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新职业英语土建专业类英语Unit2土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsWarming-upReading AListeningSpeaking4123Reading B5Writing6Vocabulary and Structure8Self-evaluation7Grammar9The Greatest Building 10土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsTask 1Task 2土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsTask 1Complete the terms according to their Chinese meanings.The first letters are already given.artiesonstructionaymentupplyodificationompletionlaimsTEAMS IN CONSTRUCTON CONTRACTS合同各方的责任General responsibilities of the p_勘察、设计、施工和监理Survey,design,c_ and oversight设计费和交付办法Design fee and its p_材料和设备的提供S_ of materials and equipment设计的修改Design m_项目完成和终结Project c_and settlement争端、违约与赔付Disputes,breach of contract and c_土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsTask 2 Match the phrases with their Chinese equivalents.1.legal representative2.loans3.credit record4.authorized person5.main supplier 6.subcontractor7.remedial works8.labor cost A.贷款B.信用记录C.主要供应商D.法人代表E.修补工作F.全权代理人G.人工成本H.次承包商土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading ATask 1TextTask 2Task 3Task 4土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing Contracts1.What is the purpose of a companys logo?2.What makes a logo design company different from others?Reading ATask 1Before reading the passage,see how much you know about pre-qualification and bidding by answering the following questions.土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsPre-qualification and Bidding Before making a bid,a contractor will complete all pre-qualification procedures.Reading A土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading A The contractor will have to be able to raise loans and this will require him to have a good credit rating with the banks.He will have to be able to guarantee the provision of electrical and mechanical plant for the construction process.He will also have to identify and guarantee suitable employees such as technicians,management staff and skilled workers.Documentation will have to be developed to record activity and effect relevant correspondence.All legal documentation will have to be approved by regulators.土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading A After the pre-qualification documents have been examined,the contractor can enter the next stagethe bidding for the project.The bidding documents usually comprise four parts:Letter of agreement Construction method statement Quality and safety programs Bill of quantities土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading A Letter of agreement is a promise made by the contractor to the local authority and regulators.In it,there are clauses about the total initial price,the commencement and completion dates,and the maintenance period.It must be signed by the legal representative of the contractor.土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading A Construction method statement may consist of:a description of how the construction will be done,the schedule,site organization charts,information about key personnel,charts showing how the site will be used during the construction process,utility charts,lists of main suppliers and subcontractors.土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading A Quality and safety programs contain themeasures to be taken to ensure health andsafety on the site as well as all test reports.Acontractor will be expected to develop rules toensure health and safety of all his employeesduring the construction process according to the government and agency regulations.土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading A Bill of quantities.Each unit price includes both direct costs and indirect costs.Direct costs refer to the cost of materials,labor and machinery,while the indirect costs include office fees,camp costs,transportation expenses for workers,insurance.土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading A The bidding procedure is expected to be carried out under principles of openness,fairness,justice,honesty and credit worthiness.土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading A 资格预审和投标资格预审和投标 在投标前,承包商应该先通过所有的资格在投标前,承包商应该先通过所有的资格预审程序。预审程序。土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading A 承包商应有能力融资,这就要求他在在银行中承包商应有能力融资,这就要求他在在银行中有良好的信用等级。他必须能够保证在项目进行过有良好的信用等级。他必须能够保证在项目进行过程中提供电力和机械设备,也能确保由合适的人员程中提供电力和机械设备,也能确保由合适的人员担任技术专家、管理人员和技术工人。开发文件资担任技术专家、管理人员和技术工人。开发文件资料用以记录活动和促进通信联系。所有的法律文件料用以记录活动和促进通信联系。所有的法律文件需经过审批。需经过审批。土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading A 经过对资格预审文件的审查,承包商可以进经过对资格预审文件的审查,承包商可以进入下一阶段,即项目投标。投标文件通常包括四入下一阶段,即项目投标。投标文件通常包括四个部分:个部分:协议书协议书 施工方法说明书施工方法说明书 质量和安全保证计划书质量和安全保证计划书 工程量清单工程量清单土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading A 协议书是由承包商向当地政府和监管机构所作的协议书是由承包商向当地政府和监管机构所作的承诺。其中包括初始总价格、开工和完工日期以及维承诺。其中包括初始总价格、开工和完工日期以及维护期的内容。它必须由承包商的法人代表签署。护期的内容。它必须由承包商的法人代表签署。土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading A 施工方法说明书通常包括:施工方法说明、施工方法说明书通常包括:施工方法说明、施工进度、现场组织结构图,重要人员信息、施施工进度、现场组织结构图,重要人员信息、施工过程中的工地规划表、水电力需求图表、主要工过程中的工地规划表、水电力需求图表、主要供应商和分包商名单等。供应商和分包商名单等。土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading A 质量和安全保证计划书主要包括工地的安全质量和安全保证计划书主要包括工地的安全保障措施以及所有的测试报告。承包商根据政府保障措施以及所有的测试报告。承包商根据政府机构的相关法规,保障施工过程中工人的健康和机构的相关法规,保障施工过程中工人的健康和安全,从而制定计划。安全,从而制定计划。土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading A 工程量清单。单位价格由直接成本和间接成本两工程量清单。单位价格由直接成本和间接成本两方面组成。直接成本是指原材料成本、劳动力成本和方面组成。直接成本是指原材料成本、劳动力成本和设备成本,而间接成本包括办公费用、场地费用、工设备成本,而间接成本包括办公费用、场地费用、工人的保险和交通费用等。人的保险和交通费用等。土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading A投标程序应在公开、公平、公正和诚信的原则下进行。投标程序应在公开、公平、公正和诚信的原则下进行。土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing Contractsraisee.g.1.These young students are raising money for charity.学生们正在为基金会筹集善款。2.The general raised a vast army.将军召集起一支庞大的军队。v.筹款,征集人员Reading A土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading Aguaranteev.保证,担保e.g.1.Because it is raining cats and dogs,we cannot guarantee the trains arrive in time.因为外面正下倾盆大雨,所以我们不能保 证火车准点到达。2.The authorities can not guarantee the safety of the ambassadors.当局无法保证大使们的安全。土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading Aprovisionn.供应,供给,提供e.g.1.The government is responsible for the provision of health care.政府有提供健康保障的责任。2.Women would welcome the provision of children facilities at work places so as to take care of their babies.妇女们都欢迎在工作场所提供儿童保育设 施来照顾她们的孩子。土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading Aeffectv.使发生,产生e.g.1.The leaders are making efforts to effect a reconciliation between the warring factions.领导们努力使交战各派达成和解。2.They hope to effect a reconciliation.他们希望能达成和解。土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading Aexaminev.(仔细地)检查,审查e.g.1.The research examined the effects of alcohol on long-term memory.这项研究检验了酒精对于长时记忆的影响。2.After examining the evidence,the police found no truth in these claims.检查过证据后,警察发现这些说法都不成立。土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading Aqualityn.质,质量,品质e.g.1.The reason for the popularity of their products is the high quality.他们的产品广受欢迎的原因是因为质量好。2.The air quality affects peoples health.空气的质量会影响人们的健康。Useful Expressions:high quality=very good 高质量的,优质的土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading Aquantityn.数量e.g.1.Usually,paint is much cheaper when bought in quantity.通常如果购买大量颜料要便宜得多。2.Your work has improved in quantity and quality.你的作业在数量上和质量上都有所提高。土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading Aauthorityn.当权者;当局,官方e.g.1.I have to report this to the authorities.我得向官方报告这件事。2.America police are cooperating with the British authorities.美国警方正在和英国当局合作。土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading Acommencementn.开始,开端e.g.1.Passengers must put out cigarettes before the commencement of the flight.乘客必须在起飞之前灭掉烟。2.Lawyers must know the commencement of the proceedings.律师必须了解诉讼程序的开始。土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading Amaintenancen.保养,维修e.g.1.Our old house needs a lot of maintenance.我们的老房子需要好好维修一下了。2.Im going to classes in car maintenance.我要去上汽车维修课。土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading Aconsist of 由组成,由构成e.g.1.Its a simple dish to prepare,consisting mainly of rice and vegetables.需要准备的菜很简单,主要是由米饭和蔬菜。2.The city of New York consists of five boroughs.纽约由五个行政区组成。土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading Apersonneln.全体职员e.g.1.The sales personnel are the most important in this trade company.在贸易公司中,销售工作人员是最重要的。2.New personnel are needed for our operations in the Middle East.我们需要新的雇员来经营我们在中东的业务。土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading Asuppliern.供应人,供应商e.g.1.Ill contact the suppliers and see if I can get the paint you want by Friday.我要跟供应商联系一下看能否在周五拿到你需 要的颜料。2.We are expecting a delivery from the suppliers.我们在等供应商送货给我们。土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading Aensurev.确保,保证e.g.1.You need to ensure the safety of the children.你要保证孩子们的安全。2.All the necessary steps had been taken to ensure the success of the process.已采取所有必要的措施以确保过程的顺利进 行。土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading Aagencyn.代办处,代理处,经销处,中介处e.g.1.You can book the tickets at local travel agencies.你得在当地的旅行社订票。2.He got his job through an employment agency.他是通过职业介绍所找到工作的。土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading Aindirectadj.间接引致的e.g.1.Indirect effects of the fighting include disease and food shortages.由斗争引起的间接影响包括疾病和食物短缺。2.The accident was an indirect result of the train being late.这次事故是火车晚点间接造成的。土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing Contractscarry out实行,进行,执行e.g.1.The hospital is carrying out tests to find out whats wrong with her.医院正在给她做检查来找出她的病因。2.They are carrying out urgent repairs in the rain.他们正在雨中进行抢修。Reading A土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading Ajusticen.正义,公平,公正,合理e.g.1.There were no justice in the world when poor people were treated like slaves.穷人被当作奴隶是不公平的。2.Sometimes I wonder if theres any justice in the society.有时我真怀疑社会上还有没有正义。土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading Adocumentationn.总称 文件证据,文献资料e.g.1.Please bring all the documentation to me tomorrow.请你明天把所有的文献资料给我带来。2.If we want to win the debate,we must give detailed and complete documentation.我们要想赢得这场辩论,就必须拿出详尽完整的文 件证据。土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading Aelectricaladj.用电的,电气的e.g.1.I think theres an electrical fault.我认为是电力出了故障。2.The fire was caused by an electrical fault.这场大火是由于电力故障引起的。土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading Amechanicaladj.机械的e.g.1.The pump shut off as a result of a mechanical failure.由于机械故障,泵停住了。2.The electrical and mechanical faults lead to the accident.电力和机械故障导致了这次事故。土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsParagraph _Paragraph _Paragraph _Paragraph _Paragraph _Paragraph _Paragraph _Reading ATask 2Read the passage and decide which paragraph talks about each of the topics in the box below.37861-245Four parts of bidding documentsBill of quantitiesBidding principlesQuality and safety programsPre-qualification proceduresLetter of agreementConstruction method statement土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading ATask 3Complete the following sentences with words or phrases from the passage.1.As an initial part of a selection process,_ (资格预审)is needed to assess the capabilities and current capacity of a bidder.2.It is vital to check the credentials of any _(法人代表)on the other side.pre-qualificationlegal representative土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading A3.We will send your_(协议书)to the school you have attended in order to ask for your academic information.4.Now we have presented our main comments on your_(施工方案),and we hope that you will resubmit your revised method statements to us on the basis of our comments in a week.5.A(n)_(工程量清单)compounds labor and material costs by combing them into a single rate that is then adjusted in regard to material quantities.letter of agreementconstruction method statementbill of quantities土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading ATask 4Read the passage again and answer the following questions.1.During the pre-qualification procedure,what should a contractor do?The contractor should raise loans,guarantee the provision of electric and mechanical plant,identify and guarantee suitable employees,develop relevant documents and the documentation must be approved by regulators.2.How many bidding documents are needed for a construction project and what are they?The bidding documents comprise four parts:letter of agreement,construction method statement,quality and safety programs,and bill of quantities.土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading A3.What document involves the measures to be taken for safety?Quality and safety programs.4.What are the principles of a bidding procedure for a construction project?Openness,fairness,justice,honesty and credit worthiness.土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsListeningTask 2Task 3Task 4Task 1土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsListeningTask 1 Andy,Wang Hong and Dillion are in a meeting.Listen to the conversation and matchthe people with the correct information.CEO of the Dongfang Power Station Consultant Engineer with the Dongfang Power Station Contractor Representative for Civil Works,CFSC Corporation土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsListeningTask 1Task 1 ScriptScript 土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsListeningTask 2 Listen to the conversation in Task 1 again and tick the items mentioned.BiddingContractPre-qualification documentsLetter of agreementProposalsConstruction siteInitial capitalPre-qualification procedures土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsListeningTask 3 Wang Hong and Dillion are talking about thecontract.Listen to the conversationand fill in the blanks with what you hear.Dillion:Ms.Wang,today I want to discuss both the price and terms of the contract.Ms.Wang:Good.Id like the price to be 1_ before we sign the contract.Dillion:Yes,of course.And how about the other terms?Do you have anything to 2 _?Ms.Wang:Well,it is normal practice for a percentage of the contract value,say 3 _,to be paid first to the contractor for the purchase of building materials.fixedchange or add10%土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsListening Dillion:Personally,I think contractors should 4_ themselves.Ms.Wang:Im afraid not.On our last project,we were paid first.Dillion:In that case,I will have to 5_.Can we discuss it again later?raise the fundstake advice土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsListeningTask 3Task 3 ScriptScript 土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsListeningTask 4Listen to the conversation and decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F).FTFT1.Ms.Wang and Dillion have previous agreement on only two main issues,the provider of construction materials and remedial work needed.2.They mainly talk about the additional fee to pay for any remedial work this time.3.They have agreed to sign a document about the additional costs right now.4.They are going to talk about quality and safety control next.土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsListeningTask 4Task 4 ScriptScript 土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsSpeakingTask 2Task 3Task 4Task 1土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsSpeakingTask 1 Work by yourself.Read the following expressions and learn them by heart.Asking for OpinionsGiving OpinionsWhats your idea of?As far as Im concerned,Do you think?It would seem to me thatHow do you feel about?From my point of view,I was wondering whats your opinion of?Personally,I thinkWhat about?As far as Im able to judge,Whats your opinion of?Well,as I see it,土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsSpeakingTask 2 Work in pairs.Read the example and pay attention to the underlined expressions.Then use the expressions listed in Task 1 to make more conversations.Example:A:Hi,Mr.Gao,Nice to meet you again.How about your business trip?B:Frankly,I think Paris is the best city.Very glad to come back to work.A:What about your contract with CCTB Company?B:Pretty good.As far as Im able to judge,it would be a promising project,but personally,I think I need more information to decide whether we can move to the next stage,the tendering stage.土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsSpeakingA:Thats all we can get at the moment.Since we have had business relationship with this company before and also this company is a famous construction firm in Sichuan Province,do you think we still need proceed to the pre-qualification of this company?B:Im afraid there is no exception for any firm.土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsSpeakingTask 3 Work in pairs.Practice making a conversation according to the instructions below.SecretaryManagerGreet.Greet and inquire about the contract.Report the progress.Ask about the cost(labor,materials,etc.).Inform the estimated costand ask for the managerspersonal opinion.Express hope to cut the cost.Understand and promiseto work on that.Show gratitude.土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsSpeakingSampleA:Good morning,Mr.Jefferson.B:Hi,Mary.Id like to know about our contract with CCTB Company.How is everything going?A:It goes on smoothly.As soon as the feasibility study was completed last June,we have a site investigation,which has specified the details of the contract.B:So what about the cost on labor and building materials?A:Actually,the prices of building materials are rising steadily recently and maybe we need more budgets.B:Thats too bad.But I do hope that you can negotiate with the suppliers so as to keep the cost within the budget.A:I understand.I will try my best to get the lowest prices as possible.B:Great.Thanks for your hard work.土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsSpeakingTask 4 Work in groups.Discuss whether the contract should be signed or not under each situation below.No.SituationsSignNot Sign1The bank statement of the contractor is missing.2The initial contract price is written in capital letters.3The dates for commencement and for completion havenot been specified.4The construction schedule is up to changes.5The main supplier of construction materials and the subcontractor are brothers.6The insurance is not covered in the bill of quantities.7A third party is involved by providing constructionequipment.8The key persons information remains a secret.土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading BTask 1Task 2TextTask 3 土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading BContractParty A:Hongda Construction Company Party B:Southeast Polytechnic UniversityContract Ref.No.:No.98883Date:Jan 6th,2009Signed at:The Peace Hotel,Shanghai土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading B This contract made by and between Hongda Construction Company(hereinafter referred to as Party A)and Southeast Polytechnic University(hereinafter referred to as Party B)is for building and finishing a library for Party B(the building hereinafter is referred to as the said building).The said building is of the following dimensions,with reinforced concrete,bricks,stones and other materials,as are described in plans and specifications.土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading B In consideration of the foregoing,Par ty B shall,for itself and its legal representatives,promise to pay Party A the sum of 1,000,000(one million)yuan in manner as follows:250,000(two hundred and fifty thousand)yuan at the beginning of the said work;250,000(two hundred and fifty thousand)yuan on Mar 21st,2009;250,000(two hundred and fifty thousand)yuan on Mar 21st,2010;The remaining sum will be paid upon the completion of the work.土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading B It is further agreed that in order to be entitled to the said payments,Party A orits legal representatives shall,according to the architects appraisal,have expended,in labor and materials,the value of the payments already received by Party A,onthe building,at the time of payment.土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading B For failure to accomplish the faithful performance of the agreement,the party so failing agrees to pay to the other 500,000(five hundred thousand)yuan for possible damages,within one month from the time so failing.土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading BSigned,sealed and deliveredIn the presence ofParty A:Hongda Construction Company Party B:Southeast Polytechnic University土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading B 建筑工程合同建筑工程合同甲方:宏达建筑公司甲方:宏达建筑公司 乙方:东南理工大学乙方:东南理工大学合同编号:第合同编号:第9888398883号号日期:日期:20092009年年1 1月月6 6日日签署地点:上海和平饭店签署地点:上海和平饭店土建土建土建土建英语英语英语英语Unit 2 Signing ContractsReading B 本合同由宏达建筑公司(以下简称甲方)和东南本合同由宏达建筑公司(以下简称甲方)和东南理工大学(以下简称乙方)共同签署,由甲方为乙方理工大学(以下简称乙方)共同签署,由甲方为乙方建造并完成一座图书馆大楼(下文中提到的建筑物即建造并完成一座图书馆大楼(下文中提到的建筑物即为


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