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UNIT 4 Heroes of our time新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案UNIT 4 Heroes of our timen nA hero is a man who does what he can.n n Romain Rollandn nHeroism is latent in every human soul.n n Joshua Lawrence 新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案精品资料Warming-up activities Text study Language application SummaryContents新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案n nNelson MandelaNelson Mandelan n南非人民的自由领袖南非人民的自由领袖 n n反对种族歧视,种族隔离反对种族歧视,种族隔离 Against racial discrimination and segregation Against racial discrimination and segregation Cultural backgroundCultural background新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案What Makes a Hero”Watch a piece of video clip“How do you define a“HERO”?新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案1.What makes a hero in your eyes?Discussions新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案n nA good heart n nThe readiness to lend a hand to people in trouble n nThe courage to risk ones own life to help others in dangern nThe determination to fight for his own country and people1.What makes a hero in your eyes?新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案Heroes among us:最美妈妈吴菊萍新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案“人民大众,原本就是英雄。人民大众,原本就是英雄。”-摘自新华网n n2011年7月2日n n一个2岁女童n n从10楼坠落,n n吴菊萍奋不顾身n n用左臂接住孩子n n目前女童已脱离危险。新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案最美工人-郭明义新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案当代雷锋-郭明义n n 2002 2002年,郭明义加入年,郭明义加入中华骨髓库中华骨髓库,成,成为鞍山市第一批捐献造血干细胞为鞍山市第一批捐献造血干细胞 ;n n20062006年,郭明义成为鞍山市第一批年,郭明义成为鞍山市第一批遗遗体体和和眼角膜眼角膜自愿捐献者自愿捐献者 ;n n20082008年,郭明义发起成立了鞍山市第年,郭明义发起成立了鞍山市第一支红十字一支红十字志愿者志愿者服务队、红十字志服务队、红十字志愿者急救队;愿者急救队;n n20092009年以来,他发起成立的遗体年以来,他发起成立的遗体(器器官官)捐献志愿者俱乐部,已有捐献志愿者俱乐部,已有200200多名多名矿业职工和社会人士参与。矿业职工和社会人士参与。新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案最美学生-2004感动中国人物新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案最美学生-徐本禹n n放弃所有,作志愿者到贵州大方县支教,带给孩子们知识和快乐。新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案最美教师 王绪前老师n n把自己的一生奉献给学生们,奉献给讲台:新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案Critical thinkingCritical thinkingMain idea&structureMain idea&structureLanguage focusLanguage focus Text studyHeroes among usSection A 新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案Example 1(civilian heroes)QuestionExample 2(First responder heroes)Conclusion Structure of the text新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案What question does the author raise afterwards?(Para.1)Main idea&structureMain idea&structureWho are the heroes among us?新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案Part I (Para.1)Today the word“hero”becomes more _ common _ and is used to refer to both _victims_ and survivors of all kinds of difficulties and tragedies.新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案TipsTipsPara 2:_,who ran through danger in a mass shooting and saved the life of his boss and friend,Gabrielle Giffords.Para 3:_,who saved his wife by shielding her from the hail of bullets in the mass shooting.What examples of heroic deeds does the author provide in Para.2 and 3?新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案What conclusion does the author draw from the two examples?(Para.4)They are civilian heroes.新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案Part II (Paras.2-4)Both Daniel and Dory are civilian heroes as they acted instinctively with _ courage _ and grace_ when situations call for.新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案 Writing Structure (Paras.1-4)QuestionExamples Conclusion 新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案TipsTipsAre first responders considered heroes,too?First responders are also honored as heroes.TipsTips Sergeant Ryan Russell,who tried to stop a drunk driver in a stolen snowplow with only his police car and his good will to help others,and was killed.What is the question raised in Para.5?What is the example of first responders?(Para.6)新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案According to the writer,what were heroes in the past?(Para.7)These people were called heroes because they performed acts of _.TipsTipsextraordinary courage新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案What are heroes nowadays?(Para.8)Nowadays,our heroes are averagemen and women.Comparison and ContrastParagraph 7Paragraph 8新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案Para.III (Paras.5-12)First responders are heroes no matter they succeed in their effort to save people or get injured or killed in their efforts.新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案Question:Do first responders who fail to achieve their goals in their efforts become heroes?(Para.9)Example:Eleanor McMahon was sure that Sgt.Russell was indeed a hero because he showed courage when trying hard to stop the snowplow before it hurt others.She strongly argued:Its natural for civilians to rush toward safety and away from danger.But heroes of first responders rush toward danger to help those in need.(Paras.10-11)Conclusion:We expect first responders to rush forward,especially when we or our loved ones are in danger.So when they die doing that,we should recognize their heroic efforts.(Para.12)新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案The stories of heroes help remind us that ordinary people can do extraordinary things and,being inspired by them,we can also be heroes when circumstances call on us to act heroically.Para.IV (Para.13)新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案apply pressure to/on 给给施加压力施加压力You can apply pressure on the injury to make the blood bleed slower.你可以按压伤口让血流的慢些。新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案shield sb.from sth.使使 免受免受 It is the duty of servicemen to shield their country from invasion.保护祖国不受侵略是军人的职责。新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案be/get caught up in 卷入;陷入卷入;陷入 The safety of those students caught up in the demonstration must be guaranteed.那些被卷入游行示威的学生的安全必须得到保证。新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案reserve sth.for sb./sth.保留;预留保留;预留This question must be reserved for further discussion.这个问题必须留待进一步讨论。新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案relate to sth./sb.理解;认同,理解;认同,有关有关(job application/reject/be frustrated/relate to)I know he was very frustrated when his job application was rejected.I can relate to that.我知道他的求职申请被拒后他很沮丧。我能理解他的感受。新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案make sense of sth理解,理解,明白明白I cant make any sense of his giving up the competition at the last minute.我无法搞懂他为什么在最后一刻放弃比赛。新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案give authority to sb.授权授权The contract gives authority to research members to use anything in the laboratory.合同授权研究人员使用实验室里的任何东西。新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案count on sb./sth.依靠;指望依靠;指望(count on/foreign aid/relieve/famine)They decided not to count on foreign aid to relieve the famine.他们决定不依靠外援来缓解饥荒。新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案 Functional Functional patternspatterns Functions&Functions&usagesusages1.It used to be that 1.It used to be that 表示与目前表示与目前习惯习惯或情或情况有所不同。况有所不同。2.Sb./Sth.is.So is 2.Sb./Sth.is.So is sb./sth.sb./sth.用于表达用于表达“人或事物的人或事物的相似之相似之处处”。.3 even more.3 even more importantly,importantly,“更更为为重要的是重要的是”。新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案n nThere are the multitudes of men and women whose name never appear in the history books n nthose who marched and those who sang,those who sat in and those who stood firm,新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案n nthose who organized and those who mobilized all those men and women who through countless acts of quiet heroism helped bring about changes few thought were even possible.新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案Writing skill:Question:Where does happiness come from?Factor 1:Ann,a worker of low income,was devoted to the community.Conclusion:Happiness is the result of helping each other.Factor 2:Ann was touched and felt grateful when many people came to help her when she was in trouble.Example:Anns experience with her community members 新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案Structured writingn n Where does happiness come from?Ann Where does happiness come from?Ann was a fulltime worker with a low income,was a fulltime worker with a low income,but she devoted a lot of her time to helping but she devoted a lot of her time to helping people in her community.people in her community.One day,Ann was diagnosed with a One day,Ann was diagnosed with a severe heart disease,but she did not have severe heart disease,but she did not have enough money for treatment.When people enough money for treatment.When people in her community heard the news,they in her community heard the news,they raised money for her and helped take care raised money for her and helped take care of her children.Although Ann was very sick,of her children.Although Ann was very sick,she felt very happy.She had enjoyed she felt very happy.She had enjoyed helping other people,who now in turn were helping other people,who now in turn were happy to help her.happy to help her.n nHappiness is indeed the result of helping Happiness is indeed the result of helping each other.each other.新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案KEYS TO EXERCISEn nWords in useWords in use1 1 involve involve 2 2 fulfilledfulfilledn n3 3 intense intense 4 4 advocateadvocaten n5 5 circumstances circumstances 6 6 respondrespondn n7 7 subsequent subsequent 8 8 confinedconfinedn n9 9 reconciled reconciled 10 10 distinctdistinct新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案Word buildingn n1assistance 2 comparable n n3 attendance 4 engagement n n5 applicable n n6 assigned 7 acceptance n n8 entertain 9 agreeablen n10 sustainable 11 desirable新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案Banked clozen1 L 2 N 3 J 4 F 5 Mn6 C 7 H 8 K 9 A10 E新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案Expressions in usen n1 shield from n n2 make sense of3 called on 4 in need5 are/get caught up in n n6 relate to7 sum up 8 count on9 In her words 10 reserved for新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案Translationn n作为通过中国游历亚洲的首批欧洲人之一,马可作为通过中国游历亚洲的首批欧洲人之一,马可 波罗波罗可能是中国人最熟知的外国商人和航海家。从可能是中国人最熟知的外国商人和航海家。从 1271 1271 年到年到 1295 1295 年,他和他的家人游历广泛,遍及欧洲和年,他和他的家人游历广泛,遍及欧洲和亚洲。亚洲。期间,他在中国留居了期间,他在中国留居了 17 17 年。他的著作马可年。他的著作马可 波罗波罗游记描述了他游历亚洲的旅程,让欧洲人首次全面游记描述了他游历亚洲的旅程,让欧洲人首次全面领略了包括中国、印度和日本在内的远东地区的情况。领略了包括中国、印度和日本在内的远东地区的情况。从他的文字叙述中,西方人第一次了解到瓷器、煤炭、从他的文字叙述中,西方人第一次了解到瓷器、煤炭、火药、印刷术、纸币以及丝绸。在火药、印刷术、纸币以及丝绸。在 15 15 世纪末和世纪末和 16 16 世世纪欧洲发现与征服的大航海时代,马可纪欧洲发现与征服的大航海时代,马可 波罗所记录的波罗所记录的大量新的地理信息得到了广泛使用。在他去世后的这大量新的地理信息得到了广泛使用。在他去世后的这几个世纪里,马可几个世纪里,马可 波罗获得了他在有生之年未曾获得波罗获得了他在有生之年未曾获得的赞誉。马可的赞誉。马可 波罗的故事鼓舞了其他无数的探波罗的故事鼓舞了其他无数的探新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案n nZheng He was the most famous maritime Zheng He was the most famous maritime n nExplorer in Chinese history.In 1405 AD,Explorer in Chinese history.In 1405 AD,n nthe ruler of the Ming Dynasty sent the ruler of the Ming Dynasty sent n nZheng He on a voyage to the Western Zheng He on a voyage to the Western n nSeas in order to strengthen border defense Seas in order to strengthen border defense and develop trade by sea.In the followingand develop trade by sea.In the followingn n 28 years,Zheng He led his fleet,made 28 years,Zheng He led his fleet,made n nseven voyages to the Western Seas with seven voyages to the Western Seas with n nover 100,000 crew members in total,and over 100,000 crew members in total,and visited more than 30 countries and regions.visited more than 30 countries and regions.新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案n n The fleet traveled far into South Asia and The fleet traveled far into South Asia andWest Asia,and made all the way to the West Asia,and made all the way to the continent of Africa.Zheng Hes voyages to continent of Africa.Zheng Hes voyages to the Western Seas were a great feat in the the Western Seas were a great feat in the worlds navigation history.worlds navigation history.n n It showed Zheng Hes outstanding It showed Zheng Hes outstanding navigation and organization talents;navigation and organization talents;meanwhile,it exhibited the national meanwhile,it exhibited the national strength and prestige of the Ming Dynasty,strength and prestige of the Ming Dynasty,and strengthened the relationships and strengthened the relationships between the Ming Dynasty and the between the Ming Dynasty and the overseas countries.overseas countries.新视野第三版第一册新视野第三版第一册 unit4 heroes of our time unit4 heroes of our time 带带答案答案


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