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.review.1turn 转弯弯.turn 转转弯弯.2turn left turn rightgo straight转弯弯.turn left turn rightgo straigh3hospitalbookstorepost officeScience MuseumCinema Library Turn leftgo straightHow can I get there?Turn left at the hospital,then go straight.Turn right at the library.at the.hospitalbookstorepost officeSc4cinemabookstorepost officeschoolparkhospitalTurn leftThen Then go straightgo straight.on the leftat theHow can I get to school?Turn left at the park,then go straight.Its on the left.cinemabookstorepost officescho5Walk south for three minutes,you can see it.Its next to the library.Three minutesLibrary Cinema bookstoremuseumparkhospital.Walk south for three minutes,T6Science MuseumBookstorePost officeCinema Hospital Library Turn left at the cinema,then go straight.Its on the left.Science MuseumBookstorePost of7vocabularyin the middle 在中间 on the right 在右边 on the left 在左边 in front of 在前面(外部)near=next to 附近 .vocabularyin the middle 812.12.问2.2.医院医院3.3.电影院影院4.4.书店店5.5.邮局局6.6.科学博物科学博物馆7.7.十字路口十字路口8.8.转弯弯9.9.左左边10.10.右右边11.11.笔直的笔直的askhospitalcinema bookstorescience museum rightstraightPost officecrossingleftturn1.1.科学科学science13.13.先生先生sirvocabulary.12.问问2.医院医院3.电电影院影院4.书书店店5.邮邮局局6.科学博物科学博物馆馆7.9餐餐馆 restaurant.餐餐馆馆 restaurant.10比比萨饼 pizza.比比萨饼萨饼 pizza.11大街大街 street.大街大街 street.12跟着跟着 follow.跟着跟着 follow.13有趣的有趣的 interesting.有趣的有趣的 interesting.14交交给 give-gave.交交给给 give-gave.15 far较远的的.far较远较远的的.16tell告告诉.tell告告诉诉.17.18.191.I want to eat some p ().2.Is the cinema f from here?().3.There is the r .Lets go to eat.().4.Its next to the park on Dongfang S ().5.How can I g there?().201.I want to eat some p (pizza).2.Is the cinema f from here?().3.There is the r .Lets go to eat.().4.Its next to the park on Dongfang S ().5.How can I g there?().211.I want to eat some p (pizza).2.Is the cinema f from here?(far ).3.There is the r .Lets go to eat.().4.Its next to the park on Dongfang S ().5.How can I g there?().221.I want to eat some p (pizza).2.Is the cinema f from here?(far ).3.There is the r .Lets go to eat.(restaurant).4.Its next to the park on Dongfang S ().5.How can I g there?().231.I want to eat some p (pizza).2.Is the cinema f from here?(far ).3.There is the r .Lets go to eat.(restaurant).4.Its next to the park on Dongfang S (Street ).5.How can I g there?().241.I want to eat some p (pizza).2.Is the cinema f from here?(far ).3.There is the r .Lets go to eat.(restaurant).4.Its next to the park on Dongfang S (Street ).5.How can I g there?(get).25Im hungry now.Im hungry now.26Im hungry now.Go to the.Im hungry now.Go to the.27Im hungry now.Go to theresraurant.Im hungry now.Go to theresrau28Excuse me,where is the restaurant?.Excuse me,where is the restau29Excuse me,where is the restaurant?Its next to the park on Dongfang Street.Excuse me,where is the restau30.Have a check.31Look and write.根据括号里提示的根据括号里提示的汉语完成句子。完成句子。1.-How can I get to the (医院医院)?-Go ,then turn at the post office.(直走,然后左拐直走,然后左拐)2.-Where is the school?-Its to the (在在电影院附近影院附近)。.Look and write.根据括号里提示的根据括号里提示的汉语汉语完成句子完成句子32Read and Choose.读一一读,选一一选()1.Then walk straight five minutes.A.of B.for C.to D.off()2.The bookstore is the left.A.on B.in C.at D.to()3.Is it far here?A.from B.about C.for D.in()4.,is a post office near here?A.Excuse me B.sorry C.Excuse D.No()5.I want go to the park.A.to B.of C.by D.for.Read and Choose.读读一一读读,选选一一选选.33()6.The park is front of our school.A.on B.in C.at D.under()7.-Where did you buy it?-_.A.Twenty yuan B.In the store C.OK.Lets go.()8.-Where is the museum?-_ in front of the hospital.A.It B.There is C.Its.()6.The park is fron34Read and write.按要求回答按要求回答1.Is the bookstore far from here?(改改为陈述句述句)here.2.I am near the door.(对划划线部分提部分提问)。are you?3.Is there a zoo near the supermarket?(做否定回答)(做否定回答),.4.John goes to school on foot.(对划划线部分提部分提问)John to school?5.He can see the science museum on the left。(改。(改为一一般疑般疑问句)句)the science museum on the left?.Read and write.按要求回答按要求回答.35Read and judge.阅读对话,判断,判断对“T”,错“F”。Liu Yun:Excuse me.Where is the Zhongbai Supermarket,please?Policeman:Its west of the hospital.Liu Yun:Is it far from here?Policeman:Yes.Liu Yun:How can I get there?Policeman:First,turn left and take the No.16 bus at the bus shop.Next,get off at the hospital.Then,cross(穿穿过)the street.Youll be in front of the post office.Liu Yun:Thank you.Policeman:Youre welcome.()1.The pose office is next to the supermarket.()2.The supermarket is west of the hospital.()3.liu Yun goes to the supermarket on foot.()4.Liu Yun asks a policeman for help.()5.Liu Yun must take the No.16 bus,then get off at the post office.Read and judge.阅读对话阅读对话,判断,判断对对“T”,错错“36.37.38.Thank you for coming!.39


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