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连系动词及其用法连系动词及其用法Teaching aim1 I am a teacher from DaiTou High School.Today,I feel so honoured and excited to have the lesson for you.It seems that you are exceited,too.Actually,I graduated from here.Today when I come back,I find that our school remains beautiful as before.When I was studying here,I wanted to turn teacher in the future.Fortunately,my dream has come true.So I think all of you here can realize your dream.Find the linking verbs here _Notional verbs(实义动词)2连系动词(即系动词)本身有一定的词义,不能单独作谓语,后面必须与表语连用。说明主语的状态,性质,特征或身份。表语通常由名词、形容词,分词或介词短语等充当,说 明 主 语 是 什 么 或 怎 么 样。系动词与实义动词的区别实义动词包括及物动词和不及物动词可单独做谓语,主要说明主语的行为或者动作。3二二、系系动动词词的的分分类类状态变化类系动词状态变化类系动词 grow,get grow,get,turn turn,go go,come come,fall fall,run,becomerun,become 状态存在类系动词状态存在类系动词bebe,keep,keep,rest,remain,stay,lie,stand rest,remain,stay,lie,stand seem,appear,look,seem,appear,look,look,look,feel,smell,sound,taste,feel,smell,sound,taste,prove,turn out,prove,turn out,状态系动词状态系动词 持续系动词持续系动词 表象系动词表象系动词 感官系动词感官系动词 终止系动词终止系动词变化系动词变化系动词4三:连系动词的用法特点三:连系动词的用法特点及区别及区别 第一组第一组 keep,remain,keep,remain,stay,stay,51、remain、stay和 keep门仍然关着。The door _ closed.皮特当了法官,而约翰依旧是渔民。Peter became a judge but John _ a fisherman.小结1:remain系动词,译“仍然存在-状态”,后接adj,过去分词,名词或介词短语,强调某种状态前后无变化。remained remainedremainedremained6remain、stay和 keep这家店铺一直营业到晚上。The shop _open till night.他留在外面,我们进了屋子。vHe _outside while we entered the room.小结2:remain与stay作“留下”、“继续保持某一状态”时,它们常作系动词用,可以互换。stays(remainstays(remains)s)stayed(remained)stayed(remained)7remain、stay和 keep、那个小伙仍保持单身。That fellow _ single.、门一直关着。The door _ closed.、躲起来很容易。It is easy to _ hidden。小结小结3:stay系动词,译系动词,译“保持保持-状态状态”,后接后接adj,分词。后接的形容词有:分词。后接的形容词有:calm、clean、fresh、healthy、tight、young、open、awake、still、warm、fine,常与,常与keep 互换,互换,如如stay/keep calm(clean,fine,healthy,awake)。stayed stayedstayedstayedstaystay8remain、stay和 keep这些年来你身体好吗?Have you _ well all these years?为了保持健康,所有学生都参加体育运动。In order to _ fit,all students go in for sports.小结4:keep系动词,译“保持-状态”,后接adj或介词短语其后常见:alive、cheerful、silent、dry、well、fit、close、happy、calm、clean、healthy、awake、keptkeptkeep9三:连系动词的用法特点三:连系动词的用法特点及区别及区别 第二组第二组 appear,look,seem102 2、appear appear,look&seem look&seem 用法特点及区别用法特点及区别三者均可表示三者均可表示“好像好像”、“似乎似乎”,区别如下:,区别如下:looklook 指视觉印象,指视觉印象,appear appear 指外表给人的印象,这两者可能是真象也可指外表给人的印象,这两者可能是真象也可能是假象,能是假象,appearappear的不确定性更大一些,的不确定性更大一些,seemseem 侧重指根据某种迹象作出的推断,也不一定是侧重指根据某种迹象作出的推断,也不一定是事实。事实。11appearappear,look&seem look&seem 用法特点及区别用法特点及区别思考:思考:他好像很累了他好像很累了He _to be tired.He _to be tired.。他似乎去过不少地方。他似乎去过不少地方。He _to have traveled a lot.He _to have traveled a lot.但是不说但是不说He looks to have traveled a lot.He looks to have traveled a lot.小结小结1 1:三者均可后接不定式,但:三者均可后接不定式,但 look look 之之后一般只限于后一般只限于 to be(to be(且较少见且较少见)seems appears seems appears,lookslooks seems appears seems appears12思考:思考:他看起来像个大傻瓜。他看起来像个大傻瓜。He _like a fool.He _like a fool.小结小结2 2:look,seem look,seem 之后可接介词之后可接介词 like like,但但 appear appear 之后一般不能之后一般不能 seems looks seems looks looks is looking looks is looking 他看上去气色不错。他看上去气色不错。He _well.He _well.小结小结3 3:appear appear 和和seemseem不用于进行时态,但不用于进行时态,但looklook有时可这样用有时可这样用(尽管较少见尽管较少见):但是不说但是不说He is seeming appearing He is seeming appearing well.well.13思考:思考:看来他对自己的工作已失去了兴趣。看来他对自己的工作已失去了兴趣。It _as if he has lost It _as if he has lost interest in his job.interest in his job.他似乎很累了。他似乎很累了。It _ that he is very tired.It _ that he is very tired.looks seems,appears 小结小结4:4:三者均可用于三者均可用于 it it 开头的句子,且三开头的句子,且三者之后均可接以者之后均可接以 as if as if 或或 as though as though 引导引导的从句,另外的从句,另外 appear appear 和和 seem seem 之后还可接之后还可接 that that 引导的从句引导的从句.seems appears 14三:连系动词的用法特点及三:连系动词的用法特点及区别区别 第三组第三组3、look,sound,smell,taste和和feel 意思分别是意思分别是“看起来看起来”、“听起来听起来”、“闻起来闻起来”、“尝起来尝起来”、“摸起来摸起来”15改错:、The material is felt nice.这料子摸起来不错。(is felt 应改为_)、The soup is tasted delicious.这汤味道不错。(is tasted应改为_)小结小结1:通常以被感觉的东西作主:通常以被感觉的东西作主语,虽有被动词味,但不用被动语,虽有被动词味,但不用被动语态。语态。feels feels tastes tastes 16思考:、你现在感觉如何?How are you feeling now?、我感到难受极了Im feeling terrible.小结小结2:feel 表示表示“感觉感觉”可用于进行时:可用于进行时:另外,若另外,若look,sound,smell,taste和和feel用作实义动词,则可以用于进行时态:用作实义动词,则可以用于进行时态:eg:He is tasting the pudding.他在尝布丁。他在尝布丁。17、这东西看起来(吃起来,闻起来,摸起来)像桔子This looks(_,_,_)like an orange.、这东西有鱼的味道。It tastes smells of fish.小结小结3:look,sound,smell,taste和和feel后均可接介词后均可接介词 like:另外,另外,taste和和smell后还可接介词后还可接介词of,表示,表示“有有的味道的味道”:tastes tastes smells smells feels feels 18三:连系动词的用法特点三:连系动词的用法特点及区别及区别 第四组第四组become,come,go,get,turn和和grow194 4、become,get,become,get,用法特点及区别用法特点及区别、become get angry,famous,fat,ill,become get angry,famous,fat,ill,old,well,deaf,strong,etc old,well,deaf,strong,etc 生气,成名,发胖,生气,成名,发胖,得病,变老,痊愈,变聋,变强,等得病,变老,痊愈,变聋,变强,等小结小结1 1:become become 和和getget主要指一个人暂时性的身心变主要指一个人暂时性的身心变化或永久性的自然变化(即:人的感情和身体变化)化或永久性的自然变化(即:人的感情和身体变化)、ItIts becoming getting cold(dark,s becoming getting cold(dark,cloudy,etc).cloudy,etc).天渐冷了天渐冷了(黑了,多云了等黑了,多云了等)。Divorce is becoming getting more common.Divorce is becoming getting more common.小结小结2 2:become become 和和 get get 还可用于指天气的变化(自还可用于指天气的变化(自然)和(社会的)趋势。然)和(社会的)趋势。205 5、go,come,go,come,用法特点及区别用法特点及区别读句子,感悟读句子,感悟go go 和和comecome的特点的特点go bald(deaf,insane,etc)go bald(deaf,insane,etc)发秃,变聋,发疯等。发秃,变聋,发疯等。The meatThe meats gone off(gone bad).s gone off(gone bad).肉变味肉变味(变坏变坏)了。了。The radioThe radios gone wrong.s gone wrong.收音机出毛病了。收音机出毛病了。Her wish came true.Her wish came true.她的愿望实现了。她的愿望实现了。Everything came right.Everything came right.一切顺利。一切顺利。小结小结4 4:go go 和和comecome表示变化时,表示变化时,gogo主要指一种由强主要指一种由强到弱或由好到坏的变化到弱或由好到坏的变化(可用于人或事物可用于人或事物),come come主要指向好的方面变化主要指向好的方面变化21注意v go 一般不与 old,tired,ill 等连用,遇此情况要用其他连系动词:grow get old 变老,fall become ill(sick)生病,get feel tired 疲劳v go后接形容词通常表示的结果(见上例),在个别搭配中也表示现状:go hungry 挨饿,go naked 光着身子v come 除表示向好的方面变化外,还有以下常见搭配值得注意:come untied 解开,come loose 变松,come undone 松开22 6 6、gogo、turnturn 用法特点及区别用法特点及区别思考:思考:、她冻得脸色发青了。她冻得脸色发青了。She _ blue with cold.She _ blue with cold.、这块腐烂的肉变绿了。这块腐烂的肉变绿了。The rotten meat _ green.The rotten meat _ green.小结小结5 5:gogo还可用于人或事物颜色的变色,与还可用于人或事物颜色的变色,与turnturn用用法相同法相同 went turned went turned went turned went turned237.7.growgrow、turnturn 用法特点用法特点、天色渐渐黑了。、天色渐渐黑了。It began to _ dark.It began to _ dark.大海变得平静起来。大海变得平静起来。The sea is _ calm.The sea is _ calm.污染问题日见严峻。污染问题日见严峻。The pollution problem _ The pollution problem _小结小结6 6:grow grow 主要表示逐渐变化,强调变化的过程主要表示逐渐变化,强调变化的过程.is growing serious.grow grow growing growing、比较两个句子:、比较两个句子:他从医学院毕业后当了作家。他从医学院毕业后当了作家。He turned writer after he graduated from a medical college.He became a writer after graduating from college小结小结7 7:turnturn后接名词时,往往表示意想不到的变化,后接名词时,往往表示意想不到的变化,名词前通常用零冠词:名词前通常用零冠词:24As she _ the newspaper,Granny _ asleep.(NMET1995)A.read;was falling B.was reading;fellC.was reading;was falling D.read;fell小结小结8:fall 表示表示“(不知不觉地或突然地)进(不知不觉地或突然地)进入入状态状态”,后常跟形容词、副词或介词,后常跟形容词、副词或介词短语等,如:短语等,如:fall ill(生病),(生病),fall apart(散开),(散开),fall into a deep sleep(睡熟)。(睡熟)。B B解析解析 “fall+adj.fall+adj.”结构,结构,fall asleep fall asleep 是是短暂性动词短语,不能短暂性动词短语,不能用于进行时态用于进行时态8 8、fallfall的的用法特点用法特点25第四组小结:状态变化系动词第四组小结:状态变化系动词状态变化系动状态变化系动词词用法用法习惯搭配习惯搭配go turn表表“颜色颜色,职业职业,年龄年龄,时间时间”等等接接单数名词单数名词时时,单数名词前不单数名词前不接冠词接冠词 grow表表成长成长,发展发展中的变化中的变化strong,tall,thick,healthy etc.fall表由表由动态到静态动态到静态的转变的转变ill,sick,silent,asleep e表事物的发展转向好的状态表事物的发展转向好的状态true,alive etc.run表发展的状态不是人们所希望表发展的状态不是人们所希望的的dry,short,wild etc.get become常用来指人或物的状态的变化常用来指人或物的状态的变化become 接名词时接名词时,名词前名词前接冠词接冠词,get hurt,get paid多指多指朝坏朝坏的方面变化的方面变化,wrong,bad,mad,hungry,blind etc.26三:连系动词的用法特点三:连系动词的用法特点及区别及区别 第五组第五组 9、prove 和和 turn out27Youre wrong,and I can prove it.你错了,我能证明。He did some experiments to prove his theory.他做了一些实验来证明他的理论。思考:思考:prove prove 的词性的词性小结小结1 1:作及物动词用:作及物动词用(vt)(vt):“证明,证实证明,证实”,有被,有被动语态动语态They prove her(to be)guilty.他们证明她有罪。She proved a very strict teacher.结果证明她是一位非常严格的老师。小结小结2 2:proveprove作系动词用作系动词用(vi)(vi):“结果是、证明是结果是、证明是”(=turn outturn out只是用物作主语后接表语只是用物作主语后接表语),和其它系动词一样,),和其它系动词一样,只能用主动形式,无被动。后常接形容词、名词、不定只能用主动形式,无被动。后常接形容词、名词、不定式作表语:式作表语:prove sb./sth.(to be)+adj./n.prove sb./sth.(to be)+adj./n.28Things turned out to be exactly as the professor had foreseen.The plan turned out to be a failure.It turned out that she had known him when they were children.小结小结3:turn out:“结果是,被证明是结果是,被证明是”,多,多用过去时态。用过去时态。用法为:用法为:(物作主语)(物作主语)+turn out+(to be)+adj/n that 从句从句29四、系动词的固定搭配练习四、系动词的固定搭配练习30v1.When we_up,were going to help build up our country.v2.Her face _red.v3.The meat_bad.v5.The machine _out of order.v6.My father was so tired that he _ asleep quickly.v7.He has _an excellent actor.v =He has _ excellent actor.v8.My son _6 in July.v9.He _ paid for teaching others.v10.I saw that the garden had _wild growturnedwent got fellcome,get,fall,grow,turn,go,become,runbecometurnedturnedgetsrun注意:注意:run wild 还有还有“放荡不放荡不羁羁”之意。之意。311.1.饿了饿了2.2.他的脸变苍白他的脸变苍白3.3.生病生病4.4.肉坏了肉坏了5.5.成为医生(成为医生(2 2种)种)6.6.我今年我今年1818了了7.7.长高长高8.8.花园荒芜了花园荒芜了9 9 梦想成真梦想成真10.10.这河干枯了这河干枯了go hungrygo palefall ill go badturn doctor/become a doctorturn eighteengrow tall run wildcome truerun dry32Lets have a competition!Choose the correct!331.The cloth that _ smooth and soft _.A.feels;sells well B.feels;is well sold C.is felt;sells well D.is felt;sells good2._ delicious,the food was soon sold out.A.Tasted B.Being tasted C.Tasting D.To taste343.Happy birthday,Alice!So you have _ twenty-one already.A.become B.turned C.grown D.passed4.The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain _ as the plane was making a landing.A.seat B.seating C.seated D.to be seating355.Be careful when you cross this very busy street.If not,you may _ run over by a car.A.have B.get C.become D.turn6.Your suggestion _ good.A.hears B.sounds C.listens to D.listens367.The theory that he had stuck _ true.A.to proved B.proved C.proving D.to prove 8.The traffic lights _ green and I pulled away.A.came B.went C.got D.grew 379.What he said caused us _.A.to feel frightening B.feel frightened C.feeling frighten D.to feel frightened3810.Do let your mother know all the truth.She appears _ everything.A.to tell B.to be told C.to have been told D.to be telling39 11.The water _ cool when I jumped into the pool for morning exercise.A.was felt B.is felt C.felt D.feels Choose the best answer4012.He shook his head _ and looked _ when he was told the bad news.A.sadly;sadly B.sad;sad C.sadly;sad D.sad;sadly4113.I love to go to the forest in summer.It _ good to walk in the forest or sit in the shade of trees.A.does B.feels C.gets D.makes4214.-I was wondering if we could go skating on the weekend.-_ good.A.Sound B.Sounded C.Sounding D.Sounds4315.His method should be popularized;it _ practical.A.proves B.is proved C.has been proved D.was proved4416.To everybodys great surprise,the fashionable young lady _ to be a thief.A.found out B.proved out C.put out D.turned out4517.John seems _ well at his job.He looks content with it.A.to get on B.to be getting on C.getting on D.to have got on4618.The discussion_ alive when an interesting topic was brought in.A.was coming B.had come C.has come D.came4719.-Is your headache getting _?-No,its worse.A.better B.bad C.less D.wellTHINK IT THINK IT OVEROVER4820.-Would you advise me on how to stay_?-Try to live regularly,eat more vegetables and be in a good state of mind.A.health B.healthy C.healthily D.more healthily4921.He kept _ after her,trying to catch her.A.run B.to run C.running D ran 5022.He _in the shade because it was very hot.A.keep B.to keep C.kept D.keeping5123.It is a good plan in theory,but it _ to be seen whether it works in practice.A.waits B.stays C.stands D.remains5224.He remained _ though we repeatly asked him to sit down.A.stand B.to stand C.stood D.standing5325.The true author of the book remains _.A.know B.to know C.unknown D.knowing5426.-How are the team playing?-They are playing well,but one of them _ hurt.A.got B.gets C.are D.wereTHINK IT THINK IT OVEROVER5527.Although all of the apples _,none of them_ good.A.have been tasted;taste B.have been tasted;are tasted C.have tasted;taste D.have tasted;are tasted5628.The medicine tastes_,but works_.A.bitter;well B.bitter;good C.bitterly,well D.bitterly;good5729.The dog looked_.The boy looked _at the poor dog.A.dead;sad B.dying;sadly C.deadly;sadly D.dying;sadTHINK IT THINK IT OVEROVER5830.The cloth that she bought looks _,feels _ and sells_.A.beautiful;soft;well B.beauty;softly;well C.beautifully;softly;good D.beautiful;soft;good5960


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