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安东巴甫洛维奇契诃夫Anton Pavlovich Chekhov(1860-1904)安东巴甫洛维奇契诃夫Anton Pavlovich Ch11.Introduction1.Introduction+He is one of most famous short story writers in the world.And he also is a dramatist.+Chekhov was born in Taganrog in South Russia on the Azov Sea on Jan.17/29,1860,third of six children of a grocery store owner.+Chekhovs grandfather was a serf who bought his familys freedom in 1841.1.IntroductionHe is one of mo2+While his father tried to improve his social status by attending to civic duties,the young Chekhov and his brothers and sisters worked in the family store and studied in the local school.+In 1876 his father went bankrupt and fled to Moscow to start anew.Chekhovs mother soon joined his father in Moscow.Chekhov,then 16,was left behind to finish his schooling.While his father tried to impr3+In August 1879 he joined his parents in Moscow,where his father was a laborer and his mother a part-time seamstress.Chekhov soon took his fathers place as head of the household,a responsibility he shouldered all his life.+He immediately entered the medical faculty of Moscow University.After graduating in 1884,he worked as a doctor in many places,which created some opportunities to contact with all works of life.It also lied a foundation for his literary creation.+he also went to work in the hospital at Chikino,but by December of that year he had begun to cough up blood,the first symptom of the tuberculosis that was to kill him.In August 1879 he joined his p4A AChekhov died in 1904,when he was 44 years old.a5 2.His works Early time(1880-1888)concise and humorous Middle time(1888-1896)thought and creation become matureLater time(1896-1904)peak time of creations 2.His works6Early time(1880-1888)In1879-A letter to the Knowledgeable Neighbor给博学的邻居的一封信,this is his maiden work.In March 1880-the Dragonfly 蜻蜓published his first short story.During this year it published nine more,most of them signed Antosha Chekhonte.安托沙契洪捷In 1883-fat and thin胖子和瘦子 “the death of a government clerk”小公务员之死 head of station站长,On a Neil在钉子上Early time(1880-1888)7In 1884-Civil service exam文官考试、The Chameleon变色龙 Surgery外科手术In1885,Boots皮靴 The lost man迷路的人、A malefactor预谋犯、Fianc and Father未婚夫和爸爸 Small fry 小人物 The Hunter猎人、In 1886 Misery苦闷 Vanka凡卡、“The headmaster”校长In 1884-Civil service exam8In 1887-“The Steppe“草原The Wedding婚礼Kiss吻In 1888-“The Lights,”灯火 “The Name-Day Party,”白天的晚会 “An Attack of Nerves”攻击的神经The Steppewas published on the Northern Messenger In October 1888 he won the Academy of Sciences Pushkin PrizeIn 1887-“The Steppe“草原9Middle time(1888-1896)In 1889-Ivanov伊凡诺夫was played in the royal theater In Peterborough(彼得堡)“A Dreary Story”没有意思的故事In 1890-The Thief贼 In March 1890 Chekhovs seventh book appeared,a collection of stories entitled Gloomy People.In 1891-Village Woman村妇 The Duel决斗Middle time(1888-1896)10In 1892-“Ward No.6“第六病室 Neighborhood邻居 “Poprigunyas”跳来跳去的女人In 1893-The Story of an Unknown Man 匿名氏的故事In 1894-Sakhalin Island 库页岛旅行记 “The Black Monk”黑修士“The Literature Teacher“文学教师In 1895-“Three Years”三年 Anna on the neck 挂在脖子上的安娜 The Seagull海鸥In 1896-My life我的一生 The House with the Balcony带阁楼的房子In 1892-“Ward No.6“第六病室11Later time(1896-1904)In 1897-“The Peasants”农民 ”Uncle Vanya”万尼亚舅舅In 1898-“Ionych”姚内奇 “The Lady with the Dog”带狗的女人 “短篇三部曲”:“The Gooseberry”醋栗、“The Man in a Case”套中人A story about Aegean”有关爱琴的故事In 1899“the darling”宝贝儿、The New Summer House 新别墅、In 1900“Three Sisters”三姐妹 “In The Ravine”在峡谷里Later time(1896-1904)12In 1901He got married and his wife is the heroine of the play-“three sister”.In 1902-“The Bishop”主教In 1903-“The Fiance”未出嫁的新娘 “The cherry orchard”樱桃园In 1901He got married and his13Famous short stories:给博学的邻居的一封信胖子和瘦子、喜事、在钉子上、胜利者的得意洋洋、小公务员之死、不平的镜子、谜一样的性格、站长文官考试、戴假面具的人、变色龙、外科手术皮靴、马姓、凡卡,迷路的人、预谋犯、未婚夫和爸爸、客人、名贵的狗、纸里包不住火、哼,这些乘客们!、普里什别叶夫中士、猎人、哀伤太太们、幸福的人、在别墅里、Famous short stories:14大提琴的浪漫故事、一件艺术品、白嘴鸦、凡卡,食客、校长打赌伤寒、吻、沃洛嘉、祸事、婚礼、逃亡者、无依无靠的人贼、古塞夫村妇匿名氏的故事和大沃洛嘉和小沃洛嘉农民、贝琴涅格人、在故乡、在大车上醋栗、套中人、有关爱琴的故事宝贝儿、新别墅、公差、带狗的女人。在圣诞节节期、在峡谷里主教精神错乱补偿的障碍、没出嫁的新娘大提琴的浪漫故事、一件艺术品、白嘴鸦、凡卡,15Medium-length novels:草原没有意思的故事决斗跳来跳去的女人、邻居第六病室一个女人的天地、黑修士、大学生挂在脖子上的安娜、凶杀、白额头姚内奇我的一生collection of stories:墨尔波墨涅的故事莫特利故事在黄昏Reportage:库页岛旅行记Medium-length novels:16Plays:1.喜剧:论烟草的危害蠢货和四幕喜剧伊凡诺夫林神海鸥2.独幕笑剧:求婚被迫无奈的悲剧角色、结婚。3.四幕剧万尼亚舅舅四幕正剧三姐妹 4.悲喜剧樱桃园Plays:17Writing features:In content:(common peoples daily life)1.the reflection of the underlying peoples miserable life.And the small potatoes are cringe and timid as well as their flattery,vanity and vulgarity.s2.The irony of Russian authoritarian system and the oppression and exploitation to the underlying people.As well as peoples pursuit of happy life with the development of capitalism.Writing features:18In language or style:1.His stories and plays are short,simple,and concise.The structure is compact,plots are very vivid,the tone of stories is humorous and satire,the language is lively and direct.They are full of music rhythm and profound meaning.2.Hisworks contain a large number of lyrical psychological stories and have symbolic meaning.In language or style:19作品作品创创作作风风格格+他的小他的小说短小精悍短小精悍、简练朴素朴素、结构构紧凑凑、情情节生生动、笔笔调幽默幽默、语言明快言明快、富于音富于音乐节奏感奏感,寓寓意深刻意深刻。他善于从日常生活中。他善于从日常生活中发现具有典型意具有典型意义的人和事,通的人和事,通过幽默可笑的情幽默可笑的情节进行行艺术概括,概括,塑造出完整的典型形象,以此来塑造出完整的典型形象,以此来反映和批判当反映和批判当时的俄国社会。的俄国社会。+其其剧作含有作含有浓郁的抒情味和丰富郁的抒情味和丰富的潜台的潜台词,令人回味无,令人回味无穷。剧本本故事故事虽取材于日常生活、情取材于日常生活、情节朴朴素、素、进展平展平稳,但却富有深刻象,但却富有深刻象征意征意义。万尼万尼亚舅舅舅舅凡卡凡卡作品创作风格他的小说短小精悍、简练朴素、结构紧凑、情节生动、20The old bankerOpinion:capitical punishment is more moral than life-imprisionment.Stake:2 millionThe young lawyerOpinion:Life-imprision is more moral than capitical punishment.Stake:15 years freedomVSThe old bankerOpinion:capitic21The betFirst part1-1213-1516-20Second part14511121920-21The betFirst part1-1213-15122Thank you for23


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