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英语新闻写作English news writing英语新闻写作English news writing按传播工具分:Newspaper coverage,magazine coverage,radio news,TV news,cable news,dispatches.新闻事实发生的地域和范围:home news,local news报道的内容:political news,economic news,technological news,cultural news,sports news,violence and crime news,disaster news,weather news,obituary,entertainment.Classifications2按传播工具分:Newspaper coverage,mag新闻与新闻价值(news and news value)News value determiners/determinants时效性timeliness 和新鲜感freshness重要性importance,consequence,impact or significance 显著性prominence 接近性nearness,proximity or locality News Value3新闻与新闻价值(news and news value)Ne新闻与新闻价值奇异性unusualness,bizarreness,oddity or novelty(when a dog bites a man,thats not news;but when a man bites a dog,thats news)趣味性 interest,crime,morals and ethics,population,life,marriage,family,friendship,love and emotion,money,sex.4新闻与新闻价值4News-headlineLeadInverted Pyramid Stylebody消息的基本结构5News-headline消息的基本结构51.They summarize the news,so that by taking a glance at the headline,the reader will know what the story is about2.They attract the readers attention with large print and sometimes with language of shocking or sensational effect;3.They index the news,i.e,rank the importance of stories by the size of the print and placement on the page4.They decorate the page;5.They fill the spaceThe Importance of Headline61.They summarize the news,soSentences are preferred to phrases.A Fortunate Grandmother Granny Hugs Daughter Lost for 30 Years(2)Nominal groups are condensedCo-Hab off campus Triggers Arguments(3)The past tense verb form does not have“ed”Horse Bites Girl On FaceSexual Harassment Sparks Concern on Campus(4)When you headline future events,“will”or“shall”is replaced by“to”.French Major to Compete in BeijingPresident to Talk on Peace PactHeadline Grammar Rule7Sentences are preferred to phr(5)In passive voice,the verb“to be”is omittedBoy Found Dead In BasementCab-Driver Trapped in Fake Accident(6)Copular verbs(系动词)are often left outPrep Program Trendy Prior to Graduate ExamsPeace Studies New in the West,Says Uk Professor(7)With the present progressive,the verb“to be”is often omitted.Computer Lab Trying Out New Rules 8(5)In passive voice,the verbRequirement:1.Usually one sentence2.Summarize the news3.Attract the readers attention Writing a Lead 9Requirement:Writing a Lead 9大家有疑问的,可以询问和交流大家有疑问的,可以询问和交流可以互相讨论下,但要小声点可以互相讨论下,但要小声点可以互相讨论下,但要小声点可以互相讨论下,但要小声点10大家有疑问的,可以询问和交流可以互相讨论下,但要小声点10A lead should contain the essence of the story.Noble Prize laureate Jim Hoffman went up to the stage and greeted the students of Nanjing University when they were gathered to celebrate the May Fourth Youth Day yesterday.Tips for Writing a Lead11A lead should contain the esse2.A lead should begin with the most important elements of information.The death toll soar to 750 as a devastating 8.8-magnitude earthquake hit Chile on early Saturday.122.A lead should begin with t3.A lead writer should active voice if possibleA power outrage last night was caused by a fuse blowout in Dormitory No.12.A power outrage last night angered dozens of students in Dormitory No.12 who lost files in their computers.133.A lead writer should active4.A lead writer should try not to overwhelm the reader with too much detail5.A leader writer should weed out anything indicative of your own opinion 144.A lead writer should try n6.“A good lead is one that gets the most readers to the next paragraph.”A good lead should inform,underline,and stimulate in a way the best conveys a storys meaning.e.g.,Dental surgeons said yesterday they had discovered why snoring can kill sometimes:it can damage the arteries.156.“A good lead is one that ge Li Jun and Wang Hao are fourth-year computer major sharing the same dormitory.Due to a severe case of polio in childhood,Wang Hao has to walk with two crutches.For more than three years since they entered the University,Li Jun has been helping his roommate climb stairs,carry things,and get meals and hot water regardless of how bad the weather is.Last semester when the class had an outing,Li Jun borrowed a wheelchair so that Wang Hao could go hiking with others.Li and other students pushed the wheelchair all the way to the top of the mountain.Because of what Li Jun has done for Wang Hao over the years,the student union of the University decided at a recent meeting to award Li Jun the title of“Model Student in Learning from Lei Feng”when they hold the May Fourth Youth Day student meeting next week.16 Li Jun and Wang H The student union next week will award the title of“Model Student in Learning from Lei Feng”to a fourth-year computer major who has been,for more than three years,helping a disabled roommate climb stairs,carry books,and get meals and hot water.Sample lead17 The student unionWrite up a lead based on the following facts.You dont have to include all details.Who:A boy student and a girl student,Professor Tang,all from the Chinese Department of Nanjing University What:The boy confessed his love to the girl in front of their classmates and took her away with the professors consent;the story spread rapidly and created a stir on the InternetWhen:Tuesday,right before the Foreign Literature class startedWhere:in a classroom on Xianlin campus18Write up a lead based on the fThe lead offers the most essential Elements telling who what when where why and how of the story the second paragraph has less important information and begins to fill in details about the lead.Later paragraphs contain still less important information.This way of framing a news story is called“inverted pyramid.19The lead offers the most essenThe Inverted Pyramid Summary leadBackup(quotes or facts)Supporting pointsEnding20The Inverted Pyramid Summary l1.The inverted pyramid form comes from the American Civil War 2.The inverted pyramid lead is presented as simply and clearly as possible 3.decide what is most important and what should follow in descending order of importance 4.The inverted pyramid saves readers time and editors space211.The inverted pyramid form cNANJING-A Yak-42 airliner carrying 116 passengers and 10 crew members crashed on takeoff from the Nanjing Airport in East China yesterday at 15:06(Beijing time).So far,100 people on board are dead and 26 injured.A full-scale rescue attempt for the injured is still underway.The aircraft of GP 7552 flight failed to lift off and burst into a ball of flames about meters from the runway.The plane,operated by China-General-Purpose Airline Company in Xian,was used on the route from Nanjing City in Jiangsu Province to Xiamen City in Southeast Chinas Fujian Province.Nanjing air crash kills at least 10022NANJING-A Yak-42 airliner carrAfter the accident,Zhu Rongji,Vice-Premier of State Council,and leading members of some departments concerned flew to Nanjing at 20:00(Beijing time)to inspect the scene of the accident,lament the dead and express condolences to the families of the dead.They also went to the hospital to express sympathy to the injured.Upon the accident,a fire-brigade working near the airport rushed to the site immediately,while medical teams and police reinforcements arrived a short time later The cause of the tragedy is still under investigation.The Nanjing Airport has resumed normal operation.23After the accident,Zhu Rongji英语新闻写作课件


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