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Englishdialogueontheplane1 1English dialogue on the plane1WhenshouldwespeakEnglishontheplane?n nFinding seatn nChanging seatn nPutting personal luggagen nMeal timen nBeverage servicen nOther request(medicine,pillow.)2 2When should we speak English oFindingurseat3 3Finding ur seat3实用词汇usefultermsn n登机证:boarding passn n座位号码:seat numbern n机票:airline ticketn n靠窗座位:window seatn n靠走道座位:aisle seatn n吸烟区座位:smoking seatn n非吸烟区座位:non-smoking seat4 4实用词汇 useful terms登机证:boarding Askforhelp:n n1.Excuse me,Miss,could u please direct me to my seat?Here is my boarding pass.n n打扰了,小姐,请问您能带我找到座位吗,这是我的登机证。n n2.can u show me the way to my seat?n n请问您能告诉我到我的座位怎么走吗?n n3.can u show me where 33H is?n n您能告诉我33H在哪吗?5 5Ask for help:5n n1.its the window seat at the 3rd row.n n它是第三排靠窗的座位。n n2.With pleasure.Let me see your boarding pass first.Your seat is 32 E on the aisle in the non-smoking section.Go straight back and another hostess will show you where to sit.n n很高兴为您服务。我先看看您的登机牌。您的座位在无烟区,32E,靠近过道。直接向后走,另一位空姐会把您领到座位Answerofhostess:6 61.its the window seat at the n n3.This way,please.n n这边请。n e with me,please watch your steps.n n请跟我来,留心脚下。7 73.This way,please.7Exercise1表演如下对话或者自行创作一段找座位的对话:乘客:打扰一下,小姐,请问您能带我找 到我的座位吗?这是我的登机牌。空姐:很高兴为您服务。请跟我来。Reference:Excuse me,miss,could u direct me to my seat?This is my boarding pass.With pleasure.Please come with me.8 8Exercise 1表演如下对话或者自行创作一段找座位的对话Changingurseat9 9Changing ur seat9n nCould u exchange seat with me?n n您可以跟我换位置吗?n nWhy not?为什么不呢?n nI requested a non-smoking seat,but I am in a smoking seat.n n我要求的是非吸烟区座位,可是现在却在吸烟区的位子。n nJust a second,let me check first.Sorry,we made a mistake,do u need me to change a seat for you now?n n请稍等,我先查一下。不好意思,我们弄错了,您需要我现在给您换座位吗?1010Could u exchange seat with me?n nSomeone is sitting in my seat.n n有人坐在我的位置。n nExcuse me,this is my seat.n n对不起,这是我的座位。n nMy son and I are separated,we would like to sit together.我儿子跟我的位子被分开了,我们想要坐在一起。1111Someone is sitting in my seat.Exercise2表演如下对话或者自行创作一段换座位的对话:乘客1:打扰一下,女士,我想这是我的位置。乘客2:真的吗?让我查下我的登机牌。n nReference:n nExcuse me,lady,I am afraid this is my seat.n nReally?Let me check my boarding pass.1212Exercise 2表演如下对话或者自行创作一段换座位的对话Puttingpersonalluggage1313Putting personal luggage13实用词汇n n手提箱 suitcasen n手提行李 carry-on baggagen n过夜用旅行袋 overnight bagn n手提行李牌 handbag tagn n头顶置物箱 overhead binn n置物柜 storage closetn n帽架 hat rack1414实用词汇手提箱 suitcase14n nWhere can I put this?Where can I put this?n n这个该摆哪儿?这个该摆哪儿?n nCan you help me with this?Can you help me with this?n n能请你帮我放这个吗?能请你帮我放这个吗?n nCould I hang this bag in the closet?Could I hang this bag in the closet?n n这个行李袋我可以吊在柜子里吗?这个行李袋我可以吊在柜子里吗?n nCan I put it in the overhead compartment?Can I put it in the overhead compartment?n n我能把它放进头顶行李舱吗?我能把它放进头顶行李舱吗?n nCan I put my baggage here?Can I put my baggage here?n n我能将手提行李放在这儿吗我能将手提行李放在这儿吗?1515Where can I put this?15Exercise3表演如下对话或者自行创作一段放行李的对话:乘客:打扰一下,小姐,这个包可以放到哪里?空姐:可以将它放到你的座位底下。Reference:Excuse me,miss,where can I put this bag?You can put it under your seat.1616Exercise 3表演如下对话或者自行创作一段放行李的对话mealtime1717meal time17(1)oderingfoodn nPull open your table,please.Pull open your table,please.n n请拉开您的桌子。请拉开您的桌子。n nMay I have some more soup?May I have some more soup?n n再给我一些汤好吗?再给我一些汤好吗?n nWhich would you like for dinner,beef,Which would you like for dinner,beef,chicken or fish?chicken or fish?n n晚餐想吃牛肉、鸡肉或是鱼晚餐想吃牛肉、鸡肉或是鱼?n nWhatWhat s the meal on this flight?s the meal on this flight?n n飞机上提供什么食物。飞机上提供什么食物。n nHereHere s the menu.s the menu.n n这是菜单。这是菜单。1818(1)odering foodPull open your 2)要求换干净的餐具requestforcleantablewareteiblweteiblwen nExcuse me.I dropped my chopsticks.May Excuse me.I dropped my chopsticks.May I have another pair?I have another pair?n n对不起。我把筷子弄掉了。请再给我一双好吗?对不起。我把筷子弄掉了。请再给我一双好吗?n nStewardess Stewardess stju:dis stju:dis!Ive dropped my!Ive dropped my knife.May I have a clean one?knife.May I have a clean one?n n空中小姐!我的刀子掉落在地。可以换支干净的空中小姐!我的刀子掉落在地。可以换支干净的吗?吗?n nplease give me another paper please give me another paper napkinnapkin n npkin pkin,too?,too?n n也请再给我一条纸巾好码?也请再给我一条纸巾好码?19192)要求换干净的餐具request for clean t(3)肚子不太饿时notveryhungryn nTime for dinner.n n晚餐时间到了。n n No,thank you.Im not very hungry.n n不,谢谢。我还不太饿。n nCan you bring it later?n n可以晚点再送来吗?2020(3)肚子不太饿时not very hungry20(4)用餐完毕时finishwithmealn n我用餐完毕了。n nIm finished with my meal.n n请把我的盘子撤走。n nPlease remove my tray.n n请把桌面清理干净好吗?n nWill you please clear the table?2121(4)用餐完毕时finish with meal我用餐完Exercise4表演如下对话或者自行创作一段点餐的对话:乘客:这个飞机上有什么食物 空姐:这是菜单。乘客:这一个,谢谢。Reference:n nWhats the meal in this flight?n nHere is the menu.n nThis one please,thank you.2222Exercise 4表演如下对话或者自行创作一段点餐的对话:饮料服务BeveragebevridService2323饮料服务Beverage bevrid Serv实用词汇n n饮料 beverages n n冰块 ice cubesn n 酒单 wine listn n 热毛巾 hot towel n n玻璃杯 glass 2424实用词汇饮料 beverages 24n n您要喝点什么吗?n nWould you like something to drink?n n你们有什么呢?n n What do you have?n n你们有哪几种果汁?n nWhat kind of juice do you have?n n我冰块要多一点。n n Id like to have more ice,please.n n我要再来一杯。n n I would like a refill,please.252525n nWhat kind of drinks do you have?机上提供那些饮料?n nWe have coffee,tea,juice,coke,beer and cocktails.咖啡、茶、果汁、可乐、啤酒和调酒。n nTea,please.请给我茶。2626What kind of drinks do you havOtherrequests2727Other requests27实用词汇n n毯子 blanket n n枕头 pillow n n药 medicine n n药丸 pills n n废物袋 disposal bag n n呕吐袋 airsickness bag 2828实用词汇毯子 blanket 28 1.1.I feel sick.Can I have some medicine?I feel sick.Can I have some medicine?I feel sick.Can I have some medicine?I feel sick.Can I have some medicine?我觉得恶心,是否可给我一些药我觉得恶心,是否可给我一些药我觉得恶心,是否可给我一些药我觉得恶心,是否可给我一些药?2.Would you please help me adjust the air flow 2.Would you please help me adjust the air flow 2.Would you please help me adjust the air flow 2.Would you please help me adjust the air flow?能帮我调一下空调的气流吗?能帮我调一下空调的气流吗?能帮我调一下空调的气流吗?能帮我调一下空调的气流吗?3.Do I have to keep the seat belt fastened 3.Do I have to keep the seat belt fastened 3.Do I have to keep the seat belt fastened 3.Do I have to keep the seat belt fastened f f:sn:sn at all timesat all timesat all timesat all times?我需要一直系紧安全带吗?我需要一直系紧安全带吗?我需要一直系紧安全带吗?我需要一直系紧安全带吗?4.How do I bring my seat back to its full upright 4.How do I bring my seat back to its full upright 4.How do I bring my seat back to its full upright 4.How do I bring my seat back to its full upright positionpositionpositionposition?怎样将我的椅背恢复到垂直的位置?怎样将我的椅背恢复到垂直的位置?怎样将我的椅背恢复到垂直的位置?怎样将我的椅背恢复到垂直的位置?5.Can I use the toilet now?5.Can I use the toilet now?5.Can I use the toilet now?5.Can I use the toilet now?我现在可以使用卫生间了吗我现在可以使用卫生间了吗我现在可以使用卫生间了吗我现在可以使用卫生间了吗?292929 6.6.I feel cold(hot).I feel cold(hot).I feel cold(hot).I feel cold(hot).我觉得有些冷我觉得有些冷我觉得有些冷我觉得有些冷(热热热热)。7.Could I have a blanket7.Could I have a blanket7.Could I have a blanket7.Could I have a blanket blblkitkit?可以拿条毯子给我吗?可以拿条毯子给我吗?可以拿条毯子给我吗?可以拿条毯子给我吗?8.May I recline 8.May I recline 8.May I recline 8.May I recline riri klainklain my seat?my seat?my seat?my seat?我是否可将座位向后倾倒我是否可将座位向后倾倒我是否可将座位向后倾倒我是否可将座位向后倾倒?(向后座的乘客说)(向后座的乘客说)(向后座的乘客说)(向后座的乘客说)9.Do you have any Chinese newspapers 9.Do you have any Chinese newspapers 9.Do you have any Chinese newspapers 9.Do you have any Chinese newspapers (magazines)?(magazines)?(magazines)?(magazines)?机上有中文报纸或杂志吗机上有中文报纸或杂志吗机上有中文报纸或杂志吗机上有中文报纸或杂志吗?10.May I somke?10.May I somke?10.May I somke?10.May I somke?我是否可抽烟我是否可抽烟我是否可抽烟我是否可抽烟?303030


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