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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Part I Part II,Part III Part IV,Unit 1 :,Growing Up,College English: Integrated Course 1,Unit 1:Growing up,NCE-B1,Pre-Reading Task,The Song,Beautiful boy,The Questions,1.,2.,3.,4.,Part I:,index,previous,next,back,break,over,more,Index,Text A,Unit 1: Growing up,NCE-B1,p1.,The idea of becoming a writer,p2.,I found English grammar dull,p3.,Mr.Fleagle had a reputation,p4.,He wore prim suits with,p5,.,I prepared for an unfruitful,p6.,I took the list home,p7.,This title produced an,p8.,Spaghetti was still a little,P9.,Suddenly I wanted ,P10.,To write it as I,P11.,When I finished it ,P12.,Two days passed before,P13. “ Now, boys, he said,P14.,Listening attentively,P15.,I did my best to avoid,P16.,It was the happiest ,Part II:,index,next,back,break,over,previous,more,Vocabulary to Read,Index,Introduction to the Text,Content questions,Language Points,words & expressions,sentence explanations,cultural notes,Comprehension,Points for Discussion,Text Organization,Language Focus,Language Sense Enhancement,Poetry,Quotations,1.Vocabulary,Dictation,Gaps Filling,Synonyms,Collocation,Movie,Web-links,Unit 1: Growing up,NCE-B1,index,next,back,break,over,Humorous story,previous,more,True or False Choice,Index,Rewrite,Completion,Unit 1: Growing up,NCE-B1,2. Structure,Sentence Rewriting,Sentence Completing,Comprehensive Exercises,Cloze,Translation,Part III:,Words & Phrases to Learn,Comprehension Check,Translation,Language Practice,Part IV:,Essay Writing,Model paper,Writing Strategy,index,back,break,over,Chinese Version of Text A,previous,next,Index,1. Do you know who,John Lennon,was?,2.,Have you ever heard the song before?,Unit 1: part I,NCE-B1,Part I Pre-reading Task,index,back,break,over,John Lennon,was British musician and composer who was a member of the,Beatles,. With Paul McCartney he wrote many of the groups songs, including,Yesterday,and,Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.,NCE-B1,Unit 1: part I,index,break,over,more,back,The song,Beautiful Boy,is a lullaby (催眠曲, 摇篮曲) composed and sung by John Lennon to his son,Sean,. But John Lennon, sadly he never live to see his son grow up and come of age, for John was shot dead by a madman in New York while Sean was still only five years old.,NCE-B1,more about John Lennon,Unit 1: part I,index,last,next,break,over,previous,more,Beatles,:,A former British pop group comprising John Lennon, Ringo Starr, Paul McCartney, and George Harrison. The group first gained international fame in 1962 and disbanded in 1970.,NCE-B1,Unit 1: part I,index,break,over,back,next,Beautiful Boy,Script,NCE-B1,Unit 1: part I,index,back,break,over,next,Beautiful Boy ( Darling Boy ),By John Lennon,Close your eyes,Have no fear,The,monster,s gone,Hes on the run and your daddys here,n.,怪物, 妖怪,NCE-B1,Unit 1: part I,index,last,back,break,over,previous,next,Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful,Beautiful boy,Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful,Beautiful boy,NCE-B1,Unit 1: part I,index,back,break,over,previous,next,Before you go to sleep,Say a little,prayer,Every day in every way,Its getting better and better,n. 祈祷,NCE-B1,Unit 1: part I,index,back,break,over,previous,next,Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful,Beautiful boy,Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful,Beautiful boy,NCE-B1,Unit 1: part I,index,back,break,over,previous,next,Out on the ocean sailing away,I can hardly wait,To see you come of age,But I guess well both just have to be patient,NCE-B1,Unit 1: part I,index,back,break,over,previous,next,Cause its a long way to go,A hard row to hoe,Yes its a long way to go,NCE-B1,Unit 1: part I,index,back,break,over,previous,next,But in the meantime,Before you cross the street,Take my hand,Life is what happens to you,While youre busy making other,plans,NCE-B1,Unit 1: part I,index,back,break,over,previous,next,Beautiful, beautiful, beautifulBeautiful boyBeautiful, beautiful, beautifulBeautiful boy,NCE-B1,Unit 1: part I,index,back,break,over,previous,next,Before you go to sleep,Say a little prayer,Every day in every way,Its getting better and better,NCE-B1,Unit 1: part I,index,back,break,over,previous,next,Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful,Beautiful boy,Darling, darling, darling,Darling Sean,NCE-B1,Unit 1: part I,index,back,break,over,previous,next,3. What does Lennon think of growing up ? Is it easy or full of adventures?,NCE-B1,Unit 1: part I,Listen,please:,index,next,back,break,over,previous,4. Can you guess what the texts in this unit are going to be about?,NCE-B1,Unit 1: part I,index,back,break,over,previous,next,NCE-B1,Unit 1: part I,Life becomes better as one grows up .,It takes time to grow up.,Life is not always what one has planned, but is full of surprises.,Life is not easy.,Life is adventurous.,possible answers,index,break,over,back,When we are writing we are often told to keep our readers in mind, to shape what we say to fit their tastes and interests. But there is one reader in particular who should not be forgotten. Can you guess who?,Russell Baker,surprised himself and everyone else when he discovered the answer.,Unit 1: Part II,NCE-B1,Part II Text A,index,back,break,over,previous,next,1,The idea of becoming a writer had come to me,off and on,since my childhood in Belleville, but it,wasnt until my,third year in high school,that the,possibility took hold,. Until then Id,been bored by,everything,associated,with English courses.,By,Russell Baker,Writing for Myself,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,Chinese,index,back,break,over,previous,next,I found English grammar dull and difficult. I hated the,assignments,to,turn out,long,lifeless paragraphs that were,agony,for teachers to read and for me to write.,2,When our class was assigned to Mr.Fleagle for third-year English I,anticipated,another cheerless year in that most,tedious,of subjects.,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,Chinese,index,back,break,over,previous,next,Mr.Fleagle had a,reputation,among students for dullness and inability to,inspire,.,He was said to be very formal,rigid,and hopelessly,out of date,. To me he looked to be sixty or seventy and excessively prim. He wore primly,sever,e,eyeglasses, his wavy hair was primly cut and primly combed.,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,Chinese,index,back,break,over,previous,next,He wore prim suits with neckties set primly against the collar buttons of his white shirts. He had a primly pointed jaw,a primly straight nose, and a prim manner of speaking that was so correct, so gentlemanly, that he seemed a comic antique.,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,Chinese,index,back,break,over,previous,next,3 I prepared for an unfruitful year with Mr. Fleagle and for a long time was not disappointed. Late in the year we tackled the informal essay. Mr. Fleagle distributed a homework sheet offering us a choice of topics. None was quite so simple-minded as What Did on My Summer Vacation, but most seemed to be almost as dull.,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,Chinese,index,back,break,over,previous,next,I took the list home and did nothing until the night before the essay was due. Lying on the sofa, I finally faced up to the unwelcome task,took the list out of my notebook, and scanned it. The topic on which my eye stopped was “ The Art of Eating Spaghetti.,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,Chinese,index,back,break,over,previous,next,4,This title produced an extraordinary,sequence,of mental,images,.,Vivid,memories came flooding back of a night in Belleville when all of us were seated around the supper table Uncle Allen, my mother, Uncle Charlie, Doris, Uncle Hal and Aunt Pat served spaghetti for supper.,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,Chinese,index,back,break,over,previous,next,Spaghetti was still a little known foreign dish in those days. Neither Doris nor I had ever eaten spaghetti,and none of the adults had enough experience to be good at it. All the good hummor of Uncle Allens house reawoke in my mind as I,recalled,the laughing,arguments,we had that night about the socially respectable method for moving spaghetti from plate to mouth.,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,Chinese,index,back,break,over,previous,next,5,Suddenly I wanted to write about that, about the warmth and good feeling of it, but I wanted to,put it down,simply for my own joy, not for Mr. Fleagle. It was a moment I wanted to recapture and hold for myself. I wanted to relive the pleasure of that evening.,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,Chinese,index,back,break,over,previous,next,To write it as I wanted, however, would,violate,all the rules of formal composition Id learned in school, and Mr.Fleagle would surely give it a failing grade. Never mind. I would write something else for Mr. Fleagle after I had written this thing for myself.,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,Chinese,index,back,break,over,previous,next,6.,When I finished it the night was half gone and there was no time left to,compose,a proper, respectable essay for Mr. Fleagle. There was no choice next morning but to,turn in,my tale of Belleville supper.,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,Chinese,index,back,break,over,previous,next,Two days passed before Mr. Fleagle returned the graded papers, and he returned everyones but mine. I was preparing myself for a,command,to report to Mr. Fleagle immediately after school for discipline when I saw him lift my paper from his desk and knock for classs attention.,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,Chinese,index,back,break,over,previous,next,7. “ Now, boys, he said. “ I want to read you an essay. This is titled, The Art of Eating Spaghetti.,8. And he started to read. My words! He was reading my words out loud to the entire class. Whats more, the entire class was listening.,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,Chinese,index,back,break,over,previous,next,Listening attentively.,Then somebody laughed, then the entire class was laughing, and not in contempt and ridicule, but with open-hearted enjoyment. Even Mr. Fleagle stopped two or three times to,hold back,a small prim smile.,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,Chinese,index,back,break,over,previous,next,9.,I did my best to,avoid,showing pleasure, but what I was feeling was pure delight at this demonstration that my words had the power to make people laugh. In the eleventh grade, at,the eleventh hour,as it were, I had discovered a calling.,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,Chinese,index,back,break,over,previous,next,It was the happiest moment of my entire school career. When Mr. Fleagle finished he put the final seal on my happiness by saying Now that, boys, is an essay, dont you see. Its dont you seeits of the very essence of the essay, dont you see. Congratulations. Mr. Baker.,(End of the Text),NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,Chinese,index,back,break,over,previous,off and on,from time to time; sometimes,NCE-B1,e.g,.,It has been raining off and on for a week.,.,Translate:,他昨晚时睡时醒。,He slept off and on last night.,Unit 1: Part II,break,over,index,next,previous,back,e.g.,Is there any possibility of your getting to London this week?,1,.,你有可能去国外工作吗?,Translate:,Is it a possibility that you will work abroad?,2. 他不可能来。,There is no possibility of his coming.,possibility,n.可能性,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,break,over,index,next,previous,back,e.g.,The newly planted vines quickly took hold.,只生一个孩子的观念已经在许多中国家庭中扎根。,Translate:,The idea of one child only has taken hold in many Chinese families.,NCE-B1,take hold,become established,Unit 1: Part II,break,over,index,next,previous,back,e.g.,I hope youre not getting bored listening to me.,演讲者滔滔不绝地讲下去,听众对他的讲话已经变得厌倦了。,went on and on,The speaker went on and on, and the audience grew bored by his speech.,Translate:,bore,vt,. make (sb.)become tired and lose interest,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,back,break,over,index,next,previous,more,boring,意指感觉上的厌倦或不满。,e.g.,I had expected the book to be boring, but on the contrary it was fascinating.我本以为这本书很乏味,但正好相反,它竟让人着迷。,表示,monotonous,的东西令人厌烦是因为缺少变化。,e.g.,There is nothing so desperately monotonous as the sea. 没有东西象大海一样单调到让人绝望了。,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,boring monotonous tedious irksome tiresome humdrum,这几个形容词都表示由于缺乏趣味而导致的厌烦。,break,over,index,next,previous,more,tedious,说明令人乏味的缓慢或漫长的曲折。,e.g. When we travel from coast to coast, we take a plane to avoid spending tedious days on the train. 当从一个海滨旅行到另一个海滨时,我们乘坐飞机以防止在火车上打发无聊时光。,irksome,指需要时间和努力,然而是单调而且通常是没有回报的,e.g. I know and feel what an irksome task the writing of long letters is.我知道也感到写长信是一件多么令人烦恼的任务。,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,break,over,index,next,previous,more,tiresome,的东西令人厌倦是因为它看起来无穷无尽或毫无变化。,e.g. What a tiresome being is a man who is fond of talking. 夸夸其谈的人多么令人讨厌。,humdrum,指陈腐、琐碎和无趣平凡的东西。,e.g.,She led a humdrum existence-all work and no play. 她过着相当单调的生活只有工作,没有玩乐。,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,break,over,index,next,previous,back,e.g.,What do you associate with such a heavy snow?,We associate China with the Great Wall.,Translate:,想起中国, 我们就联想到长城。,associate,n.,join or connect together; bring in mind,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,break,over,index,next,previous,back,e.g.,I hardly ever take pictures except on assignment.,Translate:,What is todays assignment in history,?,今天历史课指定的作业是什么?,assignment,n,. a piece of work that is given to a particular person,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,break,over,index,next,previous,back,e.g.,The company turns out new computer games at a great rate.,我们方案明年生产十万台计算机以满足市场需要。,Translate :,to meet the market requirements,We are to turn out 100,000 computers next year to meet the market requirements.,turn out,produce,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,back,break,over,index,next,previous,more,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,turn out,常与,to, that,连用, 意为:结果,e.g.,Things turned out to be exactly as the professor,had foreseen.,事情正如教授所预见的那样。,The plan turned out a failure.,这项方案结果归于失败。,break,over,index,next,previous,back,e.g.,The wounded man was in agony.,His last agony was over.,Translate :,他临死的挣扎已经过去了。,agony,n,.very great pain or suffering of mind or body,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,back,break,over,index,next,previous,more,distress : 指“精神上悲哀或造成痛苦的原因、“身体上的疼痛或不适或“某种灾难所造成的痛苦或苦难,e.g. Famine caused widespread distress.,饥荒引起了普遍的忧虑。,suffering: 指“身体或精神上的痛苦, 着重“对痛苦的感觉和忍受, 一般用于人。,e.g. His wound caused him great suffering.,他的伤使他深受痛苦。,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,break,over,index,distress suffering agony anguish miser,都含“痛苦的意思。,next,previous,more,anguish: 多指“精神上令人难以忍受的痛苦。,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,e.g.,the anguish of despair,绝望引起的极度痛苦。,agony: 指“肉体上或精神上的巨大痛苦。,e.g.He suffered agonies from his arm.,他感到胳膊痛极了。,break,over,index,next,previous,more,misery:指“在身体、精神或感情方面长期的极大痛苦或不幸, 或“造成这种不幸的原因, 含“无希望解脱的意思。,e.g.,She died in misery in a convent.,她悲惨地在修道院死去。,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,break,over,index,next,previous,back,e.g.,1. The police had anticipated trouble from the soccer fans and were at the ground in large numbers.,2. We anticipate running into problems in carrying out the medical welfare reform.,3. They anticipate that deaths from SARS will have doubled by May.,NCE-B1,anticipate,vt.,expect,Unit 1: Part II,break,over,index,back,next,previous,more,Translate :,我们期待再接到你们的来信。,We anticipate hearing from you again.,他万分快乐地期待妻子的到来。,He anticipates his wifes arrival with much pleasure.,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,break,over,index,next,previous,back,e.g.,The movie was so tedious that many viewers left before it was over.,Translate :,他是一个令人乏味的人,我不想再见到他。,He is such a tedious man that I dont want to see him any more.,tedious,a.,boring and lasting for a long time,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,break,over,index,back,next,previous,more,boring,意指感觉上的厌倦或不满。,e.g.,I had expected the book to be boring, but on the contrary it was fascinating.我本以为这本书很乏味,但正好相反,它竟让人着迷。,表示,monotonous,的东西令人厌烦是因为缺少变化。,e.g.,There is nothing so desperately monotonous as the sea.没有东西更象大海一样单调到让人绝望了。,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,boring monotonous tedious irksome tiresome humdrum,这几个形容词都表示由于缺乏趣味而导致的厌烦。,break,over,index,next,previous,more,tedious,说明令人乏味的缓慢或漫长的曲折。,e.g. When we travel from coast to coast, we take a plane to avoid spending tedious days on the train. 当从一个海滨旅行到另一个海滨时,我们乘坐飞机以防止在火车上打发无聊时光。,irksome,指需要时间和努力,然而是单调而且通常是没有回报的,e.g.,I know and feel what an irksome task the writing of long letters is.我知道也感到写长信是一件多么令人烦恼的任务。,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,break,over,index,next,previous,more,tiresome,的东西令人厌倦是因为它看起来无穷无尽或毫无变化。,e.g. What a tiresome being is a man who is fond of talking. 夸夸其谈的人多么令人讨厌。,humdrum,指陈腐、琐碎和无趣平凡的东西。,e.g.,She led a humdrum existenceall work and no play. 她过着相当单调的生活只有工作,没有玩乐。,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,break,over,index,next,previous,back,e.g.,Premier Zhu Rong-ji has a high reputation as a statesman in the world.,Translate :,他是一个名誉很好的人。,He is a man of good reputation.,reputation,n.,名声;名誉,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,break,over,index,next,previous,back,e.g.,Martin Luther King, Jrs speeches inspired people to fight for equal treatment of African Americans.,Translate :,我受到鼓励,比以往任何时候都更加努力地工作。,I was inspired to work harder than ever before.,inspire,vt.,fill(sb.)with confidence, eagerness,etc.,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,break,over,index,next,previous,back,e.g.,The rigid headmaster would button up his clothes even on the hottest days.,Translate :,没人能改变他固执的想法。,No one can change his rigid ideas.,rigid,a.,(,often disapproving,) fixed in behavior,views or method;strict,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,break,over,index,next,previous,back,e.g.,New words are constantly added to to our vocabulary while some old words go out of date.,Translate:,Although her clothes were out of date, the old woman appeared clean and dignified.,尽管这个老妇人衣着已经过时,但她穿得既清洁又高贵。,out of date,old-fashioned,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,break,over,index,next,previous,back,1) completely plain; 2) stern, strict;3) causing very great pain, difficulty, worry, etc.,e.g.,1).,Earnest Hemingway is known for his severe writing style.,2). Fu Lei was so severe with his son that even his wife would cry.,3). The severe chest pain experienced by the Vice-President proved to be a heart attack.,severe,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,back,break,over,index,next,previous,more,Translate:,The severe teacher has gone abroad; You can breathe freely again.,1.要求苛严的教师已经出国了,你可以完全放心了。,2. “非典是对我们的医务人员的严峻考验。,SARS,SARS,is a severe test to our medical workers.,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,break,over,index,next,previous,more,severe,意为坚持严格的标准或高要求,这个词通常还意味强迫接受一些苛刻的条件。,e.g.,Praise or blame has but a momentary effect on the man whose love of beauty in the abstract makes him a severe critic on his own works. 赞扬或指责对这个人只有瞬间效应,对抽象美的热爱使他对自己的作品严加批判。,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,severe stern austere ascetic strict,These adjectives mean unsparing and exacting with respect to discipline or control.,break,over,index,next,previous,more,stern,指强硬的处理、不妥协的决定或冷峻的外表或气质。,e.g.,She,thought her husband a man fatally stern and implacable. 她认为她丈夫是一个极端严厉而且毫不容情的人。,austere,意味着严厉及诸如冷漠或缺乏感情与同情的性格,而且通常是恪守道德。,e.g.,Austere officers demand meticulous conformity with military regulations. 严峻的军官要求谨遵军纪。,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,break,over,index,next,previous,more,ascetic指自我约束和自我克制并且通常为到达精神进步而放弃世俗享乐。,e.g. Be systematically ascetic . . . do . . . something for no other reason than that you would rather not do it.有方案地克制做某事,没有别的理由你最好别做它。,strict指要求或显示严格遵守义务、规那么或标准,e.g.,He could not be severe nor even passably strict.他根本不能做到严厉,甚至连稍稍严格一点都做不到。,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,break,over,index,next,previous,back,e.g. Toshiba(东芝recently designed a robot that can tackle almost any kinds of housework.,Translate:,每人都有一些问题要去解决。,Everyone has his problems to tackle.,NCE-B1,tackle,vt.,try to deal with,Unit 1: Part II,break,over,index,next,previous,back,e.g.,Finally he came to realize his mistake and apologized to his parents.,Translate :,她最终同意了我的意见。,She finally agreed with me.,finally,at last,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,break,over,index,next,previous,back,e.g.,Now that your daughter is born, youll have to face up to the responsibilities of being a father.,Translate :,她必须正视她已不再年轻这一事实。,She must face up to the fact that


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