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Welcome to my class 1-现现在分在分词词作状作状语语北京西藏中学北京西藏中学潘潘辉辉文文2008-7-12-Leading-in 测一测 看一看Are you familiar with these sentences?Read them and try to get the meaning of each sentence.3-1.Few visitors leave Rio feeling disappointed.2.Not knowing much English,I found it hard to understand them.3.While walking along the shore,we saw that the water was very dirty.4.Being the head of the village,he often tells the villagers to protect the farmland.(chosen from Unit 15 of Senior Book II)4-思考一下以上四句思考一下以上四句话话中划中划线线部分的用法部分的用法以上四句以上四句话话都属于都属于现现在分在分词词作状作状语语的用法,的用法,那么那么现现在分在分词词作状作状语语有那些用法呢?有那些用法呢?Discovering Problems 5-Solving Problems 现现在分在分词词作状作状语语的用法的用法6-1.时间状语相当于when,while,after等引导的时间状语从句1.Hearingthegoodnews,hejumpedwithjoy.=Whenheheardthegoodnews,hejumpedwithjoy.2.Havingturnedoff theTV,hebegantodohishomework.3.Becarefulwhencrossingthestreet.=Afterheturnedoff theTV,hebegantodohishomework.=Becarefulwhenyoucrossthestreet.7-4.Seeing those pictures,he couldnt help thinking of those days in Tibet.5.Arriving at the station,he found the train was late.=When he saw those pictures,he couldnt help thinking of those days in Tibet.=When he arrived at the station,he found the train was late.8-实践练习 完成学案中完成学案中练习练习一一 9-Answers 2.Hearing the bad news,he felt very sad.3.Arriving at the station,he found the shop was closed.4.Seeing Zha Xi,I couldnt help thinking of the happy days in Tibet.5.Having received his letter,I decided to write back.1.见见黑板黑板 10-2.原因状语(相当于原因状语从句)1.Beingsoangry,hecouldntgotosleep.=Becausehewassoangry,hecouldntgotosleep.=BecauseIamateacher,Imustworkhard.=Becausehehadnotreceivedhisfathersletter,hedecidedtotelephonehim.2.Nothavingreceivedhisfathersletter,hedecidedtotelephonehim.3.Beingateacher,Imustworkhard.11-实践练习 完成学案中完成学案中练习练习二二 12-Answers 2.Being too nervous,he couldnt speak a word.3.Being a student,I must study hard.1.见见黑板黑板 13-3.伴随状语(没有相应的状语从句可以转换,但可以转换成并列句)1.They came into the classroom,singing and laughing.3.He sat there in silence,considering how to solve the problem.=They came into the classroom and they sang and laughed.2.She sat in an old chair,watching TV.=She sat in an old chair and watched TV.=He sat there in silence and considered how to solve the problem.14-实践练习 完成学案中完成学案中练习练习三三15-Answers 2.He went out of the room,singing a song./1.见见黑板黑板3.He sat there in silence,considering how to answer the question.holding a book in his hand.16-4.结果状语(可转化为结果状语从句)1.I got up late this morning,not catching the early bus.2.He shouted in such a loud voice,making the girl cry.=I got up late this morning,so I didnt catch the early bus.=He shouted in such a loud voice that he made the girl cry.17-实践练习完成学案中完成学案中练习练习四四 18-Answers 1.见见黑板黑板2.She told us a moving story,making all of us cry.3.She returned home,finding his parents were not at home.finding the camera on the desk missing.19-学学习习了,了,实实践了,践了,问题问题解决了解决了吗吗?赶快来小赶快来小试试牛刀吧!牛刀吧!高考点高考点击击 20-1._ thatshewasgoingofftosleep,Iaskedifshedlikethatlittledollonherbed.(08北京卷北京卷24题题)A.Seeing B.ToseeC.SeeD.Seen2.HeisastudentatOxforduniversity,_foradegreeofcomputerscience.(07北京北京29题题)A.studiedB.studyingC.tohavestudiedD.tobestudying 3._,themoreexpensivethecamera,thebetteritsquality.(07全国卷二全国卷二17题题)AGeneralspeakingBSpeakinggeneralCGenerallyspeakingDSpeakinggenerallyA Bc21-4.The storm left,_ a lot of damage to this area.(05全国二卷全国二卷32题题)A.caused B.to have caused C.to cause D.having caused 5.Dont sit there _ nothing.Come and help me with this table.(06湖北卷湖北卷34题题)A.do B.to do C.doing D.and doing6.“You cant catch me!”Jane shouted,_ away.(05全国二卷全国二卷20题题)A.run B.running C.to run D.ran 7._ with so much trouble,we failed to complete the task on time.(06四川四川33题题)A.Faced B.Face C.Facing D.To faceDCBA22-Tips 1.凡是凡是见见到到having done,having been done,都是都是“已已经经”,或,或“动动作作分先后分先后”。2.记记住下列常用短住下列常用短语语 Judging by/from根据根据判断判断Generally speaking一般一般说说来来Speaking of谈谈到到 According to 根据根据Considering考考虑虑到到 Supposing假使,如果假使,如果 23-Summary 1.现现在分在分词词作状作状语语,可以表,可以表时间时间,原因,伴随,原因,伴随,结结果等,大部分可果等,大部分可转转化成相化成相应应的状的状语语从句从句2.现现在分在分词词作状作状语语,可放在句首或句尾。,可放在句首或句尾。3.现现在分在分词词的的否定式在前面加否定式在前面加not 4.状状语语从句要从句要转转化成化成现现在分在分词词作状作状语语,其,其从句的主从句的主语语和主句的主和主句的主语语必必须须保持一致保持一致,否,否则则不能不能转转化化。24-Perfect Way of Learning English Show confidenceDiscover problemsSolve problems Remember more Practise more Keep walking25-Homework 1.Review the points and the sentences in the handout.2.Finish the last exercise in the handout.3.Preview the V-ed form.26-提出一个提出一个提出一个提出一个问题问题问题问题往往比解决一个往往比解决一个往往比解决一个往往比解决一个问题问题问题问题更重要更重要更重要更重要,所以我所以我所以我所以我们们们们要要要要善于善于善于善于发现发现发现发现。解决解决解决解决问题问题问题问题就像就像就像就像战场战场战场战场上炸上炸上炸上炸碉碉碉碉堡,所以要善于各个堡,所以要善于各个堡,所以要善于各个堡,所以要善于各个击击击击破。破。破。破。Thanks for your time and patience!27-转化时主语一致2.When the teacher came in,the students 2.When the teacher came in,the students were reading.were reading.1.When he arrived at the station,he found the train was late.hehe=Arriving at the station,he found the train was late.the teacher the students 从句和主句主从句和主句主语语不一致,不宜改成不一致,不宜改成现现在分在分词词作状作状语语28-Option one:过过去分去分词词 29-分词包括现在分词和过去分词,区别:分分词词时间时间语态语态Doing 进进行行主主动动Done 完成完成被被动动30-分分词词做状做状语语的基本原的基本原则则:分分词词的的逻辑逻辑主主语语必必须须与句子的主与句子的主语语保持一致。分保持一致。分词词作状作状语语时时必必须须和句中主和句中主语语有有逻辑逻辑上的主上的主谓谓关系或关系或动宾动宾关系,否关系,否则则不能用分不能用分词词作状作状语语主主谓谓关系用关系用doing,动宾动宾关系用关系用done31-例:You should be careful when crossing the street.(you 与cross 之间是主谓关系)Given enough time,he will do the job better.(he 与give 之间是动宾关系,所以用given)The teacher was wiping her tears,surrouned by the students who would go back home.(身边围着即将返回家的学生们,the teacher 和surround 是动宾关系)32-1.The children went home from the grammar school,their lessons_for the day.(07重庆25题)A.finishing B.finished C.had finished D.went finished 2._ for the breakdown of the school computer network,Alice was in low spirits.(06福建33)A.Blaming B.Blamed C.To blame D.To be blamed 练习练习 33-Option two:独立分词结构 主句中主语与分词无主、被动关系时,在分词前加上主语。句型:N/Pron.+V-ing/V-ed,S+V S+V,N/Pron.+V-ing/V-ed 34-Time permitting,well visit the Potala Palace tomorrow aftrenoon.It being fine,they went fishing.They came into the room,hands tied.35-


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