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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Company Logo,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 1 Growing Up,Text A Writing for Myself,Ni Deng,Ni Deng,Sun Yat-sen University,Teaching Steps,2.,Global Reading,1.,Before Reading,4.,After Reading,3.,Detailed Reading,Company Logo,Before Reading: Warming-up Questions,What was your impression of you first English teacher in your life? Do you like him/her? Why or why not? Is he/she?,amiable,amiable,amiable,bright,dedicated,?,?,?,?,cheerful,easy-going,Company Logo,How did you used to feel about your English courses?,exciting,valuable,inspiring,boring,?,?,?,Company Logo,Global Reading,What was Bakers impression of his new English teacher?,How did Baker used to feel about English courses?,Please go to the TRUE or FALSE below.,Plus, Baker uses another series of adjectives to describe Mr. Fleagle.,formal,rigid,respectabl e,prim,proper,correct,Main idea of the text,Please sort out the main idea of the text.,Parts,Lines,Main Ideas,1,1-15,Baker was bored by ,2,16-39,Baker found himself attracted by ,3,40-60,The experience of writing the essay helped ,Check them out here!,Detailed Reading,Russel Baker is very good at selecting details to prove his point.,For example, in Para. 2 he creates an unfavourable image of Mr. Fleagle by describing his ,formal,rigid and hopelessly out-of-date, eyeglasses, hairstyle, clothes, jaw, nose, and manner of speaking.,Whats more, Russel Baker employs,repetition,not only to make it easy for readers to follow what he is saying, but also to impress them more deeply. Look at the synonyms below:,Introduction of the concepts that are used in the text :,the American educational system,Spaghetti,Spaghetti is the Italian-style thin noodle, cooked by boiling and served with sauce. Unlike some Chinese noodles, it is not served in soup and will never taste pulpy (,多汁的,).,After Reading,Learn the useful expressions in the text. Find the correct translation of the phrases in Chinese in the following slides.,Useful Expressions,1.,断断续续,off and on,2.,对,感到腻味,3.,觉得,枯燥难懂,4. 以而知名,5.,据说某人,be bored by .,find . dull and difficult,have a reputation for.,sb. be said to be .,AR_1.,Useful Expressions-1,Useful Expressions,6.,拘谨刻板,落后于时代,formal, rigid and out-of-date,7,.,随笔小品文,8.,躺在沙发上,9.,不得不面对,10.,围坐在晚餐桌旁,an informal essay,lie on a sofa,face up to .,be seated around the,supper table,AR_1.Useful Expressions-2,Useful Expressions,16.,更不可思议的是,whats more,17. 专心听讲,18.,乐乎乎地开怀大笑,20. 最后的时刻,listen attentively,laugh with open-hearted,enjoyment,at the eleventh hour,AR_1.Useful,Expressions-4,1,9,. 心花怒放,pure delight,Assignment: Make stories,Suppose you are Russell Baker,“I used to hate everything about English when I was in high school, and I disliked my English teachers, too. In the last year of my high school life, I had a new English teacher called Mr. Fleagle, who was ,Suppose you are Mr. Fleagle,“I taught English in a high school. My students thought I was a Once I assigned my students to write,Review,Text A, Unit 1, Book I,Assignment,After Reading,Detailed Reading,Global Reading,Before Reading,


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