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知行英语知行英语知行英语知行英语First First sightsightTask 1Task 1Fill in the following blanks with the words given Fill in the following blanks with the words given below.Change the form if necessary.below.Change the form if necessary.1 When we finish high school,most of us go to _to get higher education.2 In some countries like the US,you need to send your _ to the school before you are accepted.3 Im interested in computer,so I choose to study in the Computer_ of my school.4We have three dining halls on_.5 How many _do you take for this semester?application application campus campus college college course course credit credit commencement(commencement(毕业典礼)degree degree department department graduation graduation transfertransfercollegeapplicationDepartmentcampuscauses知行英语6 For the four hours of English classes I take each week this semester,I will get four_.7 Not every student can get a(n)_after they receive several years of higher education.They need to meet the basic requirements.8 Many students will take a job after _.9 Some students will _to another school to further their education.10 College or universities usually hold a(n)_for students upon their graduation.application application campus campus college college course course credit credit commencement(commencement(毕业典礼)degree degree department department graduation graduation transfertransferTask 1Task 1creditsdegreegraduationtransfercommencement知行英语Task 2Task 2Fill in the blanks with“high school”or“college”according to your understanding.Fill in the blanks with“high school”or“college”according to your understanding.Then discuss with your partner on the differences between them.Then discuss with your partner on the differences between them.1 In _,you do homework.In_,you study.2 In _,some professors teach without looking at the teaching notes.3 In_,youre told what classes to take.In _,you can choose classes by yourself.4 In_,when you miss a class,you dont need a note from your parents saying you are sick that day.5 In _,you are not responsible for knowing what it takes to graduate.6 In _,some classes may have 100 students or more.high schoolcollegecollegehigh schoolcollegecollegecollegecollege知行英语2 There was a time in my life when the graduation season didnt make me happy at all.Id go to commencementcommencement ceremoniesceremonies and feel sad,longing for a degreedegree of my own.But it always felt far out of my reach.Thats because I have a learning disabilitydisability that makes math seem like GreekGreek to me.Dont ask me to do linearlinear algebraalgebra.I cant.But in California where I live,you need to pass algebra to go to a state college.You also need an extraextra science class like astronomyastronomy.To takeAstronomyyou guessed ityou need to be able to do algebra.Reading ItGraduation SeasonGraduation Season Based on a story by Jennifer Gibbons Based on a story by Jennifer Gibbons*WordsBetter Better acquaintanceacquaintance1 I love this time of year.The flowers are in bloombloom,and everything is green.Summer is coming.And students everywhere are graduating.New beginnings.*bloomn.花;开花(期)*commencementn.毕业典礼;学位授予典礼ceremonyn.典礼;仪式degreen.学位disabilityn.无能力*Greekn.希腊文*lineara.线状的;线性的*algebran.代数(学)extraa.额外的*astronomyn.天文学1我特别喜爱每年的这个时节。鲜花盛开,万物披绿。夏天将至。各地的学生们即将毕业。全新的开始。2我生命中曾经有过那么一段时期,毕业的季节让我完全无法开心。每每参加完别人的毕业典礼,总是伤心而归,期盼着有一天自己也能拿到学位。可学位对于我,总是遥不可及。这是因为我有学习障碍,让我学数学如同看天书。你可别让我做什么线性代数,我不会。但我住在加利福尼亚,这的人必须通过代数考试才能上州立大学。而且还要学一门像天文学这样的科学课程。而要学天文学你猜对了就必须会代数。知行英语3 I tried taking basic math classes at the locallocal communitycommunity college,but I always got losteven when I asked for help and worked hard.I gave up after a while and drifteddrifted.I couldnt understand why it was so difficult.I was bitterbitter.4 I had been unemployedunemployed for a whole year.I sent out rsumsrsums every day,but nothing was working.I was stuckstuck.Something had to change.5 I made a list of things I was good at.One of them was working with small children.Maybe I could landland a positionposition at a preschoolpreschool.I marched back to my community college and signedsigned up for 15 units of classes.I was nervousnervous,but I knew I had to do something drasticdrastic.locala.地方性的;当地的;本地的communityn.社区*driftv.漂泊;游荡;漂流bittera.痛苦的;有苦味的unemployeda.未被雇用的;失业的rsumn.简历*stucka.无法摆脱困境的landv.得到;捞到positionn.位置*preschooln.幼儿园signv.签(名);署名nervousa.神经紧张的;情绪不安的*drastica.激烈的;迅猛的4我一整年都找不到工作。虽然每天都往外发简历,但一事无成。我陷入困境。必须要做些改变了。5我把自己擅长的事一个个列了出来。其中有一条是擅长跟小孩子打交道。也许我可以到幼儿园找到差事。我又迈步回到社区学院,注册了15个单元的课程。我有些紧张,但我知道自己必须有点大动作。3我试着在社区学院修基础数学课,但总是听不懂即便我去请教别人,并且也很用功。试了一段时间以后我放弃了,陷入无所事事的状态。我搞不懂为什么数学这么难。我很苦闷。知行英语11 Right after I uttereduttered the words,I looked around,wondering for a split second whod said them.It couldnt be me.But it was.6 School turned out to be amazingamazing.I studied,and I made friends.I was happy.7 I met with a counselorcounselor and asked him about transferringtransferring.He did the same song and dance about math Id heard many times before.8 “You know,some people arent meant to transfer to four-year colleges,”he told me.9 In the past,when Id gotten this speech,Id never said anything.This time I spoke up.10 “I know that,but I want to transfer and get a degree,”I replied.“Please dont deferdefer me from my dream.”12 I looked into Mills College.I learned they had a great English Departmentand didnt have a math requirementrequirement.It was meant to be.amazinga.令人吃惊的;极好的*counselorn.(学生的)辅导员;顾问transferv.转学;调动;移动*deferv.推迟;拖延*utterv.发出(声音);说requirementn.要求;必要条件6结果学校的生活非常好。我在那儿上课、交友,过得很开心。7我找到学校的一位辅导员,向他咨询转学的事。他又说了一套关于数学的老话这番话我以前不知道听过多少遍了。8“你知道吗,有些人并不适合转到四年制的大学,”他跟我说。9过去听到这种话的时候,我会默不做声。这次,我却反驳起来。10“我知道,但我真的很想转学,想拿个学位,”我回答说。“请别阻止我追求自己的梦想。”11话音刚落,我就四下看看,有那么一瞬间,我有些恍惚,不确定这番话是谁说出来的。不会是我吧。但的的确确是我。12我查了米尔斯大学的资料,了解到那里有一个很不错的英语系而且对数学不作要求。天助我也。知行英语13 So I sent in my applicationapplication and prayedprayed that it would all be OK.If push came to shoveshove,I thought I could even try algebra again.A month later,I got the big envelopeenvelope in the mailthe good kind of reply that most people looked forward to.And I nearly fell down when I saw it.14 I took my dad to the campus that was now mine.“This college is perfectperfect for you,”he said.I pointed to Toyon MeadowMeadow,where commencements were held.“Someday Im going to be sitting here in my cap and gowngown,”I told him.15 Two years later,I was.I sat with my friends,listening to SenatorSenator Barbara Boxer give her keynotekeynote speech.Dad sat up front,beamingbeaming.Id never seen him look happier.16 When they announcedannounced my name,I started to weepweep.I heard shouting and saw my mother,my cousincousin and my friends waving and cheering.I waved back.applicationn.申请;申请表;申请书prayv.祈祷*shoven.猛推v.用力推;挤envelopen.信封perfecta.完美的;完满的*meadown.草地*gownn.长袍*senatorn.参议员*keynoten.(大会等的)主旨;基调*beamv.面露喜色announcev.宣布*weepv.(为)哭泣;流(泪)cousinn.堂(或表)兄弟;堂(或表)姐妹13于是我向学校递交了申请,然后祈祷一切顺利。事情真到了不得已的时候,我想我甚至可以再去尝试着啃代数。一个月后,我收到了学校邮来的大信封那种所有人都期盼的好消息。看到它的时候,我几乎踉跄。14我带父亲来到这个现在属于我的校园。“这个学校非常适合你,”他说。我指着每年举办毕业典礼的柳叶楠草坪对他说:“总有一天我会穿着毕业礼服坐在这里。”15两年后,我真的坐到了这里,和朋友们一起,聆听芭芭拉鲍克瑟尔参议员的毕业典礼主旨演说。父亲坐在最前面,面带笑容。我从未见他如此高兴过。16叫到我的名字时,我的眼泪流了下来。我听到叫喊声,看见母亲、表亲和朋友在挥手欢呼。我也向他们挥手示意。知行英语17 “Well done,”the provostprovost said.18 Afterwards,I had a party at my house,and people from all different parts of my life were there.This is it,I thought.This is my magicmagic time.This is everything.19 Now,as I approachapproach my fifth-year reunionreunion,I still keep my degree on a bookshelfbookshelf,along with a graduation card someone gave me.For the longest time,an appointmentappointment reminderreminder about transferring colleges was tuckedtucked next to it.It was a good tokentoken of the valuable lesson I learned.The first step toward changing your life is never easy.But boy,it is worthworth it.*provostn.教务长magica.有魔力的approachv.靠近;接近*reunionn.重聚;团聚;联谊活动bookshelfn.书架appointmentn.约会;约定*remindern.提示;使人回忆起某事的事物*tuckv.把夹入;把藏入*tokenn.信物;标志;纪念品worthprep.值得的17“非常好!”校长说。18后来,我在家办了个晚会,所有和我生活有关联的人都到场了。就是这样了,我当时想。这是我的神奇时刻。这就是一切。19现在,已经快到第五年校友聚会了,我的学位证书仍保存在书架上,连同一张别人赠送的毕业贺卡。旁边塞着转学的约见提醒单。这是一张发挥作用最长久的提醒单,它告示着我学到的非常有价值的一课。迈出改变人生的第一步从来就不容易,但是,迈这一步绝对值。知行英语Understanding ItTask 1 Read the text and decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F).1 The writer had been out of job for a long time before she went back to community college again.2 The writer was good at getting along with little children.3 The counselor discouraged the writer from transferring to a four-year college.4 The writer studied education in college in order that she could become a teacher after graduation.5 Both of the writers parents came to the commencement ceremony.T TT TT TF FT T知行英语Task 2 Read the text again and order the following events according to the time they occurred.1 Sending out rsums to look for a job.2 Visiting Mills campus with Dad.3 Finding what I was good at.4 Wearing the cap and gown for my commencement.5 Trying some basic math classes and getting lost.6 Meeting with a counselor to talk about transferring.7 Making the application to a four-year college.8 Signing up for 15 units of classes._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 51386724知行英语Task 3 Read the text carefully and answer the following questions.1 Why does the writer love this time 1 Why does the writer love this time of year?Did she love it before?of year?Did she love it before?Why or why not?Why or why not?2 What kind of classes do you think 2 What kind of classes do you think the writer signed up for after she the writer signed up for after she made a list of what she was good made a list of what she was good at?Why was she nervous?at?Why was she nervous?3 What did the counselor say about 3 What did the counselor say about the writers idea of transferring?the writers idea of transferring?4 What does the phrase“if push 4 What does the phrase“if push came to shove”in Paragraph 13 came to shove”in Paragraph 13 mean according to the context?mean according to the context?5 In Paragraph 19,you read“For the 5 In Paragraph 19,you read“For the longest time,an appointment longest time,an appointment reminder about transferring colleges reminder about transferring colleges was tucked next to it.”What does was tucked next to it.”What does“the longest time”mean?“the longest time”mean?知行英语Task 3 Read the text carefully and answer the following questions.1 Why does the writer love this time 1 Why does the writer love this time of year?Did she love it before?of year?Did she love it before?Why or why not?Why or why not?2 What kind of classes do you think 2 What kind of classes do you think the writer signed up for after she the writer signed up for after she made a list of what she was good made a list of what she was good at?Why was she nervous?at?Why was she nervous?3 What did the counselor say about 3 What did the counselor say about the writers idea of transferring?the writers idea of transferring?4 What does the phrase“if push 4 What does the phrase“if push came to shove”in Paragraph 13 came to shove”in Paragraph 13 mean according to the context?mean according to the context?5 In Paragraph 19,you read“For the 5 In Paragraph 19,you read“For the longest time,an appointment longest time,an appointment reminder about transferring colleges reminder about transferring colleges was tucked next to it.”What does was tucked next to it.”What does“the longest time”mean?“the longest time”mean?1 This is the time of the year when college students graduate and enter a new stage of life.She used to feel sad in this graduation season when a college degree seemed out of her reach.知行英语Task 3 Read the text carefully and answer the following questions.1 Why does the writer love this time 1 Why does the writer love this time of year?Did she love it before?of year?Did she love it before?Why or why not?Why or why not?2 What kind of classes do you think 2 What kind of classes do you think the writer signed up for after she the writer signed up for after she made a list of what she was good made a list of what she was good at?Why was she nervous?at?Why was she nervous?3 What did the counselor say about 3 What did the counselor say about the writers idea of transferring?the writers idea of transferring?4 What does the phrase“if push 4 What does the phrase“if push came to shove”in Paragraph 13 came to shove”in Paragraph 13 mean according to the context?mean according to the context?5 In Paragraph 19,you read“For the 5 In Paragraph 19,you read“For the longest time,an appointment longest time,an appointment reminder about transferring colleges reminder about transferring colleges was tucked next to it.”What does was tucked next to it.”What does“the longest time”mean?“the longest time”mean?2 The courses she signed up should be related to teaching small children.As she had failed once in her attempt to get a college degree,she feels nervous with her new move toward her dream.知行英语Task 3 Read the text carefully and answer the following questions.1 Why does the writer love this time 1 Why does the writer love this time of year?Did she love it before?of year?Did she love it before?Why or why not?Why or why not?2 What kind of classes do you think 2 What kind of classes do you think the writer signed up for after she the writer signed up for after she made a list of what she was good made a list of what she was good at?Why was she nervous?at?Why was she nervous?3 What did the counselor say about 3 What did the counselor say about the writers idea of transferring?the writers idea of transferring?4 What does the phrase“if push 4 What does the phrase“if push came to shove”in Paragraph 13 came to shove”in Paragraph 13 mean according to the context?mean according to the context?5 In Paragraph 19,you read“For the 5 In Paragraph 19,you read“For the longest time,an appointment longest time,an appointment reminder about transferring colleges reminder about transferring colleges was tucked next to it.”What does was tucked next to it.”What does“the longest time”mean?“the longest time”mean?3 The counselor did not think the writer should apply for a transfer as she was weak in math.知行英语Task 3 Read the text carefully and answer the following questions.1 Why does the writer love this time 1 Why does the writer love this time of year?Did she love it before?of year?Did she love it before?Why or why not?Why or why not?2 What kind of classes do you think 2 What kind of classes do you think the writer signed up for after she the writer signed up for after she made a list of what she was good made a list of what she was good at?Why was she nervous?at?Why was she nervous?3 What did the counselor say about 3 What did the counselor say about the writers idea of transferring?the writers idea of transferring?4 What does the phrase“if push 4 What does the phrase“if push came to shove”in Paragraph 13 came to shove”in Paragraph 13 mean according to the context?mean according to the context?5 In Paragraph 19,you read“For the 5 In Paragraph 19,you read“For the longest time,an appointment longest time,an appointment reminder about transferring colleges reminder about transferring colleges was tucked next to it.”What does was tucked next to it.”What does“the longest time”mean?“the longest time”mean?4 When one must commit oneself to an action or decision./If it becomes absolutely necessary.知行英语Task 3 Read the text carefully and answer the following questions.1 Why does the writer love this time 1 Why does the writer love this time of year?Did she love it before?of year?Did she love it before?Why or why not?Why or why not?2 What kind of classes do you think 2 What kind of classes do you think the writer signed up for after she the writer signed up for after she made a list of what she was good made a list of what she was good at?Why was she nervous?at?Why was she nervous?3 What did the counselor say about 3 What did the counselor say about the writers idea of transferring?the writers idea of transferring?4 What does the phrase“if push 4 What does the phrase“if push came to shove”in Paragraph 13 came to shove”in Paragraph 13 mean according to the context?mean according to the context?5 In Paragraph 19,you read“For the 5 In Paragraph 19,you read“For the longest time,an appointment longest time,an appointment reminder about transferring colleges reminder about transferring colleges was tucked next to it.”What does was tucked next to it.”What does“the longest time”mean?“the longest time”mean?5 The reminder later became a symbol of the turning point in her life.So,as a reminder of different things,that appointment reminder has functioned for“the longest time”.知行英语Language Pointstomove,change,ordosomethingwithoutanyplanorpurpose(毫无计划或漫无目的地)漂泊e.g.Smokedriftedacrosstheroom.withoutajob未被雇佣的,失业的e.g.Howlonghaveyoubeenunemployed?e.g.Therearenowoverfourmillionunemployedworkersinthiscountry.driftunemployedWordsWords(由动词stick的过去分词转化而来的形容词)卡住的;困住的;unabletoescapefromabadorboringsituation无法摆脱困境的e.g.Thebusgotstuckinthesnowandwehadtowalktherestoftheway.e.g.Canyouhelpmewithmyhomework,Dad?Imstuck.(AmericanEnglish)aschoolforchildrenbetweentwoandfiveyearsofage=kindergartenBritishEnglish(2到5岁孩子的)幼儿园=英式英语中的kindergartenstuckpre-school知行英语counselorLanguage PointsWordsWordssomeonewhosejobistohelpandsupportpeoplewithproblems顾问;(学生)辅导员e.g.Agoodschoolcounseloroftencommunicateswiththestudents.tomoveorarrangeforsomeonetomovefromoneplaceorjobtoanother,especiallywithinthesameorganization转移(地方);转学e.g.HetransferredtoUCLAafterhisfreshmanyear.(由动词mean的过去分词转化而来,常用结构为bemeanttodosth或bemeantforsth)havingsomethingasapurposeorintention注定的,指定要的e.g.Youknow,somepeoplearentmeanttotransfertofour-yearcolleges.e.g.Theteacherscriticismismeantforallofus.transfermeant知行英语Language PointsWordsWordstokenapproachtocomeneartosomeoneorsomethingindistanceortime靠近,接近,临近e.g.Ourvacationisapproachingandwestillcantdecidewheretogo.(formal)somethingthatrepresentsafeeling,fact,eventetc.(正式)象征,标志e.g.Pleaseacceptthisgiftasasmalltokenofourappreciation.e.g.Allthefamilyworeblackasatokenoftheirgrief.Phrases&Phrases&ExpressionsExpressionsgraduationseason毕业季节outofmyreach超出伸手可及的距离;超出权力或影想能及的范围。也作:beyondonesreach反之可说:withinonesreach(在)触手可及(的范围以内)youguessedit(informal)youfoundtherightanswer你猜对了,你说中了知行英语sendoutLanguage Pointstosendsomethingtoalotofdifferentpeopleorplaces发出某物e.g.Shehadsentoutwelloverfourhundredinvitationsthatafternoon.经报名参加(课程学习)e.g.Hehassignedupfortwoeveningclasses.signupforPhrases&Phrases&ExpressionsExpressionstohappeninaparticularway,ortohaveaparticularresult,especiallyonethatyoudidnotexpect最后结果是,证明是e.g.Thejobturnedouttobeharderthanwethought.e.g.Hisstatementturnedouttobefalse.turnout(tobe)不停的抱怨,小题大做;诸多解释借口e.g.Suzywasthere,makingasonganddanceaboutherachingfeet.e.g.Shegaveusalongsonganddanceaboutwhyshewaslate.songanddance(about)知行英语Language PointsPhrases&Phrases&ExpressionsExpressionssendsomethingbymailtoaplacewhereitwillbedealtwith寄出e.g.Applicantsareaskedtosendinarsum.sentinlookforwardtoasplitsecond一刹那longfor渴望speakup大胆(或公开)地说出;响亮(或)清楚地说to be excited and pleased aboutsomethingthatisgoingtohappen(喜滋滋地)期待,盼望这个结构最后的to是介词而非动词不定式to,因此它后面跟sth或doingsthe.g.Imreallylookingforwardtoourvacation.e.g.Im looking forward to seeing yousoon.知行英语listentosbdosth的结构常见于口语,表示听某人说话或报告等;表示“看见(see)某人做某事”的常用结构有两种:seesbdosth或seesbdoingsth;其中后者强调看见时动作正在发生。listeningtoSenatorBarbaraBoxergiveherkeynotespeech.Isawmymother,mycousinandmyfriendwavingandcheering.Language PointsPhrases&Phrases&ExpressionsExpressions(用作句子状语)无论如何e.g.Illcallyoutonightnomatterwhat.nomatterwhat到了迫不得已的时候e.g.When push comes to shove,weshallhavetouseoursavings.when/ifpushcametoshoveTwoyearslater,Iwas.两年后,我真的做到了。这是一个省略句。句子补充完整应为:Twoyearslater,Iwassittinghere(ontheToyonmeadow)inmycapandgown.两年后,我真的穿着毕业礼服坐到了这里(柳叶石楠草坪上)。Dadsatupfront,beaming.“微笑(beam)”的动作和“坐直(situp)”的动作一起发生,可将其中一个动词转化为现在分词结构来表达这种动作的同时性。知行英语Background informationBackground informationcommencement commencement ceremonyceremony毕业典礼。每年的五、六月份都有学生毕业,很多大学(也有部分中学)都在这时举办毕业典礼,活动地点通常在户外,毕业生们身穿学位服。有时,学校还邀请毕业生家长及其亲朋好友来参加。这个短语中的commencement由动词commence(开始)派生而来,有着“毕业生完成学业、人生舞台拉开序幕”的寓意。知行英语Background informationBackground informationcap and gowncap and gown顶帽和长袍。毕业生穿的学位服一般都由


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