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,人力资源管理与企业战略,Aligning Human Resources and Business Strategy,Distinctive human resources are firms core competencies,BCG,McKinsey,吸引有经验的业界人士,强调不同背景和企业家精神,直接投入工作,外部培训,创业/创新环境,着眼于个人的激励性薪酬,员工离职一般自己创业,战略:客户化解决方案,校园招聘,倾向于技术背景,在咨询方面“一张白纸”,全面的内部培训,员工离职一般就任公司高级经理,战略:标准化的产品,富有特色的人力资源是公司的核心竞争力,Sears,Nordstrom,严格、科学的招聘测试,全面的精细的培训(产品知识、操作系统、推销技巧),通过定期的员工调查了解员工的态度和士气,直接工资为主,佣金为辅的薪酬制度,以日用品为主的零售连锁店,分散化的招聘,无正式考试,应聘者要具有与客户交往的经历,强调雇员的判断力和自主性,按业绩排名,内部晋升,末位淘汰,佣金制,时尚导向的零售连锁店,富有特色的人力资源是公司的核心竞争力,FedEx,UPS,分权化:员工被授权采取一切措施完成工作,没有细致的条例,精细的导向课程,发达的沟通渠道,确保员工得到充分信息,每六个月进行一次互动(交谈)技能测试,技能工资制,外部招聘,集中于隔夜快递,通过时间动作分析规定工作细节,规定工作标准并传达给员工,天天评估每个人的工作,除集体谈判签约外没有员工参与,高工资、高福利,提供收益分享计划和股票期权计划,内部晋升,宽产品线,流水化生产,富有特色的人力资源是公司的核心竞争力,Coca-Cola,Pepsi,雇佣大学毕业生,集中、细致的培训,工作安全性,内部晋升,资历为基础的工资,家庭文化,集中决策,针对部门、公司层次的业绩评估,维持地位和形象,招聘有经验的人,工作安全性低,鼓励个人间的竞争,提拔竞争优胜者,股票期权计划,员工忠诚度低,分权化,针对个人的业绩评定,通过多元化占领市场空档,富有特色的人力资源是公司的核心竞争力,SHRM is the linking of HRM with strategic goals and objectives in order to improve business performance and develop organizational cultures that foster innovation and flexibility.,SHRM is the pattern of planned human resource deployment and activities intended to enable an organization to achieve its goals.,Strategic human resources management is largely about integration and adaptation. Its concern is to ensure that: (1) human resources (HR) management is fully integrated with the strategy and the strategic needs of the firm; (2) HR policies cohere both across policy areas and across hierarchies; and (3) HR practices are adjusted, accepted, and used by line managers and employees as part of their everyday work.,Strategic Human Resource Management,The 5-P Model,ORGANIZATIONAL STRTEGY,Initiates the process of identifying strategic business needs and provides specific qualities to them,STRTEGIC BUSINESS NEEDS,Expressed in,mission,statements or,vision,statements and translate into strategic business,objectives,EXTERNAL,CHARACTERISTICS,STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES,INTERNAL,CHARACTERISTICS,Linking Strategic Business Needs & Strategic HRM Activities,Pepsi-Cola Internationals strategy,Being No. 1 by Creating Value through Leadership and Excellence.,The fastest growing,The most committed to customer service and attuned to customer needs,The best operators,The best selling and marketing company,The best people-oriented company,The 5-P Model,PCIs strategic business objectives,Committed bottling organization,Uncompromising dedication to quality,Development of talented people,Focus on growth,Quality business plans,The 5-P Model,Human Resources Policies,Expressed as shared values (guidelines),Human Resources Philosophy,Expressed in statements defining business values and culture,Human Resources Programs,Articulated as Human Resources Strategies,Human Resources Practices,For leadership, managerial, and operational roles,Human Resources Processes,For the formulation and implementation of other activities,Express,how to treat and value people,Establishes,guidelines for action on people-related business issues and HR programs,Coordinates,efforts to facilitate change to address major people-related business issues,Motivates,needed role behaviors,Defines,how these activities are carried out,The 5-P Model,STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES,1. HUMAN RESOURCES PHILOSOPHY,This is a statement of how the organization regards its human resources, what role the resources play in the overall success of the business, and how they are to be treated and managed.,Instead of using the terms HR philosophy or HR values to describe how human resources are regarded, treated, and managed, some organizations use the term culture.,The 5-P Model,A statement of the culture at PCI,LEADERSHIP IN PEOPLE,We will develop an excellent organization focused on building the business by:,Empowering,people to drive the business from the closest point to the market,Developing,the right skills to be the best in the business,Building,career opportunities,Building,teamwork,:,With bottlers to ensure that we maintain strong partnerships,Among area, division, and headquarters staff to ensure that we coordinate functional strengths to produce the best possible results,Across markets to ensure that we share the best practices throughout the enterprise,Helping people succeed by building an,environment,with:,High integrity,Strong and consistent values,Continuous improvement,The 5-P Model:,PHILOSOPHY,LEADERSHIP IN OUR BRANDS,We will achieve brand superiority by:,Delivering the best products in the marketplace:,The highest quality,The best tasting,The most consistent,Communicating these benefits in a high-impact, persuasive and consistent manner,LEADERSHIP IN MARKETING,We will build on our brand platforms by:,Creating new brand, channel, and package segments that build the business:,Faster off the mark,Better ideas,Quicker to create and take advantage of opportunities,The 5-P Model:,A statement of the culture at PCI,LEADERSHIP IN OPERATIONS,We will build excellence in our own and bottler operations by:,Being the,low-cost,producer,Establishing and maintaining a strong focus on,customer services and sales management,. These cornerstones will make us the best sales company,Standardizing,operating systems to:,Enhance our ability to provide the highest level of customer service,Develop an ability to measure and manage key parameters of the business in a consistent fashion,Provide a common set of practices and disciplines for the organization,The 5-P Model :,A statement of the culture at PCI,2. HUMAN RESOURCES POLICIES,All of these statements provide,guidelines,for action on,people-related business issues,and for the development of HR,programs,and,practices,based on strategic needs. The term HR Policy, as used here, does not mean HR Policy Manual.,The 5-P Model,HR policy can link values with a particular people-related business need,Values,:,high standards of personal performance,Need,:,to develop communication skills that would foster such performance in a decentralized international environment,HR policy,: instant feedback.,if you have a problem or an idea about any aspect of the business, or about an individuals performance, then the organization demands that you raise the issue appropriately and discuss it maturely.,The 5-P Model:,POLICIES,3. HUMAN RESOURCES PROGRAMS,Shaped by HR policies, HR programs represent coordinated HR,efforts,specifically intended to initiate, disseminate, and sustain strategic organizational change efforts necessitated by the strategic business needs.,The 5-P Model,Generic questions help to identify the fundamental issues for programs,What is the nature of the corporate culture? Is it supportive of the business?,Will the organization be able to cope with future challenges in its current form?,What kind of people and how many will be required?,Are performance levels high enough to meet demands for increased profitability, innovation, higher productivity, better quality, and improved customer service?,What is the level of commitment to the company?,Are there any potential constraints such as skill shortages or HR problems?,The 5-P Model:,PROGRAMS,4. HUMAN RESOURCES PRACTICES,LEADERSHIP ROLES,Establishing direction,Aligning people,Motivating and inspiring individuals,Causing dramatic and useful change,e.g. FPC,Live by the basic values of the Forest Products Company,Demonstrate honesty and ethical behavior in business transactions,Show a high degree if personal integrity in dealing with others,Avoid wasting time or resources,Strive for continuous improvement in all you do,Demonstrate confidence in yourself as a leader,The 5-P Model,MANAGERIAL ROLES,Make sure that objectives are clearly understood,Level with people on what is not negotiable,Give appropriate orientation to people on new assignments,Deal effectively with performance problems,Give people the information they need to be successful,Give developmental performance feedback in a timely manner,Give people the freedom they need to do their jobs,Give co-workers the opportunity to try out their new ideas,Encourage appropriate collaboration on work assignments,Encourage people to participate when appropriate,OPERATIONAL ROLES,Content is far more specific than for the other roles,The 5-P Model:,PRACTICES,5. HUMAN RESOURCES PROCESSES,This area deals with how all the other HR activities are identified, formulated, and implemented.,The 5-P Model,Strategy - HR fit:,Does it really matter?,FIT,:,the effectiveness of any HR practice or set of practices for impacting firm performance depends upon the firms strategy, or conversely, the effectiveness of any strategy depends upon having the right HR practices.,While some studies provided minor support for the efficacy of fit, overall the results were far from conclusive,Strategy - HR fit,If the facts dont fit the theory, fix the facts.,Strategy - HR fit,The system architecture level (consists of the guiding principles),Little reason exists for thinking that the effectiveness of such principles might vary across strategies,The policy alternatives level (the different techniques or practices through which the guiding principles can be promoted),How fit with strategy might take on importance,”Product level (the immediate product the HR practices aim to produce),A strong need to tie HR to strategy exists,Practice-process level (the best-in-class implementation and/or technique of the principles, practices, and product systems),This issue of internal fit will be left for a future research,Strategy - HR fit,学习型组织与人力资源管理,学习型组织的五项修炼,自我超越,(,Personal Mastery,),改善心智模式,(,Improving Mental Models,),建立共同愿景,(,Building Shared Vision,),团体学习,(,Team Learning,),系统思考,(,Systems Thinking,),学习型组织,学习型组织,是指通过培养弥漫于整个组织的学习气氛、充分发挥员工的创造性思维能力而建立起来的一种有机的、高度柔性的、扁平的、符合人性的、能持续发展的组织。这种组织具有持续学习的能力,具有高于个人绩效总和的综合绩效。,学习型组织,组织成员拥有一个共同的愿景,组织由多个创造性个体组成,善于不断学习,“地方为主”的扁平式结构,自主管理,组织的边界将被重新界定,员工家庭与事业的平衡,领导者的新角色(,设计师、仆人和教师),学习型组织,学习型组织的特征,学习型组织的特征,善于不断学习,强调“终身学习”,强调“全员学习”,强调“全过程学习”,强调“团体学习”,学习型组织,企业再造与人力资源管理,(Business Process Reengineering,也叫做企业重建、业务流程重组、企业流程重组):即从本质上反思业务流程、彻底重新设计业务流程,以达到大幅度提高绩效的目的。,(美)迈克尔,哈默(M. Hammer) 杰姆斯,钱皮(J. Champy) 再造企业工商管理革命宣言,企业再造,大幅度,:企业再造的出发点并非经营管理上的微小进步,它着眼于绩效上的重大飞跃,着眼于突破。,彻底,:追根溯源,而不是改良现有的东西。“假如今天还没有宝洁,我们会怎样把它创建起来?”,流程,:指一系列相互关联并共同为顾客创造价值的工作。在传统的公司里,流程是支离破碎、遍布各个部门、看不见管不了的孤儿。企业再造理论认为,流程支离破碎正是企业绩效问题的根源,只有把全部流程当做整体对待,才能大幅度提高业绩。,重新设计,:企业再造主要的就是工作方式的设计,人们往往认为只有产品才能设计,其实设计流程才最重要。,企业再造,企业再造的指导思想,顾客至上,以人为本,彻底改造,企业再造,企业建立“优质服务型”竞争优势的七个步骤,由上至下改进服务:优质服务的思想必须贯彻在企业文化之中,并且要由领导以身作则付诸实践。,创造具体的优质服务目标,并由一套明确的制度来保证。,雇佣重视顾客的员工:这种员工必须是愿意与顾客友好相处、善于了解顾客心理、又能敏锐地察觉顾客特别需要的员工。,训练员工关心和体谅顾客。,激励员工提供特别的服务:企业要通过奖惩制度使优质服务措施得到巩固和加强。,授权员工自行解决问题。,奖励员工对顾客的英雄式行为,企业再造,企业再造与人力资源管理,建立再造承诺,人力资源管理与团队建设,在改变工作性质方面的角色,HR在集权到分权的转变中的角色,HR在从培训到教育的转变中的角,HR在从行为到结果的转变中的角色,企业再造,知识管理与,HRM,KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT,从工业经济到知识经济,单一地和尽可能地利用自然资源,全然没有考虑到环境、生态和社会效益之类的课题,需要大量资金、设备,有形资产能起决定性作用,以开采有限的自然资源为主,带来的是稀缺经济,必须保护和控制资产,依赖完善的基础设施,科学、合理、综合、高效地利用现有资源,促进人与自然协调同时可持续发展,资产投入是以无形资产为主,引进了开发无限的人力资源人们的头脑的可能性,提供了一个创造充裕经济的平台,以永不枯竭的思想为基础通过动态合作,汇集成为灵感的大动脉,动脉中又孕育着更多的创造性,依赖生机勃勃的“信息结构”,知识管理,知识管理的重要性,工作人口减少与老化之后,知识管理将是提高生产力的关键。,想改善或甚至只是维持目前的生活水准,知识管理都将是基本条件。知识财产已成为我们时代的主要通货。,德鲁克,知识管理,知识型企业,知识型人员将占绝大多数,企业组织结构发生变化,生产组织系统发生变化,在家办公将成为一种可行的工作方式,经理人员也可以通过使用便携式信息技术随时随地办公,随时招聘的工作人员将取代固定性工作人员,“按业绩付酬”将取代“按岗位付酬”,灵活有效的生产组合形式:人员、时间、地点等。这种组合可以根据需要随时增减,甚至撤消;同时也可以为了掌握各种本领而进行彻底改组,知识管理,大型企业将被改造成许多小的能提供某种专门服务的自行管理的单位。智能信息系统利用企业内综合通信网或者组件系统,把所有的生产经营活动合成一个工作整体,协调生产全过程和分散在各地的各单位之间的工作;,企业每一个单位的管理都通过由知识型人员组成的一个几乎拥有全权的自行指导班子来进行。这个指导班子对产品的设计、加工制造、销售、售后服务和最终处理实行一抓到底的管理方法。由于实行计算机化取得了巨大的灵活性,任何一个用户只要确切说明他需要一种什么样的产品,都能得到满足;,管理部门按工作成绩分配预算、工资、奖金和其他资源,同时允许各部门按照自己认为最佳的方式自行组合和安排生产,以及同供应商和其他单位协作。,企业组织结构发生变化,知识管理,知识型企业的六个要素,你越使用知识型产品和服务,它们越具有职能,你越使用知识型产品和服务,你就越聪明,知识型产品和服务可随环境变化而做出调整,知识型企业可按顾客要求提供产品和服务,知识型产品和服务具有相对较短的生命周期,知识型企业能使顾客实时采取行动,知识管理,知识管理,知识管理不同于信息管理,它是通过知识共享,运用集体智慧提高应变和创新能力。知识管理的实施在于建立激励雇员参与知识共享的机制,设立知识总监,关注创新和集体创造力的培养。,知识管理并不是一门技术,而是各种可行的解决办法的综合,其作用是作为一个单一系统满足各项具体需求。,知识管理就是为企业实现显性知识和隐性知识共享寻找新的途径。显性知识易于通过计算机进行整理和存储;隐性知识则难以掌握,它存储在各个雇员的大脑里,是雇员的个人经验。,正是由于信息与人的认知能力的结合才导致了知识的产生。它是一个运用信息创造某种行为的过程。这就是知识管理的目标,知识管理,Five Objectives for Knowledge Management Initiative,Connecting people with other knowledge people,Connecting people with information,Enabling the conversion of information to knowledge,Encapsulating knowledge, making it easier to transfer,Disseminating knowledge around the firm,知识管理的实施,实现有效的知识管理所要求的远远不止仅仅拥有合适的软件系统和充分的人员培训。它要求公司领导层把集体知识共享和创新视为赢得竞争优势的支柱。知识管理要求雇员共享他们所拥有的知识(而不是为了保住各自的工作而隐瞒信息),并且要求管理层对那些做到这一点的人给予鼓励。“从许多方面来说,在公司内部实现知识共享同与竞争对手共享知识的难度一样大。”,建立对积极参与知识共享的雇员予以奖励的激励机制。,“雇员的价值并不在于他们掌握了哪些知识,而在于他们要具有不断创新和创造性运用新知识的能力。”,设立知识总监(CKO),知识总监的地位居于行政总监(CEO)和信息总监(CIO)之间。,知识管理,


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