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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Non-figure Charts,长沙新东方 傅阳,Version0907,Flow Charts,flow chart,流程图会偶尔在考试中出现。有时候以时间先后关系,(chronological order),排列,有时候以空间关系,(spatial order),组合,但是与数据图基本的解题思路类似,。,(1),题目特点:,这类题目当中不出现任何数据,而是以示意图的方式现。,(2),解题思路:,首先应该判断该图的组合方式是以时间关系还是空间关系进行。如果是按,时间,关系排列的话,那么按照,各个步骤的先后顺序,写作。如果是按,空间,关系排列的话,那么按照,空间的上下内外进行比较,。,Basic Concepts,process/flow/,stage/step,1.,时间/逻辑顺序连词,To begin with/firstly. Then, after, consequently,. The last step, finally,2.,表示步骤内容,:主动 被动,We should put a table,a table should be put,.,3.,表示方位,功能,意义, ,,which,定从,4.,评价步骤,提醒注意,:,significant/essential/vital/indispensable,trivial/optional/.,3.,表示方位,功能,意义, ,,which,定从,. ,which located/situated/has been put in,.,is,(,方位,),. ,which is used to / function(s) as/serve(s) to / is aiming to,.,is,(,功能,),. ,which is important/ trivial/optional .,is,(,意义,),Screen,location= on desk,Function= show the graph,Significance= indispensable (,评价,),The screen is usually put,on the desk,as,an indispensable part of a computer,which is used to/ serves the purpose of/ fulfill the job of presenting the graphs in front of us,.,1. diagram for scientific experiment,Paragraph 2 = how should we organize the,preparation,(,准备的步骤, 按试验顺序,逻辑顺序,),Paragraph 3 = introduce the simple (common sense),scientific process,.,You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The diagram below shows the method of obtaining water outdoors. You should write at least 150 words.,第一步骤,According to the figure, the,first step,of,obtaining water outdoors,is to,find a hole,.,is done,to form(形成)/construct/build,an .,Done= hung(挂),dug,(挖),,cut(剪), laid ,turned on(打开),open,filled,removed, put, pasted,covered,uncovered.,are applied=,复杂的做(用)法,为了什么目的(in order to+ 主动语态),and stones,are applied,on both sides of the sheet on the edge,(which is),in order to(目的和功能),secure(=stabilize) its position,达到什么效果(as a result/therefore/,Thus,+ 被动语态),Another stone,is being put,in the middle/centre of the sheet and,as a result,the middle part becomes the lowest part in the sheet.,.,is .,which enables/allows/ realizes ,the gene,is then attached to,a vector,which enables the gene to enter a new cell.,According to the,figure, earth,is removed,from the ground,to,form,(形成),an indented place,. (some plant was,put,into the ground and among which a container was,laid,). A plastic sheet,is being used,to,cover,the ground and stones,are applied,on both sides of the sheet on the edge,(in order),to(目的和功能),secure(=stabilize) its position.,Another stone,is being put,in the middle/centre of the sheet,and,as a result,the middle part becomes the lowest part in the sheet,.,The chart describes how water is obtained outdoors.,According to the figure, the,first step,of,obtaining water outdoors,is to,find,a hole with green plants on the,bottom,. Next,remove,the green plants,on the middle of the bottom,and,put,a container,there,.,Then,cover,the hole with a plastic sheet and,place,two stones,on both ends of it,to secure its position,. A third stone is,laid,on the middle of the plastic sheet,so that,the middle part is also the lowest part,.,对一个(自然)现象的描述,When/now,the sun shines on the green plants in the hole,thereafter,water,evaporates (rises up),from these plants. The vapor rises up and then condenses (cools down) to form water drops on the plastic sheet.,When,there is more and more water(when the water accumulates), it flows along the sheet,to accumulate,on the lowest part. Finally, water falls down into the container directly under the middle stone.,Thus, water is collected successfully through evaporation from green plants,.,常用的科学过程描绘词,evaporate condense vaporise distill,purify filter boil erupt deposit percolate,circulate attach separate isolate ventilate,connect,试验intro 和 conclusion,The chart describes how,water is obtained outdoors.,Thus,water is collected,successfully through,evaporation from green plants.,You should spend at least 20 minutes on this task. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information in the genetic engineering process chart below. You should write at least 150 words.,位置上的包含关系,AAA is situated at BBB, which is the . of/belongs to CCC,centre/edge,in DDD.,first of all,,AAA,are identified along/in,BBB,which can be found,in the CCC,at the centre/edge,of DDD,.,This diagram shows the constituent parts of a cell,and how the genetic information within a cell, which is stored in chromosomes, can be transferred to another cell,to complete the process of,genetic modification.,The chart describes how,the process of,genetic modification is,completed.,the constituent parts (内部构造) of a cell,To begin the genetic engineering process,first of all,,,genes,are identified along,chromosome strands,which can be found in the nucleus of a cell,.,In the next stage/step, particular genes,are isolated by,genetic engineers and are then,biochemically cut out,of their chromosomal strands.,Following this,in the next stage, the gene,is then attached to,a vector,which enables the gene to enter a new cell,. This combining of genetic information from one cell kind to another,is the essence/critical part of the genetic engineering process,.,描写科学步骤的模板:,To begin the . process,first of all,, ,which can be found,.,In the next stage/step, .,Following this,in the next stage, ,which enables,. This step of ,is the most critical part . process,.,Finally,as in the example provided in the diagram shows,when the regenerated cells of a particular plant species are allowed to grow, the plants will show properties of the genetic information,which has been borrowed from another species cells.,原理图,2007年05月19日雅思考试,years,height,Length,A,8,+3500,11.6,French-Italian,B,42,-240,53.85,Japanese1-2,表达花费,时长,It took/cost. to complete/ finish/ accomplish .,表达高,长,宽,重.,it is as long/high/wide/heavy as .,it is as long as 11.6 kilometres.,The tunnel,runs/travels/spans/covers(覆盖面积) takes up,240 metres below the sea surface.,Connecting A and B, reaching from A to B,The figures,illustrate and compare,the engineering features of two world-renowned tunnels, the Mont-Blanc Road Tunnel and the Seikan Railway Tunnel.,Mont-Blanc Tunnel,as shown in Figure 1 is a road tunnel,connecting France and Italy.,Traveling 3,500 metres,beneath the highest peak of the mountain above it, the tunnel,has a total length of 11.6 kilo metres.,The construction of this tunnel commenced(=opened, started ) in 1957 and,it took 8 years to complete,.,The Seikan Tunnel illustrated in Figure 2 is a railway tunnel in Japan.,Opened in 1988, it runs beneath the seabed of the Tsugaru Strait, connecting Aomori City on the Japanese island and Hakodate City on the island of Hokkaido. The tunnel,runs 240 metres,below the sea surface,.,Its construction began(commenced),as early as 1946 and it took 42 years to complete this 53.85km submarine tunnel,.,联系作比较A VS B, A , B, A/B,AAA,is by far longer than,BBB,and AAA,took much longer than,BBB,to accomplish.,and AAA,was,much more expensive than,BBB,It is evident from the diagrams that,although both represent remarkable feats of engineering technology, the undersea Seikan Railway Tunnel,is by far longer than,Mont-Blanc Tunnel which was built on land and its construction,took much longer,to accomplish.,剑桥雅思5 P75,S2, Hindon 12 km / 10,000,It travels 12km to go to the Hindon Town, which is with population of 10,000.,And it takes 16km and 25kms trip to go to Bransdon (with15,000 population ) and Cransdon (with29,000 population ) respectively.,地图题的特点,空间方位:,描写顺序:,layout,布局,NW, SE,Clockwise/anticlockwise,空间过渡:,next to, at the corner, in the middle, opposite to, beside, in front of , bottom, top, left ,right, above. across, go beyond, pass, turn left, turn right,MAP题范例,The maps below give information about a school site in 2004 and the planning of the same school in 2010.,Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.,(2007年7月1日雅思考题),审题: 思路上同 双pie chart,A, in 2004, map layout(分布局),B in 2010, map layout(分布局)+ change,The two maps show the plan changes in the campus,layout,of Hogwards Grammar School from 2004 to 2010.,Figure 1,provides an overview of the,original,school plan in 2004. At this time, the school has 600 students and its “only school building,is located in its northwest corner,.,To its east,there is,a large sport field,which is connected to school building by a walking path,. Cars enter the school area from its,west side, and then drive,along,a main road which leads to a car park,situated in,the,northeast corner,.,The rest of,the campus is,covered by,lawns and trees.,Figure 2 highlights the plan,changes,to be completed by 2010.,As the number of students will expand to about 1,000,two more school buildings,will be,added,(,located/constructed?,), one,to the east,of the original one and the other to its south, all three conveniently,connected to each other,by,walking paths.,Part of the sport field,will be,taken up by,a,new,school building, so the playground will,shrink,on its,original,basis,. A,new,parking lot will also,be constructed to,the left of the old building,aiming to,serve an increased number of students, parents and staff. And the main road,will be altered,accordingly to,connect the two parking areas.,(Free alterations),It is evident from the comparison that the new Hogwards Grammar School will be face-lifted in a way that better suits the needs of its growth.,fuyangstaff.neworiental.org,


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