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Module 1 How to learn EnglishUnit 1Lets try to speak English as much as possible.Talk something about English.1.Do you like English?2.How do you learn English?3.Do you think its difficult to learn English?Why?4.Whats the most difficult thing in learning English?Lead-inEnglishs_ingl_ingr_ingw_ingisteneadpeakritHow do people usually learn English?PresentationEnglishsentencevocabularypronunciationgrammarletters_ingl_ingr_ingw_ingisteneadpeakritTo study English,what else do people need to learn?Ready?准准备好了吗?备好了吗?Thats a good idea!好好主意!主意!What else?还还有别的什么?有别的什么?Thanks a lot!多谢!多谢!Excellent!好好极了!极了!/太棒了!太棒了!Everyday English4.Underline the correct words.Heres my(1)advice/notebook on learning English.Speak English(2)always/as much as possible in class,and listen to English(3)in the newspaper/on the radio.I(4)agree/forget it is a good idea to look up new words in the(5)notebook/dictionary.You can find the(6)correct/excellent pronunciation and learn the meaning.1.You should always speak English in class.2.Lets try to speak English as much as possible.3.Why not write down our mistakes in our notebooks?4.Dont forget to write down the correct answers next to the mistakes.5.Its a good idea to check new words every day.What advice can you hear?6.How about listening to the radio or reading an English newspaper aloud?7.Why dont we check every letter and translate every word with the dictionary?8.Its better not to translate.9.Lets try to find pen friends.We can write to each other.Language Points1.Who has some advice?谁有一些建有一些建议?advice“意意见;建;建议”,是,是不可数名不可数名词由由advice构成的常见短语:构成的常见短语:ask sb.for advicegive sb.advicetake sb.s advicerefuse sb.s adviceadvice on/about sth.向某人寻求建议向某人寻求建议给某人提出建议给某人提出建议采纳某人的建议采纳某人的建议不听某人的劝告不听某人的劝告有关有关的建议的建议2.We should always speak English in class.我我们在在课堂上堂上应该一直一直讲英英语。should 动词原形动词原形 “应该做某事应该做某事”shouldnt=should not 不应该不应该Eg.He should come here early.他他应该早来早来这里里 We shouldnt watch TV a lot.我我们不不应该看很多的看很多的电视。3.Why not write down the mistakes in our notebooks?为什么不把什么不把这些些错误写在我写在我们的笔的笔记本上呢?本上呢?=Why dont you/we动词原形原形“为什么不什么不”Eg.Why not go to school?=Why dont you go to school?你你们为什么不去上学呢?什么不去上学呢?Why not 动词原形动词原形4.Thats a good idea.And dont forget to write down the correct answers next to the mistakes.那是一个好主意。并且不要忘那是一个好主意。并且不要忘记把正确的答案写把正确的答案写在在错误的旁的旁边。forget (forgot,forgotten)忘记忘记forget to do sth.忘记做某事忘记做某事(表示事情还没有做表示事情还没有做)forget doing sth.忘了做过某事忘了做过某事(表示事情已经做了表示事情已经做了)Eg.Dont forget to do your homework.不要忘不要忘记做家庭作做家庭作业。I forget finishing my homework.我忘我忘记做完了家庭作做完了家庭作业。5.I agree with you.我我赞成你。成你。agree“赞同同”agree的常见搭配:的常见搭配:agree with sb.agree to sth.agree to do sth.agree on/upon sth.agree 接接that从句从句 同意某人同意某人同意、同意、赞同同(plan/suggestion/proposal/arrangement/terms.)同意做某事同意做某事对某一某一问题意意见一一致致同意同意表示表示提建议提建议的句型有:的句型有:1.How/What about 2.Would you like 3.Lets 4.Why dont you5.Why not6.You should/shouldnt 7.Its better(not)doing sth.to do sth.do sth.常用的回答是:常用的回答是:Thats a good/great idea.OK./All right.to do.I cant get any fish._ go to the market?Why not_we watch a film?Lets go for a walk.Why dontI dont know the way._ following me?How aboutIm feeling bad,baby.You _ see a doctor.should6.Work in pairs.Talk about problems in learning English and give advice.ProblemsI cant.I dont know.AdviceHow/What about.?Why not/dont you.?I cant speak English well.What should I do?Why dont you try to talk to our classmates in English?I.用所用所给词的适当形式填空的适当形式填空(1)She should _(go)to school early.go(2)You can read as _(loudly)as possible.loud(3)How about _(eat)noodles?eating(4)There are five _(mistake)in your homework.(5)Lets _(help)the farmers pick apples.mistakeshelpPractice(6)Its better to _(get)up early.(7)Why not _(play)football this weekend?(8)Its a good idea _(write)down the mistakes in a notebook.getplayto writeII.单项选择单项选择1.Our new teacher is going to give us _this term.A.some advices B.an advice C.some advice D.a advice2.This is what we will learn,please_.A.write down it B.write down them C.write it down D.write them down3.We should English aloud in the morning.A.read B.to read C.reading D.reads4.What can I do this weekend?Why dont you at home?A.having a good rest B.to have a good rest C.has a good rest D.have a good rest5.Dont forget _ to the concert on time.A.to come B.coming C.come D.comesHomeworkWrite a short passage about how to learn English well in your exercise book.He who makes no mistakes makes nothing.永不永不犯错误,就一事无犯错误,就一事无成。成。Module 1 Unit1 Let s try to speak English as much as possible.课时练:课时练:.根据首字母提示和句意完成单词。根据首字母提示和句意完成单词。1.How about l_ to the radio?2.Now,let me show you how t l_English.3.Why dont you write d_ your mistakes?4.Im going to meet my p_ friend this term.5.Can you give me some a_?My English is so poor.用括号内单词的适当形式填空。用括号内单词的适当形式填空。1.My brother _(make)some mistakes last night.2.-Where _(be)you born?-I _(be)born in the city of Tianjin.21世纪教3.Have you _(get)any English books?4.Thank you for _(tell)me the news.5.Im sorry,I forget _(call)you yesterday.6.It is easy _(learn)English well.7.My English teacher _(give)us a lot of _(advice)on how to learn English.8.Try _(not listen)to music in class.21世纪教9.Why _(not go)swimming with us?10.There are many _(mistake)in your composition.Please correct them.根据汉语提示完成句子(每空一词)。根据汉语提示完成句子(每空一词)。1._ _(欢迎回来),everyone!2.-Lets go out for a walk now.-_ _ _ _(好主意).21世纪教3.You should always _ _ _(在课堂上说英语).4.Why dont you _ _ _(把它写下来)?21世纪教5.Its a good idea to _ and _ _ _ _ every day.(每天大声地拼写和说新单词。).单项选择:单项选择:1.Why not _ off our mobile phones.The meeting will start in a minute.A.to turn B.turning C.turn D.turned 2.-Ill fly to Kunming for my holiday for holiday this weekend.21cnjy -Wonderful!_.21世纪21cnjy教育网A.Not at all B.Have a good time C.I hope so D.With pleasure3.-Would you come back to have dinner with us this evening?-Id love to,_ I have an important meeting.21世纪21cnjy教育网 A.and B.or C.so D.but 4.(2012 山东莱芜)-Sally,could you give me some _ on learning English?-Of course.You d better get much listening practice.2121cnjy世纪教育网A.advice B.news C.gifts D.ways.6.-_would you like?-That s all.Thank you.A.Else how.B.What else.C.How else 21cnjy D.Else what7.How about _our mistakes in red ink?21世纪教育网 A.to correct.B.correcting.C.corrects D.correct.8.Peter,take your notebook out and _.A.write down it.B.write down them.21cnjyC.write it down.D.write they down.9.-Let s go swimming.-!21世纪教育网 A.That s a good idea.B.I m sorry to hear that.C.Best wishes.D.Have a good time.21cnjy10.If you have some trouble,why _you ask help from the police.A.not B.dont C.do D.are.V.、完形填空、完形填空:阅读下列短文,从文后各题所给的四个选项中阅读下列短文,从文后各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。选出一个最佳答案。Everyone in our school loves sports.Every morning 1 we get up,we do morning exercises.After the second class we do exercises again.We only have _ 2 _ classes twice a week,but we do physical training(锻炼)at five every afternoon.The most popular sport is basketball.The 3 _ enjoy playing it and many of the girls like it,too.4 _ popular sport is football and in every class there 5_ a lot of football fans(球迷).Volleyball is often played when the weather is 6 _.We have school teams in basketball,football and volleyball.Our teams often 7 _ friendship(友谊)matches with teams from other schools.When there is a match,8 _ of us go to watch it and cheer(喝彩)our side on.Besides(除之外)ball games,some of us like track-and-field events(田径项目),9 we often practise running,jumping and throwing.Every term we have tests in these events and once a year,we hold a sports meeting.21cnjySports help us to keep 10_.21世纪教育网1.A.while B.when C.before D.after2.A.English B.Chinese C.P.E.D.music3.A.teacher B.boys C.students D.people4.A.Some other B.Othe C.Another D.The other5.A.are B.is C.wereD.was6.A.shining B.rainy C.fineD.wet7.A.see B.have C.look atD.watch8.A.several B.few C.a few D.many9.A.because B.but C.or D.and10.A.thirsty and hungry B.healthy and happy C.fat and tired D.thin and weak21cnj


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