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语用学Pragmatics:An IntroductionPurposes of a course in pragmatics:Just as we dont learn how to translate in order to do translation,so we dont have to learn pragmatics in order to use language.Yet,pragmatic knowledge does serve to -enhance pragmatic awareness;-promote pragmatic competence;-enable pragmatic analysis.Chapter 1 Background and definitions1.the background of pragmatics2.the definitions of pragmatics3.Component vs.perspective分相论与综观论 4.Uses of pragmatics 5.the aims of pragmatics6.the branches of pragmatics7.the relation between pragmatics and semanticsWhat does the boy still need to learn about using language?A little boy comes in the front door.Mother:Wipe your feet,please.He removes his muddy shoes and socks and carefully wipes his clean feet on the doormat.Warm up1.Background of pragmatics In the research fields of philosophy,C.Morris and R.Carnap was the first to use the term Pragmatics.Morris/Davis:the study of the relationships between linguistic forms and the users of those formsMorris,1938,Foundations of the Theory of Signs,Chicago:University of Chicago Press.They use the term in their study of semiotics.They divide the research of semiotics into three branches:syntactics,semantics,and pragmatics.Syntactics studies the formal relationship between the signs.Semantics studies the relationship between signs and the things they represent.Pragmatics,which studies the relationship between the signs and the interpreters of the signs.Philosophers also contributed to the occurrence of pragmatics.In the late 50s,the British philosopher J.Austin created speech act theory.This theory is of significance in the study of pragmatics.It has become the core theory of the study of pragmatics.It also greatly influenced such linguistic fields as psycholinguistics,sociolinguistics and applied linguistics.Another American philosopher H.P.Grice,advanced the theory of co-operative principle.It contributes a lot to the explanation of communicative activities by means of language.作为一个独立的学科门类有三个标志作为一个独立的学科门类有三个标志p2:A、1977年在荷兰创刊的年在荷兰创刊的语用学杂志语用学杂志”Journal of Pragmatics”,Pragmatics(1991),Concise Encyclopedia of Pragmatics(1998)B、1985年在意大利召开的第一次国际语用学大年在意大利召开的第一次国际语用学大 会会C、1986年正式建立的国际语用学会年正式建立的国际语用学会(The International Pragmatics AssociationIPrA)。Definitions of PragmaticsLevinson(1983:6-27)listed about ten definitions about pragmatics:Definition 1:Pragmatics is the study of those relations between language and context that are grammaticalized,or encoded in the structure of a language.语用学是对在一种语言的结构中被语法化或被编码的那些语言和语境之间的关系的研究Definition 2:Pragmatics is the study of all those aspects of meaning not captured in a semantic theory.语用学是对所有那些未能纳入语意理论的意义侧面的研究。Definition 3:Pragmatics is the study of the relations between language and context that are basic to an account of language understanding.语用学是对语言和语用之间对于说明语言理解来说是十分根本的那些关系的研究。Definition 4:Pragmatics is the study of the ability of language users to pair sentences with the contexts in which they would be appropriate.语用学是对语言使用者把句子和使这些句子得以合适的语境相匹配的能力的研究。Definition 5:Pragmatics is the study of deixis(at least in part),implicature,presupposition,speech acts,and aspects of discourse structure.语用学是对指示(至少是其中的一部分)、含义、前提、言语行为以及话语结构各个侧面的研究。Definition 6:Pragmatics is the study of linguistic acts and the contexts in which they are performed.(Stalnakeer,1972:383)语用学是对语言行为以及实施这些行为的语境所作的研究。definition 7:Pragmatics is a theory which seeks to characterise how speakers use the sentences of a language to effect successful communication.(Kempson,1975:84)语用学是一种旨在描述说话人如何使用一种语言的句子来达到成功的交际的理论Definition 8:Pragmatics is the study of language use and linguistic communication.(Akmajian,1979:267)语用学是对语言的使用和语言交际进行的研究。Definition 9:Pragmatics can be defined as the study of how utterances have meanings in situations.(Leech,1983:x)对语用学可以这样定义:它是对话语怎样在情景中获得意义的研究。PragmaticsPragmatics is the study of how the speaker produces and how the hearer understands the peculiar uses of language.which focuses on language users(intention,status,age,sex,etc.).Component vs.perspective分相论与综观论Component view of pragmaticsDavis points out in his book Pragmatics:A Reader(1991)that pragmatics,like phonetics,phonology,morphology,syntax and semantics,is a component of linguistics.Perspective view of pragmaticsVerschueren(1999)proposes that pragmatics is not a component of linguistics,but a new way of looking at language.Pragmatics is specified as“a general cognitive,social,and cultural perspective on linguistic phenomena in relation to their usage in forms of behavior”(Verschueren,1999)语用学是语言各个方面的功能总览,即研究人类生活中语言的认知、社会和文化的功能。Main branches(scope)of linguisticsInternal branches:intra-disciplinary divisionsphonetics 语音学phonology 音系学(音位学)morphology 词法学syntax 句法学semantics 语义学pragmatics 语用学PragmaticsSemanticsSyntaxMorphologyPhonologyPhoneticsExternal branches:inter-disciplinary divisionsPsycholinguistics Sociolinguistics Applied linguistics Computational linguistics NeurolinguisticsMeaning and Context-the two basic concepts in the study of PragmaticsMeaninginterpretation by the hearer of this meaning is likely to depend on context;sentences and utterancesIn linguistic literature,the distinctions between sentence-meaning and utterance-meaning is very common.To distinguish between sentence-meaning and utterance-meaning,it is necessary to separate sentences from utterances.Mike and Annie are in the living room.Mike asks Annie whether she would like to eat dinner in the living room or the kitchen.Annie replies:it is cold in here.B.The Queen and James are in the drawing room.The window is open.The Queen says:it is cold in here.Here are sample analyses.It is cold in hereSP:The temperature in this place is frigid.PP:Lets eat in the kitchen.B.It is cold in hereSP:The temperature in this place is frigid.PP:James,shut the window.Sentence&utteranceA sentence is a grammatical concept.It is grammatical unit of language.Its constitution should be in agreement with the grammatical rules.For example,a sentence is composed of a subject and an object.An utterance is a unit of communication.It is the smallest unit which has certain communicative functionsThis smallest unit of communication can be,in length,exactly the same as a grammatically well formed sentence and in fact during communication,most utterances are in the forms of grammatically well-formed sentences,for example“There is a dog at the gate.Wed better keep away”.These two grammatically complete sentences can have the communicative value of a“warning”or“suggestion”in certain context.However,there are also many utterances that are grammatically incomplete.For example,“(Theres)A dog(at the gate)!”“(I order you to)Fire!”.There are still some utterances that are not in any sense sentences,but still have communicative functions such as“Hello!”,“Hi!”,and“Ouch!”“Wow!”,“Good morning!”.As far as meaning is concerned,sentence meaning is abstract,isolated from the context while utterance meaning is specific and related to the context under which a communication is carried out.In many situations,the utterance meaning is based on the sentence meaning,however it contains more than the sentence meaning,because the utterance meaning is the result of the combination of the sentence meaning and the context.Examples“My bag is heavy”1.Sentence meaning:BAG(BE HEAVY)2.Possible utterance meanings:(1)A straightforward statement,telling the hearer that his bag is heavy.(2)an indirect,polite request,asking the hearer to help him carry the bag.(3)A declining of someones request for help.For example,“John is still single”,as an isolated sentence,at most,tells us the Johns marital status.If we look at it as an utterance,then in certain contexts,besides the sentence meaning it conveys,it can also implies other meanings,for example,to encourage the listener to date John.ContextContext plays an important role in the study of meanings in pragmatics.Then what is context?Different linguists have different interpretations as to what is included in the scope of context.语言 对所使用的语言的掌握 知识 对语言交际上文的了解 百科全书式的知识(常识)语境 背景 特定文化的社会规范 知识 特定文化的会话规则 交际的时间、地点 情景 交际的主题 知识 交际的正式程度 交际参与者的相互关系 Uses of pragmatics(1)Wife:What is in the newspaper?Husband(putting down the newspaper and switching on the TV)Nothing.(2)Light,please!Pragmatics vs.semantics1.Semantics:The meaning of language was considered as something intrinsic,and inherent,i.e.,a property attached to language itself.Therefore,meanings of words,sentences were all studied in isolation from language use.2.Pragmatics:It would be impossible to give an adequate description of meaning if the context of language use is left unconsidered.Therefore,context is taken into consideration.DeixisDeixis means“pointing via language”.Any linguistic form used to do this“pointing”is called a deictic expression.Words like here,there,this,that,now and then,as well as most pronouns,such as I,we,you,he,her and them are deictic expressions.Classification of deixisperson deixis Spatial deixisDeixis:Temporal deixis Discourse deixis Social deixis(1)Person deixis:Any expression used to point to a person:me,you,him and them.(2)Time deixis:words used to point to a time:now,then,tonight,last week and this year(3)Space/spatial/place deixis:words used to point to a location:here,there(4)Discourse deixis:any expression used to refer to earlier or forthcoming segments of the discourse:in the previous/next paragraph,or Have you heard this joke?(5)Social deixis:honorifics(forms to show respect such as Professor Li)presuppositionA presupposition is something the speaker assumes to be the case prior to making an utterance,symbolized by.Speakers,not sentences,have presuppositions.Pragmatics is a rapidly growing field in contemporary linguistics.In recent years,it has not only become a center of intense interest in linguistics and the philosophy of language,it has also attracted a considerable amount of attention from anthropologists,artificial intelligence workers,cognitive scientists,psychologists,and semioticians.-Yan Huang,Pragmatics,p.1What questions pragmaticists may ask?A Private ConversationLast week I went to the theatre.I had a very good seat.The play was very interesting.I did not enjoy it.A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me.They were talking loudly.I got very angry.I could not hear the actors.I turned round.I looked at the man and the woman angrily.They did not pay any attention.In the end,I could not bear it.I turned round again.I cant hear a word!I said angrily.Its none of your business,the young man said rudely.This is a private conversation!.New Concept English(Book II Lesson 1)5.The aims of pragmatics:-investigate and describe the patterns,regularities,principles and rules of language use/usage;-make sense of language use in different types of context;explain language use from a dynamic perspective;-explore the social,psychological and cognitive constraints and mechanisms underlying language use(production and comprehension);-analyze and explain the effect of the interaction between language use and language system,between language use and discourse structure,language use and social structure,etc.6.Branches of pragmatics:Micropragmatics:1.deixis2.presupposition3.conversational implicature4.relevance theory5.speech act theory6.conversation analysismacropragmatics:micro-pragmatics-macro-pragmaticsgeneral pragmatics-English pragmaticslinguistic pragmatics/lexical pragmatics/syntax-pragmaticssocial pragmatics/societal pragmaticsliterary pragmatics cross-cultural pragmatics/contrastive pragmatics cognitive pragmatics philosophical pragmatics/theoretical pragmatics/formal pragmatics developmental pragmatics/interlanguage pragmatics etc.Applications:pragmatic approach toforeign language teaching/SLA/FLA/language testing/(cross-cultural/intercultural/interpersonal)communication/translation/advertising/literary analysis/social administration/business negotiation/propaganda/neighboring branches like grammar and syntax,lexicology,semantics,morphology,etc.Salient figures:Morris,Austin,Searle,Grice,Levinson,Huang Yan,Horn,Thomas,Leech,Sperber and Wilson,Green,Grundy,Blakemore,Brown and Levinson,Davis,Yule,Verschueren,Morgan,Leech,Stalnaker,Kasper,Blum-Kulka,Wierzbicka,Schiffrin,Rouchota 沈家煊,胡壮麟,何自然,何兆熊,钱冠连,徐盛桓,顾曰国,熊学亮,等等Textbook and ReferencesPragmatics,Huang Yan,Oxford:Oxford University Press,2007.Notes on Pragmatics,He Ziran,Nanjing Normal University Press,2002.Meaning in Interaction:An Introduction to Pragmatics,J.Thomas,London:Longman,1995.Some reference books on pragmatics:1.Understanding Pragmatics,J.Verschueren,London:Arnold,1999.2.Pragmatics,J.Peccei,Routledge,1999.3.Pragmatics,G.Yule,Oxford:OUP,1996.4.Relevance:Cognition and Communication,D.Sperber and D.Wilson,Oxford:Basil Blackwell,1986/1995.5.Pragmatics in Language Teaching,Rose,K.&G.Kasper(eds.),Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2001.6.Interlanguage Pragmatics,Kasper,G.&Blum-Kulka(eds.),Oxford University Press,1993.7.Doing Pragmatics,P.Grundy,London:Edward Arnold,1995.8.Pragmatics:An Introduction,J.Mey,Oxford:Blackwell,1993.9.Cross-cultural Pragmatics,Blum-Kulka,House and Kasper(eds.),Norwood,NJ:Ablex,1989.10.Politeness:some universals in language usage,P.Brown and S.Levinson,Cambridge:CUP,1987.11.Principles of Pragmatics,G.Leech,London:Longman,1983.12.Pragmatics,S.Levinson,Cambridge:CUP,1983.13.Semantics and Pragmatics:Meaning in Language and Discourse,K.M.Jaszczolt,Pearson Education Limited,2002./北京大学出版社,2004.1.新编语用学概要,何兆熊,上海外语教育出版社,2000。2.语用学理论与应用,姜望琪,北京大学出版社,2000。3.当代语用学,何自然、陈新仁,外语教学与研究出版社,2004。4.语用学与英语学习,何自然,上海外语教育出版社,1997。5.汉语文化语用学,钱连,清华大学出版社,1997。6.语用学概论,何自然,湖南教育出版社,1988。Pragmatic journals1.Journal of Pragmatics2.Pragmatics3.Discourse Studies4.Text5.Intercultural Pragmaticswww.uia.ac.be/ipra/www.relevance theory online http:/ Pragmatics websites写在最后写在最后成功的基成功的基础在于好的学在于好的学习习惯The foundation of success lies in good habits60谢谢聆听 学习就是为了达到一定目的而努力去干,是为一个目标去战胜各种困难的过程,这个过程会充满压力、痛苦和挫折Learning Is To Achieve A Certain Goal And Work Hard,Is A Process To Overcome Various Difficulties For A Goal


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