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挖掘机操作知识挖掘机操作知识Excavator operator knowledgeTable of contents一、挖掘机安全标贴 Safety decals of excavator二、挖掘机操作注意事项 Operator notice of excavator三、挖掘机操作基础 Operator Basics of excavator3“NOTICE and CAUTION”:这个词表示潜在的危险,如果不避免将会导致轻微或中等程度的伤害。“NOTICE and CAUTION”:This word denote the potential danger,and that minor to medium degree of injuries would be caused if failure;“WARNING”:这个词表示潜在的危险,如果不避免将会导致死亡或严重的人身伤害。“WARNING”:This word denote the potential danger,and that death or serious would be caused if failure;安全标贴Safety decal4“DANGER”:这个词表示即刻出现的危险,如果不避免将会导致死亡或严重的人身伤害。“DANGER”:This word denote the impendent danger,and that death or serious would be caused if failure;“NOTICE and CAUTION”也用于提示提防可能导致人身伤害的不安全操作的有关安全事项“NOTICE and CAUTION”is also used to indicate the safety information relating to unsafe operations which may cause personal injuries.安全标贴Safety decal5此标贴张贴于发动机机罩上Located near the engine hood lift switch此标贴张贴于驾驶室内右侧玻璃上Located in the cab安全标贴Safety decal6此标贴张贴于驾驶室内右侧玻璃上Located in the cab安全标贴Safety decal7此标贴张贴于蓄能器旁的液压油箱上Located on the hydraulic tank此标贴张贴于驾驶室内右侧玻璃上Located in the cab安全标贴Safety decal8该标贴张贴于行走架履带张紧装置黄油嘴处Located near the track takeup valve此标贴张贴于水散热器上部Located near the coolant filler cap安全标贴Safety decal9此安全标贴张贴于驾驶室内右侧玻璃上Located in the cab安全标贴Safety decal10此安全标贴张贴于驾驶室内右侧玻璃上Located in the cab安全标贴Safety decal11此标贴位于蓄电池附近Located near the battery安全标贴Safety decal12此标贴位于液压油箱上Located on the hydraulic tank此标贴位于燃油箱上Located on the fuel oil tank安全标贴Safety decal13此标贴位于燃油箱上Located on the fuel oil tank安全标贴Safety decal14此标贴张贴于驾驶室内右侧玻璃上Located in the cab安全标贴Safety decal15此标贴位于蓄电池附近Located near the batter安全标贴Safety decal16此标贴张贴于工具箱外右侧Located near the boarding gate安全标贴Safety decal17始终保持逃生锤放置在驾驶室内部。Always keep escape hammer placed inside the cab.注意:如果驾驶室门打不开,采用以下方法脱离:Caution:If you can not open the cab door,get out of the cab using the following methods:1.打开前窗,从前窗脱离 Open the front window and to go out;此标贴张贴于驾驶室后侧玻璃上Located in the cab安全标贴Safety decal182.如果打开前窗比较困难,用锤子打破玻璃脱离If you open the front window is difficult,to break the glass with a hammer and out.3.如果不能从前窗脱离,用锤子打破后窗玻璃脱离If you can not go past the front window,to break the rear window with a hammer and out 安全标贴Safety decal19注意:机器操作时请远离机器Caution:keep clear of machine during operation此标贴张贴于斗杆左右侧板上Located on the arm此标贴张贴于配重后部Located on the counterweight安全标贴Safety decal20此标贴张贴于发动机导风罩上Located near the engine fan注意:当发动机风扇停止运转后才可对风扇及导风罩进行维修Caution:keep clear of or stop engine before servicing安全标贴Safety decal21此标贴张贴于驾驶室内切断阀旁左扶手箱上Located on the left arm注意:在驾驶室内休息或整机停止动作较长时间时,需将切断阀关闭,防止手臂及脚不小心碰到手先导、脚先导。离开驾驶室前必须确保切断阀为关闭状态Caution:To prevent the arms or legs hit the hand pilot,foot pilot accidentally,you must close shut-off valve when you have a rest in the cab or stop the machine for a long time.You must ensure that shut-off valve is turned off before leaving the cab.安全标贴Safety decalTable of contents一、挖掘机安全标贴 Safety decals of excavator二、挖掘机操作注意事项 Operator notice of excavator三、挖掘机操作基础 Operator Basics of excavator23l油、水检查 Check oil、water l逐个地检查液压油位、发动机冷却水箱水位、发动机机油油位和回转马达齿轮油油位是否处于正常位置,如不是须增加或减少油或水使其达到正常位置。Check hydraulic oil level,coolant level,the oil level of the Engine and the swing reduction gear oil is in normal position,If it is not,must increase or reduce it to its normal position.1.操作前注意事项操作前注意事项 Notice before operate the excavator24l在柴油和机油处严禁烟火 Fireworks is strictly prohibited机油、防冻液、特别是柴油属于高度易燃物,所以不要让烟火接近机器。Engine oil,coolant,especially diesel oil are highly inflammable materials,so dont let fireworks near machine.添加柴油之前要先关闭发动机。Turn off the engine before adding diesel.1.操作前注意事项操作前注意事项 Notice before operate the excavator25l上下机器 Getting on or off the machine上下机器时,面向机器,使用扶手及脚踏,要保持与整机三点接触。Face the machine when getting on or off the machine,use handrails and pedal,touch at three points simultaneously to ensure stability of the body.不要抓握控制杆Prohibit grip pilot control rod.检查并清洁扶手、踏板Check and clean the handrails,pedal.1.操作前注意事项操作前注意事项 Notice before operate the excavatorl检查障碍物 Check the obstacles依次检查整机上、下、左、右、前、后,及时将杂物、工具及障碍物清除。Check the machine in turn,down,left,right,front,back,remove debris,tools and obstacles promptly.1.操作前注意事项操作前注意事项 Notice before operate the excavatorl确认车体方向 Confirm the direction of the body左、右、前、后方向是由驾驶室在前,行走马达在后决定的Left,right,front and rear direction is determined by facing the front of the cab,travel motors are in the rear of the machine.1.操作前注意事项操作前注意事项 Notice before operate the excavatorl检查照明系统 Check lighting system晚上操纵整机时,检查所有照明设备,确保照明系统完好Control machine at night,check all lighting equipment to ensure lighting system are good;28l启动前按喇叭警示 Press the horn to warn before starting 启动前按响喇叭以警告机器周围的人员。Press the horn to warn personnel around the machine before starting.l让其他人远离机器 Let other people away from the machine严禁除操作者外其他人爬上整机,因为这样做会导致严重的伤害。It is strictly prohibited other than the operator who climbed up the machine,because it would result in serious injury.2.启动时注意事项 Notice when you start excavator29l启动发动机 Start engine柴油机起动前,钥匙开关先打到“START”档,发动机第一次没有顺利启动,请稍等15秒钟后再启动,连续三次启动不成功需等待2分钟后再启动。如每次停机后都存在此问题,必须排除故障。Before starting the engine,first turn the key switch to START position,if the engine havent started smoothly one time,please wait 15 seconds and then start again,if three consecutive unsuccessful start occur,then wait for 2 minutes to start again.If every time after shutdown the engine will meet start engine problem,you must do troubleshoot.2.启动时注意事项 Notice when you start excavator30通过启动电机通电运转以带动发动机起动时,启动过程持续15秒。发动机起动后立即放松钥匙,为避免起动器的损坏,每次操作马达起动器不可超过10秒。若启动时间持续过长,将有可能烧坏启动电机。Start motor is driving the engine start to run,the start process lasted from 1 to 5 seconds.Release key immediately after the engine starts to run,to avoid damage the starter,each operation must not exceed 10 seconds.If the start-up time continued too long,will the start motor may burn.2.启动时注意事项 Notice when you start excavator31l启动时怠速暖机 Idle warm-start发动机起动后不应立即加大油门,在天气冷时要怠速运行35分钟,对发动机进行预热,再逐渐加大油门。这样将防止因发动机燃烧不充分导致的在燃烧室缸壁积碳。Should not immediately accelerate engine at high speed,after start the engine let engine throttle in the idle when running 3 to 5 minutes to warm up the engine,and then gradually increase the throttle.This will prevent the engine due to incomplete combustion carbon in the combustion chamber cylinder sleeve.2.启动时注意事项 Notice when you start excavator32起动后要热机To warm the engine properly after starting l启动后检查机油压力 Check the engine oil pressure after startup挖掘机启动后,检查监控器机油压力显示,整机须在启动15秒内建立起机油压力,若15秒后机油压力还未建立,则应立即关闭发动机。在排除故障之前不要起动发动机。Excavator started,check the oil pressure on monitor display,the machine must to establish oil pressure within 15 seconds after start,if oil pressure has not been established after 15 seconds,immediately turn off the engine.Do not start the engine before troubleshooting.2.启动时注意事项 Notice when you start excavator33l挖掘机起动后,禁止人员从工作装置下部通过;After the excavator starts,forbids the personnel to pass from the work attachment;l机器长距离行走,支重轮、托链轮内部由于长时间旋转,产生高温,行走马达需位于整机后边。行走时,须经常停车冷却。这可以改善轮子内部的润滑,并能延长下部车体的寿命。If machine travel a long distances,upper track roller,lower track roller will create high temperature through rotating for long time,running the motor must be located behind the machine.Traveling with frequent stopping cooling can improve the lubrication of the roller,and can prolong the service life of the undercarriage.长途行走时,请每行走20分钟休息5分钟,以免损坏行走马达。Long distance traveling,traveling 20 minutes,stop for every 5 minutes in order to avoid damage to the motor running.3.操作时注意事项 Notice when you operate excavator34l高转速时确认自动怠速功能 High-speed automatic idle function confirmed在自动怠速功能开着时,必须密切注意发动机控制旋扭的设定。当发动机控制旋扭的设定速度高时,如果操作者没有注意高的发动机速度设定就操作操纵杆,发动机速度的突然增大会引起机器的加速运动,有可能导致人员的严重受伤。When the automatic idle function working,you must pay high attention to the engine throttle switch setting.When the engine speed throttle switch set at high speed,if the operator does not notice the high engine speed is set,and to operate the joystick,the engine speed of the machine will cause a sudden increase of acceleration,and the suddenly motion of machine may result in serious injury.3.操作时注意事项 Notice when you operate excavator35l绝对不要试图横穿坡度大于15度的斜坡,防止机器侧翻。Never attempt to cross slope greater than 15 degrees slope,to prevent the machine over roll.3.操作时注意事项 Notice when you operate excavator36l防止倒车和回转时的受伤事故The prevention of reverse traveling and swing hitting accident injuries l不要让其他人接近整机的行走或旋转区域Do not let other people walking near the machine or rotary area.l如果操作区域危险或视线不良时,必须另外有人指挥方向。If the operating area dangerous or poor visibility,must also command the operate by some people.3.操作时注意事项 Notice when you operate excavator37l与高压电线保持安全距离 Keeping a safe distance from high voltage wires 在电线附近操作时,不可把机器的任何部分或负载靠近电线。湿地将增大人员可能触电的范围。让周围人员远离作业区。When operation near the wire,not to let any part of the machine or the load close to the wire.Wetlands will increase the range of personnel may shock.Let those around away from the work area.3.操作时注意事项 Notice when you operate excavator38l小心厂房等高架设施 Care factories and other facilities 如果机器的工作装置或其它部分撞到厂房顶部等高架物,机器和高架物都会损坏,还可能造成人员受伤;小心防止动臂或斗杆与厂房顶部等高架物相撞。If the machines work attachment or other parts of the plant hit the top of the other elevated objects,objects which can damage the machine and elevated,and may cause injury;care to prevent the boom or bucket at the top bar and plant materials such as overhead collision.3.操作时注意事项 Notice when you operate excavator39l操作时关注整机报警 Concerns the alarm of machine when operation 挖掘机操作过程中,若监控器发出报警声,则应立即关闭发动机,然后将电锁开至“ON”档,通过监控器检查故障记录,确定报警声音来源(机油压力报警、液压油温报警、冷却液水温报警、冷却液水位报警),并找相应人员对其进行处理。在排除故障之前不要起动发动机。When excavator operating,if the monitor alarm sound,they should immediately turn off the engine,and then open the electric lock to ON position,check the fault information on monitor to determine the source of the alarm sound(engine oil pressure alarm,hydraulic oil temperature alarm,coolant temperature warning,coolant water level alarm),and find the appropriate staff to process it.Do not start the engine before troubleshooting.3.操作时注意事项 Notice when you operate excavator40l行走时注意事项 Traveling notice在平坦的地面上行走时,要收回工作装置并与地面保持40cm-50cm距离。Traveling on flat ground,we must recover the device and work with the surface 40cm-50cm distance.3.操作时注意事项 Notice when you operate excavator41尽可能避免在障碍物上行走。如果整机不得不在障碍物上行走。要使工作装置靠近地面且低速行驶。As far as possible avoid traveling on barrier.If the machine had to walk on an obstacle.To make the unit close to the ground and low speed.3.操作时注意事项 Notice when you operate excavator42当上坡行驶时,要使工作装置保持距地面20cm-30cm。在紧急情况下,可以迅速将工作装置降至地面以帮助停止整机。When driving uphill,to make working devices to keep away from the ground 20cm-30cm.In an emergency,you can quickly lowered to the ground working device to help stop the machine.3.操作时注意事项 Notice when you operate excavator43当下坡行驶时,要使工作装置保持距地面20cm-30cm。While downhill driving,keeping the working device apart from the ground 20cm-30cm.3.操作时注意事项 Notice when you operate excavator44在斜坡行走应小心操作Be careful walking on slopes当行驶在斜坡上时,转弯速度比较快,很难控制机器,所以应避免在下坡时转弯。假如必须转弯,首先停止机器,在左转时,向后转动左履带;右转时,向后转动右履带,这种方法可以降低在斜坡上转弯的危险性。When traveling on a slope,the turning speed is fast,very difficult to control the machine,it should be avoided when going downhill turn.If it needs to turn,first to stop the machine,when turning left,turning back the left track;right time,turning back the right track,this method can reduce the risk of turning on the slopes.3.操作时注意事项 Notice when you operate excavator45将机械停放于地面上。The machine is at rest on the ground.将铲斗降至地面。Bucket down to the ground.以怠速运行发动机分钟。Run the engine at idle speed for 3 minutes.4.停机时注意事项Notice when you stop excavator46拉上先导控制关闭杆将一切操作杆锁至中位。Pull the pilot cut off level and put all the pilot control level at nurture position.转钥匙开关至“”位置。从开关上拿掉钥匙。如果发动机没有被正确地关掉,涡轮增压器可能被损坏。Turn key switch to 0FF position.Remove the key from the switch.If you have not been properly turned off the engine,the turbocharger may be damaged.4.停机时注意事项Notice when you stop excavator47如果必须将整机停放在斜坡上,要将铲斗调整到下坡一侧,将铲斗插入地面。并在履带的下面放上垫块以防止整机移动。If the machine must be parked on a slope,adjust to the downhill side of the bucket,put the bucket into the ground.Placed in the track pad underneath to prevent the machine moving.4.停机时注意事项Notice when you stop excavator48l检修时警告 Warning when maintenance 在检查/故障处理时,如果有人启动发动机或操作操纵杆,可能会导致严重的伤害。因此当人离开整机时,务必要在操纵杆上悬挂“禁止操作”警示牌。During the inspection/troubleshooting,if someone start the engine or operating the joystick,can cause serious injury.So when people leave the machine,must be sure to hang No Operation warning signs.5.检修时注意事项Notice when you maintenance excavator49l检修时应关闭发动机 Stop engine when maintenance 在发动机运转时进行检查/故障处理,手或衣服可能被风扇、带轮或风扇皮带夹住。When the engine is running checking/troubleshooting,hands or clothing may be gripped by the fan,pulley or fan belt.5.检修时注意事项Notice when you maintenance excavator50l整机处于高温或高压时的检修注意事项Notice when machine is high temperature or high pressure at the time of inspection整机刚停止时,发动机的冷却水和机油都处于高温。在此情况下如果打开盖子或更换机油,可能会被高温的水或机油烫伤。Machine just stopped,the engine cooling water and oil are in high temperatures.In this case,if you open the cover,or change the oil,may be scalding hot water or oil.5.检修时注意事项Notice when you maintenance excavator51l小心高压油Careful high pressure oil在正常情况下,每一条液压油管都存在压力,所以在释放内部压力之前,先不要补充油或清除油,或检修整机。因为高压油会对皮肤和眼睛造成伤害。Under normal circumstances,there each hydraulic tubing pressure,so before the internal pressure is released Do not add oil or clean oil,or repair machine.Because the high pressure oil will damage the skin and eyes.5.检修时注意事项Notice when you maintenance excavatorTable of contents一、挖掘机安全标贴 Safety decals of excavator二、挖掘机操作注意事项 Operator notice of excavator三、挖掘机操作基础 Operator Basics of excavator操纵机构Control Mechanism1.操纵机构Control mechanism驾驶室门开锁杆 Cab door lock rod;先导切断阀控制杆 The pilot shut-off valve control lever;左方控制杆/喇叭按钮 The left lever/horn button;左行走操作杆 Left-lateral lever;左行走踏板 Walk left pedal;右行走踏板 Walk the right pedal;右行走操作杆 Right-lateral operation Bar;右方控制杆/瞬时增力按扭 The right lever/button instantaneous Force;手先导方向与动作Hand movement direction of the pilot 左手先导阀 右手先导阀The left hand pilot:The right hand pilot:前:斗杆放出 前:动臂下降 Before:Arm out Before:Boom down后:斗杆收回 后:动臂上升 After:Arm in After:Boom up 左:整机逆时针回转 左:铲斗收回 Left:Left swing Left:Bucket in右:整机顺时针回转 右:铲斗放出 Right:Right swing Right:Bucket outBeforeBeforeAfterAfterLeftLeftRightRight1.操纵机构Control mechanism2.机器方向 Vehicle DirectionLeft,right,front and rear direction is determined by facing the front of the cab,travel motors are in the rear of the machine后 After前 Before左 Left右 Right行走马达 Travel motor3.仪表按钮 Instrument button该显示器主要由报警指示灯、液晶显示屏、键盘三部分组成。该显示器主要由报警指示灯、液晶显示屏、键盘三部分组成。The display mainly by the warning light,LCD display and key switch in three parts报警指示灯Alarm Indicator液 晶 显 示 屏LCD键盘Key switch液晶显示器LCD Monitor普通操作界面commonly operating interface 1.工作小时计,累计机器工作时间,当小时计图标闪动时说明正在计时;Working hours,for total working time machine,when the hour meter icon flashes to indicate the time;2.发动机冷却水温监控表,红色段表示水温过高,绿色段表示水温处于正常温度范围;The engine cooling water temperature monitoring chart,the red states that the water temperature is too high,the green section that the water temperature in the normal temperature range;3.燃油油位监控表,红色段表示油位过低,绿色段表示油位处于正常工作范围;Fuel oil level monitoring tables,the red states that the oil level is too low,the green section that the oil level in the normal scope of work;1234567液晶显示器LCD Monitor普通操作界面commonly operating interface 4.系统工作电压,正常工作电压范围为18V32V;The system voltage,the normal operating voltage range of 18V 32V;5.发动机工作档位,档位范围为110档;The engine stalls,stalls range from 1 to 10 stalls;6.行走高低速,兔子表示走快速档,乌龟表示走低速档;Walking high and low speed,The rabbit that file to go fast,the turtle that take the low speed;7.信息提示区,正常工作状态下该区域显示当前的日期与时间;当有报警信息及其他信息出现时该区域显示报警提示;有多条报警信息时,循环显示。Message alert area,the normal working condition of the area shows the current date and time;when the alarm information and other information appears in the region shows alarm;a number of alarm information,the circular display.1234567123报警Alarm全部亮起界面 Interface with all indicators turning报警状态界面 Alarm status interface 液晶显示器LCD Monitor1231.吊装功能,功能取消时不显示该图标;Lifting function:this icon shall not appear when the function is canceled;2.瞬时增力,取消瞬时增力功能时不显示该图标;The instantaneous growth force,cancel the function of the instantaneous force increasing the icon is not displayed;3.自动怠速,取消时不显示该图标;Automatic idle,the icon does not show canceled;液晶显示器LCD Monitor12435678键盘Key switch图标图标开关开关功能功能1蜂鸣器取消按键 当报警蜂鸣器响起时按下此开关可以停止报警蜂鸣器响 2向上按键 选择上侧的项目(在顶侧项目之后选择底侧项目)3菜单按键 选择进入主菜单界面 4返回按键 返回上一个界面 5确认按键 进入选择/设置项目 6向右按键 选择右侧的项目 7向下按键 选择下侧的项目(在底侧项目之后选择顶侧项目)8向左按键 选择左侧的项目 12435678键盘Key switchIconSwitchFeatures1Cancel button buzzerWhen the buzzer sounded the alarm,press the switch to stop the alarm buzzer2Up buttonChoice of side projects(selected in the top side of the project after the end of side item)3Menu buttonChoose to enter the main menu interface4Back ButtonReturn to the previous screen5Confirm buttonInto the selection/setting item6Right buttonSelect the right projects7Down buttonSelect the next side of the project(in the bottom side of the project,chose the top side of the project)8Left buttonSelect the items left控制开关面板和收音机Control switch panel and radio1.开关盒The switch box 2.收音机 Radio 3.油门位置开关及点火开关 The throttle position switch and the ignition switch 4.前窗洗涤开关 The front window washer switch5.备用开关 Standby switch开关盒Switch BoxS1:行走速度控制开关 walking speed control switch:机器默认低速档,“乌龟”灯亮。按压开关即可转换到高速档,“兔子”灯亮,“乌龟”灯灭。再次按压开关即可转换到低速档,“乌龟”灯亮,“兔子”灯灭。Default low speed machine,turtlelight LED1 on.Press this switch to switch to high gear,Rabbitlight LED2 light,turtlelight LED1 off.Press this switch again to switch to low gear,turtlelight LED1 light,Rabbitlight LED2 offS2:工作灯开关 Work light switch该开关控制动臂灯和车架灯工作。两个指示灯指示工作灯的工作情况:The switch lights and boom frame lights work.Two work lights LED indicates the work:1),一次按压开关,左指示灯亮,车架灯打开;A press of the switch,LED3 lights left on,turn on the light frame;2),二次按压开关,右指示灯亮,同时左指示灯灭,动臂灯打开,车架灯关闭;The second press of the switch,the right light LED4 light,while light LED3 left off,boom lights on,lights off the frame;开关盒Switch Box3),三次按压开关,左右指示灯都亮,车架灯和动臂灯均打开;Three times you press the switch,so light LED3,LED4 are bright lights and boom lights frame are open;4),四次按压开关,左右指示灯灭,车架和动臂灯均关闭.The four pressed the switch,so light LED3,LED4 off,the frame and boom lights were turned off.开关盒Switch BoxS3:自动怠速开关auto-idle switch该开关用作开启和关闭系统自动怠速功能。当自动怠速开关打开后,显示器会出现自动怠速图标,若设定的转速档位在310档,只要所有的操纵杆置于中位后约5秒钟,控制器将驱动油门执行器使发动机转速自动降至1250r/min(三阶段整机自动怠速为1000r/min),此时若进行任意操作,发动机转速自动恢复到先前的工作转速。The default auto-idle machines,when the indicator LED5 light,the display idle icon will appear automatically,if the stall speed set at 3 to 10 files,as long as all of the lever in the median after about 5 seconds,the controller Drive the implementation allows the engine speed automatic throttle down 1250r/min(Tire3 is 1000r/min),at this time if for any operation,engine speed automatically revert to a previous working speed.开关盒Switch Box操作行走或工作装置操纵杆walking or working device operation levers;关断自动怠速开关Press the switch,turn off the automatic idle speed.开关盒Switch BoxS4:手动怠速开关manual idle switch系统缺省状态下,此开关的指示灯不亮,对发动机转速没有任何影响。按下此开关,指示灯亮,发动机转速马上降到怠速档时的转速。再次按下此开关,指示灯不亮,发动机转速回到原来设定的转速。System default,this switch lights LED6 does not shine,no effect on the engine speed.Press this switch,the light LED6 light,the engine speed immediately dropped to 1000 r/min.Pressing this switch,the light LED6 off,the engine speed back to the original set speed.开关盒Switch BoxS5:行走报警取消开关 Travel alarm cancel switch此开关在整机装配有行走报警器时才有效。系统默认为行走时进行报警。当机器行走时,控制器接收到压力开关(脚先导)的信号,立即向行走报警器发出信号,行走报警器鸣叫,若此时闭合行走报警取消开关,机器停止报警,但机器停止行走后,系统又恢复为系统默认状态,机器再次行走时将再次报警。Elected with a travel alarm,the system default alarm when traveling.When the machine is running,the controller receives the pressure switch(foot leading)signal immediately to the alarm signal to walk,travel alarm call and then if you press the switch,light LED7 light,the machine stops the alarm;but the machine no longer is walking,the system has returned to the system default state,the machine will once again travel


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