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Pasture,Introduction to the poet,Appreciation,Questions,Suggested Answers,Chinese Translation,The PastureIntroduction to the,Introduction to the Poet,Robert Frost(1874-1963),罗伯特,弗罗斯特,Born in San Francisco,California,Frost became interested in reading and writing poetry during his high school years.For a decade around the turn of the century,he worked as a farmer in New Hampshire.In 1913 he established himself as a poet with the publication of his first book of poems,A Boys Will,in England.He soon achieved success with more publications and became the most widely celebrated poet and highly honored American poet of the 20th century.During his life,Frost was awarded the Pulitzer Prize four times.In 1961 he read his poem“The Gift Outright”at President John F.Kennedys inauguration,the first poet ever so honored in America.His work follows traditional metrics and forms of poetry,often associated with the life and landscape of New England,phrased in common language,showing deep appreciation of the natural world and sensibility about the human aspirations.He was an outstanding figure in an age of Modernism.,Introduction to the PoetRobert,The Pasture,I,m going out to clean the pasture spring;I,ll only stop to rake the leaves away(And wait to watch the water clear,I may):I shan,t be gone long.,You come too.,I,m going out to fetch the little calfThat,s standing by the mother.It,s so young,It totters when she licks it with her tongue.I shan,t be gone long.,You come too.,The Pasture Im going out t,Appreciation,在弗罗斯特的诗作中,田园风光、农活、讲方言的人占有相当的比重。新英格兰农村静逸的田园、树林以及农事劳作中的欢愉都被诗人当作了诗歌的主题。在,牧场,一诗中,一个男人,只为短暂离开女人去干农活而心有所念,每段最后一句的肯定语气传达出爱人相伴重要性。,Appreciation 在弗罗斯特的,In 1910,when Frost wrote“The Pasture”he used a walk to a spring in a cow pasture as its centerpiece.One spring evening in 1905,Frost took a walk over those fields with his wife,Elinor,and their six-year-old daughter,Lesley.While his wife and daughter picked apple and strawberry blossoms,Frost went down to the southwest corner of the big cow pasture to check on how much water was in the spring.The experience was still a favorite memory thirty years after he wrote about it.In 1940 he reminisced,“I never had a greater pleasure that coming on a neglected spring in a pasture in the woods.,”,In the poem,the poet told his feeling to readers by the most common words,however,we could feel his deep love to the pasture,nature and life.,In 1910,when Frost,spring:,这里是泉水的意思。,rake:,用耙子耙(树叶)。,fetch:,这里指去牵牛犊。,she:,在本诗中指母牛。,英语诗歌欣赏Unit-01课件,Questions,1.The poem is written in iamb.Study its use in the poem.,2.What do you see when listening to this poem?,3.Who is the speaker in the poem?,4.Why does the speaker invite the listener to come out to the pasture with him?,Questions1.The poem is writte,Suggested Answers,The poem is written in iamb.Study its use in the poem.,Im go/ing out/to clean/the pasture/spring;Ill on/ly stop/to rake/the leaves/away(And wait/to watch/the water/clear,/I may):I shant/be gone/long.You/come too.,Im go/ing out/to fetch/the little/calfThats stan/ding by/the mother./Its so/young,It to/tters when/she licks/it with/her tongue.I shant/be gone/long.You/come too.,Suggested AnswersThe poem is w,2.What do you see when listening to this poem?,We can get a picture of life on the pasture.A man is going to see the clear pasture spring and see the little calf standing by the mother calf.Although the man is on the pasture,he can not stop thinking of his wife.A spring is flowing through the pasture and the man is raking the leaves away to make it clear again.The mother calf is licking the little calf with its tongue while the little calf is tottering around it.,2.What do you see when listen,3.Who is the speaker in the poem?,The prototype of the speaker is Robert Frost himself,so the speaker in the poem should be a man who is in deep love with his wife and daughter.,3.Who is the speaker in,4.Why does the speaker invite the listener to come out to the pasture with him?,First,it is a great pleasure for the speaker to work on the pasture and he wants the listener to share his joy.Second,he loves the listener so much that he doesnt want to leave her even for a while,so he wants the listener to stay together with him on the pasture.Third,he wants to show the scene on the pasture to the listener.The spring stands for love and hope of their mutual life and the calves on the pasture stands for people who love each other.Such a scene is a reflection of their happy life.,4.Why does the speaker in,Chinese Translation,牧场,我去清一清牧场的泉水,,我只停下来把落叶全耙去,(还瞧着泉水变得明净,也许);,我不会去得太久。,你也来吧。,我去把那幼小的牛犊抱来,,它站在母牛身边,小得可怜,,一摇一晃,当母牛给他舔舔;,我不会去得太久,你也来吧。,(方平 译),Chinese Translation,Annabel Lee,Introduction to the Poet,Appreciation,Questions,Suggested Answers,Chinese Translation,Annabel LeeIntroduction to the,Introduction to the Poet,Edgar Allan Poe(1809-1849),埃德加,阿伦,坡,Born in Boston to itinerant actors,Poe was raised by a Richmond merchant because he was orphaned before he was three.He led a hard and short life struggling with financial problems,alcoholism,and depression.He and his young wife nearly starved.She died of tuberculosis when she was still in her early twenties.Four years later,he himself died,probably of alcohol poisoning.But as a writer,he achieved posthumous fame.His work as editor,poet,short-story writer,playwright,critic,and,essayist,had a profound impact on American and international literature.,Best known for his macabre and mystery tales,Poe was one of the progenitors of,both horror and detective fiction.He was also one of the originators of the modern science fiction.As a romantic poet,he wrote solely for the poems sake and was greatly appreciated by the French Symbolists and English adherents of“pure poetry”.,Introduction to the PoetEdgar,Annabel Lee,It was many and many a year ago,In a kingdom by the sea,That a maiden there lived whom you may know.,By the name of Annabel Lee;,And this maiden she lived with no other thought,Than to love and be loved by me.,She,was a child and,I,was a child,In this kingdom by the sea,But we loved with a love that was more than love1,I and my Annabel Lee,With a love that the wing,d seraphs of Heaven,Coveted her and me.,Annabel Lee It was many and ma,And this was the reason that,long ago,In this kingdom by the sea,A wind blew out of a cloud by night,Chilling my Annabel Lee;,So that her highborn kinsmen came,And bore her away from me,To shut her up in a sepulcher,In this kingdom by the sea.,The angels,not half so happy in Heaven,Went envying her and me:,Yes!that was the reason(as all men know,In this kingdom by the sea),That the wind came out of the cloud,chilling,and killing my Annabel Lee.,And this was the reason that,But our love it was stronger by far than the love,Of those who were older than we,Of many far wiser than we,And neither the angels in Heaven above,Nor the demons down under the sea,Can ever dissever my soul from the soul,Of the beautiful Annabel Lee:,For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams,Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;,And the stars never rise but I feel the bright eyes,Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;,And so,all the night-tide,I lie down by the side,Of my darling,my darling,my life and my bride,In her sepulcher there by the sea,In her tomb by the side of the sea.,But our love it was stronger b,Appreciation,本诗发表于,1849,年,是阿伦,坡的最后一篇诗作。在诗人以爱妻的夭折为原型,抒写美女之死和纯洁坚贞的爱情,写得缠绵悱恻,凄惨动人。,Appreciation 本诗发表于18,“Annabel Lee”is the last complete poem composed by Edgar Allan Poe.,His deceased wife,was the prototype of the,beautiful Annabel Lee.,The poem focuses on an ideal love which is very strong.This,love theme is very common in,Poe,s poems,because he considered it as,“the most poetical topic in the world”.,Poe is particularly famous for his poems about the death of a,beautiful woman,“Annabel Lee”is t,1.We loved with a love that was more than love,:此为隽语(,paradox,),似非而是。,2.Wingd seraphs:,长翅膀的天使。,3.highborn kinsmen:,出身高贵的亲戚。,4.but:,除非。,5.night-tide:,夜间。相当于,nighttime,。,1.We loved with a love that w,Questions,1.Who was the prototype of Annabel Lee?,2.What kind of love is kept in the speaker,s heart?,3.Point out the destructive forces in this poem.How do they act in the great love between the speaker and Annabel Lee?,4.Where does the poem,s mood rise to a high point of defiance?,5.Why do we find the poem has qualities of a fairy tale?,6.The lines of the poem are mainly anapestic.Is this metrical pattern properly used to help reveal the theme?,Questions1.Who was the protot,Suggested Answers,1.Who was the prototype of Annabel Lee?,There has been a debate for many years over who,if anyone,was the,prototype,of “Annabel Lee”.Though many women have been suggested,Poe,s wife Virginia Eliza Clemm Poe is one of the more credible candidates:she was the one he loved as a child,and the only one that had been his bride,and the only one that had died.And at the same time,some believed that Annabel Lee was merely the product of Poe,s gloomy imagination and that Annabel Lee was no real person.,Suggested Answers1.Who was th,2.What kind of love is kept in the speaker,s heart?,It is really hard to define the love in this poem.It may be,the love between lovers.But whatever the love is,it is the love that is stronger than common love and it is beyond what words can express.,3.Point out the destructive forces in this poem.How do they act in the great love between the speaker and Annabel Lee?,The wingd seraphs of Heaven,wind,highborn kinsmen,demons under the sea.,The speaker believes that the angels in Heaven envied their love so much that the wind came to make her ill and killed her,and her highborn kinsmen came to take her away.,2.What kind of love is kept i,4.Where does the poem,s mood rise to a high point of defiance?,The fifth stanza:,But our love it was stronger by far than the love,Of those who were older than we,Of many far wiser than we,And neither the angels in Heaven above,Nor the demons down under the sea,Can ever dissever my soul from the soul,Of the beautiful Annabel.,4.Where does the poems mood,5.Why do we find the poem has qualities of a fairy tale?,In this poem,we can find many images that usually appear in fairy tales,i.e.,demons under the sea and angels in the heaven.The speaker mentions them in the poem and relates them with the death of Annabel Lee.The speaker imagines a kingdom by the sea which also appears frequently in fairy tales.,5.Why do we find the poem has,6.The lines of the poem are mainly anapestic.Is this metrical pattern properly used to help reveal the theme?,The anapestic shows the sad mood of the speaker.This metrical pattern is in fact a traditional method in the writing of a pathetic poem.,6.The lines of the poem are m,Chinese Translation,安娜贝尔,李,那是很久很久以前,,有个王国靠近海滨,,你或许会认识一个少女,名字叫做安娜贝尔,李,她活着别无其他心思,只要同我相爱相亲。,从孩提时期我同她,就住在这王国海滨,,我俩情同手足超过一切情爱,我同我的安娜贝尔,李,我们的爱情纯真至诚,连带翼的神灵也忌妒万分。,Chinese Translation 安娜,这件事发生在很久以前,,在这王国的海滨,,夜空中从云端席卷来一阵狂风,冻坏了我的安娜贝尔,李;,她的出身高贵的亲戚不由分说,从我手边夺走了安娜贝尔,李,,将她囚禁在坟墓里,在那王国的海滨。,这件事发生在很久以前,,天庭神灵的生活本不那么惬意,,他们妒忌我和安娜贝尔,李,是的,祸端由此而生(人所皆知,事情发生在王国的海滨),来自云端的一阵风那般凄厉,冻死了我的安娜贝尔,李。,可我俩的情深超过了一切爱情,,比年轻人更坚定,比聪明人更永恒,不怕天上神灵,不惧海底恶鬼,,我的灵魂无法分离,同我的美丽的安娜贝尔,李。,天庭神灵的生活本不那么惬意,,每当皓月当空我总要梦见,安娜贝尔,李可爱的倩影;,每当星斗升天我总会看到,安娜贝尔,李动人的眸子;,就这样,我整夜安息在她身旁,我的爱人,我的心肝,我的生命和我的新娘,她的墓穴就在海滨,在那海滨的墓穴里。,(文楚安 译),每当皓月当空我总要梦见,A Psalm of Life,Introduction to the Poet,Appreciation,Questions,Suggested Answers,Chinese Translation,A Psalm of LifeIntroduction to,Introduction to the Poet,Henry Wadsworth Longfellow(1807-1882),亨利,沃兹沃思,朗费罗,Born and raised in Portland,Maine,Longfellow is noted as the most popular American poet of the 19th century,whose works are still cited today.He was educated at Bowdoin College,where Nathaniel Hawthorne was a classmate.He spent three years in Europe studying foreign languages and,upon his return,taught at his alma mater.From 1835 on he taught at Harvard University and kept his position for twenty years.As a poet,he successfully popularized American themes abroad and brought European themes home.In his lifetime,he enjoyed great fame with long narrative poems such as Evangeline(1847)and The Song of Hiawatha(1855).His work was,immensely,popular and memorable with its easy rhythm,simple language and familiar themes.,Introduction to the PoetHenry,A Psalm of Life,Life that shall send,A challenge to its end,And when it comes,say,Welcome,friend.,WHAT THE HEART OF THE YOUNG MAN SAID TO THE PSALMIST,I,Tell me not,in mournful numbers,Life is but an empty dream!,For the soul is dead that slumbers,And things are not what they seem.,II,Life is real,life is earnest,And the grave is not its goal:,Dust thou art,to dust returnest,Was not spoken of the soul.,A Psalm of Life Life that sh,III,Not enjoyment,and not sorrow,Is our destin,d end or way;,But to,act,that each to-morrow,Find us farther than to-day.,IV,Art is long,and time is fleeting,And our hearts,though stout and brave,Still,like muffled drums,are beating,Funeral marches to the grave.,V,In the world,s broad field of battle,In the bivouac of Life,Be not like dumb,driven cattle!,Be a hero in the strife!,III,VI,Trust no Future,howe,er pleasant!,Let the dead Past bury its dead!,Act,act in the glorious Present!,Heart within,and God o,er,head!,VII,Lives of great men all remind us,We can make our lives sublime,And,departing,leave behind us,Footsteps on the sands of time.,VI,VIII,Footsteps,that,perhaps another,Sailing o,er life,s solemn main,A forlorn and shipwreck,d brother,Seeing,shall take heart again.,IX,Let us then be up and doing,With a heart for any fate;,Still achieving,still pursuing,Learn to labor and to wait.,VIII,Appreciation,本诗写于,1838,年,同年发表,次年收在朗费罗的处女诗集,夜籁集,(,Voices of the Night,1839),中。这首诗以积极入世的态度和铿锵有力的调子,歌颂了人生的价值,强调了一个行动的人生。它与美国开拓时期的时代气息和民族精神相呼应,成为美国人民开拓精神在文学中留下的鲜明印记。,Appreciation 本诗写于183,Longfellow wrote the poem shortly after finishing lectures on German writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and was heavily inspired by him.When his wife died,he was really upset,then,he wrote the poem to fight back his fear of death.In the poem,the readers are asked to muster courage in adversity.Great people could always maintain enough courage or confidence to act.So only when we set sail with courage,can we prevent us from being drowned in a shipwreck.,Longfellow wrote,1.,引自英国诗人,Richard Crashaw(1613?,1649),的诗,“,Wishes to His Supposed Mistress,”,。引文与原诗略有出入。此处大意是:人生将尽时,它会挑战性地对死神说:,“,来吧,朋友。,”,2.,此为副标题,意思是,“,年轻人的心对歌者说的话,”,。,3.numbers:,诗句。,4.the soul is dead that slumbers:,灵魂睡去无异于死。指精神萎靡不振的人虽生犹死。正常语序是,the soul that slumbers is dead,。,5.Dust thou art,to dust returnest:,等于,You are dust,you return to dust,。此为,旧约,创世纪,(,Genesis),第,13,章中耶和华(,Jehovah),对亚当(,Adam),说的话。,thou,即,you,作主格;,art,即,are,是用在,thou,后的系动词,be,的变化形式;,returnest,即,return,是用在,thou,后的谓语动词,return,的变化形式。,1.引自英国诗人Richard Crashaw(1613?,6.destind end or way:,命中注定的目标或道路。,7.that each tomorrow/Find us farther than today:that,等于,so that;Find,的主语是,We,在此省略了。,8.muffled drums:,被用布包住的鼓。,9.Funeral marches:,葬礼进行曲。,10.bivouac:,露营地。,6.destind end or way:命中注定的目标,11.howeer:,即,however,。,12.oer:,即,over,。第,30,行的,oer,同此。,13.departing:,离别人世时。相当于,when departing.,14.main:,(诗歌用语)大海。,15.A forlorn and shipwreckd brother:,船只遇难而只身幸存的兄弟。,16.be up and doing:,奋起努力。这是习惯用语,只能用,doing,不能用,do,。,17.With a heart for any fate:,以能面对一切命运的勇气。,11.howeer:即however。,Questions,1.What is the speakers view of life?On what is special emphasis laid by him?,2.The lines of the poem are written in trochee.Study the musical effect of this metrical pattern?,3.In the poem Longfellow keeps using feminine rhyme in the odd-numbered lines and masculine rhyme in the even-numbered lines?What is the musical effect?,Questions1.What is the speake,Suggested Answers,1.What is the speakers view of life?On what is special emphasis laid by him?,We should not think about the past and worry about the future.What we should do is to make full use of the present and be optimistic.The poet puts a special emphasis on the action of people.He advocates that people should act and proceed in the present to make life better.,Suggested Answers1.What is th,2.The lines of the poem are written in trochee.Study the musical effect of this metrical pattern?,A trochee is a metrical foot used in formal poetry consisting of a stressed syllable followed by an unstressed one.,The lines in trochee usually produce a strong heartbeat and make the reader highly spirited.,2.The lines of the poem are w,3.In the poem Longfellow keeps using feminine rhyme in the odd-numbered lines and masculine rhyme in the even-numbered lines.What is the musical effect?,Feminine rhyme,A rhyme occurring on an unaccented final syllable,as in“dining”and“shining”or“motion”and“ocean”.Feminine rhymes are double or disyllabic rhymes and are common in the heroic couplet.,Masculine rhyme,A rhyme occurring in words of one syllable or in an accented final syllable,such as“light”and“sight”or“arise”and“surprise”.,The use of both feminine rhyme and masculine rhyme in the poem make the poem high-sounding and melodious.,3.In the poem Longfellow keep,Chinese Translation,人生颂,请别用哀伤的诗句对我讲:,人生呵,无非虚梦一场!,因为沉睡的灵魂如死一般,,事物的表里并不一样。,人生是实在的!人生是热烈的!,人生的目标决不是坟墓;,你是尘土,应归于尘土,,此话指的并不是我们的精神。,我们的归宿不是欢乐,,也不是悲伤。,实干才是我们的道路,,每天不断前进,蒸蒸日上。,Chinese Translation人生颂,光阴易逝,而艺海无涯,,我们的心哪,虽然勇敢坚强,,却像被布蒙住的铜鼓,,常把殡葬的哀乐擂响。,在这人生的宿营地,,在这辽阔的世界战场,,别做无言的牲畜任人驱赶,,做一名英雄汉立马横枪!,别相信未来,哪怕未来多么欢乐!,让死去的往昔将死亡的一切埋葬!,上帝在上,我们胸怀勇气,,行动吧,乘现在活着的好时光,!,光阴易逝,而艺海无涯,,伟人的生平使我们想起,,我们能使自己的一生变得高尚!,当我们辞别人间,,能把足迹留在时间的流沙上。,也许有个遭了船灾的苦难弟兄,,他曾在庄严的人生大海中飘航,,见到我们的脚印,,又会满怀信心。,让我们起来干吧,,下定决心,不管遭遇怎样;,不断胜利,不断追求,,要学会苦干和耐心等待。,(范钜清 译),伟人的生平使我们想起,,We Real Cool,Introduction to the Poet,Appreciation,Questions,Suggested Answers,Chinese Translation,We Real CoolIntroduction to th,Introduction to the poet,Gwendolyn Brooks(1917-2000),格温德琳,布鲁克斯,Born,in Topeka,Kansas,Brooks grew up in Chicago where she,encountered racial prejudice in her neighborhood and in her school,which left deep marks on her poetry writing.,Encouraged by her parents,she cultivated her profound interest in poetry,publishing her first poem,at the age of thirteen.She was,the first African-American writer to win the Pulitzer Prize for her,Annie Allen,(1949).,She was active in the civil rights movement of the 1960s and after.,Her poetry is characterized by sensitive portraits of urban blacks.In recognition of her accomplishments,Brooks was made Poet Laureate of Illinois in 1968 and given,over seventy honorary degrees from,colleges and universities worldwide.,Introduction to the poetGwendo,We Real Cool,THE POOL PLAYERS.SEVEN AT THE GOLDEN SHOVEL.,We real cool.We,Left school.We,Lurk late.We,Strike straight.We,Sing sin.We,Thin gin.We,Jazz June.We,Die soon.,We Real Cool THE POOL PLAYERS.,Appreciation,本诗作于,1959,年,第二年发表在布鲁克斯的第三本诗集,吃豆子的人,(,The Bean Eaters,),中。该诗由四小节组成,每一小节包含了两行压韵的诗句,而每一行最后一个单词几乎都是“,we”,。布鲁克斯曾经说“,we”,应该读得轻柔一些,就好像诗中的主人公在质疑自身存在的有效性,而最后一行的“,We die soon”,则暗示了整篇诗的高潮。,Appreciation 本诗作,“We Real Cool”is a poem written in 1959 by,Gwendolyn Brooks and published in 1960.In this poem,most lines end with the word“we”which introduce the following acts in the next lines.The poet said that,“,we,”,s,in the


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