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Lesson 25E-Biz Strikes Again!Lesson 25E-Biz Strikes Again!Lesson 25Structure AnalysisKey to Questions Photos&Diagrams Additional Notes Background InformationContentsContentsLesson 25Structure AnalysisKeyA A,Inc.,online retailer of books,music,videos,toys,electronics,and other products.In addition to selling products over the World Wide Web,A administers online auctions for items ranging from postcards to personal property.The company also provides its customers with services,including an Internet-based address book and personal calendar,and a comparison-shopping tool.A is based in Seattle,Washington.Lesson 25Background InformationAmazon.c A is recognized as a model in electronic commerce.The company pioneered many of the tools and procedures now commonplace in online retailing.These include order verification and customer service via electronic mail(e-mail),one-click shopping,and customer reviews.A was also one of the first companies to sacrifice profitability,opting instead to devote its growing revenues to expanding the companys offerings and presence on the Internet.This strategy was subsequently adopted by Internet start-ups,or s,in record numbers.Lesson 25 A is recognized a Company founder Jeff Bezos grew interested in online retailing in 1994 while working as a business analyst in New York City.After researching the success of different mail-order companies,Bezos decided that books were the perfect product to sell via the Internet.That year he left New York to establish his new company in Seattle,chosen for its proximity to major book wholesalers and the booming high-tech industry.In July 1995 A launched its Web site,an online catalog of books presented in a user-friendly,graphical format.During its first month in operation,without any media publicity,A sold books to customers in every U.S.state and more than 40 other countries.Two months later the companys sales exceeded$20,000 a week.Lesson 25 Company founder Jeff Bezos In 1998 A added music and videos to its online offerings.The same year,the company acquired British online bookseller Bookpages and German online book retailer Telebook.The company also purchased the Internet Movie Database,one of the most comprehensive movie databases on the Internet,and added it to the companys expanded list of online offerings.Lesson 25 Background InformationL In 1999 the company expanded its product selection to include video games,software,home improvement products,and gifts.Also in 1999,A acquired stakes in a number of other Web-based specialty retailers and service providers.A also debuted its online auction service and teamed with esteemed auction house Sothebys to auction antiques,fine arts,and other premium collectibles.Lesson 25 Background InformationLeLesson 251.When all was giddy,and the stock market giddiest of all,big companies feared the disruptive power of the Net.(Line2,Para.1)一切都令人眼花缭乱,其中最一切都令人眼花缭乱,其中最令人眩晕的是股票市场,那个时候,大公司十分惧怕令人眩晕的是股票市场,那个时候,大公司十分惧怕网络公司破坏性打击的威力。网络公司破坏性打击的威力。(disruptive:causing problems,noise,etc.so that sth cannot continue normally;the Net:referring to the Net companies or the Internet companies)2.As the battle is joined,expect another round of productivity gains to cascade through the economy.(Line 1,Para.8)当展开当展开竞争争时经济将出将出现新一新一轮的的强强劲增增长。(join battle:to begin fighting)Lesson 25Additional Notes1.WhLesson 253.In real estate,for instance,zipRealty and others have learned how to use software to show potential home buyers photos and floor plans of scores of potential houses.(Line 6,Para.9)比如房地比如房地产公司公司zipRealty和其他几家公司学会通和其他几家公司学会通过软件向潜在件向潜在购房者展示房者展示许多多所要所要销售房子的售房子的图片和楼片和楼层平面平面图。4.Lickety-split Net links let them browse through dozens of photos of hotel rooms,check out a variety of gold necklaces,or take virtual tours of scores of homes for sale.(Line4,Para.10)高速网高速网络链接可接可以以让人人们浏览大量大量宾馆房房间图片,片,细看各式各看各式各样的金的金项链,或者虚,或者虚拟参参观许多待售房多待售房产。Lesson 25Additional Notes3.InLesson 255.Several,including jewelry and hotels,have long supply chains with many middlemen,each of whom takes a cut of the profits,driving up retail prices.(Line2,Para.11)好几种企好几种企业,包括珠宝,包括珠宝业和旅和旅馆业在内,在内,拥有很有很长的供的供给链,许多中多中间商从中瓜分利商从中瓜分利润,促使,促使零售价格上零售价格上涨。(supply chain:(Business)the series of processes involved in the production and supply of goods,from when they are first made,grown,etc.until they are bought or used;middleman:a person or a company that buys goods from the company that makes them and sells them to sb.else)6.A Blue Nile here,a Verizon there.(Line2,Para.12)本句本句Blue Nile与与Verizon泛指网泛指网络公司和采用网公司和采用网络新新技技术的的传统公司。公司。Lesson 25Additional NotesLesson 25Lesson 25Photos&DiagramsLesson 25Lesson 25Photos&DiagramsLesson 25Lesson 25Photos&DiagramsLesson 251.The word“incumbents”in the sixth paragraph refers to_.A.government officials B.Congressmen in official positions C.traditional companies D.Net upstartsLesson 25Key to QuestionsLesson 252.Barry Dillers question“How high is the sky?”shows that_.A.he lacks knowledge about astronomy B.he wants to know how high the sky is C.he believes that the Net will transform innumerable industries D.he thinks that the profits of E-business will be sky-highLesson 25Key to Questions2.BaLesson 253.Which of the following statements about big corporations countermeasures is false?A.Most are merging to increase their competitive power.B.Some of them are adopting Net technology.C.Many of them relaxed when the NASDAQ collapsed in 2000.D.Some of them are taking tough measures against franchisees cooperating with Web companies.Lesson 253.Which of the folloLesson 254.Which of the following is Not listed among the factors in the success of the present wave of E-business?A.providing better quality market informationB.using broadbandC.eliminating middlemen D.improving personal managementLesson 254.Which of the folloLesson 255.The author believes that online business_.A.cannot rival Americas big corporations B.will replace traditional companies C.will change traditional companies D.will collapse againLesson 255.The author believeLesson 251.What happened to Americas E-businesses in 2000?In 2000 many Americas E-businesses turned into bust.As a result,the NASDAQ collapsed.Lesson 251.What happened to ALesson 252.Explain the phrase“get Amazoned”(in the first paragraph).The phrase“get Amazoned”means“to get conquered by Web companies like Amazon”.Lesson 252.Explain the phraseLesson 253.What consequences is the Web threatening to bring about to Americas big corporations?The Web is threatening to force down the prices charged by traditional companies,squeeze their margins,and even push some out of business.Besides,it will remake at least six more major industries.Lesson 253.What consequences Lesson 254.What companies will play important parts in this wave of E-business growth?In addition to eBay and the Failures,companies that made it through the dot-com bust play important parts in this wave of E-business growth.Lesson 254.What companies wilLesson 255.What positive effect would the competition between the Web-business and traditional companies bring about according to the author?According to the author,the competition would bring about another round of productivity gains.Lesson 255.What positive effeLesson 256.What measures are the Net upstarts taking to help customers to become smarter purchasers?They are pulling together more complex information and boiling it down so consumers can become smarter purchasers.Lesson 256.What measures are Lesson 257.What role is the broadband playing in the Nets advance?The broadband has been instrumental in the Nets advance.Speedy Net links have helped Net-business to develop fast,let them handle loads of information,made it easier for programmers around the world to cooperate in developing new open-source software.Lesson 25The broadband has beeLesson 258.What are the differences between the first round of Net boom and the second round?In the first round of Net disruption,the online players were selling commodities:books,music,or stock trades.Customers didnt need to see,squeeze,or sniff the stuffall they cared about was price.In the second round of Net disruption,Net upstarts are pulling together more complex information and boiling it down so consumers can become smarter purchasers of a broader array of products and services.Lesson 25In the first round ofLesson 259.According to the article,what are the prospects of the competition between E-business and traditional business?This time,with incumbents attuned to the advantages of the Net,there will be victors on both sides.More important,though,is that the Internet will continue to have sweeping impact on the economy,giving consumers more choices and making everyone more efficient.Lesson 25This time,with incumStructure AnalysisStructure AnalysisStructure AnalysisStructure AnalysisReading SkillPart I(1-2)Situation of E-business Part IIPart III(3-4)Main features of the new wave of E-business growth(5-6)Countermeasures taken by traditional companiesStructure AnalysisReading SkilStructure AnalysisStructure AnalysisStructure AnalysisStructure AnalysisReading SkillPart(7-8)Effects of the sharp competition Part(9-11)Reasons for the competitiveness of E-business Part I(12)Prospects of the competition Structure AnalysisReading SkilLesson 25I.(1-2)Situation of E-business 1.Short period of bust at the end of the 20th century 2.New wave of E-business growthII.(3-4)Main features of the new wave of E-business growth 1.Transformation of six more major industries 2.Scale of the growth,participants and investmentsLesson 25I.(1-2)Situation ofLesson 25III.(5-6)Countermeasures taken by traditional companies 1.Adopting Net-technology 2.Creating obstacles for Net upstartsIV.(7-8)Effects of the sharp competition 1.Ineffectiveness of traditional companies countermeasures 2.Positive effect of productivity growthLesson 25Structure AnalysisLesson 25V.(9-11)Reasons for the competitiveness of E-business 1.Providing better quality market information for customers 2.Use of broadband 3.Elimination of middlemen by establishing direct contact with key suppliersVI.(12)Prospects of the competition Victories on both sides and better service for customersLesson 25Structure Analysis


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