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How to Improve Your Spoken English Step Leading inTell the trainees a humorous story Steak or Stick?to show the importance of pronunciation.A Steak or Stick One day,a Chinese oversea student wanted to eat out.When he was in a restaurant,a waiter came up and asked him politely:”What would you like,sir?”He answered:”A stick.”The waiter was very puzzled:”A stick?How can you eat stick?”(1)ei i/i:Words:make cake Grace plate table game baby same pay lazy name lakeSentence:Lazy Grace makes a cake on the plate.Step Explanation and Practice1.Pronunciation-Vowelsei i /i:may-me gave-give hate-hit wait-wheat plate-please fail-feel cake-kick same-seem gate-gift lake-lipComparative Practice【e】/【aiai】(2)(2)【】Words:fat cat rat bag bad man that black catch match hand grandSentence:The fat cat catches a black rat.【】【e】have-help gap-get bad-bed had-head dad-dead lack-let【】【aiai】back-bike had-hide rat-rightcat-kite glad-glide fat-fightComparative Practice【a:a:】【】Words:love cut but bus come moneyugly duck cup brush luck thumbSentence:The ugly bear loves honey.(3)laugh-love bath-bus father-mother half-honeycalm-come dark-duckmaster-must fast-funcard-cup half-hurryComparative Practice(1)(1)【v】【w】Words:very love five vase vet vest vine violin voice seven braveSentences:1.Snow White loves the Seven Dwarfs.2.He plays the violin very well.1.Pronunciation-ConsonantsComparative Practicevery-well vest-west vet-wet vote-what village-waste visit-waist(2)(2)【】【s】Words:Thank mouth think thick threeThird thing thin month bath Sentence:This is the third path.think-sink thank-sank mouth-mouse path-passthick-sick thing-singComparative Practice(3)(3)【】【z z】Words:this that these those them with there they than weather Sentence:Father and mother have a smooth life.Comparative Practiceclothes-close then-zonethose-zoo thus-zipwith-rose neither-eraser 常见的元音字母常见的元音字母组合的读音规则组合的读音规则 Step.元音字母的读音规则元音字母的读音规则Aaei(开开)【】(闭)(闭)date gate tape faceat bad bag thatEai:(开开)【e】(闭)(闭)he she thesebed beg egg help a(a(在在a,sk,ss sta,sk,ss st前)前)【a:a:】dance ask glass past answer Step.元音字母的读音规则元音字母的读音规则Ii【ai】(开开)【i】(闭闭)bike kite side icebig kid bridge dishOo u(开开)【】(闭闭)go home note close not hot dog dollar(【】特特 come love some)Step.元音字母的读音规则元音字母的读音规则Uu【Ju:】(开开)【u:】(开开)【】ruler blue rule June(闭闭)【u】(】(闭闭)use pupil music excuse bus cup jump such put pull push full Step.元音字母组合元音字母组合a-的读音规则的读音规则ai【ei】autumn daughter August rain again train arm hard car farm artisthalfau【:】ar al【a:】【:】all talk wallay【ei】【i】(非)】(非)day say play wayMonday weekday【:】【a:a:】warm quarter Step.元音字母组合元音字母组合e-的读音规则的读音规则eigh【ei】grey they hey eight eighth eighteen see meet week sleep eat sea cheapey【ei】ee【i:】ea【e】head bread healther【:】【】(非)】(非)her term certainlyworker farmer【i:】ew【Ju:Ju:】few new news Step.3个元音字母组合的读音规则个元音字母组合的读音规则 【】earth early learn pear bear wear ear hear near clear there where 【:】【i】ere【i】here mereeer【i】【】deer peer pioneer their theirs【】eareirair【】air chair hair Step.元音字母组合元音字母组合o-的读音规则的读音规则 【:】or for morning bird girl shirt boat coat cloak know row bowl 【:】【u】ow【u】【au 】how now brownoor【:】【:】door floorfour your irour【au】our houroroa【u u】poor Step.元音字母组合元音字母组合o-的读音规则的读音规则 【u:】noon room food school good look book foot about house mouse could would should 【u】【au】oul【i】boy toy enjoy oy【:】turn nurse Thursday urooou【u】oi【i i】voice noisy joinore【:】more store beforeough【:】bought fought thought Step.Explanation and Practice2.Intonationa.一般疑问句(一般疑问句(Yes-no questions)Have you got the tickets?b.疑问语气的陈述句(疑问语气的陈述句(Statements intended as questions)You are definitely coming?c.表示安慰或鼓励(表示安慰或鼓励(Statements intended to be soothing or encouraging.)Come with us.(1)Rising tone1.Is he coming tonight?2.Jean,can you bring me the newspaper?3.Shall I tell him to come and see you?4.You like it?5.Do you want a cup of coffee?6.This way,please.Practice(2)Falling tonea.陈述句(陈述句(Ordinary statements)You came on Tuesday.Id like some tea.b.特殊疑问句(特殊疑问句(Wh-questions)When did you come?Whats the time?c.带命令口吻的祈使句(带命令口吻的祈使句(Imperative sentences(strong commands)Put it over there !Go and find it !d.感叹句感叹句(Exclamatory sentences)What an awful film that was !1.Mother has gone to the city.2.Swimming is my favorite sport.3.When can I meet you?4.Dont be late again.5.What a beautiful present!Practicea.选择疑问句选择疑问句(Alternative questions):Do you prefer coffee or juice?b.以状语或状语从句开始的句子以状语或状语从句开始的句子(Statements beginning with adverbials or adverbial clauses):At eight oclock in the morning the football match began.c.陈述句中列举的几部分陈述句中列举的几部分(The juxtaposition parts in statements):I like apples,bananas and grapes.(3)Rising-falling tone1.Do you like swimming or skating?2.Is your friend a boy or a girl?3.In the end,I could not bear it.4.Last week I went to the theatre.5.There are three people in my family,6.father,mother and me.Practicea.反意疑问句反意疑问句(Disjunctive questions):b.You took part in the party yesterday ,didnt you?b.前面是陈述句,后面有一表示不肯定或疑虑的附加语前面是陈述句,后面有一表示不肯定或疑虑的附加语(A statement+a tag which shows incertitude):Its going to rain,Im afraid.c.含有对比的陈述句含有对比的陈述句(Statements where contrast is implied.)He doesnt want it but his brother may.d.否认或矛盾否认或矛盾(Statements which show disagreement or contradiction)I cant do it.You can.e.警告警告(Warning)Be careful.Dont be late.(4)Falling-rising tone1.You took part in the party yesterday ,2.didnt you?3.2.You dont know him,I think.4.3.You can come on Tuesday but not Monday.5.4.She arrived on Monday,on Tuesday.Practice Its a fine day,isnt it?Step.Explanation and Practice3.Linking(1)consonants+vowelsPlease take a look at it.Im working on it.Dad asks to leave it alone.Put it on,please.Not at all。get up(2)r/re+vowels(3)for instance(4)I looked for it here and there.(5)There is a place far away.(6)Where is my cup?(7)Where are your brother and sister?(3)vowels+vowelsYou are a beautiful girl.Please try it.She wants to study English.How old are you?She cant carry it.(4)consonants+semivowels Thank you.Nice to meet you.Would you like a cup of tea?Could you help me,please?Step.Explanation and Practice4.Incomplete PlosionWords:Se(p)tember sui(t)case bla(ck)board han(d)bag goo(d)bye mi(d)night frien(d)ly mos(t)ly gran(d)child pi(c)ture pra(c)tice par(t)-timegoo(d)boyPhrases:bi(g)boy wha(t)time goo(d)zoo nigh(t)show ma(ke)sure jus(t)then goo(d)news ta(ke)mine star(t)now kee(p)silent ge(t)through goo(d)jobs shar(p)pencil tha(t)child goo(d)morning I don(t)know a bi(t)louder grea(t)changes Sentences:(1).She too(k)goo(d)care of the children.(2).As(k)Bo(b)to si(t)behind me.(3).We hear(d)Davi(d)sing las(t)night.(4).Im convince(d)tha(t)Charlie has ma(de)the righ(t)choice.(5).I wouldn(t)le(t)him go.Step Consolidation Tongue Twisters 1.Three gray geese in the green grass grazing.Gray were the geese and green was the grass.三只灰鹅在绿草地里吃草,鹅灰草绿。三只灰鹅在绿草地里吃草,鹅灰草绿。2.A big black bug bit a big black bear,made the big black bear bleed blood.一只大黑虫咬了一只大黑熊,把大黑熊咬的鲜一只大黑虫咬了一只大黑熊,把大黑熊咬的鲜血直流。血直流。3.Betty beat a bit of butter to make a better batter.贝蒂搅一些黄油把面糊做得更好。贝蒂搅一些黄油把面糊做得更好。4.Thank the other three brothers of their fathers mothers brothers side.感谢他们父亲的母亲的哥哥家的其他三兄弟。感谢他们父亲的母亲的哥哥家的其他三兄弟。5.The cat catchers cant catch caught cats.抓猫的人抓不住被抓住的猫。抓猫的人抓不住被抓住的猫。7.Cat,cat,catch that fat rat!猫,猫,快抓住那只胖老鼠!猫,猫,快抓住那只胖老鼠!6.Mike likes to write by the nice bright 6.Mike likes to write by the nice bright light at night.light at night.迈克喜欢在夜晚明亮的灯光下写作。迈克喜欢在夜晚明亮的灯光下写作。迈克喜欢在夜晚明亮的灯光下写作。迈克喜欢在夜晚明亮的灯光下写作。8.Neither father nor mother likes this 8.Neither father nor mother likes this weather.weather.爸爸妈妈都不喜欢这天气。爸爸妈妈都不喜欢这天气。爸爸妈妈都不喜欢这天气。爸爸妈妈都不喜欢这天气。9.There are thirty thousand feathers on that thrushs throat.那只画眉鸟的喉部有三万根羽毛。那只画眉鸟的喉部有三万根羽毛。Step Consolidation Let the trainees imitate LiYangs Crazy English.Step Check-up Read the words sentences.Pay attention to your pronunciation,intonation,linking and incomplete plosion.Testing Paper一一.Read the sentences.Pay attention to your pronunciation.1.Success came after many failures.2.Its pay day today.3.He often makes a face to the baby.4.Life lies in movement.5.Everyone comes to life at closing time.6.In fact,the matter has been solved.7.He doesnt have much luck this time.8.The train leaves in fine minutes.9.He has three mouths to feed at home.10.Father and mother have a smooth life.二二.Mark the tones of the setences()and practice.1.What can I do for you?2.Are you feeling all right?3.Would you like rice or noodles?4.Lets not waste time.5.Come in,everybody!6.A bird cant fly without wings.7.How beautiful the park is!8.Nice weather,isnt it?9.Near the lake,there is a small hill.10.You wont be away for long,will you.Step Discussion Let the trainees discuss their other problems in oral English.The teacher try to help them.PronunciationPronunciationIntonationIntonationlinkinglinkingIncompleteIncomplete plosion plosion Never give up!Never give in!Never lose hope!Never regret!Never say impossible!Never doubt yourself!Never fear challenges!Were the best in the world!结束束语:谢谢您的到来,为方便回顾本课程内容,可在课件下载后进行查看,对疑问之处可随时提问Thank you for coming.For the convenience of reviewing the content of this course,you can view it after downloading the courseware.You can ask questions at any time


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