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,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,*,二轮展示课话题类写作,中国传统文化,高考英语二轮复习话题作文ppt课件,年份,卷别,话题,2019,全国卷,1,告知英国朋友上课计划,学习唐诗,2019,全国卷,2,邀请外教参观中国,剪纸艺术,2018,北京第一节,向英国朋友介绍一位,中国历史文物,2017,全国卷,2,邀请外教,重阳节,一起去敬老院,2018,北京第一节,邀请美国朋友参加,龙舟,训练营,2018,北京第二节,介绍,捏面人,2019,全国卷,2,请美国朋友代卖,中国结,2019,呼市一模,邀请外教观看,中国功夫,演出,2020,包头,一,模,中华经典诵读,2019,周考,12,武术队,招募成员,2019,周考,13,介绍,年画,传统文化类作文试题一览表,年份卷别话题2019全国卷1告知英国朋友上课计划学习唐诗,Learning Targetswrite the body part,How to write the,body,of the letter?,Learning Targetswrite the bo,(2018,北京,),假设你是红星中学高三学生李华,请给你的,美国朋友,Jim,写一封邮件,告诉他你打算参加,龙舟训练营,,,希望他,一起参加,。邮件内容包括:,1,、介绍训练营相关内容,(,例如:时间、地点等,),;,2,、说明你打算参加的原因;,3,、询问对方的意向。,提示词:,dragon boat training camp,龙舟训练营,高考真题作文范例,邀请函,(2018北京)假设你是红星中学高三学生李华,请给你的高考真,More than delighted to know that you take great interest in the Dragon Boat Training Camp which Ive decided to sign up for, I am writing to invite you to join us.,As scheduled, the Dragon Boat Training Camp will be held from July 5 to July 15 in the Xixi National Wetland Park,(,_,),. It is well known that dragon boat is considered as one of the national treasures that originated from ancient times and has gained a great popularity both at home and abroad.,(,_,),. I believe that not only can it help us enhance our physical fitness, but also it can lift up our spirits,(,_,),. Im convinced that you will enjoy it,(,_,),.,Looking forward to your reply and attendance.,time and location,brief introduction,significance,Conclude the function of every sentence,expectation,More than delighted t,Time and location,:,As scheduled, . will be held from . to . in .,(,sp,),Brief introduction,:,It is well known that .is regarded as .that originated from,ancient times and has gained a great popularity both at home,and abroad.,Significance:,I believe that not only can it help us . , but also it can .,Expectation:,I am convinced you will enjoy it.,Sentence structure,Time and location:Sentence str,实战演练,Finish this composition by using you have learned above.,假设你是红星中学高三,(1),班的学生李华。你校将在寒假期间组织留学生,京剧训练营,。请给你班的美国交换生,Jim,写封邮件,告诉他相关信息。邮件的内容包括:,1.,介绍训练营的相关安排(如时间、内容等);,2.,说明训练营的目的;,3.,表达希望对方参加的愿望。,Time and location,:,As scheduled, _ will be held from _ to,_ in _.,Brief introduction,:,It is well known that _ is regarded as _ that originated from ancient times and has gained great popularity both at home and abroad.,Significance:,I believe that not only can it help we _ , but also _.,Expectation:,Group work: oral writing,January 5,January,15,the school stadium,Peking Opera,one of the national treasures,enrich our life,it can give us a taste of Chinese culture,I am convinced you will enjoy it.,Time and location:Group work:,More than delighted to know that you take great interest in the Peking Opera Training Camp in our school this winter vacation, I am writing to invite you to join us.,As scheduled, the Peking Opera training camp will be held,from,January,5,to,January,15 in the school stadium.,It,is well known,that,Peking Opera,is considered as,one of the national treasures,that originated from ancient times and has gained a great popularity both at home and abroad.,I believe that,not only,can it help us,enrich our life,but also,it can give us a taste of Chinese culture. Im convinced that you will enjoy it.,Looking forward to your reply and attendance.,More than delighted to,假如你是李华,正在教你的英国朋友,Leslie,学习汉语。,请你,写一封邮件告知下次上课的计划,。内容包括:,1.,时间和地点;,2.,内容:学习唐诗,Tang Poetry,;,3.,课前准备:简要了解唐朝的历史。,注意:,1.,词数,100,词左右;,2.,可以适当增添细节,使行文连贯。,高考真题作文范例,告知信,假如你是李华,正在教你的英国朋友Leslie学习汉语。,Sample writing,The class is to be held in the reading room from 2:00 to 4:00 on the afternoon of April 20 (_). Id like to introduce Tang Poetry to you. Tang Poetry, regarded as one of the national treasures, is popular among Chinese people and attracts lots of foreigners as well (_) . I believe you will like it, too. It is a golden chance for you to appreciate the beauty of Tang Poetry and learn more about Chinese culture (_). Youd better learn about the brief history of Tang dynasty in advance, which will surely help with your learning (_).,time and location,brief introduction,significance,expectation,Sample writingtime and l,Time and location,:,_ is to be held in sp from _ to _ on the afternoon of _,.,Brief introduction:,Id like to introduce _to you. _, regarded as _,is,popular among Chinese people and attracts lots of foreigners as well. I believe,you will like it, too.,significance:,It is a golden chance for you to appreciate _ and,learn about Chinese culture.,Expectation:,Youd better _ , which will surely help with,_,.,Sentence structure,Time and location: Sentence st,实战演练,Finish this composition by using what you have learned above.,假定你是李华,最近正在给你的英国朋友,Mike,上中国传统文化课。请你发一封邮件告知他下次,课的计划内容包括:,1.,时间和地点,2.,内容:介绍孔子,Confucius,的生平以及对中国文化的贡献;,3.,课前准备:简要了解孔子的著作,实战演练 Finish this composition,Sample writing,Knowing that youve gained a better understanding of Chinese through our class, I am writing to inform you of some details.,The class,is to be held,in the reading room,from,2:00,to,4:00,on the afternoon of,April 20. Id like to introduce Confucius to you. Confucius,regarded as,one of the greatest thinkers and philosophers, is popular among Chinese people and his works attract lots of foreigners as well.,It is a golden chance for,you to appreciate the works of Confucius and learn more about Chinese culture.,Youd better,learn about his works in advance,which will surely help with,your learning.,Time permitting, it couldnt be better if you appreciate his works in advance. Looking forward to your reply and attendance.,Sample writing,Time and location,:,1. As scheduled, sth. will be held/_/ _/_ from _ to _ in _.,2. _ is to be held in _ from _ to _ on the afternoon of _,.,Brief introduction,:,1.,It is well known that _ is regarded as _,that originated from ancient times and gained a great popularity both at,home and abroad.,2. Id like to introduce _to you. _, regarded as,_,is popular among Chinese people and attracts lots of foreigners,as well. I believe you will like it, too.,Summary,hosted,staged,scheduled,Time and location:Summaryhoste,Significance:,1. I believe that not only can it help us _ , but also it,can _.,2. It is a golden chance for you to appreciate _ and,learn more about Chinese culture.,Expectation:,1. I am convinced you will enjoy it.,2. Youd better _ , which will surely help with,_,.,Summary,Significance: Summary,Homework,假定你是李华,你校书法社将于本周末举行社团活动。作为书法社社长,你想邀请外教Mr. Smith来参加活动.请你给他写封邮件,内容包括:,1.时间和地点;,2.内容听讲座并参加中国书法体验活动。,注意:,1.词数100左右;,2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。,参考词汇:书法calligraphy,Homework假定你是李华,你校书法社将于本周末举行社团活,Thank you for listening,Thank you for listening,1.,每个词并没有列出全部用法及词义,只列出了初中阶段出现并常用的用法及词义。,2.,对于一些比较模糊、晦涩的例子,不必钻牛角尖,中考考察的都是用法及意义十分鲜明、确定的例子。,3.,对于课文中的一些特殊的用法要牢记例句,做到一出现就能明确辨认。,3.,中东地跨三洲,联系五海,沟通两洋,自古以来是东西方交通枢纽,战略位置极为重要。,4.,北面是土耳其,越过土耳其进入了独联体外高加索的国家,西边是叙利亚和约旦,稍微过去一点就到了巴勒斯坦和以色列。,5.,阿拉伯人发现印度数字的优点,于是就在帝国内推广应用。以后,阿拉伯人通过西班牙人把这种印度数字传入欧洲,并传播到世界各地,这就是我们所使用的阿拉伯数字。,6.,在神秘外星文明的指引下,主人公发现了关于宇宙生命的巨大秘密。业内人士认为,该片为盲人开启了科幻之门,打破了传统电影必须依赖视觉效果的限制,让盲人也能感受到科幻的魅力所在。,7.,写景抒情诗中常见的情感有对自然美景、田园风光的喜爱和留恋,对祖国大好河山的赞美和热爱,漂泊在外的羁旅之苦和思乡之情,对闲适隐逸生活的向往和追求,依依惜别之情,爱国忧国之思。等等。,8.,我们要善于通过题目整体把握诗歌内容,并通过对诗中意象及其特征的分析,知人论世,以及诗中表达诗人情感倾向的语句来深入理解诗歌内容,领会诗人情感,把握诗歌主题,9.,诗的最后两句使用拟人的手法,把作者对朋友的同情和思念寄托给明月,希望自己能追随友人到贬谪的偏远之地,慰藉朋友的孤独,表达了对友人牵挂之情。,感谢观看,欢迎指导!,1.每个词并没有列出全部用法及词义,只列出了初中阶段出现并常,


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