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Warmingup pSkimmingDiggingCriticalthinkingLanguageinuseUnfamiliarwordsInterpretingTalkingpoint THINKINGfor yourself扼族川竭捣搓猜衫抵皿姜惰砰则菌纺茎惜渭毫坛烩艘塑班伍厢忙痰估短疾新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文Warming upSkimmingDiggingCritiWarming up1.Listen and underline any words or expressions which are different from what you hear.Think about it!Here are some tips for students who want to increase their thinking power.The more carefully you think about something,the less interesting it becomes.A university student can learn a lot from TV programmes as well as from teachers.If you take a break when you get stuck on a difficult passage in a book,it may be more difficult to understand when you come back to it.The more carefully you think about something,the less interesting it becomes.(more)A university student can learn a lot from TV programmes as well as from teachers.(other student)If you take a break when you get stuck on a difficult passage in a book,it may be more difficult to understand when you come back to it.(easier)卞馈谱丘籍董型并郴厌啡轻其居谗贩营墅脆彩出罗穆苟兜辊溶踪跺榴甫掀新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文Warming up1.Listen and underl Dont believe anything your teacher says.Be prepared to check the facts.Read your lecture notes again within 24 days.Otherwise they may not make sense to you anymore.If you have any good ideas while you are in the bath,get out and write them down.Otherwise you will forget them.Its important to believe in your own ideas as much as anybody elses.Warming up Dont believe anything your teacher says.Be prepared to check the facts.(everything)Read your lecture notes again within 24 days.(hours)Otherwise they may not make sense to you anymore.If you have any good ideas while you are in the bath,get out and write them down.Otherwise you will forget them.(bed)Its important to believe in your own ideas as much as anybody elses.(more than)囱迟呢贷贯腺卤越搓岿绸蔗李碴沿烁止廖焉剩供壮灿壶橱捉栋母乔粪爬摧新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文 Dont believe anything your Warming up2.Work in pairs and discuss the advice.Decide which tips you agree with,and which you dont.Shorter points on the tips:1st one:The first seems true to me.If you just look at an ant for a moment,it is of little interest,but if you start thinking about how they live,what they do and so on,it gets fascinating,and its like that with most things.2nd one:Though perhaps there is a difference.You are more likely to learn subject knowledge from your teacher and other types of knowledge from friends who have had different experiences of life.3rd one:There is no point in just reading and rereading.You need to go and give your mind a break,and then try again when you feel fresh.著瑰歇匀盖呛主洞卯狂驶裙常心钩梗郸素囱捆碱蚀变识贫咖锁歪箭呻灰罚新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文Warming up2.Work in pairs andWarming up4th one:I think that depends on the sort of thing the teacher says.If a teacher gives you facts about the subject,they are not likely to be wrong;but you can question opinions.5th one:This is very good advice.I wish I took it more often.Some of my notes are like a strange foreign language!6th one:Even better keep a notebook with you all the time.You can put it by the bath as long as you are careful not to get it wet,as well as beside your bed.It is better than getting up and looking around for pen and paper.7th one:Maybe,but there have been plenty of wiser and cleverer people than me so probably I should listen to their opinions first.坝纱褪箩疵恕忆润片索锹踌筒邮湖明至敢驭份陆鸽滦矿霞辞纱鞭溜抡脾连新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文Warming up坝纱褪箩疵恕忆润片索锹踌筒邮湖明至敢驭份Warming upWatch the video and answer some questions.1.What do you think of the teachers in the movie,especially Mr.Keating,the one who teaches poetry?Do you like him?Why or why not?2.How do you understand the saying “Believing everything in books is worse than having no books at all”?震肄烈沾壁搔紊擒刑俱恰台叭畔涵俗方股务播粤窿谭沁茹查猎跌惦散咨嘱新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文Warming upWatch the video and Warming upLook at the title of the passage and answer the questions.1 What is“thinking for yourself”?The main meaning is not simply adopting the opinions of others,but taking the time and effort to form your own opinion,to be an independent thinker.分钓棺雏涂硼惹鼓矩小携敬肌画于侮奢碧氰褒登铰眶掺胃菱瘫福给堑畸超新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文Warming upLook at the title ofWarming up2 Is it important to think for yourself?It is of great importance to think for yourself;you couldnt just simply accept the views of others.But we should also listen to the wiser people,as they tend to advise us according to their deeper experience.歧耕胯县穷仪小惺张寇定程痢恨逢吮降熊霜凝埋呆茧复串祸扑滞随拿漠漓新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文Warming upIt is of great imporWarming up 3 How do you learn to think for yourself?One way is,on any question,to try to think about different points of view.This means you do not just accept an idea but test it against others and only adopt it if it seems the best one to you.滇迟覆物悠犊植掇啸扭碾润嚎助钱驴辆污藤傍渴北卉南球仆让涣炒襟轨哄新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文Warming upOne way is,on any qWarming up 4 Is it possible to teach someone to think for themselves?Yes,it is possible but not easy.It has to be a process.I think it comes slowly when students,with the encouragement of teachers,learn to challenge themselves in a stimulating environment.One day they will find themselves actually thinking for themselves.If the teacher praises them for this,it will strengthen the habit.议毙莫淄榨录督椒稀竖萤昏颊厂擒成舀遭麦踞稼仑丸卯亩卧就龟没跟蚌越新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文Warming up Yes,it is possSkimming Browse the passage within 8 minutes to get a rough idea about it.Choose the best answer to the questions on page 4.TaskTask1 Why does the writer believe thinking for oneself is not popular?(a)Because it takes too much time.(b)Because institutions dont like it.(c)Because it doesnt lead to progress.(d)Because only a few people are able to do it.Answer:(b)鸳犹矾愈揽隙其娟洋以谗递悼畸弗蔡恳侈粳锰勋精析救硫番乔瑶苑捡姻吐新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文Skimming Browse the passage wSkimming2 How often are people interested in what other people think according to the writer?(a)Always.(b)Often.(c)Hardly ever.(d)Never.Answer:(c)嚎靴摄楞壳铁皮臃煮怕淫育栓同雄洒竣胰步武镣瘫唆馏涧狱灸每榴菊纸娱新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文Skimming2 How often are peopleSkimming3 Who first made the writer realize that thinking for oneself is important?(a)The manager of an oil company.(b)The writers parents.(c)The writers maths teacher.(d)The writers friend Sarah.Answer:(c)证括寇析甥珊柔霸铲坡以财循覆是势吮摄饺误吗云妖俄哼莹菊燎郑垢霖苟新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文Skimming3 Who first made the wSkimming4 How did the writer feel when she was asked to write“the sum of a number”?(a)Pleased,because it was an easy question to answer.(b)Bored,because she wasnt interested in maths.(c)Worried,because she was the only one who didnt know the answer.(d)Confused,because she didnt understand the question.Answer:(d)环剖笨篙粪樱舌岂峙浴呢箔投途缎买柔迟厘矽赂余是位屡护识蹄肥填酋箩新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文Skimming4 How did the writer fSkimming5 What did the writer do in the end?(a)She copied what someone else wrote.(b)She suddenly realized the meaning of the question.(c)She felt too frightened to write an answer.(d)She asked the teacher to explain.Answer:(a)梗历曲练升乒四驴滤殃溉访啄利冰菊洗淋钻萄栅泪耸办帜粳册蚂靴植盼羔新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文Skimming5 What did the writer Skimming6 What does the writer think of the maths teacher?(a)She was the best teacher she ever had.(b)She was the worst teacher she ever had.(c)She taught her an important lesson.(d)She valued the intelligence of her pupils.Answer:(c)叁梦震杰涂驯靶擞扣稗欠莫屋喧乙资唁侧忠蝇卞垮鸦峡绞霄谜茨门图蹦系新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文Skimming6 What does the writer Think for yourself 1 Thinking for yourself is still a radical act.译文译文DiggingMP3徐怯诽掇搭耘糕缄神捂蛙毗乓状盏彤曲眶荐挑远以陋寸曝袁女北鹤稗鸣条新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文 Think for yourself译文DiggingMP2 Thinking for yourself is not a popularactivity,though it should be.Every step ofreal progress in our society has come from it.But in most circles,particularly in places thatshape our lives families,schools and mostworkplaces thinking for yourself is regardedwith suspicion.Some institutions thwart it onpurpose.It can be seen as dangerous.MP3Digging抽瞎角洛遏研牺派蓝柿慧仁猿涉豫奎狞骡获喇床州家栏敝垢耗翘堵浆襄勋新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文MP3Digging抽瞎角洛遏研牺派蓝柿慧仁猿涉豫奎狞骡获喇3 I was reminded of this sad fact at a partywhen a fellow guest asked me the subject of a book I was planning to write.I told him that it was about how people can help each other to think for themselves.“Oh dear,”he said,“I dont think much of that;I much prefer people do as theyre told.”I later found out that he is the fourth-generation president of one of the largest oil companies.译文译文MP3Digging民半棚嫡幸斧庶灯吓死袭谁劲霹募酒抉端嫩檀菱羚断胁给脚毕剂厄姥徊毖新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文3 I was reminded of this sad 4 When was the last organizational vision statement you saw that included the words“to develop ourselves into a model environment in which everyone at every level can think for themselves”?For that matter,when was the last time somebody asked you,“What do you really think,really?”and then waited for you to answer at length?译文译文MP3Digging额碗嗅影氏营铁罪嘎拓贮掘彭晦复愿束抢汀居脖陀谴傻佑践滤撇馏湖慷炙新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文4 When was the last5 This dearth should not surprise us.Hardly anyone has been encouraged,much less trained,to think for themselves,and their teachers and parents and bosses werent either.And neither were theirs.(We may have learned to revere thinkers like Socrates,but we also learned that the state poisoned him for thinking for himself:not unmitigated encouragement.)译文译文MP3Digging禽灵据荡妆抨桂焕法梧狱洗酒域文殿负助悟曳开趾蚤召趋芯潞期叶利魏沦新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文5 This dearth should not surpr6 Occasionally,however,we do have a teacher or mentor who truly wants us todevelop our own thinking.They give us glimpses.When I was 13 years old,I wasput into an advanced algebra course.On thefirst day the teacher,who was maligned bystudents as a hard teacher because she triedto get them to think,stood in front of theblackboard and said,“On the paper in frontof you write the sum of a number.”译文译文MP3Digging便泣涌凭敢混把毁禄猴祁菌汤秤卖铆陕沟耕毯叫躇卒攘侦奈鬃钡节赫梗牙新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文6 Occasionally,however,we d7 The entire class of 35 pubescent people just stared at her.She repeated the direction,“Write the sum of a number.”译文译文MP3Digging悲哆花肯啤忙蜕助玩冗傀丹饥迂摊本疏羽腮柴馈轧谍闽式行敛咋矮竟胳锨新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文7 The entire class of 35 pube译文译文MP3Digging8 I remember my hand gathering sweat around the pencil.A few heads looked down and their pencils started up.I wondered what in the world they were writing.I saw the girl across the aisle from me lean forward and peer over the shoulder of the boy in front of her who was scribbling something.Then she scratched a figure and immediately covered it with her hand.直傈奴诫舒鼓伯岳劈掌揭油酗严琼授秆苞切菊郑厌照最涪潭遗菜圾垛获格新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文译文MP3Digging8 I remember my h9 The teacher paced and rubbed the chalk between her fingers.I wondered what she was about to put on the board.I was now the only one not writing.I leaned back and over my left shoulder whispered to my friend,“What is it?”译文译文MP3Digging耻墩代韦饶两顺鸥饮恢成惋林瘦竭华妖冉廊透横上砧唯况丫栖无涌凑华锁新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文9 The teacher paced and rubbe10 “Seven,”she whispered back.MP3Digging沉免欠沂福记细俞胸菏宣懦跟困疾职邹蕾户茂睬丛铰逸辽吴迅喘屑罗殃担新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文10 “Seven,”she whispered bac 11 So I wrote“7”on my paper.I kept my head down,hoping I looked busy and confident.MP3伯廓鸭厘椽咳引殷宠沈梁兼呛晓蕊己酣貌甄携保晴意猴临僻岛请朽闹那倒新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文 11 So I wrote“7”on my paMP3Digging12 After the agony among us had become tactile,the teacher asked us for our answers.The number 7 was prevalent.She walked slowly over to the board and wrote:“There is no such thing as the sum of a number.”侥郊立乞腕瑞谊雇盐惹通坠肉纷县侈瞻客障永银顿展你倒琳厦酶卡随瑶帛新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文MP3Digging12 After the agony MP3Digging13 I knew that.14 Why didnt you write it?15 Sarah said it was 7.16 Why did you ask her?17 Because I dont know.18 Thats right.From now on,think for yourself.宣逾块怕呛旗阅搅肺烈笛幼水绸挟尿尧淆卷济台盅朽舰屠屏圃凹尘胺酸潘新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文MP3Digging13 I knew that.宣逾块怕Digging19 I was too scared around that teacher for the rest of my young life to think very well in her presence.But I took the message with me and gradually examined and valued it.MP3吾挣锹茁锭笑琶巍效赐前季把鹰熄耍叛维蜕僚奖肺往弯泞累迁屹寇缨满签新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文Digging19 I was too scared arDiggingI dont recommend humiliating people into thinking for themselves as she had.She certainly did not create a Thinking Environment for us.Had she affirmed our intelligence first and spoken about the joy of thinking for ourselves,had she not fanned our fear of her,we would all have learned even more powerfully what it meant to do our thinking.And we might have been able to think well around her too.MP3侩扭容号慑雌组千伪瞄圣撂莎酮琶云签躇楞傣亭嘴滞戎憋患马亮涧克员夜新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文DiggingI dont recommend humilDiggingMain idea of the text20 But at least she introduced the concept into my academic life.MP3汐店泥绽滞亚手郁苞啤焊怠冕竟狗邵岳昼盼界识催帘锤羡普熏紫篆豁监翠新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文DiggingMain idea of the text201 Thinking for yourself is still a radical act.(Para 1)The word“still”shows the writers impatience after all this time we are still thinking like sheep(盲目从众、没有主见的人)and following what everyone else does or thinks.Difficult sentences 训睦拳揭软渐堤蔷偏纶拴伍绞吻芬慢雌汛赎蔬护栅嚣恳讫共赶辨洛桩均僵新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文1 Thinking for yourself is stDifficult sentences 2 particularly in places that shape our lives families,schools and most workplaces thinking for yourself is regarded with suspicion.(Line 4,Para 2)The idea behind this sentence is that our lives are significantly influenced by places or social institutions like the family,school or workplace.For example,parents tend to make life choices for their children,schools make students wear uniform and obey the teacher,and most companies want their workers to follow regular procedures and not to express their opinions.久真让呻蚂捷跺啄哺汛还诬惊硒舷剂损巳拜猿剿倘杜卿拓倡抄些墙疽茹包新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文Difficult sentences 2 parThe writer was shocked that a person in such a senior position should have such an opinion and prefer obedient employees to thoughtful ones.Difficult sentences 3 I later found out that he is the fourth-generation president of one of the largest oil companies.(Line 7,Para 3)谬纸弊壳睫绎怕慢膜凡莱怪必秀荒芹羚毡梁拾膏问狐品涯爸捻萍团禾吾蝶新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文The writer was shocked that a The answer expected is that it is very rare for vision statements to say such things,even though the writer thinks it is what every organization should be aiming at.Difficult sentences 4When was the last organizational vision statement you saw that included the words?5 (Line 1,Para 4)哺侩良品兢揍领姬弊阴尽窜奋隶按姥澎俊氰性谚肝佯淫泊涟卸铅电入倚拱新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文The answer expected is that itThis is an example of irony:The expression is far too mild;clearly killing someone,ie Socrates,is very powerful discouragement to others who intend to follow him.not unmitigated encouragement:not a completely good encouragementDifficult sentences 5 (We may have learned to revere thinkers like Socrates,but we also learned that the state poisoned him for thinking for himself:not unmitigated encouragement.)(Line 5,Para 5)韧钝两禄尉弛熊欣蜗阻戏司妇绎耽丝扭衣朔蔫彤佬洱盒栈甭攀磕像阔凛电新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文This is an example of irony:TThe rather strange alliterative(头韵的)expression“pubescent people”instead of the more normal“teenagers”adds a touch of humour.Difficult sentences 6 The entire class of 35 pubescent people just stared at her.(Line 1,Para 7)如抽纤恃壮曹殉抖裁玉卓烯释穷亚僵稗悠晕滔裳烤剧抛瞬宝魏位铸唇绎酥新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文The rather strange alliterativThe teacher drew out the event,creating suspense,and at that moment the tension in the classroom could even be touched.This is an exaggeration as agony cannot actually be touched,though sometimes physical symptoms are visible,eg sweating when strained.Difficult sentences 7 After the agony among us had become tactile,(Line 1,Para 12)袖絮梯骚藏臂藏陌虐测曹臻淑橇嫁爸跺捕输哑范柜享荤贫枣蛋钒韦裹步纹新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文The teacher drew out the eventNote the absence of quotation marks.This dialogue is not between the child and teacher but in the childs head.Difficult sentences 8 I knew that.(Para 13)翘晾藕娘嫁酿扩纂吗熄喂立鹏论皿襟骂嚎均讣台劳闪吾逼拇尼士吧限恤臼新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文Note the absence of quotation Unfortunately,the teachers lesson did not really work at the time because her approach made the students so afraid of her that their brains would not work properly in her presence.for the rest of my young life:It refers to the time the writer spent at that school.Difficult sentences 9 I was too scared around that teacher for the rest of my young life to think very well in her presence.(Line 1,Para 19)卉孔朽乱上距饮境撮迁慨娟幅基翟蔑厅贰植颐拯疲近忙操扭己帛嘿矿疽惊新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文Unfortunately,the teachers la Thinking Environment:It is an important concept in Nancy Klines book;it refers to an organizational atmosphere which makes people feel comfortable about thinking about their work and goals.Difficult sentences 10 She certainly did not create a Thinking 11 Environment for us.(Line 6,Para 19)耙煮厦郭源镀抢鲁路釉笆潘裕吐晓啄忍办柏衡矩氮催气党拉深持淄族沈钓新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文a Thinking Environment:It is It is a metaphor derived from fanning a fire/flame.The teacher did give them a valuable lesson but its impact was lessened by her also increasing students fear of her.Difficult sentences 11 had she not fanned our fear of her (Line 9,Para 19)歌檄驾敷植度忌蕉码肛球烷渴幸刃残炼勇疑刃耙短蔬赫舵硷收剂埃误艳和新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文It is a metaphor derived from radical释义释义a.radical opinions or acts are based on the belief that important political or social changes are necessary 激进的;极端的例句例句His radical ideas are likely to produce fireworks at the meeting.他的激进思想很可能在会上引起激烈的争论。翻译翻译Words例句例句翻译翻译I never dared be radical when young for fear it would make me conservative when old.我年轻时从来不敢激进,因为害怕年老时那会使我保守。狱缺艰甲膳雇滞迢铡递竞芥淤流咳呻徐僚疵壶姨烂奔嘉撼掘胎岗婶讳狡傅新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文radical释义a.radical opinions particularly释义释义ad.used for emphasizing that something refers especially to one specific person,thing,or situation 尤其例句例句The environment has become a major political issue,particularly in the past decade.环境保护已成为了一个主要的政治问题,尤其是在过去10年里。翻译翻译Words真题真题The automobile is losing its emotional appeal,particularly among the young,who prefer to spend their money on the latest electronic devices.(Jun.2009,CET-4,Vocabulary and structure)问莎笨现统熙引速机时查抽琼畏吃忍撼蓉杀柳离敌痪无丰撩停二掘贫圃貌新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文particularly释义ad.used for empsuspicion释义释义n.U a feeling that you do not trust someone or something 不信任;猜疑 例句例句Refugees tend to be treated with suspicion.难民常会遭人猜疑。翻译翻译Words例句例句New people in our town were regarded with suspicion.我们镇上的人对新来的人存有戒备心。翻译翻译墙赊开知匿魏勺没搏逼炊潭壁龟鹊掘贱渣诗哗屠遥乎娟竞短锚裁乔辱冶眉新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文suspicion释义n.U a feeling thsuspicion释义释义n.C a feeling that someone has done something wrong(对某人做错事的)怀疑,猜疑,疑心例句例句She had a suspicion that Mr Engel was not being completely honest.她怀疑恩格尔先生没有完全说实话。翻译翻译Words真题真题Imagine that someone in your neighborhood broke the law,and the judge put the whole neighborhood under suspicion.(Dec.2010,CET-4,Listening Comprehension)例句例句Her suspicions were aroused by the smell of perfume on his clothes.他衣服上的香水味引起了她的怀疑。翻译翻译塌咱瑶炎汾笔再钟毙亿债挥惩掳女窖嚏门样潍壮筏权队藕卢互杏逝琶胚堡新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文suspicion释义n.C a feeling th释义释义 例句例句They argue for the reform of existing political institutions.他们认为要改革现有的政治机构。翻译翻译Wordsn.C a large organization 社会机构,组织institutionAnd in the United States,institutions are helping place students in summer internships(实习)abroad to prepare them for global careers.(Dec.2007,CET-4,Skimming and Scanning)真题真题 例句例句That is a charitable institution for the education of young children.那是个从事儿童教育的慈善团体。翻译翻译爵轴恃腮邀赎锯之核懒宾敬佑抗醚刚颜誓锗瘩识捎粱尊廖们萎核蔫檄盗戮新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文新视界大学英语综合教程2第1单元答案及译文释义 例句They argue for the reformsubject释义释义n.C an idea,problem,situation etc that you discuss or write a


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