over there very often.,5 The man _(stand )over there tomorrow.,.,is standing,was standing,stood,stands,will stand,1 The man _(stand )over there now is from America.,2 The man _(stand)over there then is from America.,3 The man _(stand )over there yesterday is from America .,4 The man _(stand ) over there very often is from America .,5 The man _(stand )over there tomorrow is from America,.,who,is standing,who was standing,who stood,who stands,who will stand,(who,is),standing,(who was),standing,(who) stood -,standing,(who) stands -,standing,(who will) stand-,to stand,Fill in the blanks with verbs given in their proper forms,Fill in the blanks with verbs given in their proper forms,Fill in the blanks with verbs given in their proper forms,Fill in the blanks with verbs given in their proper forms,1, The building _(build )here now.,2, The building _(build )here then.,3, The building _(build )here last year.,4, The building _(build )here very often.,5, The building _(build)here already.,6, The building _(build)here next year.,1, The building _(build )here now is a school .,2, The building _(build )here then is a school .,3, The building _(build )here last year is a school .,4, The building _(build )here very often is a school,5, The building _(build)here already is a school.,6, The building _(build)here next year.,is being built,was being built,was built,is built,has been built,will be built,which is being built,which was being built,which was built,that is built,that has been built,that will be built,(which is),being built,(which was),being built,(which was),built,(that is),built,(that has been),built,(that will),to,be built,Task:,complete the following sentences,1. Do you know the girl _ (名叫沙丽的)?,Who is the woman _(站在柜台后的),What is the house _(在建的)used for?,Well move into the building _(明年竣工的),Her wish _(当一名作家)will surely come true.,Where do you think is the best place _(放这个书架)?,Can you get me _(一些水喝),Who is the right person _(适合这项工作)?,Its fall already and you can see _(地上有很多落叶),Who is the boy _(经常在操场上踢足球)?,called/named Sally,Standing behind the counter,being built,to be completed next year,to be a writer,to put the bookshelf,some water to drink,to be fit for the job,many fallen leaves on the ground,often playing football on the playground,Multiple choice,1.At the sight of the stranger, there was a _expression on her face,Surprised B, surprising C, shocking D, angry,2.The supermarket_ is the biggest one in our city.,A.having already been built B, hasing already been built,C.being already built D, already built,非谓语动词作补语,一、,带to的,不定式作宾补,(,a,bright pace foul 一次聪明的速度犯规),A 在 allow, ask, advise, beg, command, cause, encourage, expect,force, get, hate invite like order permit prefer remind tell urge,want ,wish等动词后,用带to的不定式作宾补,(1)I prefer you not to play all day long.,(2)Id like you to help me with my homework.,(3) Youd better get more people to do the work.,二、表示见解看法的动词 + 宾语 + 带to的不定式,(to be doing/ to,have done). 具有这种用法的动词有:believe, consider, declare,discover, feel, find,guess, imagine, judge, suppose, think, understand,1, We found the rumor true. 2, I consider him to have done wrong.,3, I always imagine me to be a millionaire. 4, I felt him to be a spy,三、“短语动词 + 宾语 + 带to的不定式”,这类动词有arrange for,ask for, call on, count on, depend on, long for, rely on, wait for,1.You can not count on Tom to help you.,Chairman Mao called on us to serve the people heart and soul.,四,、,省to的,不定式作宾补:,宾补省to记11,一感二听三使役;,五看一帮两均可,被动该to不能弃.,feel,hear,listen to,have,let,make,see,look at,notice,observe,watch,help,We often see them play football; They are often seen to play football,He was made to stand outside for two hours,分词短语作宾补,一.,能带现在分词做宾补的动词有,: have ,get ,keep ,set ,send ,leave,catch, hear ,listen to,feel , see , find ,look at ,watch ,observe ,notice,My father had only two men working for him,Dont have the horse running so fast ,Its dangerous .,Have you noticed the boy passing across the street ?,过去分词作宾补,二、,能带过去分词作宾补的动词,有make ,have ,get leave 及感官动词,see ,watch ,look at ,find hear listen to ,feel 等.,宾语与补语的关系是被动含义时,用过去分词作宾补,I was surprised to see so many people seated at the back of the class.,I have never heard this song sung so sweetly,Youd better get your bike repaired at once,Task:,complete the following sentences,1.They required me _(不要泄漏秘密),2._(我们劝他戒烟),but he wouldnt.,3.We often go and see them _(打篮球),4.I discovered him _(在说谎),5.We found them _(已经提前完成了任务),6.They were made _(夜以继日地干活),7.The two cheats _(让灯亮了一整夜),8.The thief was caught _(在商店里偷窃),9.The gunshot sent the birds _(四处飞去),10.They are expected _(越来越努力学习),not to let out the secret,We advised him to give up smoking,play basketball,to be telling lies,to have completed their task ahead of time,to work day and night,had the lamps burning all night long,stealing in a shop,flying away in all the directions,to study harder and harder,Multiple choice,1.The missing boy was last seen _ by the river.,playing B, play C, played D, to play,2.Dont have the horse _ so fast; Its dangerous.,A, to run B, runs C, running D, ran,3.Tom had his pocket _ on a bus this morning.,A, pick B, to pick C, picking D, picked,4.People in the south often have their houses _ bamboo.,made of B, making of C, to be made of D, make of,5. People _on the coast often have their houses _by hurricanes,A,living;damaging B, living;damaged C,lived,damaged D,live;damage,6.I will go back to our hometown. Do you have anything _home?,to take B, taking C, to be taken D, taken,7. Please come here; I have something important _ you.,A, telling B, to be told C, told D, to tell,8. Girls are not allowed _ their fingernails red at school.,painted B, painting C. to paint D, to be painted,9. Youd better get more people _ the work immediately.,A to do B, doing C do D, done,10. Youd better get the work _ at once; Its gong to rain.,A to do B, doing C do D, done,11. Miss Sara, I _ at the railway station. My boss is busy now.,A am going to see you off B, to see you off,C. am about to see you off D, must see you off,12.What he said got us _ all the way.,A. laughing B, laugh C ,to laugh D, laughed,非谓语动词作状语,(1)不定式做状语,,表示原因,目的或结果。为了强调目的,可与in order to 或so as to 连用。,1,I reached home only to find my old dog dead .,2, He got up early (in order)to catch the early bus .,3,To improve our English, we come here. 4, Im so glad to see you.,5,They went to the railway station, only to be told that the train had,left.,注: (1)“only + 不定式”表示出乎预料的结果,.,He went to the seaside only to be drowned,(2)不定 式表结果常与下列结构连用.,A, so + adj/ adv + as(not) to do ,(如此以至于(没) ),Im not so stupid as to do that.,B, such + ( adj ) n + as (not)to do,(如此以至于(不) ),Im not such a fool as to believe that.,C, enough + n + to do,(足够 ),I dont have enough money to buy a car.,D, adj/adv + enough + to do ,(足已到/能 ),The girl is old enough to go to school.,E, too + adj / adv + to do ,(太 以至于不能),Im too tired to go any further.,分词作状语,分词作状语可以表示时间,条件,原因,结果,伴随或方式 ,,及独立成分。,分词作状语的首要条件是,分词的逻辑主语是句子的主语,,分词,与逻辑主语的关系是主动的,用现在分词,反之,用过去分词,1, Hearing the news ,he couldnt help laughing .(时间),=,2, Given enough time ,I can do it better (条件),=,3, Being ill ,he didnt go to school (原因),=,4, The glass fell to the ground ,breaking into pieces. (结果),=,5, Our teacher came in ,followed by many students (伴随),=,6,Judging from his accent, he is from America.,7,Generally speaking, one must be confident.,when he heard the news,If I am given enough time,Because he was,ill,so that it broke into pieces.,and he was followed by many students,Task:,complete the following sentences,1.He came into the room , _(后面簇拥着许多学生),2.His mother died, _(使他成为一个孤儿),3.He went to the railway station, _(却得知火车已经开了),4. Im so glad _(见到你). Bye-by.,5.We got up early _(为了赶上早班车),6. _(从山顶上看),the park looks more beautiful.,7._(作为学生),he always keeps a civil tongue.,8._(因为残疾),Tom cannot move around.,9.He is so lazy _(以至于考试没有及格),10.She is old enough _(结婚),11.You can never be too careful _ (做工作),12.She is too clever _(不会不理解你的话),13.One is never too old _ (而不能学习),14.I am but too happy _(被邀请参加你的聚会),15._(从口音上判断), youre a Harbinese,16.Im not such a fool _(会相信你的鬼话),17.He went to help the old man, _(却被关进监狱),followed by many students,leaving him an orphan,only to told that the train had left,to have seen you,so as to catch the early bus,Seen from top of the hill,Being a student,Being disabled,as not to pass the exam,to get married,to do your work,not to understand you,to learn,to be invited to your birthday party,Judging from his accent,as to believe your nonsense,only to be put into prison,非谓语动词的时态、语态,主动语态,时态 不定式 动名词 分词,一般时,to do doing doing,进行时,to be doing,完成时,to have done having done having done,被动语态,一般时,to be done being done done,进行时,being done,完成时,to have been done having been done having been done,动名词时态、语态的用法,1.动名词的一般形式表示一般性动作 ,(即是不明确过去,现在或,将来的动作 )或是与谓语动词同时发生的动作,We are interested in climbing mountains I prefer singing to dancing,2 如果强调动名词的完成时,要用完成形式,I regret having taken her advice. He was praised for having,passed the exam .,3 当一个动名词逻辑上的主语是该动名词的承受者,这个动名词要,用被动形式,He entered the room without being seen,He remembered being taken to Beijing when he was a child,4 如果动名词表示的动作 发生在谓语动词之前,要用完成形式,He is proud of having been sent to work in Tibet .,Tom regretted not having been invited to the party.,不定式时态、语态的用法,1.,不定式的动作与谓语动词同时发生时,用一般时态,He wanted to see you,2.,强调不定式的动作正在进行时,用进行时态,When I came in ,he pretended to be reading a book,He is said to be writing a novel,3.,强调 不定式的动作在谓语动词之前发生时,用不定式完成时,He is said to have written a novel . Im so glad to have seen you .,The ground is so wet ,It must have rained last night,不定式被动语态的用法.,A, 当不定式的逻辑主语是不定式的承受者时,用被动语态,She asked to be sent to work in Tibet (宾语),The book is said to have been translated into Eng


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