SectionB1 (13)课件

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Unit 7 Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own choose their own clothes.Are you allowed to make your own decisions at home?What kinds of decisions?Discuss the questions in your groups.2a1.Whats your hobby?2.Do you think hobby can get in the way of schoolwork?Discuss the questions with a partner.Use the information in the passage to support your opinion.What is your dream job?Do your parents support your dream?2eWhat is your dream job?Do your parents support your dream?I want to be an actress.They dont support my dream.My parents have always taught me how important it is to work hard at school and enter university.I under this,but Im serious about acting.Its the only thing Ive ever wanted to do.I think I should be allowed to make this choice myself.Only then will I have a chance to achieve my dream.本节课的具体步骤为:1,用思维导图先让学生理清文章的思路与文本大意。liuYu s opinionliuYusparents opinionMy opinionMake my own decisionLiu Yus background and his opinionLiu YuA fifteen-year-old boy from shandong.He is a running star and on his school team.He wants to be a professional runner when he grows up.Liu Yus parents opinionSupport his running race.Have nothing against running and hope to see him achieve his dream.Worry about his future if he doesnt end up as a professional runner.Liu Yus 反应He disagree with his parents.He is serious about running.Becoming a professional runner is the only thing he has ever wanted to do.刘雨父母的对待措施Stop liu Yu from practicing running at night.Liu Yu attitudeHe thinks he will succeed.He should be allowed to make his own decision.Only then will he have a chance to achieve his dream.如何运用情感目标达到英语阅读能力的目的今天上了一节阅读课,九年级新目标第七单元SectionB2d。文章主要讲解了家庭中俩代人之间的代沟问题。主人公是一个叫刘雨的十五岁的男孩子,酷爱跑步,有着一个成为一名职业跑步运动员的梦想。但是刘雨的父母却不支持他的梦想。他们担心如果有一天他的梦想不能实现,那么将有着怎么样的结局。为此两代人展开了一轮又一轮的争执,但是最终都未能动摇刘雨实现梦想的决心。我以往在备课时候总是只顾及到知识目标,那就是逐段的翻译,然后再把文章中的短语及做练习时所用到的句型找出来,讲解一下就算完事了。但是今天受到 袁昌寰老师的启发,将思维导图与情感目标加了进去,感觉效果很不一样。从这俩轮的孩子与父母的较量中,我们不难看出俩代人的矛盾冲突已经到白热化的境地。由此我们知道了本文写的刘雨是一个代表广大有理想但是很容易叛逆青少年的形象,但是是却浓缩了一个社会问题:代沟。然后我让学生讨论如何解决刘雨与他的父母的分歧。学生们讨论的很热烈。最后将本文的中心引用了出来:孩子与父母应该是信任,沟通,理解,宽容。讲到此处,我发现有的学生低下了头。我趁机让学生理论联系现实,问学生们是否遇到过此类的问题。大多数学生都说用。我又问学生们”你们通常会采取什么办法?现在想想这些办法对吗?如果不对,错在哪里?”在课堂的结束时候,很多学生都说“我们太鲁莽了!通过这节课的学习,我们应该换个角度与父母沟通。”至此,我的情感目标成功的融入了本单元的阅读教学中,学生学习阅读的兴趣更加的浓厚了。


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