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Before class Get hours and adjust.(会聆听、积极思考并踊会聆听、积极思考并踊跃发言跃发言的同学可以为本小的同学可以为本小组获得一个小时的奖励,组获得一个小时的奖励,由由组长调整钟表组长调整钟表。)Tips2024/6/29Before class Get hours and aPEPPEP小学英语四年级下册小学英语四年级下册PEP小学英语四年级下册Unit2 What time isGame time(游戏时间)游戏时间)Lets play a gameGame time(游戏时Its.Its time to/for.Its.Its.Its time to/for.Its.Its.Its time to/for.Its.Watch and choose(看视频,选答案看视频,选答案)What time do you hear?Watch a最新PEP小学英语四年级下册unit2-what-time-is-it-c-story-time课件What time do you hear?6:007:009:008:00Why is the time different?你听到了哪个时间?你听到了哪个时间?时间为什么不一样呢?时间为什么不一样呢?What time do you hear?6:007:00Wake up!Zoom!Its time to get up!Wake up!Zoom!Its time to get up!What do you see?(你看到了什么?)你看到了什么?)Wake up!Zoom!Wake up!Zoom!WhWake up!最新PEP小学英语四年级下册unit2-what-time-is-it-c-story-time课件Watch and answer(看视频回答问题看视频回答问题)Watch and answer(看视频回答问题)What 最新PEP小学英语四年级下册unit2-what-time-is-it-c-story-time课件Wake up!Zoom!Its time to get up!Mmm!I want to sleep!Wake up!Zoom!Mmm!I want to Tips:Read picture 24 in your groups,then talk about your answers.(小组合作读故事的(小组合作读故事的24幅图片,并讨论答案。)幅图片,并讨论答案。)Read and answer(Zoom是起床还是继续睡觉呢?)是起床还是继续睡觉呢?)Does Zoom get up or sleep again?Tips:Read picture 24 in yourget up sleepWhy?(为什么?)Does Zoom get up or sleep again?(Zoom是起床还是继续睡觉呢?)是起床还是继续睡觉呢?)get up sleepWhy?Does Zoom get(Zoom(Zoom 为什么要起床呢为什么要起床呢?)Its eight oclock.Oh dear!Im late for school.Why does Zoom get up?(Zoom 为什么要起床呢?)Its eight ocl Watch and answerIs Zoom really late?(Zoom Zoom 真的迟到真的迟到 了吗?)了吗?)Watch and answerIs Zoom r最新PEP小学英语四年级下册unit2-what-time-is-it-c-story-time课件Its seven oclock?Its seven oclock?(时间为什么不同呢?)(时间为什么不同呢?)(时间为什么不同呢?)Why does Zip change the time?Zip为什么要调时间?为什么要调时间?(四月一日四月一日)Why does Zip change the time?(愚人节是西方国家愚人节是西方国家的民间节日(每年的民间节日(每年4 4月月1 1日日)。)。在这一天,人们之间可以相在这一天,人们之间可以相互开玩笑,被开玩笑者被称互开玩笑,被开玩笑者被称为为April FoolApril Fool,而被告知是,而被告知是愚人节时,才恍然大悟,所愚人节时,才恍然大悟,所以这一天总是能够引出许多以这一天总是能够引出许多笑话。笑话。Good to know 愚人节是西方国家的民最新PEP小学英语四年级下册unit2-what-time-is-it-c-story-time课件April Fools Day is coming,(愚人You can play jokes,but not too much.(愚人节我们可以开玩笑,但是(愚人节我们可以开玩笑,但是我们不能玩的太过火哦。)我们不能玩的太过火哦。)You can play jokes,but not tIts seven oclock?Its eight oclock.Oh dear!Im late for school.Put in order(排序)排序)Mmm.I want to sleep.Its seven oclock?Its eight 5236Its seven oclock?4Its eight oclock.Oh dear!Im late for school.Lets check(核核对答案)答案)Mmm.I want to sleep.5236Its seven oclock?4Its eWake up!Zoom!Its time to get up!Mmm!I want to sleep!Wake up!Zoom!Mmm!I want to LiIts time to get up now.Listen and imitate(听音,跟读)ItsLook!What time is it?Listen and imitate(听音,跟读)LookIts eight o clock.Oh dear!Im late for school.Its eight o clock.Oh dear!Wait!Wait!Zoom,look at that clock.Listen and imitate(听音,跟读)WaitZip :Wake up,Zoom.Its time to get up.Zoo :Mmm.I want to sleep.Zip :Its time to get up now.Look!Zo :Its eight o clock.Oh dear!Im late Zip :Wait!Wait!Zoom,look at that clock.Zoo :Its seven oclock?Zip :April Fool!What time is it?for school.Zip :Wake up,Zoom.It单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级Pronunciation (语音)(语音)Fluency(流利)(流利)Feelings(角色感)(角色感)OK!Good!Super!Act in roles(同桌之间分角色表演)(同桌之间分角色表演)Pronunciation Fluency FeelingsZip :Wake up,Zoom.Its time to get up.Zoo :Mmm.I want to sleep.Zip :Its time to get up now.Look!Zo :Its eight o clock.Oh dear!Im late Zip :Wait!Wait!Zoom,look at that clock.Zoo :Its seven oclock?Zip :April Fool!What time is it?for school.Zip :Wake up,Zoom.It Group work:My ending What will happen next?(也(也许故事故事还没没结束,接下来束,接下来会会发生什么呢?)生什么呢?)Challenge your imagination挑挑战你的想你的想象力象力 Group work:My ending Wh单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级My endingMy ending Zoom plays a joke with Zip.Then they go to school,and play jokes with other friends.They have a beautiful day!(Zoom也捉弄了一次也捉弄了一次Zip,然后他们一起,然后他们一起 去了学去了学校,也捉弄了其他朋友,度过了美好的一天校,也捉弄了其他朋友,度过了美好的一天。)My ending Zoom plays a jokFrom the story,weve got(从故事中,我们得到了从故事中,我们得到了)From the story,weve gotWhich group is the winner?(哪个小组赢了呢?)哪个小组赢了呢?)Congratulations!(祝贺)祝贺)Which group is the winner?CongNo homework!No homework!(没有作业)没有作业)No homework!Homework:I wish y 1.Finish your own ending and share.(完成续编并尝试以不同的方式分享故事。)2.Share more stories with your friends.(与你的朋友分享更多的趣味故事。)1.Finish your own ending anThank you!Goodbye!Thank you!Goodbye!


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