Improving the Business Chinese Curriculum through Needs

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,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Improving the Business Chinese Curriculum through Needs Analysis,A Preliminary Research,Wang, Haidan,University of Hawaii at Mnoa,Japan American Institute of Management Science,,Outline,Two important issues,Who are the “business language” users?,What is “Needs Analysis”,A Review of business Chinese textbooks,Abstracts from interviews,Learners/users perspective,Mentors perspective,A statistic result,Summary-Suggestions for material development for business Chinese course-,To be continued,Two Important Issues,Who are “business language” users?,People use a language in various business activities (Frendo 2005),Pre-experienced; job-experienced; general business-experienced,Organizational hierarchy: senior manager, clerical staff,Special needs for specific work,People with business communicative skills and a variety of competences (Donna 2000),Linguistic competence-,语言能力,Discourse competence,-,话语能力,Intercultural competence,-,跨文化交际能力,People with communicative competences in business settings,successful in communication,Two Important Issues,What is “needs analysis” in second acquisition studies?,Definition: learner needs analysis,“needs assessment”: the activities involved in gathering information that will serve as the,basis for developing a curriculum,that will meet the learning needs of a,particular group of students,(Brown 2001: p35),Rationale,:,inefficiency of generic program,the discredited: one-size-fits-all approach,a prerequisite for effective course/curriculum design,Two Important Issues,Previous research,Needs of business firms for employees (Vandermeeren 2005),Anticipate and ranking learners needs in their later careers,Intercultural sensitivity and competency is more important than language proficiency,Methodology-triangulated method for reliability and validity (Long 2005),Literature review,Interview,Survey and questionnaire,Observation,A Review of Business Chinese Textbook,Business textbooks published in U.S. and China-25 sets,新世纪商用汉语初级会话,Jean Kuo Cheng & Tsui Company, 2006,Startup Business Chinese: An Introductory Course for Professionals,初级实用商务汉语刘美如北京大学出版社,,2006,年,Basic Business Chinese,在商言商冯禹等,Cheng & Tsui Company, 2006,Close the Deal: Advanced Chinese for Creative and Productive Business,商务汉语经济案例阅读教程邢欣等北京大学出版社,,2006,年,Business Chinese: Reading Course of Commercial Cases,基础商务汉语:会话与应用王小军等北京语言大学出版社,,2005,年,A Business Trip to China: Conversation and Application,商务汉语入门,-,基本礼仪篇张黎等北京大学出版社,,2005,年,Gateway to Business Chinese: Regular Formulas and Etiquette,商务汉语入门,-,日常交际篇张黎等北京大学出版社,,2005,年,Gateway to Business Chinese: Daily Communication,商务汉语提高,-,应酬篇,办公篇,业务篇张黎等北京大学出版社,,2005,年,Advanced Business Chinese,经理人汉语:生活篇张晓慧等外语教学与研究出版社,,2005,年,Chinese for Managers: Everyday Chinese,经理人汉语:商务篇张晓慧等外语教学与研究出版社,,2005,年,Chinese for Managers: Business Chinese,汉语商务通:中级口语教程董瑾、范雪娇等北京大学出版社,,2005,年,汉语商务通:中级听力教程董瑾、范雪娇等北京大学出版社,,2005,年,汉语商务通:中级阅读教程董瑾、辛平等北京大学出版社,,2005,年,成功之道袁芳远北京大学出版社,,2005,年,Business Chinese for Success: Real Cases for Real Companies,卓越商务汉语教程(高级阅读)任长慧等外语教学与研究:,2005,年,商务汉语速成李振刚华语教学出版社,,2005,年,A Speedy Course of Business Chinese,中级商务汉语教程王惠玲、黄锦章北京大学出版社。,2004,年,Business Chinese,商务汉语金桥:中级阅读 王惠玲、黄锦章北京大学出版社。,2004,年,Business Chinese,新汉语 经济新闻阅读教程,-,高级篇王惠玲、王惠成北京大学出版社。,2004,年,Business Chinese,经贸汉语听和说董瑾等外语教学与研究出版社,2004,年,经贸汉语中级教程董瑾等外语教学与研究出版社,2004,年,经贸汉语高级教程董瑾等外语教学与研究出版社,2004,年,经贸汉语阅读与写作董瑾等外语教学与研究出版社,2004,年,商贸汉语高级读本崔颂人香港中文大学出版社,,2004,年,Business Chinese: An Advanced Reader,高级经贸汉语:今日经贸纵横袁芳远,Yale University Press: 2004,Advanced Business Chinese: Economy and Commerce in a Changing China and the Changing World,商务汉语黄为之华语教学出版社,2002,年,Business Chinese,经贸洽谈,ABC,刘丽瑛等北京语言大学出版社,,2002,年,公司汉语李立、丁安琪北京大学出版社,,2002,年,Business Chinese,中国全景,-,商贸汉语黄为之,杨廷治语文出版社,,2002,年,China Panorama: Chinese for Business,新世纪商用汉语高级读本,Jane C.M. KuoCheng & Tsui Company, 2001,Open for Business: Lessons in Chinese Commerce for the New Millennium,基础实用商务汉语关道雄等北大出版社,,2000,A Practical Business Chinese Reader,国际商务汉语教程张泰平北京大学出版社,,2000,年,International Business Chinese Course,经贸初级汉语口语黄为之华语教学出版社,1999,年,Business Chinese Elementary,商务口语教程(经贸类)张黎等北京语言文化大学,,1999,年(四年级教材),经贸汉语黄为之华语教学出版社,,1998,年,Chinese for Economics and Trade,实用商业汉语洪玮,China Books & Periodicals, Inc. 1997,Practical Business Chinese,外贸洽谈五百句北京语言学院、北京对外贸易学院编华语教学出版社,,1982-1989,年(,3rd,),Literature Review,阅读,案例,商务汉语经济案例阅读教程邢欣等,成功之道袁芳远,经贸类报刊文章改写及选读,新汉语 经济新闻阅读教程王惠玲、王惠成,商务汉语金桥:中级阅读王惠玲、黄锦章,中级商务汉语教程王惠玲、黄锦章,汉语商务通:中级阅读教程董瑾、辛平等,卓越商务汉语教程任长慧,商贸信息及背景知识介绍,商贸汉语高级读本崔颂人,综合:案例,经济现象分析,背景知识介绍,高级经贸汉语:今日经贸纵横袁芳远,Literature Review,口语,交际礼仪,生活交际,商务汉语入门,-,基本礼仪篇张黎、沈庶英等,商务汉语入门,-,日常交际篇张黎等,经理人汉语:生活篇张晓慧等,商务交际,商务汉语提高,-,应酬篇张黎、陶晓红,经理人汉语:商务篇张晓慧等,综合,新世纪商务汉语初级会话,Jane Kuo,汉语商务通:中级口语教程 董瑾、范雪娇等,商务汉语速成李振刚,经贸初级汉语口语黄为之,Literature Review,口语,商务贸易过程,基础实用商务汉语关道雄等,国际商务汉语教程张泰平,基础商务汉语:会话与应用王小军等,商务汉语黄为之,实用商业汉语洪玮,经理人汉语:经贸篇张晓慧等,商务汉语提高,-,业务篇 张黎、陶晓红,在商言商冯禹等,贸易洽谈策略、技巧,经贸洽谈,ABC,刘丽瑛等,商务口语教程(经贸类)张黎等,外贸洽谈五百句北京语言学院、北京对外贸易学院编,Literature Review,口语,公司结构及运作,商务汉语提高,-,办公篇 张黎、陶晓红,公司汉语李立、丁安琪,听力,汉语商务通:中级听力教程董瑾、范雪娇等,经贸汉语听和说董瑾等,写作,经贸汉语阅读与写作董瑾等,情景剧集,国际商务汉语教程张泰平,中国全景,:,商贸汉语,黄为之、杨廷治,Needs Analysis,Interviewees,China-focused MBA graduates (14),English-speaking business practitioners in China (4),China-based mentors for the interns (6),Interview questions,(business) language learning background,(additional) language training in China,Significant gaps between language training and language use at work,Daily routines at work and use of Chinese as business language,Situations unable to handle with current language ability,Culture shock,Needs: abilities and contents,Abstracts from Interviews,Abilities and skills,operations in company,Establish mutual rapport and comfortableness,Participate and interact in company and group meetings,I wish I can understand the most content of business meetings,I want to do more speaking than listening only,Debriefing with team,Register of words when talking to different audiences: managers/colleagues,Phone calls to arrange all kinds of company-related issues,I need to get various meetings all by myself,Public speech a stream of speech in front of a large/small number of people,I want to articulate my ideas,I would like to have more ice-breaking abilities when dealing with Chinese,Interaction with all related departments,I have to contact all departments in the hotel by myself,Abstracts from Interviews,Reading: company documents, business reports,and emails among co-workers,Writing,Business correspondences, email, memo, proposals,Formal writing: contract drafting, translation of document,Our Chinese clients require business report,Internet searching,We need to find all related small company website mostly without English version,I want to know where and how to find the correlated data,Data process and organization,Data collection and analysis,Interns need the ability of pulling information from Chinese sources,Compilation of (interview) files,based on data,Abstracts from Interviews,Cultural,Nuances,Hanging ducks head inside the window,Its so sensitive and so risky to talk in second language sometimes,Asian Americans are treated differently from Caucasians,working routines,in China,Im still trying to get used to the working environment in such a big company,Office customs,Chinese people are reluctant to speak during internal business meeting,Theyd like to get it done after the meeting,different business cultures,Chinese people ask very personal questions,My Chinese co-workers dont ask their boss a lot of things that they should ask-they dont think of anything out of the box,They have clear set, sort of guideline and underlined foundation the way they operate,Abstracts from Interviews,Abilities and skills,General business communication,Networking in various situations,Ive found that establishing a social network becomes a source for you,Reading text-message,I keep contact with my co-workers when we are outside. I read their text-message and send back in English,Negotiation and bargaining,When we are doing negotiation in Chinese, my weak point is very apparent,Interview,We need to site-visit and interview the potential business partners for our clients,Initiate conversation and windup appropriately,Id like to find appropriate topics to make friend with Chinese people,Small talk,Strategies to make up the limited-proficiency,Abstracts from Interviews,Address and present to different audiences in different situations,when you talk to Chinese people (in formal and written language) and very expedient, that make them feel, you are less western,Contents,Linguistic contents,Vocabulary should be as broad as possible specific topics, themes, and scenarios,Slang,Knowing the,土语口语,is really helpful to my social skills with colleagues at work,书面语词,I found it so important for cultural grounding,Industry-specific languages that are common to the most,Accounting: terms, balance sheet, etc.,Financial/banking: commercial, investment, etc.,Marketing/(service) sales: initiating, segmentation, research, analysis,IT-Chinese windows, office software, vocabulary related to internet,Government and policies,Newest trading polices,Statistics,intern industries: China-focused MBA graduates (73),Summary,Contents: broad vocabulary and terminology plus,Accounting,Banking and finance,Negotiation,Marketing: market entry/intelligence/analysis/trend/plan,IT: computer and internet,Government/politics,Discourse strategies,Initiating, especially ending conversation naturally,Appropriate speaking: small talk, genres, etc.,Negotiating skills,(Inter)cultural,Nuances, e.g. directness vs. indirectness,Cooperate culture and company culture,Chinese cultural norms and customs,To be continued,Ongoing:,More interviews of MBA graduates starting this November (12),Collection of questionnaires from CBA faculty at UHM (10),Report from survey of current China-focused MBA students (12),Observation of actual language use in business settings and activities in China,Mutual efforts for new findings,and sharing,References,Brown, J. D. 1995. The elements of language curriculum: A systematic approach to program development. Heinle & Heinle Publishers.,Donna, S. 2000. Teach business English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.,Frendo, E. 2005. How to teach business English. England: Longman,Long, M. L. 2005a. A rationale for needs analysis and needs analysis research. In,Second Language Needs Analysis,ed. by M. L. Long. Cambridge University Press.,Long, M. L. 2005b. Methodologicial issues in learner needs analysis. In,Second Language Needs Analysis,ed. by M. L. Long. Cambridge University Press.,Vandermeeren, S. 2005. Foreign language need of business firms. In,Second Language Needs Analysis,ed. by M. L. Long. Cambridge University Press.,Acknowledge,Funding from,University of Hawaii at Mnoa,Center for International Business Education and Research,(UH-CIBER),


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