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Module 8Unit 1 They sang beautifully.Module 8Unit 1 have a picnicplay gamessing songsdance预习我最棒!预习我最棒!Can you say?have a picnicplay gamessing soeat some foodwalk in the parkdrink some juicelisten to music eat some foodwalk in the parkdMagic Eyesing songs(读两遍)have a picnic(最大声两遍)(最大声两遍)play games(最小声两遍)(最小声两遍)eat some food(最快速三遍)(最快速三遍)walk in the park(一口气三遍)(一口气三遍)drink some juice(配动作两遍)(配动作两遍)listen to music(配动作两遍)(配动作两遍)Magic Eyesing songs(读两遍)have Watch and find what did the children do.Watch and find what did the chAnd they sang songs.sang-sing的过去式的过去式(唱歌唱歌)They played games.And they sang songs.sang-I went to the Nanhu Park last Sunday.I went there by car.by bus by bikewent-go 的的过去式过去式I went to the Nanhu Park last I saw some birds.They sang beautifully.saw see 的过去式的过去式 sang sing 的过去式的过去式优美地,优美地,动听地动听地I saw some birds.They sang beabeautifulOur school is very beautiful.They sang beautifully.lyBeijing is a _ city.beautifulShe danced _.beautifully Test:美丽的美丽的优美地,动听地优美地,动听地beautifulOur school is very beate eat的过去式I ate some food.ate eat的过去式I ate some food.drank drink的过去式 I drank some juice.drank drink的过去式 I drank some喝喝 drink饮料饮料 drinksdrink some dinks 喝一些饮料喝一些饮料喝 drink饮料 drinksdrink some dinI played games.I walked in the park.I listened to music.I had a good time.have a good time 玩得开心I played games.I walked in the小结小结:一般过去时一般过去时:概念概念:表示过去的状态或过去做的事情。结构结构:主语+动词的过去式动词的过去式+其他。动词过去式变化规律动词过去式变化规律:一般直接加ed;以e结尾只加d;不规则变化特殊记。小结:一般过去时:Test:说出下列单词的过去式。:说出下列单词的过去式。walk()listen()sing()see()dance()eat()have()go()drink()am/is()dancedwentsangdranksawatehadlistenedwalkedwasTest:说出下列单词的过去式。walk(Task1:Watch the video and circle the past tense.Task1:Watch the video and cir1.Sam and Amy had a picnic on Saturday.2.Sam and Amy went there by car.3.They saw some cats.4.The birds sang beautifully.5 They ate some food and drank some drinks.6.They had a good time.Task2:Listen read and decide T or F.FFFTTT1.Sam and Amy had a picnic on They had a picnic.2.How did they go there?They went there by bus.Task3:Listen read and answer the questions:1.What did Sam and Amy do last Sunday?3.What did Sam and Amy see?They saw some birds.They had a picnic.2.How did thThey ate some food.They drank some drinks.4.What did they eat?5.What did they drink?Listen read and answer the questions:They ate some food.They drank Listen read and answer the questions:6.What did they do?They walked in the park.They listened to music.They sang and danced.They played games.They helped teachers too.Listen read and answer the queTask4:Read the text and fill in the blanks.Last Sunday Sam and Amy _ a picnic.They _there _.They _ some birds.They _ beautifully.They _ some food and _ some drinks.They _ games.They _ in the park.They _ to music.They _ and _.They _ teachers too.They _ a good time.hadwentby bus sangsaw ate drankplayedlistenedsangdancedhelpedhadwalkedTask4:Read the text and fill Task5:Try to retell the text according to the mind map.Sam and Amyhad a picnic went there by saw some ate some and drank some played/walked/listened/sang/danced had a good time/had a busy dayTask5:Try to retell the text Practice:talk about the pictures.Ms Smart went to school on foot.Daming listened to music.Tom ate an apple.Amy went to school by bike.Practice:talk about the pictuHomework 1.熟读课文并能复述课文。熟读课文并能复述课文。2.制作一张出去游玩的海报,并用我制作一张出去游玩的海报,并用我们学的句子描述。们学的句子描述。Homework 1.熟读课文并能复述课文。最新英语外研版小学四年级下册Moudle8U1优质课课件


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