Unit 2 Sports and Fitness Lesson 1 教案2023-2024学年高中英语北师大必修第一册

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Unit 2 Sports and Fitness Lesson 1 教案2023-2024学年高中英语北师大必修第一册_第1页
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Unit 2 Sports and Fitness Lesson 1 教案2023-2024学年高中英语北师大必修第一册_第3页
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The Underdog教学设计课程基本信息学科英语年级高一学期秋季课题Unit 2 Sports&Fitness教科书书 名:普通高中教科书英语必修第一册教材出版社:北京师范大学出版社 出版日期:2019年8月教学目标1. Students will have a better understanding of the underdog.;2. Students will analyze the given information and make proper inference;3. Students will explore the way to achieve success when faced with difficulties.教学内容教学重点:1.Help students summarize Pauls story and retell a similar story in their own words.2.Help students understand the reasons for Pauls victory from an “underdog” to a “big guy”.教学难点:1.How to summarize and retell the story in their own words. 2.How to raise students awareness that later efforts can make up for the inborn deficiencies .教学过程Step 1 Check the preview 检测词汇掌握情况,拍打篮球形式进行,为本课话题做铺垫。Invite two students to take part in a vocabulary competition by beating the basketballs with thecorrect words.Step 2 Pre-reading 视频展示伯格斯和其他篮球明星的对比图片以及伯格斯篮球比赛的精彩瞬间,初步感知他即使身高不占优势, 也可以在赛场绽放光芒。(1)Show students some pictures about some famous basketball players and ask if they know them. (2)Show a video about Tyrone Bogues and ask what do you think of his performance. Then Students try to use suitable words to describe Tyrone Bogues.(3)Ask students to choose the correct option for the question:What do you think an underdog is?Step 3 While-reading 初步了解人物基本信息,概括和梳理Paul作为篮球运动员的基本信息、优势和劣势。Students read Part 1 for Pauls information and figure out what Pauls advantages and disadvantages were as a basketball player.Step 4 Make a prediction推断Part 1中最后一句的隐含信息, 预测Part 2的故事走向。Students read the last sentence of Part 1 again to make a prediction about Part 2 of the story.Finally came Pauls chance (to play and win) that he had always been waiting for.Function: This transitional sentence comes at the end of Part 1 and leads into Part 2. It forms a connecting link between Part 1 and Part 2, showing us a contrast between them. We can predict that Part 2 is the turning point of Pauls successful basketball career.Step 5 Confirm and analyse验证预测内容,梳理事件的发展过程和人物的情感态度变化。Draw a mind map of Part 2 to show how the story develops and pay attention to the change of the coachs attitude according to the events. (story elements: cause-development-climax-end)Step 6 Think and share分析教练对Paul态度变化的原因, 总结Paul从劣势者变成成功者的综合因素, 并用自己的话讲述类似的故事。(1)Why did the coach call Paul “big guy”? What do you think the coach might have learned from his experience with Paul? (Never judge a person by his appearance.)(2)How did Paul change from an “underdog” to a “big guy”?Internal conditions: hard-working, optimistic, persistent, self- aware, aggressive, determinedExternal conditions: chance, team members trust and support, self- recommendation(3)Invite some students to retell a similar story from an “underdog” to a “big guy”.Summary: In this class, weve learned a story of Paul as an underdog who had little chance to win but finally earned his place on the basketball team. If we love something, we should work hard, never give up and be well-prepared. Only by doing this, when chances come, can we seize them and achieve success. (Chance favors the prepared mind.)Step 7 Make an interview(1)Invite some students to make an interview with the top basketball athletes they admire.(2)Brainstorm the good qualities that Chinese people possess and believe in national prosperity.引入人工智能,现场采访著名篮球明星,引导学生思考其优秀品质,意识到中国人与生俱来的优秀品质,增强民族自信心,坚定肩负祖国未来的信心,励志为祖国发展做贡献。Step 8 HomeworkWrite a 100-word passage about another underdog story.It should include:1. the story elements2. the different attitudes towards the character3. the good qualities of the character


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