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新目标新目标新目标新目标 九年级九年级九年级九年级 Unit 12Unit 12Unit 12 Youre supposed to shake hands.Section A Period 2Have you ever eaten like that?spit in public.say Excuse me.when we ask for help,we are supposed towe are not supposed topick flowerssay thank youput rubbish into the right placeAre we supposed to do these?ColombiaSwitzerlandIts in Europe.LausanneIts in South America.Cali/swtslnd/klmb/lzn/k:l/哥伦比亚哥伦比亚瑞士瑞士洛桑洛桑卡利卡利3a ReadingAttitude aboutColombiabeing on timevisiting a friends housemaking plans with friendsWe are pretty relax We are pretty relax about time.about time.We often just drop by We often just drop by our friends homes.our friends homes.We dont have to make We dont have to make plans when we get plans when we get together with friends.together with friends.Attitude about Switzerlandbeing on timevisiting a friends housemaking plans with friendsIts very important Its very important to be on be on time.We never visit a friends We never visit a friends house without calling house without calling first.first.We usually make plans We usually make plans to meet meet friends.What kind of rules do you have in Colombia?Well,they have pretty relaxed rules.Like what?Well,its OK if youre not on time.The people in Colombia are pretty _ about time.Its OK for them to arrive _ _ _ when they go for an appointment.They often just _ _ their friends without making a plan first.They like _ _ the town center to see friends as many as possible.relaxeda bit latedrop bywalkingaroundthe land of watches/lnd/国家国家The people in Switzerland are serious about the time.When they meet someone,they must be _ _,They usually_ _to do things.For example,they wont visit a friend _calling first,and they usually make plans about _ to do or _ to go.on timemake planswithoutwhatwhereRole play the conversation between Teresa and Marc.What kinds of rules do they have in Colombia?Well,they have pretty relaxed rules.Like what?Well,its OK if youre not on time.A:B:A:B:A:Do you have many rules in?B:No/Yes.A:What about(being on time/visiting friends)?B:And you?A:VS(Colombia/Switzerland)relaxedseriousmake plansIn China,what is supposed to do in these following situations?1.greeting teachers say,“Good morning.”2.doing homework 3.phoning someone 4.visiting someones place call first,and knock at the doorat home or in schoolafter classsay,“Hello,this is.”5.making plans with friends 6.being on time gifts Discuss the plan,callto make changes.Always on time or a little early.Festival gifts beingnecessary.1.Where Im from,we are pretty relaxed about time.我来的那个地方对时间非常放松。我来的那个地方对时间非常放松。句子中的句子中的“Where Im from”是一个由是一个由“where”引导的地点状语从句。引导的地点状语从句。Explanation 引导地点状语从句的副词除了引导地点状语从句的副词除了where 还有还有wherever。如如:Just stay where you are.就留在你原来的地方。就留在你原来的地方。Wherever you are,you can see new factories and stories,new schools and hospitals.无论你走到哪里无论你走到哪里,你都能见到新建你都能见到新建的工厂的工厂,商店商店,学校和医院。学校和医院。【考例考例】How nice the music sounds!It does!The peaceful music will make you feel _.A.excited B.bored C.moved D.relaxed (2007湖北武汉湖北武汉)【答案和解析答案和解析】D。relaxed作形容词,意作形容词,意为为“放松的、宽松的、轻松自在的放松的、宽松的、轻松自在的”,可作表语、定语或宾语补足语。作表语可作表语、定语或宾语补足语。作表语时,主语常为人。时,主语常为人。2.We often just drop by our friends homes.【考例考例】People in Colombia neednt make plans to meet their friends.They often just drop by them.A.give a ride toB.give up visiting C.forget to visitD.come over to(2007湖北黄冈湖北黄冈)【答案和解析答案和解析】D。drop by意为意为“顺便看顺便看望望(某人某人)、顺便到、顺便到(某处某处)”,用法同用法同come over to。3.We are the land of watches,after all!毕竟我们是手表王国。毕竟我们是手表王国。(1)句中的句中的land 是一个名词是一个名词,“国家国家”“国国土土”的意思。如的意思。如:After living in foreign lands for many years,the man went back home.在外国居住了多年之后在外国居住了多年之后,这个人回到这个人回到了了自己的祖国。自己的祖国。land 还可以表示还可以表示“陆地陆地”“土壤土壤”“土地土地”等意思。等意思。如:如:We traveled by land until we reached the sea.我们在陆路旅行我们在陆路旅行,一直到大海。一直到大海。(2)句子中的句子中的“after all 意思是意思是“毕毕竟竟”。如如:So you see,I was right after all.你看你看,毕竟还是我对吧。毕竟还是我对吧。You decided to come after all.你毕竟还是决定来了。你毕竟还是决定来了。be supposed to should Its rude to Its polite to family while eating clothes favorite food Very big family.Grandparents,parents,children maybe grandchildren live together.the eldest firstwear their own customers for festivalsthe barbecuemeet peoplefavorite fooddaily life visiting etiquetteboweat fresh fish without cookingtake off shoes when going into the roomThe wife does all the peoplefavorite foodfavorite sportetiquettekisshot food,meatsoccer ballIts rude to show“OK”with your peoplevisit friendsfavorite tasteetiquettekiss or hug(拥抱拥抱),kiss the ladies hands15 or 30 minutes latehot,even while eating fruitIts rude to send people red or yellow flowers.Review what theyve learned.Review what theyve learned.Thank you Thank you for listening!for listening!


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