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ENGLISH SPOKEN ENGLISH SPOKEN LANGUAGELANGUAGE Oct.27 Lesson One篮球裁判员专业用语篮球裁判员专业用语100句句1.Hi,my name is YYD,very please to meet you.It is my pleasure to have this opportunity working with you.您好!我是您好!我是YYD,认识您很高兴。有机会与您一起工作我感到十分荣幸。认识您很高兴。有机会与您一起工作我感到十分荣幸。2.Basketball in China is very popular.篮球运动在中国非常普及。篮球运动在中国非常普及。3.The basketball was born in the United States of America.美国是篮球的发源地。美国是篮球的发源地。4.The NBA basketball games and players are famous all over the world.NBANBA的的比赛和队员举世闻名。比赛和队员举世闻名。Lesson OnePart D篮球裁判员专业用语篮球裁判员专业用语100句句5.You are a very famous referee.Are you doing it for fun or it is your profession?您是著名的裁判员,裁判工作是您的业余活动还是职业?您是著名的裁判员,裁判工作是您的业余活动还是职业?6.I love basketball game.Im only doing it for a part time hobby.我很喜欢篮球比赛。裁判工作是我的业余活动。我很喜欢篮球比赛。裁判工作是我的业余活动。Lesson Two7.What do you think the main purposes of these changes to the rules?您认为这次规则修改的主要意义是什么?您认为这次规则修改的主要意义是什么?8.What do you think is need to be emphasized with these new rules?在执行新规则中您看应注意些什么在执行新规则中您看应注意些什么?9.Will you predict any problems from todays game?您认为今天的比赛会出现什么问题吗?您认为今天的比赛会出现什么问题吗?10.Impartiality is the soul of officiating.Accuracy extends a referees life.公正是裁判的灵魂,准确是裁判的生命。公正是裁判的灵魂,准确是裁判的生命。Lesson Three 11.Lets work together and do our best to be impartial and accurate.让我们密切合作,在比赛中尽全力做到公正和准确。让我们密切合作,在比赛中尽全力做到公正和准确。12.Are you familiar with todays teams?您对今天比赛的球队了解吗?您对今天比赛的球队了解吗?13.A little.I did some officiating for them before.知道一些,我曾为他们做过裁判。知道一些,我曾为他们做过裁判。14.What do you think the characters of these two teams?您认为这两个队的特点是什么?您认为这两个队的特点是什么?15.Team A plays fast,good on rebounding.Team B has higher average height on players.They are big on attacking under the basket.A队打的比较快,篮板球抢得好。队打的比较快,篮板球抢得好。B队平均高度高,篮下队平均高度高,篮下 进攻是重点。进攻是重点。Lesson Four16.I am hoping the game will go smoothly,as long as we make sure officiating with consistency.只要我们尺度掌握的一致,估计比赛会顺利进行。只要我们尺度掌握的一致,估计比赛会顺利进行。17.How should we communicate if theres any problem during the game?如果比赛中出现问题,我们如何联络?如果比赛中出现问题,我们如何联络?18.We will give small signal each others.我们相互做微小的手势。我们相互做微小的手势。19.How should we call if we both whistle at the same time?我俩同时鸣哨,如何宣判?我俩同时鸣哨,如何宣判?20.Go by Referees Manual.按照按照裁判员手册裁判员手册的规定执行。的规定执行。Lesson Five篮球裁判员专业用语篮球裁判员专业用语100句句 21.It is getting close to the playing time.Lets warm up.And good luck.比赛时间快到了,让我们做一些热身运动吧!祝您好运!比赛时间快到了,让我们做一些热身运动吧!祝您好运!22.How are you?Mmissioner.I will be referee(umpire)for this game.Im here to check in.您好!技术代表先生,我担任本场比赛的主裁判(副裁判),您好!技术代表先生,我担任本场比赛的主裁判(副裁判),现在向您报到。现在向您报到。23.It is twenty minutes prior the playing time.Lets enter the court.现在离比赛开始还有现在离比赛开始还有20分钟,我们进场吧。分钟,我们进场吧。Lesson Five24.Hello,Mmissioner.We are very much confident to complete todays duty with your present.您好!技术代表先生,有您在场,我们就更有信心完成任您好!技术代表先生,有您在场,我们就更有信心完成任务了。务了。25.We are pleased to have your all cooperation(to table officials).有各位的合作,我们十分荣幸(对记录台人员)。有各位的合作,我们十分荣幸(对记录台人员)。26.Are you the scorer?May I take a look at the score sheet.您是记录员吗?我可以看一下记录表吗?您是记录员吗?我可以看一下记录表吗?27.Good.Everything is filled out perfectly.可以,填写得很好。可以,填写得很好。Lesson Five28.What about the game clock?比赛计时钟走得怎么样?比赛计时钟走得怎么样?29.Do we have any problems with the twenty-four-second device?24秒钟装置有问题吗?秒钟装置有问题吗?30.I dont think the twenty-four second device is placed correctly.Please make an adjustment conforming to the rules.24秒钟装置没有放好,请按规定摆放好。秒钟装置没有放好,请按规定摆放好。Lesson Five31.Please stop the warm up.Please return to your bench.停止练球,请回到各自的席位。停止练球,请回到各自的席位。32.May I ask what position you play(to team bench person)?请问您担任什么职务(对球队席人员)。请问您担任什么职务(对球队席人员)。33.Im afraid you can not sit at the team bench area,according to the rules.按规则规定,您不能坐在球队席上。按规则规定,您不能坐在球队席上。34.I ask you to leave the team bench area,please.请您离开球队席区域。请您离开球队席区域。Lesson Five35.还有还有1分钟。分钟。One minute.36.准备好了吗准备好了吗?Are you ready?37.谁是队长?谁是队长?Who is the captain?38.队长是队长是10号。号。The captain is No.ten.39.你们的服装是什么颜色?你们的服装是什么颜色?What colour is your uniform?40.请把背心塞到短裤内。请把背心塞到短裤内。Please tuck your shirt in to the short.Lesson Five41.你不能戴戒指(发夹、项链),请把它取下来。你不能戴戒指(发夹、项链),请把它取下来。I am afraid you can not wear rings(hair pin,necklace).Please take it off.42.请脱掉长裤子。请脱掉长裤子。Please take off your long pants.Lesson Six篮球裁判员专业用语篮球裁判员专业用语100句句 43.I ask you to stand outside the boundary,please.请您站在界外。请您站在界外。44.No substitutions are permitted.不允许替换。不允许替换。45.Already two time outs.已经两次暂停了。已经两次暂停了。46.No shouting,please!Or a technical foul will be penalized.请不要喊叫,再犯,判技术犯规。请不要喊叫,再犯,判技术犯规。Lesson Six47.Ball out-of-bounds.球出界。球出界。48.No count,the basket is scored after the three-second violation.3秒钟违例在先,投篮命中不算。秒钟违例在先,投篮命中不算。49.Twenty-four-second reset in error.24秒钟错误复位。秒钟错误复位。50.Twelve seconds remained.剩余剩余12秒钟。秒钟。Lesson Six51.The twenty-four-second device sounds in error.The basket counts.24秒钟装置误响,投篮命中算得分。秒钟装置误响,投篮命中算得分。52.The twenty-four-second signal is sounded,not heard by the players.The subsequent basket shall not count.24秒钟信号已响,队员们未听到,后来的中篮不计得分。秒钟信号已响,队员们未听到,后来的中篮不计得分。Lesson Six53.Violation,interference with the ball.The basket counts.干扰球违例,算得分。干扰球违例,算得分。54.The ball is in its upward flight.No violation.球在上升,不违例。球在上升,不违例。55.Please raise hand!请举手!请举手!56.The foul is committed on the player who is in the act of shooting.对做投篮动作的队员犯规。对做投篮动作的队员犯规。Lesson Six57.Five fouls by a player.队员队员5次犯规。次犯规。58.Already four fouls by a team.全队已达全队已达4次犯规。次犯规。59.Please stand outside the three-point line.请站到三分线外。请站到三分线外。60.Free throw violation.罚球违例。罚球违例。Lesson Six61.The playing time is incorrect.比赛时间错误。比赛时间错误。62.Set back twenty seconds.退回退回20秒。秒。63.The exact time remained is one minute twenty seconds.剩余的确切时间是剩余的确切时间是1分分20秒。秒。Lesson Seven64.Go by the official scoresheet.以正式记录表的比分为主。以正式记录表的比分为主。65.The score is now:fifty to sixty.现在的比分是:现在的比分是:50:60。66.It is continuous movement of shooting.The basket counts.投篮的连续动作,算得分。投篮的连续动作,算得分。67.The foul is committed before the playing time expires,penalty stays.犯规发生在比赛时间终了前,应判罚。犯规发生在比赛时间终了前,应判罚。篮球裁判员专业用语篮球裁判员专业用语100句句 Lesson Seven68.A team refuses to play after being instructed by the referee,it loses the game by forfeiting.主裁判员通知后拒绝比赛,球队就因弃权而告负。主裁判员通知后拒绝比赛,球队就因弃权而告负。69.Your action interferes the game from playing,your team forfeits the game.你们的行为阻碍比赛的正常进行,球队因弃权告负。你们的行为阻碍比赛的正常进行,球队因弃权告负。70.Game is over.比赛结束。比赛结束。Lesson Seven71.I am delighted working with you.跟您一起做裁判,我感到很轻松。跟您一起做裁判,我感到很轻松。72.You did an excellent job in tonights officiating.今晚的比赛中,你宣判的很好。今晚的比赛中,你宣判的很好。73.Official is the judge in basketball game.Fairness is most important.裁判是篮球比赛的裁判是篮球比赛的“法官法官”。最重要的是公正严明。最重要的是公正严明。74.Always make efforts perfecting skills and techniques.Work on “accuracy”and“preciseness”.对业务要精益求精,要在对业务要精益求精,要在“准准”字上下功夫。字上下功夫。Lesson Seven75.You need to have strong ability of anti-disturbing.您要有很强的抗干扰能力。您要有很强的抗干扰能力。76.Good judgment is made based on observation.正确的判断来源于正确的观察。正确的判断来源于正确的观察。77.Effectively positioning yourself will certainly help to observe every move clearly.正确的观察来源于正确的占位。正确的观察来源于正确的占位。78.Officiating,after all,is making the right call,at the right place and right time.执裁,就是在正确的地点、正确的时间作出正确的宣判。执裁,就是在正确的地点、正确的时间作出正确的宣判。Lesson Seven79.Signals are the language for the officials.It delivers your decision,your style,your determination,and your authority.手势是裁判员的语言,它反映您的宣判、展示您的风度。手势是裁判员的语言,它反映您的宣判、展示您的风度。80.Knowledge has no limits.I wish you to become the very best international basketball referee.学无止境,祝愿您成为最优秀的国际级篮球裁判员。学无止境,祝愿您成为最优秀的国际级篮球裁判员。


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