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按一下以編輯母片標題樣式,按一下以編輯母片,第二層,第三層,第四層,第五層,ppt课件,*,近代處理疾病的三種思考進路,:,免疫學、公共衛生及抗生素。,1,ppt课件,近代處理疾病的三種思考進路: 免疫學、公共衛生及抗生素。1p,選擇的基礎,科學內容的中立性,價值的社會性,疾病是否獨立於文化之外?,巨觀與微觀,2,ppt课件,選擇的基礎科學內容的中立性2ppt课件,不可共量,incommensurability,孔恩:科學革命的結構,1962,年,典範的不相容,抉擇:有限資源之下的競爭,3,ppt课件,不可共量 incommensurability 孔恩:科學,Disease management:,以感染性疾病為例子,http:/vaso.webzdarma.cz/gallery/D/Disease%20Carriers.JPG,Nightmare and consolation,搖籃曲, management: 以感染性疾病為例子,There are at least twelve gods or goddesses for healing alone; health personified is named Hygeia, pronounced Hi-je-a. It is derived from the root word,hugies or hygies, meaning healthy, which is also the root word for hygiene. The traditional male-dominated medical profession prefers to use the god of Medicine, Asclepius, (or the Roman name Aesculapius) which is much harder to spell and pronounce, and rarely associated with women.,Klimt, Gustav,Hygeia (1907), are at least twelve gods,Aesculapius worked in Thessalay (near Macedonia) in the 5th century BC. He is reported to have treated patients with,relaxation, diet, hydrotherapy, herbs, massage, advice and tender loving care.,Serpents were used at this stage as tools in curing patients; and it is the staff of Aesculapius, with a serpent knotted around it, that has become the symbol of medicine., lecture only , BC Yang,6,ppt课件,Aesculapius worked in Thessala,Sir Luke Fildess popular masterpiece, The Doctor was commissioned by Henry Tate in 1887. Fildes eldest son, Phillip died Christmas morning, 1877. He was attended by Dr. Murray, who impressed Fildes greatly with his care and attention to his dying child. The painting has a happier ending than real life did, as the child has survived through the night and dawn is breaking.,http:/commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:The_Doctor_Luke_Fildes.jpg,人有什麼機會突破單純的盼望?,7,ppt课件,Sir Luke Fildess popular mast,A fact,8,ppt课件,A fact8ppt课件,175.9 Malignant neoplasms:,56.7 Heart diseases,56.2 Cerebrovascular diseases,44.6 Diabetes mellitus,31.1 Accidents,25.7,Pneumonia,22.5 Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis,22.2,Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis,17.2 Suicide,8.6 Hypertensive disease,Gastritis, enteritis, and colitis 135,Pneumonia 134.5,Tuberculosis, all forms 91.6,Heart disease 49.0,Vascular lesions affecting central nervous system,48.8,Cause of perinatal mortality 44.1,Nephritis and nephrosis 36.3,Malignant neoplams 30.7,Bronchitis 28.1,Malaria 27.5,變動中的生死因緣,Death per 100,000,1952 versus 2007,(WHO 2008,report),9,ppt课件,175.9 Malignant neoplasms:Gas,三種處理傳染,/,感染性疾病的方式:,公共衛生,免疫學,抗生素,還有更好的辦法嗎,?,10,ppt课件,三種處理傳染/感染性疾病的方式:公共衛生10ppt课件,近代醫學處理疾病的三種思考進路:,免疫學、公共衛生及抗生素。,金納,(1798),斯諾,(1849),巴斯德,(1859),李斯特,(1866),柯霍,(1876),弗萊明,(1929),沙賓,(1957)/,沙克,(1953),(,民國八十四年,Louis Pasteur,逝世百年,),11,ppt课件,近代醫學處理疾病的三種思考進路:免疫學、公共衛生及抗生素。,http:/,http:/www.victorianweb.org/science/health/health10.html,The first outbreak of Asiatic cholera in Britain was at Sunderland on the Durham coast during the autumn of 1831. From there the disease made its way northward into Scotland and southward toward London. Before it had run its course it claimed 52,000 lives.,12,ppt课件,http:/,The earliest reports of dehydrating diarrhea were recorded in Sanskrit, predating Christ.,Hippocrates,reported the symptoms of cholera.,The epidemic cholera was originally largely isolated to India, and outbreaks occurred after pilgrimages to the Ganges River, in,regular cyclic,fashion.,The first modern reporting of epidemic cholera was from Garcia del Huerto, a Portuguese physician working in Gao, India. Yet, no primary source of,V. cholerae,has been determined that time. (,恆河洗浴作為,“,自然免疫,”,的試煉,),http:/info.bio.cmu.edu/Courses/03441/TermPapers/99TermPapers/ChoTox/history.html,13,ppt课件,The earliest reports of dehydr,在馬雅各的病人中,當時所說的 ”腸塌” 疾病,可能是普通的腸胃炎外,或者是當時台灣常見的赤痢,甚至是霍亂。在,1864-1866,年倫敦發生霍亂時,可能是因為與英國通商、通航而帶來了病源,台灣打狗地區在,1865,年,9,月也緊跟者霍亂流行。雖然已無當時的病歷資料和正式的治療紀錄可查,對於那些早期台灣常見的感染性疾病,馬雅各的醫療知識應該並不管用。當年在倫敦發生霍亂時,馬雅各的祖國,(,英國,),的醫師們面對疾病的流行時說:,霍亂是外邦的、不可知而且詭異的,,它造成無與倫比的傷亡,引人驚懼,卻大多無法解釋,.,。,新樓情、舊相簿,,,p18,。,1865,年,9,月 旗後地區發生霍亂。,http:/,。,A doctor recalled “cholera was something outlandish, unknown, monstrous; its tremendous ravages, so long foreseen and feared, so little to be explained,.”,。,楊倍昌,1865,年,6-7,月,:,東方和西方醫學在台灣的交會。科學之美,頁,191-216,。,14,ppt课件,在馬雅各的病人中,當時所說的 ”腸塌” 疾病,可能是普通的腸,In 1849 Snow proposed that the Cholera Poison reproduced in the human body and was spread through the contamination of food or water. Although he was awarded for this work, without the technology and knowledge that we have today, Snow had no way to prove his theory.,描述性的流行病學,Death map,15,ppt课件,In 1849 Snow proposed that the,16,ppt课件,16ppt课件,Dr Snow took a sample of water from the pump, and, on examining it under a microscope, found that it contained ,white, flocculent particles,. By 7 September (,1849,), he was convinced that these were the source of infection, and he took his findings to the Board of Guardians of St Jamess Parish, in whose parish the pump fell.,Though they were,reluctant to believe,him, they agreed to remove the pump handle as an experiment. When they did so, the spread of cholera dramatically stopped. actually the outbreak had already lessened for several days,http:/www.ph.ucla.edu/epi/snow/broadstreetpump.html,http:/www.cvm.uiuc.edu/courses/VP350/cholera/cholera.html,最完整的資料在,: http:/www.ph.ucla.edu/epi/snow.html,Father of epidemiology: John Snow: 1813-1859,17,ppt课件,Dr Snow took a sample of water,Health by the Numbers,In,1855,William Farr observed that users of Lambeth Water Company water, taken upstream of London, had 1/10 the death rate of users of other water suppliers, who drew their water from the polluted river downtown.,Farr concluded that sewage-contaminated water caused cholera.,Public health measures slowly followed, but not before cholera took the life of Louis Pasteurs infant daughter, Camille.,http:/www.cvm.uiuc.edu/courses/VP350/cholera/cholera.html,http:/www.cvm.uiuc.edu/courses/vp350/vp350.html,http:/www.lshtm.ac.uk/library/archives/farr.html,18,ppt课件,Health by the NumbersIn 1855,Robert Koch made the actual discovery of the bacteria that causes cholera in 1876.,6 bacterial pathogens in wound infection in 1878.,Specifically in 1884, Koch isolated Vibrio cholera from the polluted Elbe River in Germany.,The missing piece of mystery; the last hit,19,ppt课件,Robert Koch made the actual di,Mitten in der Arbeit ber die Tuberkulose wurde Koch mit der Fhrung einer Kommission beauftragt, die im Sommer 1883 in gypten ausgebrochenen Cholera untersuchen sollte. Koch und seinen Mitarbeitern gelang es, in gypten und spter in Indien, den Choleraerreger nachzuweisen und zu beschreiben.,Im April 1885 wechselte Koch, nachdem er einen Ruf nach Leipzig abgejehnt hatte, vom Kaiserlichen Gesundheitsamt zur Berliner Universitt ber, wo er als,Geheimer Medizinalrat,und Ordentlicher Professor Direktor des Hygiene-Instituts wurde.,http:/www.charite.de/history/de/,略,20,ppt课件,Mitten in der Arbeit ber die,John Hunter give a famous advice to E. Jenner:,Dont think, try!,不要亂讀這句話,: Stop reading philosophical theories, back to Hippocratic methods; or as said by Claude Bernard: When entering a laboratory one should leave theories in the cloakroom.,http:/sca.lib.liv.ac.uk/exhibitions/images/pox.gif,http:/www.sc.edu/library/spcoll/nathist/jenner.html,Edward Jenner,,,1749-1823,21,ppt课件,John Hunter give a famous advi,For lecture only , BC Yang,Jenners Inquiry, first published in 1798, reported how, over a period of years, he had noticed the immunity provided by cow-pox, and how he decided deliberately to introduce the disease into a patient to see if the effect could be artificially produced. Soon afterwards, he would again inoculate his patients, this time with live smallpox virus (variolation), to see if the cow-pox had worked. The healthy boy whom Jenner, on May 14 1796, first vaccinated with virus from the dairymaid Sarah Nelmes was James Phipps, who proved Jenners point by surviving repeated unsuccessful attempts to infect him with smallpox.,http:/www.sc.edu/library/spcoll/nathist/jenner.html,Vaccination, the word Jenner invented for his treatment (from the Latin,vacca, a cow), was adopted by Pasteur for immunization against any disease.,22,ppt课件,For lecture only , BC YangJenn,John Hunter (1728-1793):,John Hunter was born in 1728 on a Scottish farm on the outskirts of Glasgow; the youngest of 10 children.,He received little in the way of a formal education and dropped out of school at the age of 13 years.,Despite this background he was to become one of the of the most influential British surgeons of the 18th century. The lack of a university education failed to lessen his contributions to surgery, medicine and science.Many of these contributions were the result of clear and concise personal observations based on innumerable hours spent preparing anatomical dissections. His anatomical and surgical teaching was held in high regard and his famous pupils include Benjamin Bell, Astley Cooper, Everard Home and,Edward Jenner.,http:/www.surgical-tutor.org.uk/default-home.htm?surgeons/hunter.htmright,Who is who (just for reference),略,23,ppt课件,John Hunter (1728-1793):John H,Claude Bernard (1813 - 1878):,A great experimental physiologist,Claudes weakness in exams, and he failed to pass the exam that would get him a job teaching medicine. Working as a research assistant didnt provide much pay so he had to find another way of making a living. A friend suggested that he get married and so he did, to the daughter of a rich doctor. His wife provided the money to keep him but their marriage was stormy and unhappy.,In 1847 Claude became Magendies deputy and began a series of experiments that lead to important discoveries. He showed that the pancreas, a small organ situated towards the back of the abdomen produces substances that break down molecules of fat. Claude realized that the body has control mechanisms producing,hormones,that maintain body temperature and the levels of nutrients and waste products. This was later called,homeostasis,.,Who is who (just for reference),略,24,ppt课件,Claude Bernard (1813 - 1878):,我國最早有關天花的記載,始于晉代葛洪,(283-363),的,肘後備急方,,因為天花是在大約西元一世紀的戰爭中由俘虜帶來的,所以當時被稱作“虜瘡”。,宋真宗,(968-1022),北宋皇帝(,9971022,)。名趙恒,原名趙德昌,太宗第三子。,年間,天花的流行比較嚴重,當時丞相王旦他擔心自己的小兒子感染天花,當聽說四川峨嵋山有一位道士有預防天花的仙方時,便派人把道士請回了府中。這位道士拿出一些藥沫,倒在一個小竹管裏,拿起小竹管將藥沫吹到小孩的鼻孔裏,並說種了這個以後,過十天大概會發燒,然後會出現一些紅色的皮疹,再過幾天,燒退疹消,小孩今後就不會再得天花了,後來果然如此。,這種“仙方”其實用天花病人身上的幹痂研磨成的粉末。把這種含有天花病毒的粉末吹入小孩的鼻內,他就會染上輕度天花。我國古代把天花稱為“痘”,把道士的這種預防方法稱為“種痘”。古代醫學家的基本思想是以毒攻毒,也就是取已經得過天花的人的天花,它是帶有毒性的,人接觸了一定量的有毒物質後就獲得了對毒物的抵抗能力。, 2002,年,4,月號,.tw/forum/forumshow.asp?FDocNo=41&CL=16,25,ppt课件,我國最早有關天花的記載,始于晉代葛洪 (283-363) 的,Louis Pasteur,1870, established the germ theory of disease,1881, developed an anthrax vaccine,1882, developed a rabies vaccine,Emil von Behring,1890, discovers antitoxins, develops tetanus and diptheria vaccines,Student of R Koch,1901,諾貝爾獎,Louis Pasteur,Emil von Behring,26,ppt课件,Louis PasteurLouis PasteurEmil,Jonas Salk (1914-1995),Salk discovered an inoculation against poliomyelitis in 1953.,It is courage based on confidence, not daring, and it is confidence based on experience (?)., Salk (1914-1995)Salk dis,Albert Sabin (1906-),Discovery of the Oral Polio Vaccine,Sabin looked for weak strains of polio virus, found three, and began to develop oral, live vaccine, administered at first on a lump of sugar or in a teaspoonful of syrup.,In 1957 the World Health Organization (WHO) decided Sabins vaccine deserved world-wide testing.,(Russia, Holland, Mexico, Chile, Sweden and Japan).,But in the US Sabin had a hard time convincing the Poliomyelitis Foundation and the U.S. Public Health Service his method was any better than Jonas Salks killed vaccine method.,The first US test was held on Sabin Sunday, April 24, 1960.,http:/www.cincinnatichildrens.org/about/history/sabin.htm,28,ppt课件,Albert Sabin (1906-)Discovery,被人為、有意識滅種的生物,Smallpox is a contagious, disfiguring and often deadly disease that has affected humans for thousands of years. Naturally occurring smallpox was eradicated worldwide by 1980 the result of an unprecedented global immunization campaign.,No cure or treatment for smallpox exists. A vaccine can prevent smallpox, but the risk of the vaccines side effects is too high to justify routine vaccination for people at low risk of exposure to the smallpox virus.,番患痘,枕藉死,閤社遷徙。沙以藥施之,敢食;強而服之,病瘥。凡所活百人。群番以為,納土謝。未一得地十。,(,橫,,台灣通史,(1918,),,卷,32,,吳沙傳。,),29,ppt课件,被人為、有意識滅種的生物Smallpox is a cont,A brief history of antibiotics,1495, mercury to treat syphilis.,1630, quinine (chinchona tree) for malarial fever by South American Indians.,1889, Buillemin defined antibiosis.,1910, Paul Ehrlich developed arsenical compound (Salvarsan) for syphilis, term: the chemical knife.,1929, Alexander Fleming found penicillin.,1935, Gerhard Domagk showed the value of sulfonamides.,1940, Ernst Chain and Howard Flory demonstrated the effect of penicillin.,1940-1970, then searching for new antibiotics, recent year: modifying old drugs, finding new discipline in antibacterial combats,Early time in war: thanks penicillin, we can go home now,Now a day.Oh eh?!,30,ppt课件,A brief history of antibiotics,A tale by A. Fleming,He took a sample of the mold from the contaminated plate. He found that it was from the,penicillium,family, later specified as,Penicillium notatum,. Fleming presented his findings in 1929, but they,raised little interest,. He published a report on penicillin and its potential uses in the,British Journal of Experimental Pathology,.,31,ppt课件,A tale by A. FlemingHe took a, by musicologists use of fragmented scores to complete the unfinished works of great composers, a British researcher has pieced together Alexander Flemings laboratory scribblings to recreate a paper that he says restores the reputation of the much-maligned discoverer of penicillin.,略,32,ppt课件, to work by Alexander Fleming (1881-1955), Howard Florey ( 1898-1968) and Ernst Chain (1906-1979), penicillin was first produced on a large scale for human use in 1943. At this time, the development of a pill that could reliably kill bacteria was a remarkable development and many lives were saved during World War II because this medication was available.,E. Chain,H. Florey,A. Fleming,33,ppt课件,Thanks to work by Alexander Fl,中藥中的抗生素,Antibiosis,草藥,砒霜,.,怎麼只說免疫調節,?,在中醫理論中,沒有抗生素這個概念;許多中藥,特別是成藥、成方藥,具有多重作用,儘管按照西藥方法研究有抗菌作用,不能因此以偏概全就把這種中成藥叫“抗生素”。如中藥黃連有清熱、祛火、解毒等功能,而黃連素對痢疾桿菌、肺炎雙球菌、金黃色葡萄球菌、鏈球菌、傷寒桿菌等有抑制作用,屬於抗生素,其成分是從黃連中提取的小檗鹼,不過不能就把黃連就叫做抗生素。,北京中醫醫院陳勇,?,34,ppt课件,中藥中的抗生素Antibiosis在中醫理論中,沒有抗生素這,柏林筆記,,2015,夏,bc,+110,,第三樂章。,總算在,Charit,,這個,Rudolf Virchow,的國境中,拍到,Robert Koch,。社會病因論對上微生物病原論。這裡有,Virchowweg,環繞,,Karlplatz,上有,Virchow,半臉像、以教授的樣貌呈現的雕像,,Charitplatz,上的,Medical Museum,幾乎就是,Virchow,的生。柏林也有,Kochstrae,但是應該跟,Robert Koch,沒關係吧,它遠在,Checkpoint Charit,那端。對病原論的開創及現代醫學的影響,,Koch,應該是要用無以倫比來形容。嚴謹而不妥協,標準普魯士軍醫的性格。 只是,在,Charit,只掙得個角落,諾貝爾獎的得獎坎坷波折。對於疾病的生物性的詮釋,,Koch,應該是正確的。但是對於病人而言,病理學家,Virchow,還看見人情的另一面,病的社會性也是讓,Virchow,從政的主因。細數,Koch,的精確,又如何足以脫離,Virchow,的國度?猶如精準的科學家,如何只靠物質與效益來說服,STS,的批評?,35,ppt课件,柏林筆記,2015夏bc+110,第三樂章。35ppt课件,對於疾病的生物性的詮釋,,Koch,應該是正確的。但是對於病人而言,病理學家,Virchow,還看見人情的另一面,病的社會性也是讓,Virchow,從政的主因。細數,Koch,的精確,又如何足以脫離,Virchow,的國度?猶如精準的科學家,如何只靠物質與效益來說服,STS,的批評?,+110,,第三樂章。,價值是一種意義的選擇:,36,ppt课件,對於疾病的生物性的詮釋,Koch應該是正確的。但是對於病人而,Diagrammatic representation of the results of treatment related to specific chemotherapy,Patients with normal immunity and uncomplicated mild to moderate infections,Patients with serious life-threatening infections,37,ppt课件,Diagrammatic representation o,Tetanus,Patient number in Canada,After antitoxin vaccine,1941-1995,Tetanus toxin:,38,ppt课件,TetanusPatient number in Canad,In Britain the decline of T.B. was continuous for over 100 years before the introduction of the vaccine. The Dept of Health has, surprisingly, decided that routine BCG vaccination will be phased out in the 1990s. As T.B. deaths are now around 400 per year, the Dept may have a problem with claiming that the climb down is due to eradication.,http:/www.health.org.nz/tb.html,By Robert Kock,39,ppt课件,In Britain the decline of T.B.,Vaccine for Diphtheria,toxin,40,ppt课件,Vaccine for Diphtheria toxin40,醫療的社會現實,無法檢查,但是可以治療。,可以診斷,但是無法治療。,可以治療,但是在你的國家不行。,在你的國家可以治療,但是你付不起。,41,ppt课件,醫療的社會現實無法檢查,但是可以治療。41ppt课件,價值是一種意義的選擇,微觀與巨觀的分野在哪裡?,誰的選擇?,42,ppt课件,價值是一種意義的選擇微觀與巨觀的分野在哪裡?42ppt课件,後藤新平,(1857-1929),生於岩平縣的水澤市,旱年習醫二十歲執業,西元一八八二年任名古屋醫院和醫學院院長。中日甲午戰爭時在軍中主持傳染病防治工作表現優異,而為兒玉所賞識。,1898,年,2,月起擔任臺灣總督府民政長官長達八年之久,,1907,年轉任南滿鐵道株式會社社長,大正年問出任東京市長及日本都市研究會,(,日本都市計畫協會之前身,),的首任會長,(19171928),。他有一套政治生物學原則:,任何殖民制度都必須根據生物學原則。即以適者生存的條件才能贏得勝利,。在臺期問,後藤創辦臨時臺灣舊慣調查會,大舉進行調查工作、蒐集統治基礎資枓。這些資料後來成為統治臺灣的無形寶藏。,治台總督兒玉源太郎殖民期間,(1898-1906),,採取懷柔與鎮壓政策,並籌劃使財務獨立自給自足。而對於反對殖民統治的武裝抗日又厲行殘殺。至明治三十五年,(1902),止,共殺害臺胞,三萬二千人,。,http:/www.tcfsh.tc.edu.tw/contest/%A5x%A4%A4%A4%BD%B6%E9/C-4-3.htm,http:/members.shaw.ca/aifeichen/mainp6c.htm,治台名言:台灣人貪生怕死、貪小便宜、愛面子,(,大頭症,),後藤新平,兒玉源太郎,43,ppt课件,後藤新平 (1857-1929) 生於岩平縣的水澤市,旱年習,1910:,防治瘧疾,(,寒熱症,瘴氣病,),的策略,http:/www.issp.sinica.edu.tw/hygiene/eng/bibliography/7th_m_01.html,http:/www.cdc.gov.tw/museum/gallery/3/page1-003.htm,日據時代(,1895-1945,),殖民政府曾經大規模抽血篩檢瘧原蟲,並且採,Robert Koch,法,(?),,以奎寧全面投藥治療瘧疾,(,帶原蟲者,,強制服藥,),,自,1911,年起在台灣展開防瘧計畫。此外殖民政府也透過環境的改變,如都市計畫考慮採光,建築物設計考慮防蚊,填補窪穴排除沼澤,以及自檀香山引進專食孑孓的食幼蚊魚與大肚魚等,設法降低瘧蚊的繁衍與人蚊接觸。在第二次大戰前,台灣的瘧疾死亡率曾經大幅下降。,1897:,證實瘧疾由瘧蚊傳播,1901:,木下嘉七郎發表第一篇台灣有瘧蚊的報告,(?),44,ppt课件,1910: 防治瘧疾 (寒熱症, 瘴氣病) 的策略http:,鄭成功時期,1661: 200,000,滿清時期,1811: 2,002,861,1895: 2,545,731,日本殖民時期,1896: 2,587,688 (,含日本人,10,584),1905: 3,123,302,1920: 3,655,308,1930: 4,594,061,1945: 6,000,000,台灣人口統計,台灣醫療發展史,陳永興著,月旦出版社, 1997; p:67,45,ppt课件,鄭成功時期台灣人口統計台灣醫療發展史, 陳永興著, 月旦出版,日本人對台灣瘴癘的描述,台地多疫病,瘴癘、鼠疫為最慘者,。,.,鼠疫之發也,鼠必斃於屋之內外,其毒浸染人體,是以稱鼠病。此疫流行之時,,土人戒不食餅果油葷等,蓋鼠疫多嗜糖類也,。,我文武官之在臺者,大抵為瘴癘所染,重者一再病而殪,輕者經五、六十回而不死。唯屢罹者,氣血哭喪,歸國而後尚不能脫者,往往有焉,。,此病之發,或每日、或隔日而患之,不違時間而來。,先感惡寒,忽而戰慄眩暈,,如以磐石壓頭腦。或苦吟發囈語,似病風者。,佐倉孫三,,臺風雜記,(,1903,出版,),,收入,台灣文獻叢刊,略,輕視之眼,46,ppt课件,日本人對台灣瘴癘的描述 台地多疫病,瘴癘、鼠疫為最慘者。.,日人治台初期對台灣的印象,:,一年四季皆有傳染病流行,:,霍亂、瘧疾、赤痢、 傷寒、 腸炎、 腳氣病、 鼠疫。,台灣人衛生習慣差,台府,(,台北,),街市房屋周圍或院內,流出污水,又到處滯留成沼,或人與犬豚雜居。雖有公共廁所之設備,又往往到處散放糞便,.,台南府地方,雜亂廢棄物自不傭論,卽糞尿亦到處散放堆積,道路兩旁之排水溝,污水積滯,惡臭充鼻,.,日本衛生隊實查紀錄,:,台灣醫療發展史,陳永興著,月旦出版社, 1997; p:76,(,實際文獻出處待查,),略,輕視之眼,47,ppt课件,日人治台初期對台灣的印象:日本衛生隊實查紀錄:台灣醫療發展史,台北市街景,(,太平町通,),台北太平町後面街道大平町,(,今延平北路,1,、,2,段,),台南小西門,台灣老照片 第壹輯,二南堂人文相本系列圖庫作品,.tw/a-4-1.html,略,輕視之眼,48,ppt课件,台北市街景(太平町通)台北太平町後面街道大平町(今延平北路1,Around 1880,Napoleon conquered much of Europe, reforming and rationalizing as he went, creating a revolution from above.,Lincoln Inns Fields , London around,1780,Tokyo,ca. 1880s.,1848 in Seneca Falls, New York,略,輕視之眼,49,ppt课件,Around 1880Napoleon conquered,


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