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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,A Reading CourseUnit5 Book 2 New Senior English for China by Beijing Normal University.,Lesson1 Performance,Alanis-A True Performer,A Reading CourseUnit5 Boo,1,Contents,Background,(,General information,),Lesson plan,(How to teach and how to learn),Reflection and Anticipated,learning outcome,The outline,Contents BackgroundLesson pla,2,Reading is,essential in language learning,approach to testing Ss,proficiency.,a headache for students,Part 1. Background: teaching material and studentsteaching and learning method,Teaching method:,task-based language teaching; CLT,Learning method:,cooperative learning,Reading is Part 1. Background:,3,Part 2. Lesson plan (How to teach and how to learn),The teacher,:,Being,a,director,and a,facilitator,The students,:Learning-center,The,core,of my teaching,Philosophy:,Learning by using,Part 2. Lesson plan (How to t,4,Part 2. Lesson plan (How to teach and how to learn),1. Teaching aims,2. Teaching focus and difficulty,3. Teaching steps,4. Homework,5. Blackboard design,Part 2. Lesson plan (How to t,5,K,nowledge,:,to make comments on concert; to get familiar with the vocabulary related to music and concert performance; to read a concert review for specific information,S,kills,:,to enhance reading skills and cultivate speaking ability by talk and discussion,A,wareness,:,to be interested in foreign music and concert and improve their world awareness.,Part 2. Lesson plans (How to teach and how to learn),1. Teaching aims,K,S,A,Knowledge: to make comments on,6,Part 2. Lesson plans (How to teach and how to learn),2. Teaching focus and difficulty,To enhance students reading abilities in predicting the general idea , getting the outline of the passage and making inference.,Part 2. Lesson plans (How to,7,Part 2. Lesson plan (How to teach and how to learn),3. Teaching steps,Pre-reading,While-reading,Post-reading,Lead-in,Part 2. Lesson plan (How to t,8,3. Teaching steps,Lead-in,concert,3. Teaching steps Lead-inc,9,Lead-in,3. Teaching steps,Q1:,Have you ever watched a concert “live”, on TV or on video?,Q2:,What do you think makes a good concert?,Lead-in3. Teaching stepsQ1: Ha,10,3. Teaching steps,Lead-in,1. stage,(light,screen),2. music instruments,(audio,microphone),3. performer,(singer,dancer,guitarist,drummer,pianist,violinist),3. Teaching stepsLead-in1. sta,11,3. Teaching steps,Lead-in,1. stage design,(light,screen),2. music instruments,(audio,microphone),3. performer,(singer,dancer,garist,drummer,pianist,violinist),disappointing extraordinary,poor / quite good,clear / unclear,really loud,fantastic/boring,brilliant/exciting,3. Teaching stepsLead-in1. sta,12,3. Teaching steps,Lead-in,Video 1,Q:,How do you like Lu Hans concert?,3. Teaching stepsLead-inVideo,13,3. Teaching steps,Lead-in,Video 2,Q:,Who is she?,How do you like her concert?,Alanis Morisette,3. Teaching stepsLead-inVideo,14,Pre-reading,3. Teaching steps,Look at the picture and guess whats the text mainly about?,Guess?,Alanis Morisettes concert,Pre-reading3. Teaching stepsLo,15,Pre-reading,3. Teaching steps,Look at the title and predict the authors attitude towards Alanis.,A. curious B. disappointing,C. admiring D. critical,Predict?,C,Pre-reading3. Teaching stepsLo,16,Read the text as fast as you can to check your prediction and,match the four paragraphs with the titles(a-d),a) the end of the concert para4,b) how the audience reacted para3,c) the songs played para2,d) the start of the concert para1,While-reading,25mins,3. Teaching steps,P19,Task 1:,Skimming,Read the text as fast as you,17,While-reading,25mins,3. Teaching steps,Task 2:,Scanning,Read the text for more detailed information and fill in the table.,Name,Age,Nationality,Place for the concert,Time for the concert,Weather,Atmosphere,Grammy award song,Songs sung in the concert,Alanis Morissette,30,Canadian,The Corn Exchange in Cambridge, England,Last Thursday night,Extremely cold,Extremely cold,Uninvited,Everything But, Utopia, Heartache,While-reading3. Teaching steps,18,While-writing,25mins,3. Teaching steps,Task 3: Careful reading,True or False:,1)Alanis has become famous since 1995.(,),2)Alanis had a lot of fans in England, but not many went to see her concert because it was too cold.( ),3)“Everything But” and “Utopia” were two of her famous songs.(,),4)The concert hall was cold and the sound system caused some problems, so a lot of people couldnt bear the concert.( ),5) Alanis gave a wonderful performance and she was really a superstar.( ),T,T,F,F,F,While-writing3. Teaching steps,19,3. Teaching steps,Listen to the concert review write down key words that show why the reviewer thinks Alanis Morissette is a true performer,Task 4: Listen and write,Post-reading,8mins,Introduction,Paragraph 1,Paragraph2,Paragraph 3,Paragraph 4,3. Teaching steps Listen to th,20,3. Teaching steps,Discuss and,report,Post-reading,8mins,Introduction,world-famous, great performance,Paragraph 1,won this years Grammy Award, a strong fan base, extremely cold night, no empty seat everywhere in the concert.,Paragraph2,powerful and creative performance, full of feeling,Paragraph 3,Throughout the concert, the atmosphere was extremely exciting. Her brilliant music and singing,Paragraph 4,A true performer, a real superstar,3. Teaching stepsDiscuss and r,21,3. Teaching steps,Optional Task : enjoy Alanis songs,Post-reading,8mins,1. Play Alanis songs for students to enjoy, like Utopia, or Uninvited, or Everything but, Whatever / invite who can sing to sing,2. Watch another episode of Alanis performance.,3. Teaching stepsOptional Task,22,4. Homework,1.Surf the internet for more information about Alanis and her songs. And next class will be required to make an introduction about her or her song.,2. Prepare Grammar for the next period.,4. Homework1.Surf the internet,23,5. Blackboard design,U5 L1: Performance,Unit1 Alanis-A True Performer,The start of the concert=Para1,The songs sung in the concert=Para2,The audiences reaction=Para3,The end of the concert=Para 4,Name,Alanis Morissette,Age,30,nationality,Canadian,Place for the concert,The Corn Exchange in Cambridge, England,Time for the concert,Last Thursday night,weather,Extremely cold,atmosphere,Extremely cold,Grammy award song,Uninvited,Songs sung in the concert,Everything But, Utopia, Heartache,5. Blackboard designU5 L1: Per,24,Part 3. Reflection and anticipated learning outcome,Reflection before and after class: what to teach, how to teach and why to teach,Teaching and learning should be,unified,.,While students are learning by using , I am also learning by teaching.,Part 3. Reflection and anticip,25,Thank You!,Thank You!,26,


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